Some simple questions

We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?

I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?

None of you liberals know, do you? Laws are nothing but words on paper or on a computer screen, they carry no weight unless they are dutifully enforced.

So why do you continue pushing more gun laws and more restrictions? When will they start doing what you say they'll do?

You see Chicago? Yeah. All those gun laws and restrictions and the city is just about as dangerous as Iraq and Afghanistan were at the peak of the War on Terrorism.

Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?

So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?

Just some simple questions I know I'll never get a straight answer to.
Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?
Sure. Take 95% of guns from everyone. Forbid their sale anywhere in this country and that includes ammunition. Anyone without a special permit (which one doesn't get without VERY good reason, training and regular re-vetting) caught holding a gun is shot dead on sight.

You don't have a "right" to a murder machine. If you don't want to be attacked by criminals, move out of their neighborhood. What, do you live in Baltimore?

So what other rights do you want to apply your need for a "Good reason" and special permits?
I like the reasons used in other more sensible countries--ranchers can own a rifle for shooting varmints, for instance. In Israel, you don't have to be a rancher, but you DO have to pass a psychological evaluation, and you need to do it every 7 years (iirc) when you re-up your license to own a firearm.

Feel free to move to Israel
Not a valid answer in a discussion that actually asked for ideas.
We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?

I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?

None of you liberals know, do you? Laws are nothing but words on paper or on a computer screen, they carry no weight unless they are dutifully enforced.

So why do you continue pushing more gun laws and more restrictions? When will they start doing what you say they'll do?

You see Chicago? Yeah. All those gun laws and restrictions and the city is just about as dangerous as Iraq and Afghanistan were at the peak of the War on Terrorism.

Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?

So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?

Just some simple questions I know I'll never get a straight answer to.

You guys always seem to have an answer if the gunman is a Muslim. How come all your great ideas fly out the window when the gunman is a white guy?

And gun laws don't help in one state if another state hands guns out like candy at the fair.
So... to deal the coup de grâce:

Assault-style rifle used in Gilroy shooting could not be sold in California, state attorney general says - CNN

There was a law on the books preventing the sale, distribution and transport of the weapon used in the Gilroy shooting in the State of California. Yet, however, that same weapon was purchased in Nevada made its way into California, and was used on innocent people.

Unless Nevada had the same laws restricting the sale and transport of this particular weapon, or any other states in the US, then there were plenty of ways for a murderer to circumvent California's gun laws.

Moral of the story? You need the whole country to forbid the sale and transport of weapons of this kind, from anywhere in the world. You need the country to effectively ban the sales of firearms in general.

Not happening.

Gun laws are useless unless everyone is enforcing them. No matter how strict one state's gun laws are, if all 50 states are not enforcing similar laws, you will always have a way for a murderer to get his hands on an illicit firearm.


CA's super strict, uber liberal gun laws failed those people in Gilroy.
You're right. Gun laws ARE useless unless everyone is enforcing them. That is why I advocate for national firearm laws, instead of piecemeal state by state laws.

We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?

I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?

None of you liberals know, do you? Laws are nothing but words on paper or on a computer screen, they carry no weight unless they are dutifully enforced.

So why do you continue pushing more gun laws and more restrictions? When will they start doing what you say they'll do?

You see Chicago? Yeah. All those gun laws and restrictions and the city is just about as dangerous as Iraq and Afghanistan were at the peak of the War on Terrorism.

Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?

So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?

Just some simple questions I know I'll never get a straight answer to.
Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?
Sure. Take 95% of guns from everyone. Forbid their sale anywhere in this country and that includes ammunition. Anyone without a special permit (which one doesn't get without VERY good reason, training and regular re-vetting) caught holding a gun is shot dead on sight.

You don't have a "right" to a murder machine. If you don't want to be attacked by criminals, move out of their neighborhood. What, do you live in Baltimore?

So what other rights do you want to apply your need for a "Good reason" and special permits?
I like the reasons used in other more sensible countries--ranchers can own a rifle for shooting varmints, for instance. In Israel, you don't have to be a rancher, but you DO have to pass a psychological evaluation, and you need to do it every 7 years (iirc) when you re-up your license to own a firearm.

Feel free to move to Israel
Not a valid answer in a discussion that actually asked for ideas.

I gave you the idea

Start enforcing the gun laws we already have because when they are enforced they work
We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?

I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?

None of you liberals know, do you? Laws are nothing but words on paper or on a computer screen, they carry no weight unless they are dutifully enforced.

So why do you continue pushing more gun laws and more restrictions? When will they start doing what you say they'll do?

You see Chicago? Yeah. All those gun laws and restrictions and the city is just about as dangerous as Iraq and Afghanistan were at the peak of the War on Terrorism.

Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?

So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?

Just some simple questions I know I'll never get a straight answer to.
Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?
Sure. Take 95% of guns from everyone. Forbid their sale anywhere in this country and that includes ammunition. Anyone without a special permit (which one doesn't get without VERY good reason, training and regular re-vetting) caught holding a gun is shot dead on sight.

You don't have a "right" to a murder machine. If you don't want to be attacked by criminals, move out of their neighborhood. What, do you live in Baltimore?

Where's that "STFU" button when you need it? "Murder Machine", bitch, please!

A chainsaw, screwdriver, sword, axe, or rototiller could all be used as a "murder machine', you ignorant quasi-Canuck! But you know what? People need tools.

What tool would you want when being charged by an alligator?
According to wikihow, you use your feet.
It's called running.

I'm more the "stand and fight" type.

