Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

]haha, and you call liberals snowflakes?!. I have fat thumbs and I’m typing in on my phone. I have many many spelling and grammar errors. If you can’t deal then don’t talk to me. There’s an ignore button right by my name. Feel free to press it.

Yeah blame your thumbs LOL!!! Now I've heard everything!!!
It is what it is Leo. Why the hell are we talking about this nonsense? Is this really the stuff that is of interest to you? How old are you?

I suggest you check your posts. Grammar and punctuation are important. As I told you, not capitalizing a proper name is an insult. How hard would it be to check your -posts before you post them?

Oh, poor baby. Your skin has got to be almost as thin as trump's.
Not really. The problem is you side with immoral people but think you're superior.

Can you explain what is moral about cheating with a stripper while your wife is home pregnant?

Ripping people off seeking an education?

Using donated funds meant for veterans to fund your campaign?

who said any of those things are moral???
and what do they have to do with killing a terrorist??

Nothing. Just noting that those who support the immoral have little room to talk.
and only your morals are correct.

see any problem with that mindset?

That has never been my argument. My argument is that people doing the exact same thing as others have no business complaining about the morals of others.

Dead innocent civilians are dead innocent civilians.
Yet it happens by people on all sides, all the time.

Again it's your morality or nothing. That type of hard headed bullshit is part of our "divide"
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

and in this case he owns killing one of the worst terrorist in history,,,
How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.

when did he kill a foreign leader???
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Ignorant LefTards with hardcore cases of TDS:
“Time to go public with the intel so us LefTarded weirdos can immediately call bullshit on the intel.”
Do you realize why sane people can’t take you seriously?
oh boy another diversion from the topic to focus on TDS... how original. Yawn

well it is the main cause of this thread...
How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.

when did he kill a foreign leader???
I can’t fix stupid.
How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.

when did he kill a foreign leader???
I can’t fix stupid.

but I can,,,when did we/he kill a foreign leader???
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

and in this case he owns killing one of the worst terrorist in history,,,

Trump also owns all of the people who have died as a result of his decisions.

The 170+ people that died in the airline crash, they're just collateral damage. Just as the Kurds are collateral damage, and the Ukranians who died waiting for that military aid, are collateral damage. And the Americans who are dying as Trump degrades their water and air, they're collateral damage too.
This is from another source but I think is pretty accurate in describing what really happen:

This was coordinated from the beginning, Iran gave us Soleimani. There are people in Iran that needed him gone. Soleimanii, threatened a Military coup in 99, he is no friend of the moderates, who are tired of the current Regime. The Iranian Intelligence has had it out for the Quds for a while, and all this information was leaked 3 months ago. This put him on the clock, I believe Soleimani and his supporters where possibly standing in the wings to enforce a military dictatorship should the Ayatollah buckle who was strong supporter

Where are the mass protests, not a single Arab country has organized, not Syria, there is barely any response not even Hezbollah, the word is out, no more fanatics., and what a coincidence Putin flew personally to Syria. The Iranians want money, they want their pipeline, they have been pressured by Russia and China.

America is trying to withdraw, we turned over Syria to Russia, and what is Soleimani doing allowing his dogs to attack our embassy. This guy crossed a line, and I believe he was given up or even offered to us, which is why we cant disclose this.

Look for the sanctions and deal to get done by the summer, with Pakistan getting moving on completing the Iranian pipeline.

Trump is always negotiating, he just won another negotiation.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

and in this case he owns killing one of the worst terrorist in history,,,

Trump also owns all of the people who have died as a result of his decisions.

The 170+ people that died in the airline crash, they're just collateral damage. Just as the Kurds are collateral damage, and the Ukranians who died waiting for that military aid, are collateral damage. And the Americans who are dying as Trump degrades their water and air, they're collateral damage too.

sorry you cant blame him for that,,,
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Ignorant LefTards with hardcore cases of TDS:
“Time to go public with the intel so us LefTarded weirdos can immediately call bullshit on the intel.”
Do you realize why sane people can’t take you seriously?
oh boy another diversion from the topic to focus on TDS... how original. Yawn

Are you pretending to be confused? Please tell me you understand the gist of my post?
Don't get me wrong...I wouldn't acknowledge it if I were you either.
Just look STUPID to anyone even half sane...that's all.
Of course I understand. I see that weak insult tactic to avoid talking about the substance on a daily basis. It’s pathetic and an extremely boring conversation. Time to shift gears

Haha...that’s the thing bud, there’s nothing worth talking about.
I peeked in here just to expose your foolishness...You shit your pants over not receiving the “intel” swiftly enough knowing all along you were just going to call bullshit on the intel and shit your pants anyway. Fucking GAY!
wow, you managed to say I shit my pants twice in the same sentence. Well done!

ok well mission accomplished. You called it out and are keepin it real. Bye bye now.
]haha, and you call liberals snowflakes?!. I have fat thumbs and I’m typing in on my phone. I have many many spelling and grammar errors. If you can’t deal then don’t talk to me. There’s an ignore button right by my name. Feel free to press it.

