Sondland revises Quid Pro Quo testimony

Are the Banana Republic democrats still releasing edited testimony from their locked doors in the basement?

Yes, and of course it's just rubbish from partisan Democrats, which is why they will never hold a real impeachment vote. All they can find is that Biden will sooner or later have to to take the 5th if he's ever called to give testimony on his and his son's foreign influence trips.
Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

Is that the walls closing in on the White House?

No just the brain infarction closing in on your brain.
And since trump couldn't name a single other instance o corruption he was interested in, when asked, we're all going to have to call bullshit on Deadbeat Donnie on this one.
After all, he could demand Netanyahu's trial before giving Israel more money if he was really concerned about corruption.
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Sondland asked President Trump “what do you want from Ukraine?” The President said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing... to do what he ran on.”
... and then investigate his political opponent for his own, personal gain. We all know this already. And since trump couldn't name a single other instance o corruption he was interested in, when asked, we're all going to have to call bullshit on Deadbeat Donnie on this one.
Only because it's not corrupt when a democrat uses the Ukraine to funnel tax payer money to family members,right?
Ya know... the BUTT HURT is already strong with the little snowflakes here, but with so many of them in this thread now, ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that THEY HAVE HIM NOW... when nothing could be further from the truth... HOW are these delicate little bubble heads going to deal with it when NOTHING becomes of their latest UNHINGED FANTASY?

Maybe those dominating this thread are correct. Go away.

You've been here LESS than 5 months, and I've been here OVER 15 YEARS, and you think you're going to tell me to "go away?"

Boy do you have some serious shit to learn about how this board works, CHERRY.

You were probably TWO YEARS OLD when I joined this board... fuck off.

Entitled huh. Didn't know I need your permission so Fuck you too asshole.
Anyone have a bio of Gordon Sondland? Wikileaks says he was one of those holocaust survivors who somehow bought a bunch of real estate and founded assorted quasi-banks all of which is impossible without massive financing from some entity of some kind. Either way, he seems like a spy from the start since neocon democrats supported his initial appointment. This was yet another case of President Trump trying to be nice and gets another attempt at a stab in the back from someone who is an anti-Russian bigot who sees America as a place rip off the goyem like virtually all democrats.
Are you going to cry?
Says the crybaby that jumped in with both feet to protect his Cult leader, and said something very stupid as a result of being hysterical over negative words about Dear leader. I imagine tears are cutting through the Cheetoh stains on your cheeks as we speak.
I am laughing. Stick it to him. He deserves the daily poke in the eye award.
Anyone have a bio of Gordon Sondland? Wikileaks says he was one of those holocaust survivors who somehow bought a bunch of real estate and founded assorted quasi-banks all of which is impossible without massive financing from some entity of some kind. Either way, he seems like a spy from the start since neocon democrats supported his initial appointment. This was yet another case of President Trump trying to be nice and gets another attempt at a stab in the back from someone who is an anti-Russian bigot who sees America as a place rip off the goyem like virtually all democrats.

He never said what Democrats claim he said; he merely said it was his opinion Trump might have been looking for a quid pro quo, he said he heard nothing personally and can't testify that it was a fact. He has a falling out with Trump over some Pakistani guy's family or other. It's in his Wikipedia article. He's not a real foreign service pro, he's merely a campaign contributor who bought an ambassadorship, a token appointment, pretty common in politics to give the rich guys 'ambassadorships', so he's not a real diplomat or anything. No one in foriegn countries really actually talk to them about anything serious, they're just PR flaks who show up for free dinners and mooch off the locals.
It's OVER!!!!!!

Trump's fucked!!!

It is a clear QUID PRO QUO!!! There is just too much evidence to deny this anymore.


Heard from a guy who knows a guy who saw a guy that might have gotten ahold of the socks Trump was wearing when he did something. If that doesn't send him to prison nothing will, especially if we ever find out what it was he did, but then we don't need to know what that was, really , since he's guilty!
Oh well too bad we have this real deal evidence that says there was a Quid Pro Quo... So you can cry all you want, but it's over.