Why legally carry a concealed firearm?

I never figured that one out, seems just a pain in the ass for no reason to me.
Some of us choose not to be victims. My Glock 19 is always in my purse, even when I go to church.

I am 55, never carried a concealed firearm, never been a victim.
Then consider yourself lucky

Tens of millions of people have been the victim of a violent crime. I have.
We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?

I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?

None of you liberals know, do you? Laws are nothing but words on paper or on a computer screen, they carry no weight unless they are dutifully enforced.

So why do you continue pushing more gun laws and more restrictions? When will they start doing what you say they'll do?

You see Chicago? Yeah. All those gun laws and restrictions and the city is just about as dangerous as Iraq and Afghanistan were at the peak of the War on Terrorism.

Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?

So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?

Just some simple questions I know I'll never get a straight answer to.
I would like to see more accountability of both guns and ammunition

Mandatory background checks on all gun sales including private sales
Registration of guns and bullets
Ban on large capacity magazines
Mandatory training and licensing

If a crime happens......I want to know where the gun came from

It's not the gun that causes the crime it's the piece of shit criminal

Like I said we already have federal gun laws and when some people had the balls to actually enforce them they worked
Very true
But we have to find out where criminals are getting their guns

Time to shut the back door
Why legally carry a concealed firearm?

I never figured that one out, seems just a pain in the ass for no reason to me.
Some of us choose not to be victims. My Glock 19 is always in my purse, even when I go to church.

I am 55, never carried a concealed firearm, never been a victim.
Then consider yourself lucky

Tens of millions of people have been the victim of a violent crime. I have.

and your gun did not keep that from happening.
Why legally carry a concealed firearm?

I never figured that one out, seems just a pain in the ass for no reason to me.
Some of us choose not to be victims. My Glock 19 is always in my purse, even when I go to church.

I am 55, never carried a concealed firearm, never been a victim.

I am 66, hold Master rank in Tae Kwon Do, and carry a concealed firearm.

Never been a victim.
We all saw what happened in Gilroy, CA over the weekend. And I started wondering to myself: of all the gun laws and restrictions passed in the state, which ones could have prevented the mass shooting?

I kept wondering: How many more gun laws and restrictions need to be passed in order to effectively stop this senseless taking of innocent life? Moreover, how long will this go on before the ultimate goal is reached and all gun violence is stopped?

None of you liberals know, do you? Laws are nothing but words on paper or on a computer screen, they carry no weight unless they are dutifully enforced.

So why do you continue pushing more gun laws and more restrictions? When will they start doing what you say they'll do?

You see Chicago? Yeah. All those gun laws and restrictions and the city is just about as dangerous as Iraq and Afghanistan were at the peak of the War on Terrorism.

Do you have any policy ideas that aren't geared toward infringing on the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the dangers the underbelly of the real world brings?

So, when will you stop with the mindless rhetoric and do something productive to curb the violence?

Just some simple questions I know I'll never get a straight answer to.
I would like to see more accountability of both guns and ammunition

Mandatory background checks on all gun sales including private sales
Registration of guns and bullets
Ban on large capacity magazines
Mandatory training and licensing

If a crime happens......I want to know where the gun came from

It's not the gun that causes the crime it's the piece of shit criminal

Like I said we already have federal gun laws and when some people had the balls to actually enforce them they worked
Very true
But we have to find out where criminals are getting their guns

Time to shut the back door
We already know where

DOJ Report on Where Criminals Get Their Guns | National Review
Why legally carry a concealed firearm?

I never figured that one out, seems just a pain in the ass for no reason to me.
Some of us choose not to be victims. My Glock 19 is always in my purse, even when I go to church.

I am 55, never carried a concealed firearm, never been a victim.
Then consider yourself lucky

Tens of millions of people have been the victim of a violent crime. I have.

and your gun did not keep that from happening.
I didn't have a gun at the time since I was only 18 and not able to legally buy a handgun or get a CC permit
I asked for ideas. I asked for solutions. I did not ask for blatantly unconstitutional ideas or solutions.
The best and only idea that has actually been proven to work is to enforce the state and federal gun laws we already have on the books
Why legally carry a concealed firearm?

I never figured that one out, seems just a pain in the ass for no reason to me.
Some of us choose not to be victims. My Glock 19 is always in my purse, even when I go to church.

I am 55, never carried a concealed firearm, never been a victim.

I am 66, hold Master rank in Tae Kwon Do, and carry a concealed firearm.

Never been a victim.

So, neither one of us have ever been a victim. You carry, I do not. Seems that carrying is not the factor in who is a victim or not.
Why legally carry a concealed firearm?

I never figured that one out, seems just a pain in the ass for no reason to me.
Some of us choose not to be victims. My Glock 19 is always in my purse, even when I go to church.

I am 55, never carried a concealed firearm, never been a victim.

I am 66, hold Master rank in Tae Kwon Do, and carry a concealed firearm.

Never been a victim.

I am 63 and have a big stick with a nail in it
Nobody fucks with me
Why legally carry a concealed firearm?

I never figured that one out, seems just a pain in the ass for no reason to me.
Some of us choose not to be victims. My Glock 19 is always in my purse, even when I go to church.

I am 55, never carried a concealed firearm, never been a victim.

I am 66, hold Master rank in Tae Kwon Do, and carry a concealed firearm.

Never been a victim.

So, neither one of us have ever been a victim. You carry, I do not. Seems that carrying is not the factor in who is a victim or not.
It isn't but it may very well be a factor if the victim lives. dies or is seriously injured or not

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