Soleimani was going to blow up our Embassy. That was the imminent threat

Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.
They didn't know the Democrats were all gonna poop their pants asap. It just never occurred to them.
It’s not about the Dems pooping their pants. It’s about millions of people in Iran plus the world not know why we did what we did. Dodging questions about what the imminent attack was, escalating it to a point where mistakes were fired at our bases and thousands of soldiers being deployed over seas... no, poopy pants is the least of the issues
It was a figure of speech. I'm critical of legislators who do not legislate the laws of the land when that is their sworn duty, but they sure think they're better at making presidential decisions like the failed Obama administration, and their behavior is against the powers of separation in the Constitution. The President's Office is not their stomping grounds, and they're not doing their own jobs, they're so focused on communizing this country with socialism that has the identical tenets as failed communist regimes.

Obama handed over 6 Aleutian Islands to Russia that belonged to Alaska without even informing Alaskan officials. Those 6 islands had over a trillion dollars' worth of oil reserves the secretive Russians do not need since they expropriated most of the oil located in American waters in the Arctic, when Obama did absolutely nothing about it. Obama/Hillary State Department also handed over to the Russians 20% of America's super grade uranium deposits, then turned around and smeared President Trump for treason of collusion with the Russians, and they kept him worried about it for 3 years while he was employing Americans of color whom Obama neglected. Trump worked to make America independent of foreign oil needs, and succeeded recently after 3 arduous years devoted to this task.

You can criticize my disgust with the Democrats all you like, but I want them to answer for the criminal abuse of power they are engaging in to BE the President by acting like it's their job. It isn't. The kind of decisions they're mad about are because they had a plan to destroy America with Hillary at the helm guiding the sheeple into communism by (1) removing their self-protecting guns, (2) completely destroying morality in America, (3) spying on everybody (4) stealing FBI dossiers on their political enemies to commit crimes against the people who disagree with communist takeover and punish them severely at every turn (5) Humiliate the President in front of the people and the world to bring down all power in America except that of the corrupt Deep State Democrats who didn't win at the Presidential poll even with 6 million forced foreign/dead people votes.

I had to laugh at you saying 'Humiliate the President in front of the people' , like trump's a decent guy who doesn't deserve this treatment. One clip below how he humiliates others, even the handicapped.

Escalation was reacting to an embassy attack with a drone bomb double kill involving a high ranking Iranian official which then prompted 4000 troops to be deployed, a stampede funeral where dozens died, the risk of losing our strategic position in the fight against ISIS, Missile strikes on our military bases wherein a commercial flight was shot down and nearly 200 innocent people died.

that’s the escalation and there are promises of more to come. Pay better attention

thats a small part of why,,,my question is why do you ignore so much of the rest of it???
No, your question was literally “how have things escalated” and I told you how. It’s called giving a direct answer. Try it sometime.

but your explanation is lacking in facts,,,
no it’s not, it’s all there

your opinion is there,,thats about it,,
Wow, it took you this long to figure that out? Bravo
i did hear that... it was super vague and didn’t make sense given the situation... was the strike on Soleimani a planned response to counter Iran’s raid of our embassy? Or Was it an imminent attack our intel agencies found out about that warranted immediate action?

Ok, let’s just cut through the crap and lay out what I think is obvious.

Trump was presented with many options on ways we could respond to the embassy attack. This hit on Soleimani was one of the options and was the one Trump went with. They then messed up by calling it an imminent attack which they said to try and excuse the fact that Trump acted without consulting congress.

Now the admin is in cover our ass mode which is why the story keeps changing. They aren’t being honest and straight forward about actions that are escalating armed conflict and risking lives.

No one cares if you thought anything was 'vague', moron. Everyone agrees that a bad guy is room temperature. You just hate Trump, don't try to pretend you are some kind of objective intellectual. BTW why should Trump trust the House when the leadership has been trying to stab him in the back? Pelosi owns this, not Trump. Trump did the best he could when faced with a bunch of Democrat lying snakes that he can't (and should never) trust.
if you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
why do you keep using that lame walk on water example? One of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Let’s just say my purpose here is to be as critical as possible about trumps actions and my hope is to debate my critical points with those who support him and have a different perspective. I’ll bring the critical side and others bring the counter arguments. what’s wrong with that?

