Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

I find it humorous...and not HAHA warped this all is. They are accusing him of doing EXACTLY what they are doing/did and will continue to do. It's sickening to watch.
I don't suppose you have any actual evidence of that.

On tape. In emails. In texts. On video.

Like these prosecutors do.

Or, let me guess: All their evidence is fake news. Computer-generated. Right?
That is absolutely comical. Bless your heart. Trump loves America? How the hell do you even begin to believe that. He is all but wanting to burn it down. And for what, so that he can move back into the White House, which, by the way, he complained about what a shit hole it was. I mean for the love of God, none of his shit was ever about you, Grandmaw's simple shitass rule applies here. What the hell does Donald Trump care about a simple shitass like you?

And all these indictments, all these court proceedings, well Karma is a bitch. Trump refused to pay countless contractors and he used the courts to his advantage, hoping they would eventually tap out. Sadly, many of them did. He used the courts, and bankruptcy laws, to stiff hundreds of investors. I mean what kind of honorable man does that?

Son, he laughs at you. He sits around with his paid for friends and goes, "I got this guy on a messageboard that always defends me, what a flippin dumbass, but hey, that is a vote for me" He laughs at all you morons. You are all "marks", nothing more, nothing less. And while some men might judge their value to society by the size of their pecker, Trump doesn't have that luxury, so he judges his value by the number of "marks" he can corral. Peace out you total dumbass.

Sometimes TDS is thrown out there to be funny or to irritate the leftards on this forum but you really need to seek professional help.
Your party has beclowned itself

Enjoy that...I know I am enjoying it immensely
Sue, Trump is a crook, and he went on crime spree.

You can make up and create monsters out of democrats.... if that eases your conscience for your undying support for the crook....
Sue, Trump is a crook, and he went on crime spree.

You can make up and create monsters out of democrats.... if that eases your conscience for your undying support for the crook....
This is a great sign of a decaying nation. It is not Trump; it is his personality used against him for his agendas in which Prog voters do not understand are a life raft for the nation. Lying is now the norm. Truth is a vast minority utterance. There was a time when people spoke on TV, there was trust. Even if they were not so nice. Now we live in dystopian propaganda derived universe. Progs are purposely destroying cities, weakening states and saying that is good and just. That is proof enough. None of the Progs orchestrating just the agendas involved in that are missing meals, they live in opulence, driving better vehicles, fly first class or even private jets, vacation in the more expensive places, party at political junkets and it goes on.
I am one of those, I do not want another Trump presidency. At the same time, I don't understand how anyone can NOT see the injustice in the way the man is being treated. Maybe I am selfish, but it makes me think I could be treated unjustly as well.
They have been more than fair and impartial. This is what Trump wanted.
Things that are now illegal according to the Georgia indictment:
- Asking people for phone numbers
- Reserving rooms in a Capitol building
- Telling people to watch TV

- Getting people to attend legislative hearings.
Well, I dunno about any of that. I personally didn't read any of that in the posted charging documents....the indictments. But too, I didn't thoroughly comb through the dozens and dozens of pages.
If the good poster Esoteric will point the forum to the pages detailing the indictments for each of his 5 items above....well, it would be be a good service for all who post here, lurk here, or troll here.

Thanks, in advance.

If I were a Georgia citizen, I'd move to a kinder, gentler state that doesn't threaten people who merely wanted a recount.
Ah, good poster 'beautress' if only it was 'wanting' a re-count.
But there is more.
Much more.
Their 'wanting' kinda sorta morphed into a bit more than just wishin' & a hopin'.
They did stuff.
Bad stuff.
Bad juju.
Trust me.
Or go read the indictments, they are online.
Good luck. ;)
This is a great sign of a decaying nation. It is not Trump; it is his personality used against him for his agendas in which Prog voters do not understand are a life raft for the nation. Lying is now the norm. Truth is a vast minority utterance. There was a time when people spoke on TV, there was trust. Even if they were not so nice. Now we live in dystopian propaganda derived universe. Progs are purposely destroying cities, weakening states and saying that is good and just. That is proof enough. None of the Progs orchestrating just the agendas involved in that are missing meals, they live in opulence, driving better vehicles, fly first class or even private jets, vacation in the more expensive places, party at political junkets and it goes on.
Trump has never had an agenda 22, other than hatred for those who do not kneel before him. He stands for nothing but his own self.... Don't let him con you!

Most all politicians on the left and right, live a rich and luxurious life.....and that is a huge problem, because they are not representative of the every day American's life.

But that is, our fault....the citizen's fault, because we elect them!
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"Your avatar is the USMB equivalent of the egg you retarded fuck."
"Retarded fuck and condescending prick."
The Trump Cult MAGAzoids (TCM's?) offer their articulate contributions once f-bomb after another.
Their naughty words ....are making America great again.
Making conservatives look educated and informed.
Making Republicans look educated and informed.
Making MAGA be Q-Anon.
Making these Trump Supporters look like twin Squeaky Frommes.

I love this bar. MAGA!!
You probably didnt even watch it so I'll tell you Hillary is doing. She is sitting there laughing commenting about yet ANOTHER Trump indictment. She just can't stop laughing.
Hillary is a war criminal. Her assassination of Ghaddafi plunged Libya into chaos and 100s of thousands of

people have died as a result, including everyone in a US embassy in Libya.
Who called it fictitious?

It was a document with the proposed charges (indictments) that the prosecutor uses to present to the grand jury, for them to vote on.

You need new news sources. You’re being intentionally kept in the dark. I know you’re comfortable there.

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