Some folks are thinking the same as me.

Okay. Who all did you have in mind to start with?
Let me be clear

you want to know which republicans I have serious complaints about?

Yup, that is exactly what I'm asking. And no, I'm not suggesting there aren't any Republicans in need of a good voting-out, nor am I trying to deride your assertion. I'm genuinely curious as to which Republicans specifically you think should be unemployed, and why.

America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his administration

Griffin Connolly and Richard Hall
November 15, 2020

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)

A sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, which there has been no evidence for, pervaded among his supporters who marched in Washington on Saturday. (Getty Images)
The largest militia group in the US will refuse to recognise President-elect Joe Biden as the nation’s duly elected leader when he is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
The Oath Keepers, an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election.
“I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital.

“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said.

Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump.

These aren't militias.
They are domestic terrorists.
I hope the FBI is all over their skanky, redneck white trash asses.
After they busted up the attempt to kidnap Governor Whitmer, I'm sure these ignorant man-boys are being watched.

The FBI should be all over them for what crime, exactly? The "crime" of expressing opinions you don't agree with?
I notice that TrumpToids rarely post links to verifiable, reliable news sources.
For the record, I don't acknowledge Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, HotAir or Alex Jones, Rush Limpballs as legitimate.
Fox must be coming around because Trump can't bash them enough on Twitter.

Oh, and forget NewsMax and OANN...they are both heat-seeking missiles for Trump's ass.

I notice that left-tards automatically dismiss any news source that isn't saying what they want to hear as "unreliable".

For the record, your acknowledgement means less to me than a bucket of warm spit. Weren't you among the left-Borg brigade waving away the Hunter Biden story as "fake news" that "comes from unreliable sources, OMG you can't trust THEM" for months before the election, because your "reliable news sources" assured you there was no story and no evidence? Refresh my memory, but who turned out to be telling the truth on that?

Yeah, I'll get right on respecting your acknowledgements of legitimacy . . . when Satan goes ice-skating.
The oath keepers send the progs into a tizzy

View attachment 429763
No one is coming to get you either!
Seems to me that it has already come to that with armed trumpers marching around and abusing Republican officials who are just doing their job,
Of boo hoo.

how have lazy and incompetent republican officials been abused?

First they are not lazy. Competent, decent Republicans trying to do their jobs while being berated by an ignorant blob in the WH Who was never a Republican and far from decent. In Being threatened with death threats just trying to do their jobs.
Those Competent, decent Republicans do what their contributors tell them to do; you and I are inconsequential.
You are full of it. Quite clear you know little about how voting works, how honest they really are. You are just mad your Apprentice blob lost!
The people who count the ballots have IQs well below 100.

The machines? God, you are so gullible.

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results," Ramsland said. "The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that the Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified."

Well, SOMEONE is certainly gullible, but I'm pretty sure it's you.
Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?

You haven't answered that. You're just ranting about how you don't like Democrats.

And yet the DNC/CCP "resistance" crippled the Trump presidency. Are you acknowledging that all power belongs to deep state bureaucrats and that citizens are utterly powerless and without a voice? There is clearly a lot of truth to such an assertion.

What you "could" do is exactly what Soros did do. Attack everything.

Now the left - the Maoist democrats, are the party of Oligarchs. You had the Silicone Valley overlords funding your nefarious acts. You also have China and Iran as your allies.

Americans don't have the Oligarchs and the trillions from big tech that is used to assault America and basic individual liberty.

Still, we have the right to seek redress in the courts - at least for this second. The FIRST task Quid Pro is assigned is to drop all tariffs and sanctions against China. What Americans can do is file suit to block his China First policies in every court in America. Get a pro-America judge to file an injunction against the Harris administration when they put forth their pro-China policies.

Likewise when the Harris regime moves to drop all sanctions against Iran - sue them. When "president" Harris seeks to fund nuclear weapons in Iran, sue them.

Tie the CCP democrats up in court at every turn to thwart their agenda.

