Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Biggest thing we have to worry about, particularly in terms of the constant aggression toward the electorate's civil liberties, is backing the imperialists into a corner and forcing them to defend known lies. I would not doubt for a second that they'd plan some kind of 'unification event' on American soil if the electorate starts to ask too many uncomfortable questions.

Remember this. When the people fear their government, it's tyranny. But when the government fears the people, it's liberty! That means get right back in its face every time it shoves it out there.
Last edited:
You lost me at "he is uncorruptable". His words before and after this incident indicate otherwise. He has alway seemed corrupth, part of his charm to the Sons of Anarchy crowd of his followers. He doesn't exactly epitomize favoring Truth, Justice and the American way. Definitely does not have much to do with "truth". Has made moves that seam to obstruct Justice. His idea of "American way" is relative only to viewpoint of the committed followers.

How much of a cut in the Ukraine embezzlement do you think it would take to buy off Donald Trump? Oh, oops.

I lost you when I employed logic and reason.

But I wouldn't waste my time building a case for you, you're a partisan hack. The point will be clear to the lurkers.
Biggest thing we have to worry about, particularly in terms of the constant aggression toward the electorate's civil liberties, is backing the imperialists into a corner and forcing them to defend known lies. I would not doubt for a second that they'd plan some kind of 'unification event' on American soil if the electorate starts to ask too many uncomfortable questions.

Remember this. When the people fear their government, it's tyranny. But when the government fears the people, it's liberty! That means get right back in its face every time it shoves it out there.

It also means we CANNOT allow permanent Washington/the deep state to destroy Trump for exposing them. The primary tool in the belt of the deep state is to Kavanaugh anyone who crosses them. This is how Lenin and then Stalin maintained control. We MUST push back on the Stalinists and the Republicans like Willard the Bitch who savage the president for exposing their deep and systemic corruption.
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak
But what actions of the left drove people to put Trump in office. The left says NOTHING then pulls Kavanaugh, Russia, impeachment, not impeachment, yet when pressed, it's all justified.

Only "normal" justifications seldom spawn extreme actions such as Trump as president.

We were divided long before Trump. While Trump isn't closing the gap, he can't. That's our job. We stop being extreme, extreme leadership loses its allure. We cover one side or use the other to excuse it, we keep treading water.
It also means we CANNOT allow permanent Washington/the deep state to destroy Trump for exposing them. The primary tool in the belt of the deep state is to Kavanaugh anyone who crosses them. This is how Lenin and then Stalin maintained control. We MUST push back on the Stalinists and the Republicans like Willard the Bitch who savage the president for exposing their deep and systemic corruption.

Trump's an interesting character. On the one hand we can clearly see that he doesn't want endless military occupation. On the other hand, he's still a Keynesian. And the best way to keep the printing press rolling over at the fed is greater amounts of military spending. Which we've seen. And which he's actually been very boastful about. He's a big government spender, for sure. That's two different discussions, but they're certainly germane to one another, especially given that it's the military contractors who laugh all the way to the central bank. And, of course, military spending and defense spending are two entirely different budgets. Though the language used in the graphic below in the form of 'Defense Stocks' does twist the language to confuse people into accepting that military spending and defense spending are the same thing. They're certainly not.


I was reading something some place about his advisors coming in and gving him all sorts of different options with regard to the guy they killed. From what I recall, they were actually surprised that he went for the most extreme choice. I forget where I read that, though. It wasn't a mainstream source. Ultimately, the President got duped, though. Or so the story goes.
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Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
...because saying that probably would have tipped their hand, making it easier for Iran to find out where their leak is. I cant imagine too many people were in the loop on the embassy plot, so it wouldnt be hard to narrow it down. Whoever fed them the intel was probably still being smuggled out of the country, so the US couldnt say it right away.

...or something similar to the above example.
im not following that logic. If there were imminent attacks planned the. We announced that we knew about them. Hands tipped. If saying it was embassy attacks was going to reveal sources then trump revealed them. Either way you spin it at this point it doesn’t look good
No, this guy was working on all kinds of shit. It would be hard to know who leaked without knowing the actual subject first.
Well then Trump compromises the source by revealing it was the embassies. If he didn’t reveal the source then that revelation wasn’t compromising intel. Logic doesn’t add up
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.

your claims are your opinions lacking in reality and common sense,,

so calling you deranged is spot on,,,
The problem is instead of providing counter arguments against my deranged logic many just say TDS. That doesn’t mean a thing and it doesn’t prove anything... it’s just a meaningless emotional reaction. A trolling tactic
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.
Why is it that whenever someone calls out your BS, you whine, cry, and beg them to stay out of your threads and put you on ignore?

