Some folks are thinking the same as me.

No. You didn't.
You just dont like the answer

the dems and their street urchins went full speed ahead against trump and America

so all you have to do is keep voting democrat
If your are a militia member, why not get your fellow militiamen to actively resist, since you people are certain of your stand that Biden is not the legitimate leader.

Such attacks would most assuredly be legal, once the militias had reestablished a "legitimate" government.

However, if you loonie militiamen are wrong, are you prepared to accept the consequences from the legitimate government you attempted to overthrow? After all, the courts, some having judges appointed by your orange-tinted cult leader, threw out all the so-called evidence of voter fraud.

So, American Heroes or filthy traitors, how will history portray the right-wing extremists in these militias?

If your are a militia member, why not get your fellow militiamen to actively resist, since you people are certain of your stand that Biden is not the legitimate leader.
I’m not a militia member
If your are a militia member, why not get your fellow militiamen to actively resist, since you people are certain of your stand that Biden is not the legitimate leader.
I’m not a militia member
You should be, a seemingly take-charge guy like you would be perfect to lead a charge of the ten-of-thousands of militiamen up Pennsylvania Avenue. Then, surround the White House to deliver the right-wing ultimatum that Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential Election. That will be followed by your order to Biden to vacate the White House so your orange-tinted cult leader can return to lead the fourth reich as your long awaited führer.

You, being a staunch supporter of the impeached president trump's advocacy of white supremacist groups cannot be blind to his obvious goal to become dictator. Or, are you really that stupid not to have seen his open admiration of Nazis?

Either way, you should prove your patriotic loyalty to the impeached president trump and to the Republicans who added their names to the lawsuit the impeached president trump's hand picked stooges in the USSC refused to hear.

Who do you think sent the police in to beat the protestors. Were they acting unilaterally?


You mean the Brown Shirts?

The police have refused to do anything about the terrorist shock troops of the democrats as they have raped, pillaged, and burned across the nation.
View attachment 430037
Why don’t those wanta be Military enlist for real? Then they could really fight. Right now they look like a bunch of overgrown bullies playing Soldier. All fake.

Just like Mussolini standing on the WH balcony!
Of course not.
And you can go fuck yourself over your obnoxiousness now that your leader has now.
You weren't quite on such a high horse until now.
Remember...Biden is President, you're just a pawn.

Quid Pro is "president select" but they never intend on him having any say over anything. Cameltoe will call the shots based on orders from Xi. Bai-Degn will be out within a couple of months and Harris will implement Xi's plans openly. Quid Pro has never cared about anything other than the cash filled envelope slipped into his pocket, and that's what Xi will give him. He'll be paid off to resign, as he already said he would do.
That is down right funny after the crooked Trump WH! How many convicted now?

America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.
Looks like those FEMA camps are going to finally come in handy. :04:
That's a good way to get shot in the face.
Many of the lawsuits brought about by the Soros forces were in the name of homeless people.

Your side has spent 4 years with people just like you thwarting the president of the united states.

Lie all you like, you just expose that you are a troll and a fraud.

Ok. So that's your argument. I could have resisted Trump by sitting around and waiting for a billionaire to pay me money to be part of a lawsuit against Trump.

Do I have that correct?

Wow, you may NOT be a troll, you may just be a drunk or drug addict.

Sitting around won't do it, but stumble over to the nearest Open Society hate post and you can be the plaintiff in a frivolous lawsuit.

Excellent. So then this is all you had in mind when you tried to explain how one can “resist”. Maybe you should have just said that instead of the idiotic rant you made that had NOTHING to do with any of that.

See that? That wasn’t so hard now was it? That’s what happens when you read a post and respond to it.

Now then, is that all these idiots in the OP are going to do to “resist”? Is that all? If it is, then I’m not impressed.
You think somebody's trying to impress you?
No...but you are entertaining us. You guys have been talking about shooting people for like 10 years now. You're not going to do shit. You know you're not going to do shit. We know you're not going to do shit.
You would rather we shot than entertained you?

Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?
If you're all that eager for bloodshed I'm sure BLM's tendencies to shoot cops or anyone else that interferes with their joyful looting and burning should keep you satisfied until you idiots manage to provoke a war.

You guys are the ones talking about civil war and shooting people.

I have never seen such a bunch of really brave people as you have on this board. Why don’t they enlist? Or are the drunk or stoned? It seems to get worse as the evening goes on and this is not even Saturday

Ima gonna whup your ass thing!
FDR on Republicans.

Isn't he the guy that locked up American Citizens in interment camps?


Yes, because scared people demanded it. They also got a settlement. I knew the Japanese Lady that lobbied for it. Married to a Paratrooper friend of mine. It may have been wrong but people terrified of another Pearl Harbor attack were not really reasonable at that time. They had good reason.
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
You cri
That's neat. But I'm still trying to figure out what this means in practice.

Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?
What legislation did Trump sign into law that would have made you rebel?

None. What could I have even rebelled against? Give me an example of how I could have done so.
Nice dodge.
You didn’t answer the question because, in reality, Trump did nothing to disrupt your life.

You dodged my question, moron. Notice my question came first.

To address your question, I wouldn’t rebel against legislation because I don’t even know what that would consist of. Which was kind of the entire point of mine that you conveniently ignored.
So you are faking bravado over some fantasy Trump legislation that either you never knew was signed into law or you never knew the effect of the legislation.
Yet you complain about how Trump’s legislation ruined the US.
Are you expecting me to take you seriously?

How am I faking bravado? Geez you’re dumb.
What Trump legislation would have made you rebel?

Let me try to spell this out for you one last time. Take any action done by the president that you don’t like and consider what would it even look like to rebel against that.

Here’s an example: I didn’t like the appointment of Barrett. How specifically would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like the assassination of Soleimani. How would I rebel against that?