Americans must also retake the nation. That means defeating every Soros DA and other criminals that have infested local governments. The democrats depend on their Brown Shirts to spread terror. The Brown Shirts operate because Soros owned DA's refuse to enforce laws. Take the crooks out - expose them and defeat them, Kim Foxx, Pile of shit Schmid, et al.

The game is rigged and there is no law or justice, still we Americans are tenacious and will resist.

You’re just rambling and you didn’t address what I asked.

Be specific. How exactly could I resist one of Trump’s pieces of legislation? Give me an example.
You don't have an army so you can't.
By the way, they will only resist if a law violates the USC.

Hence my point that you were too stupid to understand the first time.

These idiots claiming to resist aren’t going to do shit either.
Of course not.
And you can go fuck yourself over your obnoxiousness now that your leader has now.
You weren't quite on such a high horse until now.
Remember...Biden is President, you're just a pawn.

Well, in reality, Biden is a pawn, too.
Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?

You haven't answered that. You're just ranting about how you don't like Democrats.

And yet the DNC/CCP "resistance" crippled the Trump presidency. Are you acknowledging that all power belongs to deep state bureaucrats and that citizens are utterly powerless and without a voice? There is clearly a lot of truth to such an assertion.

What you "could" do is exactly what Soros did do. Attack everything.

Now the left - the Maoist democrats, are the party of Oligarchs. You had the Silicone Valley overlords funding your nefarious acts. You also have China and Iran as your allies.

Americans don't have the Oligarchs and the trillions from big tech that is used to assault America and basic individual liberty.

Still, we have the right to seek redress in the courts - at least for this second. The FIRST task Quid Pro is assigned is to drop all tariffs and sanctions against China. What Americans can do is file suit to block his China First policies in every court in America. Get a pro-America judge to file an injunction against the Harris administration when they put forth their pro-China policies.

Likewise when the Harris regime moves to drop all sanctions against Iran - sue them. When "president" Harris seeks to fund nuclear weapons in Iran, sue them.

Tie the CCP democrats up in court at every turn to thwart their agenda.

Americans must also retake the nation. That means defeating every Soros DA and other criminals that have infested local governments. The democrats depend on their Brown Shirts to spread terror. The Brown Shirts operate because Soros owned DA's refuse to enforce laws. Take the crooks out - expose them and defeat them, Kim Foxx, Pile of shit Schmid, et al.

The game is rigged and there is no law or justice, still we Americans are tenacious and will resist.

You’re just rambling and you didn’t address what I asked.

Be specific. How exactly could I resist one of Trump’s pieces of legislation? Give me an example.
You don't have an army so you can't.
By the way, they will only resist if a law violates the USC.

Hence my point that you were too stupid to understand the first time.

These idiots claiming to resist aren’t going to do shit either.
Of course not.
And you can go fuck yourself over your obnoxiousness now that your leader has now.
You weren't quite on such a high horse until now.
Remember...Biden is President, you're just a pawn.

Well, in reality, Biden is a pawn, too.
A pawn?!
He's brain dead!
No. You didn't.
You just dont like the answer

the dems and their street urchins went full speed ahead against trump and America

so all you have to do is keep voting democrat
If your are a militia member, why not get your fellow militiamen to actively resist, since you people are certain of your stand that Biden is not the legitimate leader.

Such attacks would most assuredly be legal, once the militias had reestablished a "legitimate" government.

However, if you loonie militiamen are wrong, are you prepared to accept the consequences from the legitimate government you attempted to overthrow? After all, the courts, some having judges appointed by your orange-tinted cult leader, threw out all the so-called evidence of voter fraud.

So, American Heroes or filthy traitors, how will history portray the right-wing extremists in these militias?

