Some folks are thinking the same as me.

The OathKeepers have a website where you can join.

One problem I see is that some people may be hesitant to sign up because right off the bat you have to give your full information (understandable).

But we have seen the ATF for example raid gun businesses for the purpose of getting their customer database, then start going after those customers.
this is an unprecedented attack on Americans by the government.

Likewise, many might fear the government might raid The OathKeepers HQ and demand their member list (or hack it and take it)

since the Federal Government is already considering the oathKeepers as a Domestic Terrorist organization, they will probably use that logic to go after it's members and ban them all from owning guns.

democrats HATE the Oathkeepers.

Keeping oaths DEEPLY offends democrats. Honor, integrity, patriotism? These are ideas that democrats have fought long and hard to end - to crush.

I would love for the CCP deep state thugs at DOJ or the CIA to list exactly what terrorist acts the OathKeepers have engaged in? Did they pray for the health of Donald Trump or something?

While the Right has TALKED about it......the LEFT HAS ACTUALLY DONE IT .

Did you really think you could forever poke the Bear and count on it remaining asleep ??

Was that smart?

Leftist definitions:

Peaceful Protest:

Terrorist Act:
Since there was no election fraud, it becomes more frustrating, especially when the courts
have ruled accordingly.
The demigods in black robes have theirs and do not seem to care if the election was honest or not

thats a shame because the courts used to be the respected safety valve for society

Now thats gone and America is more divided than ever


I view the Rosenberg's as very bad people who directly caused the deaths of over a hundred thousand people.

You no doubt view them as glorious heroes of the people.

I view Osama Bin Laden as a terrorist and evil to the core.

You no doubt view him as a liberator who struck a blow against the great Satan.
Yea? Which people is that?

Tim McVeigh.
Peter Strzok
Julius Rosenberg
Andrew McCabe
Ethyl Rosenberg
Lisa Page

Of the top of my head. The traitors who have undermined the peace and security of this nation through treason.
I almost ”liked” that post till I discovered it supported killing disgusting Deep State rogue agents

With our friend from the PC police lurking around we have to watch our words carefully

I want the Deep State in jail not 6 feet under

So you're giving us a warning that you'll shoot us...but you don't want to shoot us....but you can't help yourself from shooting us.

That pretty much sums up the mind of a Trump supporter.

And you wonder why we are amused by your antics.

If you'd quit with your attempts to recreate Auschwitz for the new Juden, the whites you so bitterly hate - we wouldn't NEED to remind you that we will fight back.

Never again - and that means shutting you down now.
Since there was no election fraud, it becomes more frustrating, especially when the courts
have ruled accordingly.
The demigods in black robes have theirs and do not seem to care if the election was honest or not

thats a shame because the courts used to be the respected safety valve for society

Now thats gone and America is more divided than ever
The courts have only ever existed to protect the power of the state.
Yea? Which people is that?

Tim McVeigh.
Peter Strzok
Julius Rosenberg
Andrew McCabe
Ethyl Rosenberg
Lisa Page

Of the top of my head. The traitors who have undermined the peace and security of this nation through treason.
I almost ”liked” that post till I discovered it supported killing disgusting Deep State rogue agents

With our friend from the PC police lurking around we have to watch our words carefully

I want the Deep State in jail not 6 feet under

Strzok, McCabe, and Page have committed treason. They are no different than McVeigh. They deserve a trial, and then a needle. Everyone on my list committed treason against the United States.
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Since there was no election fraud, it becomes more frustrating, especially when the courts
have ruled accordingly.
The demigods in black robes have theirs and do not seem to care if the election was honest or not

thats a shame because the courts used to be the respected safety valve for society

Now thats gone and America is more divided than ever
You have divided yourselves because you disagreed with the court's verdict. Either they rule in your favor or they are baaad people and demagogues. If they had ruled in your favor, you would have a different opinion about the "demagogues". Fortunately, Democracy didn't work on your demented
behalf. Conservative---yes, and when the obvious truth slaps them, they were realistic.
You should be, a seemingly take-charge guy like you would be perfect to lead a charge of the ten-of-thousands of militiamen up Pennsylvania Avenue. Then, surround the White House to deliver the right-wing ultimatum that Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential Election. That will be followed by your order to Biden to vacate the White House so your orange-tinted cult leader can return to lead the fourth reich as your long awaited führer.

You, being a staunch supporter of the impeached president trump's advocacy of white supremacist groups cannot be blind to his obvious goal to become dictator. Or, are you really that stupid not to have seen his open admiration of Nazis?

Either way, you should prove your patriotic loyalty to the impeached president trump and to the Republicans who added their names to the lawsuit the impeached president trump's hand picked stooges in the USSC refused to hear.


You mean like you Communists did with Trump?

Since there was no election fraud, it becomes more frustrating, especially when the courts
have ruled accordingly.
The demigods in black robes have theirs and do not seem to care if the election was honest or not

thats a shame because the courts used to be the respected safety valve for society

Now thats gone and America is more divided than ever
The courts have only ever existed to protect the power of the state.
Unless of course, they rule in your favor, the truth be damned.
Strzok, McCabe, and Page have committed treason. They are no different than McVeigh.

The deserve a trial, and then a needle.

Everyone on my list committed treason against the United States.
Fair enough

I dont think even our leftwing morality police can argue with that
That is down right funny after the crooked Trump WH! How many convicted now?

Yes, you Maoists persecute your enemies while you openly engage in crimes with no response at all.

You think the fact that Communists are not subject to laws endears you to decent people? oh that's right, you HATE decent people.


Even worse, another agency that appears to be the CIA told the FBI that Page was actually working for the agency in Russia as an “operational contact” gathering intelligence. The FBI was told this repeatedly, yet it never reported it to the FISA court approving the secret investigation of Page. His claim to have worked with the federal government was widely dismissed. Worse yet, Horowitz found that investigators and the Justice Department concluded there was no probable cause on Page to support its FISA investigation. That is when there was an intervention from the top of the FBI, ordering investigators to look at the Steele dossier funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign instead.

Who told investigators to turn to the dossier? Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. He was fired over his conduct in the investigation after earlier internal investigations. Horowitz contradicts the media claim that the dossier was just a small part of the case presented to the FISA court. He finds that it was essential to seeking FISA warrants. Horowitz also finds no sharing of information with FISA judges that undermined the credibility of the dossier or Christopher Steele himself. Surprisingly little effort was made to fully investigate the dossier when McCabe directed investigators to it, yet investigators soon learned that critical facts reported to the FISA court were false. FISA judges were told that a Yahoo News article was an independent corroboration of the Steele dossier, but Horowitz confirms that Steele was the source of that article. Therefore, Steele was used to corroborate Steele on allegations that were later deemed unfounded.

The report also said that Steele was viewed as reliable and was used as a source in prior cases, yet Horowitz found no support for that and, in fact, found that the past representations of Steele were flagged as unreliable. His veracity was not the only questionable thing unveiled in the report. Steele relied on a character who, Horowitz determined, had a dubious reputation and may have been under investigation as a possible double agent for Russia. Other instances were also clearly misrepresented.


Flat out and undeniable treason.

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