Sondland revises Quid Pro Quo testimony

Are you going to cry?
Says the crybaby that jumped in with both feet to protect his Cult leader, and said something very stupid as a result of being hysterical over negative words about Dear leader. I imagine tears are cutting through the Cheetoh stains on your cheeks as we speak.
Looks like Sondland was worried he would be prosecuted for lying to Congress under oath. Evidence from other witnesses was piling up against his testimony.

So now he is amending his testimony.

And now the fake billionaire Trump knows he can't buy loyalty always.
Are you going to cry?
Says the crybaby that jumped in with both feet to protect his Cult leader, and said something very stupid as a result of being hysterical over negative words about Dear leader. I imagine tears are cutting through the Cheetoh stains on your cheeks as we speak.
I would say this for any President. You’re a pathetic TDS loser. And using my own verbiage against me. LOL. You’re stupid and unoriginal.
Trump's birther-level credulity got him here. He should have listened to Volker instead of the weasel Giuliani.

It's scary just how credulous Trump is. He's as gullible as his supporters.
Nope. No public statement from Ukraine.

And so Zelensky did not get his White House visit.

Zelensky did not provide Trump's corrupt quid, so he got no quo.

All caught up now?
So then there was no Quid Pro Quo? Thank you.
There was a quid pro quo demand, retard. You have a serious comprehension problem.

A quid pro quo demand for Trump's personal political gain.

Trump demanded a public statement that Zelensky was going to investigate Burisma and the fake 2016 election conspiracy theory in exchange for a White House visit.

Zelensky refused to play along, and so Trump refused his White House visit.
Refusing a WH visit is a crime? So now the 2016 conspiracy is fake? And easy with the insults. You would not say that to my face so don’t say it on a message board. Be civil.
Dude, you are neither clever nor interesting. Go home.
I am home. This is a message board. Dude. Plus I enjoy seeing all your triggered responses. Makes me laugh at your expense. He he.
You got me. I should have written: go to bed.
No contest on the rest, of course.
I would say this for any President.
You would embarrass yourself, act like a child, and say stupid and wrong things for any president?

haha, yeah, I actually believe that. You can just leave out the "for any president" part. It's extraneous.
So triggered with your little fat fingers posting from your safe space.
So then there was no Quid Pro Quo? Thank you.
There was a quid pro quo demand, retard. You have a serious comprehension problem.

A quid pro quo demand for Trump's personal political gain.

Trump demanded a public statement that Zelensky was going to investigate Burisma and the fake 2016 election conspiracy theory in exchange for a White House visit.

Zelensky refused to play along, and so Trump refused his White House visit.
Refusing a WH visit is a crime? So now the 2016 conspiracy is fake? And easy with the insults. You would not say that to my face so don’t say it on a message board. Be civil.
Dude, you are neither clever nor interesting. Go home.
I am home. This is a message board. Dude. Plus I enjoy seeing all your triggered responses. Makes me laugh at your expense. He he.
You got me. I should have written: go to bed.
No contest on the rest, of course.
Getting you is easy. You’re a triggered little sensitive pussy leftist.
Rep. Jim Jordan on Twitter
Sondland asked President Trump “what do you want from Ukraine?” The President said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing... to do what he ran on.”


Scott Perry:
RepScottPerry on Twitter
When asked about Gordon Sondland’s “no quid-pro-quo” text to Bill Taylor, Kurt Volker stated, “Gordon was repeating what we all understood.” - which was no quid-pro-quo.


Mark Meadows: Gordon Sondland's Testimony Does NOT Confirm Quid Pro Quo ^ | November 5, 2019 | Julio Rosas


Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) tweeted on Tuesday that despite what many media headlines are reporting with regards to Ambassador Gordon Sondland's testimony, he did not confirm there was a case of quid pro quo between President Trump and Ukraine.

"Seeing many overblown (and outright false) reports about Ambassador Sondland's testimony. Here's what he actually said. 1. I did not (and still don't) know why aid was held up 2. I 'PRESUMED' it was because of corruption 3. I told Yermak my assumption," said Meadows, who sits on the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Seeing many overblown (and outright false) reports about Ambassador Sondland's testimony. Here's what he actually said.

1. I did not (and still don't) know why aid was held up
2. I "PRESUMED" it was because of corruption
3. I told Yermak my assumption

See paragraph 4 here:— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) November 5, 2019

Democrats and the media are seizing on paragraph five of Sondland's update, where he tells Mr. Yermak the aid may not be released without an anti-corruption statement.

Even *if* you think this is nefarious... Sondland admits in paragraph FOUR this was based on an assumption! Mark Meadows on Twitter— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) November 5, 2019

Sondland also told lawmakers when he talked with Trump about Ukraine, Trump told him, "I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing."

"Both transcripts released today show there is even less evidence for this illegitimate impeachment sham than previously thought," White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement. "Ambassador Sondland squarely states that he 'did not know, (and still does not know) when, why or by whom the aid was suspended.'...By contrast, Volker’s testimony confirms there could not have been a quid pro quo because the Ukrainians did not know about the military aid hold at the time. No amount of salacious media-biased headlines, which are clearly designed to influence the narrative, change the fact that the President has done nothing wrong."

>While it does not look good that Sondland assumed the military aid was tied to a public declaration of an investigation, in his own words, he does not know the exact reason why it was initially withheld. In Kurt Volker's testimony, he said there was no “linkage” between a White House meeting and Ukrainian investigations. He also told lawmakers he did not view the delay in aid to be significant because it was eventually given.

Sondland's text to former Ambassador Bill Taylor is another a indicator that he understood Trump's intentions, "I believe you are incorrect about President Trump's intentions. The president has been crystal clear no quid pro quo's of any kind.
Sondland asked President Trump “what do you want from Ukraine?” The President said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing... to do what he ran on.”
... and then investigate his political opponent for his own, personal gain. We all know this already. And since trump couldn't name a single other instance o corruption he was interested in, when asked, we're all going to have to call bullshit on Deadbeat Donnie on this one.
Sondland asked President Trump “what do you want from Ukraine?” The President said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing... to do what he ran on.”
... and then investigate his political opponent for his own, personal gain. We all know this already. And since trump couldn't name a single other instance o corruption he was interested in, when asked, we're all going to have to call bullshit on Deadbeat Donnie on this one.

It's OVER!!!!!!

Trump's fucked!!!

It is a clear QUID PRO QUO!!! There is just too much evidence to deny this anymore.


Heard from a guy who knows a guy who saw a guy that might have gotten ahold of the socks Trump was wearing when he did something. If that doesn't send him to prison nothing will, especially if we ever find out what it was he did, but then we don't need to know what that was, really , since he's guilty!
Oh well too bad we have this real deal evidence that says there was a Quid Pro Quo... So you can cry all you want, but it's over.

We are a nation of Laws!!!!!!!!!!

Damn right! And we don't even have to know what those laws are, either, just that someone said some were broken!

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