Someone who's actually taken on the left & won. Our next president (I hope)

How many lazy people are we talking about? Got any idea?
millions, and all the illegals too.
Face it, the poor need people like me, I have no need for them. they should kiss my white ass at least once a day.

Millions? How many millions?

Do you think we have a large population of illegal immigrants who are not employed?

Do you believe that all poor people are lazy?

I'm beginning to think you might be avoiding the question. How many lazy people do we have?

Let's have this discussion.
all of the illegals. We don't need them. as far as how many lazy?
Lets make it all of those sucking off the taxpayers that while doing so are not looking for work and are not going to school,
if you are getting benefits without trying to get off of them. Do the country a favor and die.
So since you have the numbers, how about you tell me how many are not abusing the taxpayer.

You are upset by all the lazy people. You must have an idea about how bad the problem is. How much do these lazy people cost us?

We are looking for the number of adults who can work, but don't because they are lazy or are satisfied with living off of taxpayers.

How fucking many?
right around the 12 million mark right now.
let them die.
and to be honest, we would all be better off if they lose access to the free library computers. then we wouldn't have to read garbage from non working losers like you.
Is it possible for a tax sucking liberal to communicate without swearing?
instead of trying to cause issues, don't you think it would make more sense for you to be here thanking those that go to work so you can mooch?

12 million? Please provide the source for that number.


I could buy you, by the way. Please....know your place.
Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.
i don't know. i realize i'm not a republican voter, but it bugs the hell out of me. i have to believe there are some republicans out there that still value a formal education.

Yet, some of you liberals criticizing his lack of college education sound like you haven't even made it out of kindergarten. If all you can do is attack his lack of formal education, you don't have anything on him on the major issues.
Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.
i don't know. i realize i'm not a republican voter, but it bugs the hell out of me. i have to believe there are some republicans out there that still value a formal education.

Yet, some of you liberals criticizing his lack of college education sound like you haven't even made it out of kindergarten. If all you can do is attack his lack of formal education, you don't have anything on him on the major issues.
oh there's plenty of major issues, but i'm looking at the primary season. there's not a hairs-breadth of difference between most of the candidates on the republican side so it's likely going to come down to fundraising networks and personality.

so does walker have the personality to overcome his lack of education in the primary?
Walker's lack of formal education isn't a problem. His failure as governor of Wisconsin is, though.
You have a very weird definition of failure. But then again, you are very weird.

It's well known. He's done an awful job.

You'll hear about it from his fellow GOP primary candidates.

I'm listening to his announcement speech right now. He loves America, will repeal Obamacare and he's going to kick Muslim ass.

I missed the policy proposals. Did you get them?
Walker and Rubio were the biggest losers in the poll that showed Trump surging.

So there's your challenge. Dump Trump.

Yea, remember when Hillary was leading in the polls vs. the current President in 2008? Scott Walker took fought the Left and won.....despite the Left's troop surge.
I just listened to his speech. He's GW Bush neocon with the standard issue GOP failed domestic policy.

IOW, a very dangerous man.
I just listened to his speech. He's GW Bush neocon with the standard issue GOP failed domestic policy.

IOW, a very dangerous man.

Not a single new talking point. He's clearly a cookie cutter with designs on a single primary (caucus) win.
Hillary attacked Walker earlier today in her speech the left here attcking him Walker is on the right track.
I just listened to his speech. He's GW Bush neocon with the standard issue GOP failed domestic policy.

IOW, a very dangerous man.

Not a single new talking point. He's clearly a cookie cutter with designs on a single primary (caucus) win.

He's going to cut taxes, aka decrease revenues, and strengthen the military, aka more government spending,

and of course he's going to fix the federal budget, aka I have weird fantasies.

That would be my preferred ticket. Of course it's very early but Walker is the only candidate that stands out to me.
you'd be okay with voting for someone without a bachelor's degree?
Like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs!
scott walker isn't bill gates or steve jobs, and i wouldn't want either of them for president.
Of course not. Scott Walker is Scott Walker. That being said, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are examples of very successful people without bachelors degrees. So the fact that Walker did not finish his degree is not a deal breaker. If you are in the tank for public sector unions, them you probably think Scott Walker is a terrible govorner. On the other hand, if you are for reining in spending and balanced budgets, you might think Scott Walker is the best thing since sliced bread.

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