Grow up.
I’m here looking for people to provide counter arguments and perspectives contrary to mine. I’m not hear to listen to weak minded trolls avoid the subject by calling me names. It’s a waste of everybody’s time. So if that’s all you got then do us both a favor and press ignore
Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.

your claims are your opinions lacking in reality and common sense,,

so calling you deranged is spot on,,,
The problem is instead of providing counter arguments against my deranged logic many just say TDS. That doesn’t mean a thing and it doesn’t prove anything... it’s just a meaningless emotional reaction. A trolling tactic

youve made it clear nothing matters but your POV,,,so as a rational thinking person and reading your comments I can see its pure TDS and nothing else,,,
Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.
Why is it that whenever someone calls out your BS, you whine, cry, and beg them to stay out of your threads and put you on ignore?

Grow up.
I’m here looking for people to provide counter arguments and perspectives contrary to mine. I’m not hear to listen to weak minded trolls avoid the subject by calling me names. It’s a waste of everybody’s time. So if that’s all you got then do us both a favor and press ignore
Stop begging posters to go away because they own you, Cupcake.
Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

its only tired and old because its you suffering from it,,,

and you are observing everything through hatefilled orange tinted glass's, and that gets proven everytime you make a comment,,,
its tired and old because it is a conversation stopper. You can’t refute the claims so you just call me deranged. Ok great, you think I’m deranged so nothing I say has merit... if that’s the case then stop joining my threads. Put me on ignore. The broken record of TDS is useless and a waste of time. It just shows that you are weak minded and without a substantive argument.
Why is it that whenever someone calls out your BS, you whine, cry, and beg them to stay out of your threads and put you on ignore?

Grow up.
I’m here looking for people to provide counter arguments and perspectives contrary to mine. I’m not hear to listen to weak minded trolls avoid the subject by calling me names. It’s a waste of everybody’s time. So if that’s all you got then do us both a favor and press ignore

we've been giving you counter arguments but you keep rejecting them,,,
You lost me at "he is uncorruptable". His words before and after this incident indicate otherwise. He has alway seemed corrupth, part of his charm to the Sons of Anarchy crowd of his followers. He doesn't exactly epitomize favoring Truth, Justice and the American way. Definitely does not have much to do with "truth". Has made moves that seam to obstruct Justice. His idea of "American way" is relative only to viewpoint of the committed followers.

How much of a cut in the Ukraine embezzlement do you think it would take to buy off Donald Trump? Oh, oops.

I lost you when I employed logic and reason.

But I wouldn't waste my time building a case for you, you're a partisan hack. The point will be clear to the lurkers.
His "cut" is the political power he enjoys playing with for fun and profit. The monetary payoff comes afterward. Do you think they will break ground on Trump Moscow in 2021 or 2025?
no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak

With all due respect, Slade, what you are describing is not "soooo weak", it's trolling. By way of devoting attention to the trolls, which makes up a majority of your posts, you are doing a grave disservice to your thread, empowering them.

You proceed as you please, of course, but your empowering them guarantees their presence here, a thoroughly cluttered thread, and their reappearance on your subsequent threads as well, since experience tells them you'll again devote your attention to them, and they are harvesting your anger. That's what they thrive on.
you are quite right... I don’t know why I keep responding to them, killing time until a snag a fish capable of engaging in a real debate I guess. Some of my favorites on this board are posters with very different political views as myself.

I’m a “see and respond” kind of guy... it would probably be a service to myself and my threads if I thought about content management a bit more and reduced the troll clutter. I usually start out good with that but as time goes by most threads devolved to petty arguments as the trolls take over.
It also means we CANNOT allow permanent Washington/the deep state to destroy Trump for exposing them. The primary tool in the belt of the deep state is to Kavanaugh anyone who crosses them. This is how Lenin and then Stalin maintained control. We MUST push back on the Stalinists and the Republicans like Willard the Bitch who savage the president for exposing their deep and systemic corruption.

