Songs with unusual words for private parts

OhPleaseJustQuit Did you ever watch the movie this scene I put up is in?? Its the true story of Gypsy Rose Lee. The stripper's video is one of the scenes in the movie.

The real Gypsy Rose Lee,


Yes, I have seen the film.

Thanks for sharing the other video.

Gypsy was pretty amazing. Always wanted to see it with Ethel Merman. I've seen it with several small local companies and I always leave the theater feeling optimistic.

Syncrinicity, I just put one of her songs up in the Ballads thread at the same time you put this one up.
I worked as a waitress at the last Burleque in Atlanta in the mid 1970s aka The Nitery Club. One of the strippers rode a huge bicycle while singing this song and stripping.
Unlike pole dancers today they all had a gimmick none got totally naked.

The famous Morgana aka The Kissing Bandit was performing there at the time. Suit and tie place.

I saw Morgana in a nude club in Council Bluffs, Iowa in the '70s. She was completely naked, leaned way back on a footstool, and used an English Bobby hand puppet as a carpet muncher. Talent I tell ya!
I saw Morgana in a nude club in Council Bluffs, Iowa in the '70s. She was completely naked, leaned way back on a footstool, and used an English Bobby hand puppet as a carpet muncher. Talent I tell ya!

I only worked at the place for a couple months and never saw her nude. I had never seen anything like this except in the movie Gypsy. The bartender knew the real Gypsy Rose ,I'd go to get my drinks and we would talk as she fixed them, so not much.
Not many strip bars back then that I knew of,I had 3 toddlers at home so not my kind of lifestyle. Just needed a job and neighbor told me they were hiring.
I knew Billy Joe Royal but not personally. He is from Atlanta so we saw him around town. Sometimes he would shoor pool at community center.


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