Seems to me you aren't very clear on what some words mean. "Legal" simply means "sanctioned by the government". What is "legal" to one government may be "criminal" to another. What is "legal" in one court may be deemed "illegal" in another which is why rulings are sometimes changed by appeals. In America government consists of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The courts are a part of government and judges are human and may therefore be as subject to corruption as any other part of the government. Law is whatever the government says it is.
Militias are simply civilians acting together in a military capacity usually, but not necessarily, for defensive purposes. Our forefathers who fought for American independence from England were in fact criminals and traitors to the "legitimate" British government. The "government" of the future "American" colonies was an entirely criminal group subject to summery execution if captured as were the patriots who fought for independence. The American Revolution, The War of 1812 , The Spanish/American War, The War for Texas Independence, and both sides of The American "Civil" War were fought by de facto militia units although many were federalized by which process the militias became "regular" government troops. Militias are as American as Ma, home, and apple pie. Organized "protestors" are also de facto militias. Antifa and MLM often field militia units. Left wing militia recently captured and held for a time a portion of Portland so the idea that all militia are right wing Rednecks is simply misinformed if amusing. History is supposed to perpetuate a knowledge of reality not create it. Under many governments "history" is just another form of propaganda.
Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?

Do you plan on using "Zyklon B" to solve the white people problem?

Oh, and we had our revolution over the last 4 years. You Maoists called in your masters in China to end it with the massive fraud of this election. Xi showed his "dominion" over America.

Zyklon B? Is that a planet on Star Trek or something?

We've had 4 years of cancerous growth. America will be in remission starting 1/20/2021. You're welcome.

Dear GOD, you're an ignoramus. I will never understand how you feel qualified to make noise in front of people, let alone pontificate on political issues.
Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?

Do you plan on using "Zyklon B" to solve the white people problem?

Oh, and we had our revolution over the last 4 years. You Maoists called in your masters in China to end it with the massive fraud of this election. Xi showed his "dominion" over America.

Zyklon B? Is that a planet on Star Trek or something?

We've had 4 years of cancerous growth. America will be in remission starting 1/20/2021. You're welcome.

Dear GOD, you're an ignoramus. I will never understand how you feel qualified to make noise in front of people, let alone pontificate on political issues.
She's a Customer Service Representative; she reads a script all day.
It doesn't make her a bad person, it simply stops her from seeing outside the box.
Hypothetically speaking, let's suppose that I didn't consider Trump a legitimate president. What exactly could I have resisted from his administration?

You haven't answered that. You're just ranting about how you don't like Democrats.

And yet the DNC/CCP "resistance" crippled the Trump presidency. Are you acknowledging that all power belongs to deep state bureaucrats and that citizens are utterly powerless and without a voice? There is clearly a lot of truth to such an assertion.

What you "could" do is exactly what Soros did do. Attack everything.

Now the left - the Maoist democrats, are the party of Oligarchs. You had the Silicone Valley overlords funding your nefarious acts. You also have China and Iran as your allies.

Americans don't have the Oligarchs and the trillions from big tech that is used to assault America and basic individual liberty.

Still, we have the right to seek redress in the courts - at least for this second. The FIRST task Quid Pro is assigned is to drop all tariffs and sanctions against China. What Americans can do is file suit to block his China First policies in every court in America. Get a pro-America judge to file an injunction against the Harris administration when they put forth their pro-China policies.

Likewise when the Harris regime moves to drop all sanctions against Iran - sue them. When "president" Harris seeks to fund nuclear weapons in Iran, sue them.

Tie the CCP democrats up in court at every turn to thwart their agenda.

Americans must also retake the nation. That means defeating every Soros DA and other criminals that have infested local governments. The democrats depend on their Brown Shirts to spread terror. The Brown Shirts operate because Soros owned DA's refuse to enforce laws. Take the crooks out - expose them and defeat them, Kim Foxx, Pile of shit Schmid, et al.

The game is rigged and there is no law or justice, still we Americans are tenacious and will resist.

You’re just rambling and you didn’t address what I asked.

Be specific. How exactly could I resist one of Trump’s pieces of legislation? Give me an example.
You don't have an army so you can't.
By the way, they will only resist if a law violates the USC.

Hence my point that you were too stupid to understand the first time.