Yeah blame your thumbs LOL!!! Now I've heard everything!!!
It is what it is Leo. Why the hell are we talking about this nonsense? Is this really the stuff that is of interest to you? How old are you?

I suggest you check your posts. Grammar and punctuation are important. As I told you, not capitalizing a proper name is an insult. How hard would it be to check your -posts before you post them?
Not that big of a deal to me for the nature of these posts. My auto correct doesn’t capitalize trump because it is a common word so it gets missed a lot whereas other names like Obama will get capitalized automatically by my phone. I’m sorry that you are so offended. You are invited to ignore me if it is having a negative impact on your life
Are you saying you want to face Iran and send our troops to engage in yet another ME war? That’s not bravery, it’s stupidity IMO

No need, we just took our their commander. The rest are already targeted and they know so. That's why the feckless rocket attack and that's why the stupid Iran Muzzies shot down that plane by accident. They lost control of their own airways.
oh, ok, so you think it’s all over now? Those 4K troops being deployed are just taking a vacation?

No. I think they are in the hot dang desert, receiving / maintaining equipment, living in shitty quarter or tents, preparing for a major operation that is now not likely to happen this year, and wishing they were back in the land of the big PX. They are doing 12 plus hour days just in case I'm wrong. But would not be surprised at troop draw downs in coming months. They are doing their job, just like they always have done their jobs and always will do their job. I'm a twenty plus year man. I saw my own son off on a plane like they left on, just a few years ago. I know the score.
good I’m glad you understand the importance then. Our difference is that you trust Trump and I don’t.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

and in this case he owns killing one of the worst terrorist in history,,,
Yeah no shit... but that’s not what I was talking about now is it?
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Ignorant LefTards with hardcore cases of TDS:
“Time to go public with the intel so us LefTarded weirdos can immediately call bullshit on the intel.”
Do you realize why sane people can’t take you seriously?
oh boy another diversion from the topic to focus on TDS... how original. Yawn

well it is the main cause of this thread...
its boring and a conversation that goes nowhere
Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?

Dunno, let's ask Eric Holder.

He didn't answer my question about a foreign gvt leader.....

Sure he did, legally killing an enemy combatant like democrat hero (he killed Americans, HOORAY!!!) like terrorist leader Soliemani is not assassination. It's a military operation that is part of the purview of the CiC.

After 9-11, you democrat scum at least pretended not to support bin Laden and the terrorists. No longer though, you Hezbollah-democrats are open terrorists now.
That has never been my argument. My argument is that people doing the exact same thing as others have no business complaining about the morals of others.

Dead innocent civilians are dead innocent civilians.


Not morally or logically.

Let's say that the cell you belong to is activated and you have orders to kill the Americans you so bitterly hate;

On possible operation is bombing a police station. When you do this, you kill several innocent civilians who happened to be at the police station as well as the cops you were targeting.

The other operation is planting a bomb at a shopping mall on Christmas eve.

The second act is terrorism and far worse than the first act because it is the indiscriminate targeting of civilians.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

and in this case he owns killing one of the worst terrorist in history,,,

Trump also owns all of the people who have died as a result of his decisions.

The 170+ people that died in the airline crash, they're just collateral damage. Just as the Kurds are collateral damage, and the Ukranians who died waiting for that military aid, are collateral damage. And the Americans who are dying as Trump degrades their water and air, they're collateral damage too.

No. Iran owns the death of 176 people on that airliner, lifting from their airport. They admitted it. They own it. Trump was not even having American forces shoot at Iran, at that time. To my knowledge he did not send the first missile or plane into their airspace that night or since the General was killed in another country. Iran's people panicked, because they had just sent missiles, 2 hours earlier near US interests, outside their own country, and were rightfully feared a counter attack that never happened. If you are tweeting on your cellphone while driving about something Trump did, and you run a red light, striking a school bus load of kids, killing and injuring many. Trump did not do that. You did that. Those Iranians of a volatile, excitable, panicky people. Trump is not responsible for the panic in the streets during the General's funeral, killing 7, either. He was sleeping or tweeting about Democrats at the time.
Is it against the law to assassinate a foreign leader under USA law? Even if the foreign leader is a bad guy?

Dunno, let's ask Eric Holder.

He didn't answer my question about a foreign gvt leader.....

Sure he did, legally killing an enemy combatant like democrat hero (he killed Americans, HOORAY!!!) like terrorist leader Soliemani is not assassination. It's a military operation that is part of the purview of the CiC.

After 9-11, you democrat scum at least pretended not to support bin Laden and the terrorists. No longer though, you Hezbollah-democrats are open terrorists now.

Gee let’s think about that for a second. Either millions of Americans have been hiding their support for Bin Laden and other terrorist that are plotting to kill them... or you completely misunderstand the perspective of your political enemy’s and are choosing to lie about and belittle them for political trolling purposes.

I wonder what’s going on here!

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