Some people can't do math.. claim Biden got more votes than Obama.. OR ANYONE!!!!!!!

It sounded good but nothing "concrete." :smoke: I guess the question then is what do YOU believe is responsible, since gasoline and about everything else started turning to shit almost to the day he took office! I remember even the stock market took a big fall that day. It jumped way up the first day Trump was in office.

So what do you need, a signed receipt from all of the OPEC nations attesting that gas prices are so high because of Joe Biden? Because the day he took office his first action was to kick our domestic oil producers (and Canada) squarely in the nuts? And has been making life impossible for them ever since. The discussion is moot, there is no such "concrete" direct and simple evidence any child can see, so you just have to rely on your intelligence, common sense and instincts to tell you the cause for yourself.
No I just need you to show me where Biden is responsible for the high gas prices, I have only asked 3 times and all I keep getting is the right wing talking points mixed in with your bullshit opinion.

Who is checking the fact checkers?
No Matter, Biden was installed not elected
Nope! You are so easily duped by fake news ....untrustworthy media... right wing, propaganda....

Please stop being played a fool by them! You should know their tactics of lies and be able to spot it! This will be to your own benefit!

Saying something is true, just because you WANT to believe it's true, doesn't cut it, in the real world! These fake news media outlets are intentionally trying to deceive you!

All of these claims by the right wing Trumper media about more voters than registered were all CREATED out of whole cloth, for all of the swing states they made the SAME claim ...

Joe Biden won by a landslide! 306 to 232,
81 million to 74 million

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And here we area day later and still not one MAGA person has had the balls to tell the OP that the US population has not shrunk since 2008.

If that does not tell you all you need to know, I am not sure what would.
No I just need you to show me where Biden is responsible for the high gas prices, I have only asked 3 times and all I keep getting is the right wing talking points mixed in with your bullshit opinion.
you don't get an answer bc your mind is shut like a steel trap
Only the brainwashed ignoramus GOP base believes that the entire world. Change the channel, hater dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich liars....
Only idiots voted for this Potatohead clown.

Unfortunately all of us are paying for your major stupidity now with astronomical inflation, reduced family income, millions of Illegals flooding in, higher taxes, obscene cost of gas at the pumps, declining stock market and a near recession economy.

Don't you think this country would be much better off if we didn't allow you dumbass Moon Bats to vote?
Only idiots voted for this Potatohead clown.

Unfortunately all of us are paying for your major stupidity now with astronomical inflation, reduced family income, millions of Illegals flooding in, higher taxes, obscene cost of gas at the pumps, declining stock market and a near recession economy.

Don't you think this country would be much better off if we didn't allow you dumbass Moon Bats to vote?
Yes Yes, it has nothing to do with your/Trump's hero Putin, hater dupe Nazi POS. Change the gd channel. Actually, Fox is actually doing Factual right now. How innocent election worker have had their lives ruined by Trump/Giuliani crap, SHYTTEHEAD! I know you people, love ya but your politics are conpiracy idiocy from scumbag liars....
Only idiots voted for this Potatohead clown.

Unfortunately all of us are paying for your major stupidity now with astronomical inflation, reduced family income, millions of Illegals flooding in, higher taxes, obscene cost of gas at the pumps, declining stock market and a near recession economy.

Don't you think this country would be much better off if we didn't allow you dumbass Moon Bats to vote?
Change the channel, get vaxxed, stfu, hater dupe nazi. You're an ignorant disgrace politically. Now Fox won't mention this again lol...Poor America....Have a nice day....
Only idiots voted for this Potatohead clown.

Unfortunately all of us are paying for your major stupidity now with astronomical inflation, reduced family income, millions of Illegals flooding in, higher taxes, obscene cost of gas at the pumps, declining stock market and a near recession economy.

Don't you think this country would be much better off if we didn't allow you dumbass Moon Bats to vote?
Putin and supply chain crisis from pandemic duh...The economy is fine as can be expected, and no evidence his policies, none have which have PASSED, have done anything but help the country, the recession only in your disgusting fear mongering propaganda...Tax the rich, invest in America again, and change the damn channel from your anti-American bs one...
No I just need you to show me where Biden is responsible for the high gas prices,
Been there done that. Twice now. All the circumstantial evidence is out there. Not my problem you stubbornly refuse to see and admit it much the same as tards refuse to admit the 2020 election was a sham despite mountains of evidence, but I also note in all of this you also fail to explain then if not Biden, then just WHAT did make gasoline costs start shooting up the day he took office, bad weather?
Only idiots voted for this Potatohead clown.

Unfortunately all of us are paying for your major stupidity now with astronomical inflation, reduced family income, millions of Illegals flooding in, higher taxes, obscene cost of gas at the pumps, declining stock market and a near recession economy.

Don't you think this country would be much better off if we didn't allow you dumbass Moon Bats to vote?
why are you focused on voting?

he didn't win that way

Even moon bats didn't want this ... corn pop

well, some did.. but not enough... so the party of nefarious(just whatever) had to make some fake ballots... lots of them. Today the dims look at the looming 24 election and think

OMG OMG! We're going to need to make millions of them this time!

Oh my...! Is anyone going to believe that out of a populaton of 320 million people, 315 million of them voted and 90% for byedum?

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