We are a nation of Laws!!!!!!!!!!

Damn right! And we don't even have to know what those laws are, either, just that someone said some were broken!

You know good and damn well what the laws he broke are. On top of that this is not a criminal proceeding, this is a potential job disciplinary procedure that could include firing. He's being fired for poor job performance and violation of company policy.
Are the Banana Republic democrats still releasing edited testimony from their locked doors in the basement?

Yes, and of course it's just rubbish from partisan Democrats, which is why they will never hold a real impeachment vote. All they can find is that Biden will sooner or later have to to take the 5th if he's ever called to give testimony on his and his son's foreign influence trips.
There will be a vote. I think it's time you republicans began producing evidence of how the Bidens tried to bribe the Ukraine. Don't post the video, because that you maggots making up a story by taking a comment out of context. Ukrainian officials would have talked to an ambassador or some US official wondering about Bidens action. So show some fucking evidence of this. Because all you bastards do is make claims and repeat them over and over. And don't bring any bullshit from those fucked up alt right fake news web sites.
Sondland asked President Trump “what do you want from Ukraine?” The President said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing... to do what he ran on.”
... and then investigate his political opponent for his own, personal gain. We all know this already. And since trump couldn't name a single other instance o corruption he was interested in, when asked, we're all going to have to call bullshit on Deadbeat Donnie on this one.
Only because it's not corrupt when a democrat uses the Ukraine to funnel tax payer money to family members,right?
When something doesn't happen, there is no corruption.
Sondland asked President Trump “what do you want from Ukraine?” The President said, “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. I want Zelensky to do the right thing... to do what he ran on.”
... and then investigate his political opponent for his own, personal gain. We all know this already. And since trump couldn't name a single other instance o corruption he was interested in, when asked, we're all going to have to call bullshit on Deadbeat Donnie on this one.
Only because it's not corrupt when a democrat uses the Ukraine to funnel tax payer money to family members,right?
When something doesn't happen, there is no corruption.
Why was Hunter on the Board or Burisma
Are the Banana Republic democrats still releasing edited testimony from their locked doors in the basement?

Yes, and of course it's just rubbish from partisan Democrats, which is why they will never hold a real impeachment vote. All they can find is that Biden will sooner or later have to to take the 5th if he's ever called to give testimony on his and his son's foreign influence trips.
There will be a vote. I think it's time you republicans began producing evidence of how the Bidens tried to bribe the Ukraine. Don't post the video, because that you maggots making up a story by taking a comment out of context. Ukrainian officials would have talked to an ambassador or some US official wondering about Bidens action. So show some fucking evidence of this. Because all you bastards do is make claims and repeat them over and over. And don't bring any bullshit from those fucked up alt right fake news web sites.

He's on video bragging about it
Are the Banana Republic democrats still releasing edited testimony from their locked doors in the basement?

Yes, and of course it's just rubbish from partisan Democrats, which is why they will never hold a real impeachment vote. All they can find is that Biden will sooner or later have to to take the 5th if he's ever called to give testimony on his and his son's foreign influence trips.
There will be a vote. I think it's time you republicans began producing evidence of how the Bidens tried to bribe the Ukraine. Don't post the video, because that you maggots making up a story by taking a comment out of context. Ukrainian officials would have talked to an ambassador or some US official wondering about Bidens action. So show some fucking evidence of this. Because all you bastards do is make claims and repeat them over and over. And don't bring any bullshit from those fucked up alt right fake news web sites.

"Out of context" lol Clintons dozens of meeting with Jeff Epstein taken out of context sure looks like they liked to fuck 16 year old girls

Bidens a crook, Clinton's a pedo, but Progs Love Em!
He's on video bragging about it

Biden? Bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor removed? A move supported by the IMF, the EU, the World Bank, the G7, the Ukrainian Parliament, and a bunch of GOP Senators?

A Prosecutor who was NOT investigating Burisma OR Hunter Biden?

Is that what you are babbling about?

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