Why can’t you debate the substance? Jumping to the “you hate trump” “you have TDS” arguments is A weak tactic and just shows you are not equipped to engage in the substance. Do better.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
why do you keep using that lame walk on water example? One of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Let’s just say my purpose here is to be as critical as possible about trumps actions and my hope is to debate my critical points with those who support him and have a different perspective. I’ll bring the critical side and others bring the counter arguments. what’s wrong with that?

Why can’t you debate the substance? Jumping to the “you hate trump” “you have TDS” arguments is A weak tactic and just shows you are not equipped to engage in the substance. Do better.

Go blow it out your ass, you can't even Capitalize his name !!!!
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Ignorant LefTards with hardcore cases of TDS:
“Time to go public with the intel so us LefTarded weirdos can immediately call bullshit on the intel.”
Do you realize why sane people can’t take you seriously?
ran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

Why do you apparently prefer to live with hornets and endure the random stinging than to face your tormentors. That's called cowardice.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions

Trump has done nothing but “own” and brag about his “actions” and good real Americans are behind him 100%....More of the same ya know
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
Bashing Trump for escalating tension by killing that General is going to quickly melt away, now that Iran has admitted they accidentally shot down the airliner with 176 innocent people.
Iran is full of dishonest lying assholes. Trump poked that hornets nest. Iran’s at fault for many things. Trump also needs to own his actions
On this incident it will be muted, and you know it will, also. We will move on to other battles, after that announcement. Are you aware, It was announced Nancy is sending the Impeachment to the Senate? The democratic field dropped to 12 today, half of the starting field of 24 when Marianne what her name dropped out today? Russia played chicken today with the American Navy USS Farragut today in the Arabian Sea. Time to move on.
How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.
Ok, Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

so murderer trump said that so it MUST be true.comedy gold.:abgg2q.jpg:
If you wanna talk about REAL murderers, talk about the Clintons. Worst serial killers in America.
How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.

He wasn't a leader. He was a terrorist hired by the leader Ayatollah. I would rather we assassinate the Ayatollah actually.
How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.

He wasn't a leader. He was a terrorist hired by the leader Ayatollah. I would rather we assassinate the Ayatollah actually.
Dupe. You’ll believe anything the government tells you.
f you don’t care to discuss the ideas I present then don’t join my thread... you’re welcome to leave.

And to avoid actually addressing my points to blame it all on me hating Trump and then blaming Nancy is just a weak minded and pathetic way to engage. Do better

All you do is bash Trump. There are no ideas there. If Trump walked on water you'd say he can't swim. Stop thinking you are fooling anyone.
why do you keep using that lame walk on water example? One of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Let’s just say my purpose here is to be as critical as possible about trumps actions and my hope is to debate my critical points with those who support him and have a different perspective. I’ll bring the critical side and others bring the counter arguments. what’s wrong with that?

Why can’t you debate the substance? Jumping to the “you hate trump” “you have TDS” arguments is A weak tactic and just shows you are not equipped to engage in the substance. Do better.

Go blow it out your ass, you can't even Capitalize his name !!!!
Wow, now you’re focusing on capitalization? And I didn’t think your diversion tactics could get any more pathetic. Lmk if you ever want to get real and discuss the actual substance. I dont think youre ready though
Trump said today that there was a plot to blow up our Embassy in Iraq and that was the imminent threat. Why the hell didn’t they say that right away?!

simple press release, “Two designated terrorists got together and were on their way to blow up our Embassy so we took them out.”

Then follow up with their crimes and appalling history. Why in the world did they not do that?! The evolution of their messaging with this situation has been very strange.

Ignorant LefTards with hardcore cases of TDS:
“Time to go public with the intel so us LefTarded weirdos can immediately call bullshit on the intel.”
Do you realize why sane people can’t take you seriously?
oh boy another diversion from the topic to focus on TDS... how original. Yawn
How many times does it take for some Americans to realize their government lies, after it commits a heinous crime?

Apparently for some, there is no limit.

Killing a terrorist is a heinous crime? In whose book (besides Iran’s)?
Stop accepting government media propaganda. You’ve been duped.

Are you aware it’s against international law to assassinate foreign leaders? To say nothing of the immorality.

Stop "accepting media propaganda" and listen to some pussified weirdo in cyberspace who says it's immoral to kill an international terrorist with the blood of 600 dead Americans on his hands? Good luck selling that to good, real Americans.

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