These idiots claiming to resist aren’t going to do shit either.
Of course not.
And you can go fuck yourself over your obnoxiousness now that your leader has now.
You weren't quite on such a high horse until now.
Remember...Biden is President, you're just a pawn.

Well, in reality, Biden is a pawn, too.
A pawn?!
He's brain dead!

Well, yeah. Pawns who can think for themselves are problematic.
Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?

Do you plan on using "Zyklon B" to solve the white people problem?

Oh, and we had our revolution over the last 4 years. You Maoists called in your masters in China to end it with the massive fraud of this election. Xi showed his "dominion" over America.

Zyklon B? Is that a planet on Star Trek or something?

We've had 4 years of cancerous growth. America will be in remission starting 1/20/2021. You're welcome.

Dear GOD, you're an ignoramus. I will never understand how you feel qualified to make noise in front of people, let alone pontificate on political issues.
She's a Customer Service Representative; she reads a script all day.
It doesn't make her a bad person, it simply stops her from seeing outside the box.

So you're saying that her job is what makes her a non-sentient lump? Because I think you have the cause and effect backwards. I think she's a non-sentient lump, therefore she has a job designed for useless organic matter.

And no, being ignorant doesn't make her a bad person. Flattering herself that her ignorance makes her smart and morally superior, THAT makes her a bad person.
She's a Customer Service Representative; she reads a script all day.
It doesn't make her a bad person, it simply stops her from seeing outside the box.

Candy Cornhole is a STAR - or was in the 60's and 70's. Her 8mm film career was in all the adult bookstores.

She tried to transition to VHS in the 80's, but it didn't take....
Id rather you not shoot anyone of course.

But the fact that you guys constantly threaten to start shooting people unless you get your way has become rather amusing. Your blob called for a "revolution" in 2012. What are you waiting for?

Do you plan on using "Zyklon B" to solve the white people problem?

Oh, and we had our revolution over the last 4 years. You Maoists called in your masters in China to end it with the massive fraud of this election. Xi showed his "dominion" over America.

Zyklon B? Is that a planet on Star Trek or something?

We've had 4 years of cancerous growth. America will be in remission starting 1/20/2021. You're welcome.

Dear GOD, you're an ignoramus. I will never understand how you feel qualified to make noise in front of people, let alone pontificate on political issues.
She's a Customer Service Representative; she reads a script all day.
It doesn't make her a bad person, it simply stops her from seeing outside the box.

So you're saying that her job is what makes her a non-sentient lump? Because I think you have the cause and effect backwards. I think she's a non-sentient lump, therefore she has a job designed for useless organic matter.
I didn't want to say that...
She probably thought she would receive enough in social benefits to ensconce herself and her 10 out of wedlock children in a mansion.
She's a Customer Service Representative; she reads a script all day.
It doesn't make her a bad person, it simply stops her from seeing outside the box.

Candy Cornhole is a STAR - or was in the 60's and 70's. Her 8mm film career was in all the adult bookstores.

She tried to transition to VHS in the 80's, but it didn't take....
You're killing me!
It's scary that I'm old enough to love those reference!
I wonder if she knows the Meh-i-cahn Jo-knee-Wahd.
No. You didn't.
You just dont like the answer

the dems and their street urchins went full speed ahead against trump and America

so all you have to do is keep voting democrat
If your are a militia member, why not get your fellow militiamen to actively resist, since you people are certain of your stand that Biden is not the legitimate leader.

Such attacks would most assuredly be legal, once the militias had reestablished a "legitimate" government.

However, if you loonie militiamen are wrong, are you prepared to accept the consequences from the legitimate government you attempted to overthrow? After all, the courts, some having judges appointed by your orange-tinted cult leader, threw out all the so-called evidence of voter fraud.

So, American Heroes or filthy traitors, how will history portray the right-wing extremists in these militias?


Well, for starters, it will portray them as being too smart to value the advice of shitstains like you. I've heard homeless people ranting on street corners I respected more than you.

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