Example: I didn’t like leaving the Paris climate accord. How would I rebel against that?

Give me an example of what rebelling would look like. I don’t know how that would be done effectively.

Do you get it now? Probably not.
So you like sending US money to pay the bills of other nations and you like terrorism.
See how easy that was?

I tried to walk you through it and you couldn’t answer those simple questions.

It’a not your fault. You’re just not very bright.
Explain to me why we need to part of the Paris Climate Accords when private industry is already doing it.
Presuming you know anything about advancements in technology.

Address the point I made or I will consider you the moron that you are. I’m not interested in expanding this conversation with you as you have proven that you have the attention span of a kid with ADHD.
It will be interesting to see how politicians react to non-BLM or Antifa people doing what BLM and Antifa have done.
Unlike how the cowards reacted to BLM and Antifa, police action will be taken against those who are pro-US.
They are not "pro-US" any more than Antifa is "pro-US". Those who are violent in America are deserving of police action no matter who they are.
Liberals don't know the definition of pro-US.
You sure as hell are not pro-US. You are pro-trump, who is pro-himself.
Just as I suspected. You won’t call out insane rhetoric if it’s on your side of the aisle. You’re not hard to predict.
I am on record as being against violence in the streets

that includes conservatives who are frustrated with your side’s election fraud

but you want me to name names so that you can pit one conservative against another

and I wont play that game
Since there was no election fraud, it becomes more frustrating, especially when the courts
have ruled accordingly. Trump has lost and that is why his followers are acting out, and not for any other reason. Trump could have chosen any other excuse for his loss and the followers would have bought into it--hook, line, and sinker.
Last edited:

America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.
Looks like those FEMA camps are going to finally come in handy. :04:
That's a good way to get shot in the face.
Many of the lawsuits brought about by the Soros forces were in the name of homeless people.

Your side has spent 4 years with people just like you thwarting the president of the united states.

Lie all you like, you just expose that you are a troll and a fraud.

Ok. So that's your argument. I could have resisted Trump by sitting around and waiting for a billionaire to pay me money to be part of a lawsuit against Trump.

Do I have that correct?

Wow, you may NOT be a troll, you may just be a drunk or drug addict.

Sitting around won't do it, but stumble over to the nearest Open Society hate post and you can be the plaintiff in a frivolous lawsuit.

Excellent. So then this is all you had in mind when you tried to explain how one can “resist”. Maybe you should have just said that instead of the idiotic rant you made that had NOTHING to do with any of that.

See that? That wasn’t so hard now was it? That’s what happens when you read a post and respond to it.

Now then, is that all these idiots in the OP are going to do to “resist”? Is that all? If it is, then I’m not impressed.
You think somebody's trying to impress you?
No...but you are entertaining us. You guys have been talking about shooting people for like 10 years now. You're not going to do shit. You know you're not going to do shit. We know you're not going to do shit.
You would rather we shot than entertained you?

Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?
If you're all that eager for bloodshed I'm sure BLM's tendencies to shoot cops or anyone else that interferes with their joyful looting and burning should keep you satisfied until you idiots manage to provoke a war.

You guys are the ones talking about civil war and shooting people.

I have never seen such a bunch of really brave people as you have on this board. Why don’t they enlist? Or are the drunk or stoned? It seems to get worse as the evening goes on and this is not even Saturday

Ima gonna whup your ass thing!

Its off topic but really...that is why I admired Candace Owens actually taking Facebook to court. I don't think she has a case and is generally full of crap...but at least she made it official and public unlike the losers here who continuously pledge to take violent actions against the infidels but never seem to be able to stop posting on a message board long enough to do it.
You should be, a seemingly take-charge guy like you would be perfect to lead a charge of the ten-of-thousands of militiamen up Pennsylvania Avenue.
Ok we get it

you are a funny guy

your side stole an election and you are mocking everyone who is not happy about it

I hope this situation does not deteriorate into a shooting war

but I get the impression that you do want blood in the streets

Which is odd since even mild incidents such as rightwingers tearing up and burning a couple of posters sends people like you into orbit

I can only imagine what you thought about kyle rittenhouse or the two lawyers in St Louis who protected their home from leftwing rioters
Post #89:

"Up until this Summer I never believed in violence until I saw what liberals do to innocent people. Now I only hope and pray to God they are exterminated MS13 style.

Edit....The AOC squad exterminated 13th century like "

Post 92:

"Of course not. Just anyone who believes in the squad...Make a list of them and throw gas at the entire family."

Your Brown Shirts out on Kristalnacht are raping, looting, and burning. Responding to them is not the initiation of violence.
You honestly don't grasp that there are lawsuits underway at this moment?

You really are on drugs..

You're either dodging or just really, really stupid.

Let me walk you through this. Slowly.

Your statement: "I intend to join in every possible lawsuit against the Harris regime. If she farts she's getting sued. If she eats with the wrong fork she's getting sued."

Notice the word 'intend'. Do you see it there? I put it in bold and underlined it so that it would be easy for you to find that word. Just let me know if you don't know how to find that word.

Hmmmm, let's see. What does 'intend' mean? Does it mean that you HAVE done something or that you PLAN on doing something in the future? Hmmmm, what does INTEND mean?

Oh I know! How about we check the dictionary!

Intend: to have in mind as something to be done or brought about

Oh I see! So intend means that you haven't done something yet! That makes sense!

Good. Now the question is WHEN do you plan to do that thing you intend to do?

Am I asking when OTHER people will do what they intend??? No, silly, I'm asking when YOU plan to do that thing you intend to do.

Get it now? Yay!

In context it means both.

You simply are not very bright.
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America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.
Largest militia? You mean all the hillbillies have organized?

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