Trump's an interesting character. On the one hand we can clearly see that he doesn't want endless military occupation. On the other hand, he's still a Keynesian. And the best way to keep the printing press rolling over at the fed is greater amounts of military spending. Which we've seen. And which he's actually been very boastful about. He's a big government spender, for sure. That's two different discussions, but they're certainly germane to one another, especially given that it's the military contractors who laugh all the way to the central bank. And, of course, military spending and defense spending are two entirely different budgets. Though the language used in the graphic below in the form of 'Defense Stocks' does twist the language to confuse people into accepting that military spending and defense spending are the same thing. They're certainly not.

View attachment 299831

I was reading something some place about his advisors coming in and gving him all sorts of different options with regard to the guy they killed. From what I recall, they were actually surprised that he went for the most extreme choice. I forget where I read that, though. It wasn't a mainstream source. Ultimately, the President got duped, though. Or so the story goes.

How do you figure he got duped? Whether we should have been in Iraq is irrelevant at this point, but Soliemani is responsible for the deaths of over 4000 Americans. He trained and dispatched those who set IED's all over the roads. Killing him is absolutely the right call.
His "cut" is the political power he enjoys playing with for fun and profit. The monetary payoff comes afterward. Do you think they will break ground on Trump Moscow in 2021 or 2025?

Obviously not. He exposed it and tried to get Ukraine to prosecute some of the worst offenders.

Does it sink in that the Stalinists are impeaching Trump because he EXPOSED corruption? The crime isn't embezzling 3.2 million the way Biden did with his mule Hunter, no the CRIME is interfering with the kickback scheme.

Assuming you don't get a cut, why do you so desperately defend and promote corruption?
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak
But what actions of the left drove people to put Trump in office. The left says NOTHING then pulls Kavanaugh, Russia, impeachment, not impeachment, yet when pressed, it's all justified.

Only "normal" justifications seldom spawn extreme actions such as Trump as president.

We were divided long before Trump. While Trump isn't closing the gap, he can't. That's our job. We stop being extreme, extreme leadership loses its allure. We cover one side or use the other to excuse it, we keep treading water.
i don’t think it’s as simple as actions from the left putting trump in office. Remember he won a republican primary against a sea of opponents. He won that because of the actions of establishment republicans and then faced a democratic opponent who’s actions in coordination with trumps masterful branding labeled her as a corrupt politician. I’d bet the farm that if Obama was able to run for a third term he would have wiped the floor with Trump.
Killing him is absolutely the right call.

That may very well be true.

But so is this statement by Pompeo after the fact...

"There is no doubt that there were a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qassem Soleimani" ...."We don't know precisely when and we don't know precisely where, but it was real."

Based on that later admission alone, you have to go to Congress. Article II doesn't override Article I.
trump is a dishonest demagogue... his childish antics are ripping this country apart

Ahh....'orange man bad' hysteria. Beautiful!! You just got your TDS degree.
That rebuke is tired and old. Do you honestly think Trump does not act like a child, with the name calling and trolling? Do you honestly think it’s not dividing our country more and more? Can you really say those two things aren’t true with a straight face?

no, it’s not TDS, is observing reality. You can’t refute the substance so all you got are the TDS attacks. That’s soooo weak
But what actions of the left drove people to put Trump in office. The left says NOTHING then pulls Kavanaugh, Russia, impeachment, not impeachment, yet when pressed, it's all justified.

Only "normal" justifications seldom spawn extreme actions such as Trump as president.

We were divided long before Trump. While Trump isn't closing the gap, he can't. That's our job. We stop being extreme, extreme leadership loses its allure. We cover one side or use the other to excuse it, we keep treading water.
i don’t think it’s as simple as actions from the left putting trump in office. Remember he won a republican primary against a sea of opponents. He won that because of the actions of establishment republicans and then faced a democratic opponent who’s actions in coordination with trumps masterful branding labeled her as a corrupt politician. I’d bet the farm that if Obama was able to run for a third term he would have wiped the floor with Trump.

she was a corrupt politician long before trump came along
His "cut" is the political power he enjoys playing with for fun and profit. The monetary payoff comes afterward. Do you think they will break ground on Trump Moscow in 2021 or 2025?

Obviously not. He exposed it and tried to get Ukraine to prosecute some of the worst offenders.

Does it sink in that the Stalinists are impeaching Trump because he EXPOSED corruption? The crime isn't embezzling 3.2 million the way Biden did with his mule Hunter, no the CRIME is interfering with the kickback scheme.

Assuming you don't get a cut, why do you so desperately defend and promote corruption?
Stalinists? Seat band is too tight in your tin hat, cutting off circulation.

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