Sounds Like Trump Committed Obstruction

I wonder what former judges have to say and not people solely trained to try and find guilt.
Judges would not opine without a trail. The prosecutors are saying there is enough to charge.
Being that they are “former” and not involved in the case then their comments have no merit. We know it is emotionally soothing to you. Also, how many former federal prosecutors are there-50,000? Actually underwhelming.
I wonder what former judges have to say and not people solely trained to try and find guilt.
Judges would not opine without a trail. The prosecutors are saying there is enough to charge.
I wonder what former judges have to say and not people solely trained to try and find guilt.
Judges would not opine without a trail. The prosecutors are saying there is enough to charge.
"...if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."
Kinda scary when you consider that there are 300 former prosecutors running loose in Washington D.C. and are willing to support a political coup.
Being that they are “former” and not involved in the case then their comments have no merit.
That will easily be the dumbest comment of the thread, no matter how many pages it accrues. Congrats.

That will easily be the dumbest comment of the thread,

Didn't you read the one he responded to?

It was far worse.

that's as silly as psychiatrists diagnosing someone by watching them on tv.
that's as silly as psychiatrists diagnosing someone by watching them on tv.
Which they can somewhat do with some illnesses, with enough live tape. As they tell us.

But hey, you guys are consistent. The opinions of the experts have no merit, when you no likey. Climate change, mental illness, obstruction, universal health insurance, tariffs, always the same one trick pony....
that's as silly as psychiatrists diagnosing someone by watching them on tv.
Which they can somewhat do with some illnesses, with enough live tape. As they tell us.

But hey, you guys are consistent. The opinions of the experts have no merit, when you no likey. Climate change, mental illness, obstruction, universal health insurance, tariffs, always the same one trick pony....

As they tell us.

so they 'claim'.

If you trust them, more fool you.
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL

Nothing fake about it.

Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy with Russia and could not conclude that Obstruction had been committed.
That's the official report and the end of the story.
Not as simple as that bucko, there are political implications. The report showed that Trump and those around him lied to the American people time and time again about meeting with Russians. It also showed possible illegal activity by Trump with how he tried to intervene with the investigation. Do you deny either of those things? If so what and why??
ROFL! Those so-called "lies" don't amount to a hill of beans. Shaking the Russian ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having a meeting with the Russian Ambassador."

All you're proving is what a colossal paranoid moron you are.
So called lies? You call Obama’s keep your doctor line a lie but you don’t call Trumps “no contacts with Russians” line a lie?! Please explain how that works
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL

Nothing fake about it.

Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy with Russia and could not conclude that Obstruction had been committed.
That's the official report and the end of the story.
Not as simple as that bucko, there are political implications. The report showed that Trump and those around him lied to the American people time and time again about meeting with Russians. It also showed possible illegal activity by Trump with how he tried to intervene with the investigation. Do you deny either of those things? If so what and why??
ROFL! Those so-called "lies" don't amount to a hill of beans. Shaking the Russian ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having a meeting with the Russian Ambassador."

All you're proving is what a colossal paranoid moron you are.

WRONG! He is proving what a phony-e-baloney he is-)
How exactly am I proving that?
The “if he wasn’t President” is a liberal emotive “what if” Losers shrink from life by using “what if”. Winners focus on the “what is” and when a “what if” becomes a “what is” then the mentally secure deal with it.
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Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL

Nothing fake about it.

Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy with Russia and could not conclude that Obstruction had been committed.
That's the official report and the end of the story.
Not as simple as that bucko, there are political implications. The report showed that Trump and those around him lied to the American people time and time again about meeting with Russians. It also showed possible illegal activity by Trump with how he tried to intervene with the investigation. Do you deny either of those things? If so what and why??
ROFL! Those so-called "lies" don't amount to a hill of beans. Shaking the Russian ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having a meeting with the Russian Ambassador."

All you're proving is what a colossal paranoid moron you are.
So called lies? You call Obama’s keep your doctor line a lie but you don’t call Trumps “no contacts with Russians” line a lie?! Please explain how that works
No, I don't. For one thing, Obama knew what he said was a lie. For another, any "contact" between the Trump campaign was insignificant and utterly meaningless.
Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics

Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday
that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited.


I guess Trump will call this 'fake nuwz' ............ LOFL

Nothing fake about it.

Mueller found no collusion or conspiracy with Russia and could not conclude that Obstruction had been committed.
That's the official report and the end of the story.
Not as simple as that bucko, there are political implications. The report showed that Trump and those around him lied to the American people time and time again about meeting with Russians. It also showed possible illegal activity by Trump with how he tried to intervene with the investigation. Do you deny either of those things? If so what and why??
ROFL! Those so-called "lies" don't amount to a hill of beans. Shaking the Russian ambassador's hand in a greeting line is not "having a meeting with the Russian Ambassador."

All you're proving is what a colossal paranoid moron you are.
So called lies? You call Obama’s keep your doctor line a lie but you don’t call Trumps “no contacts with Russians” line a lie?! Please explain how that works
No, I don't. For one thing, Obama knew what he said was a lie. For another, any "contact" between the Trump campaign was insignificant and utterly meaningless.
Obama's "lie"was true for 98 percent who had insurance.

Trump, on the other had:

A "horrible law" requires that children be separated from their parents "once they cross the Border into the U.S."

False. There is no such law. Families were rarely separated before Trump's "zero tolerance" policy to prosecute all illegal border crossings. Mostly, they used to be kept together in family detention centers or released into the United States as they awaited deportation or court hearings.

Democrats let cop killer Luis Bracamontes "into our country," and "Democrats let him stay."

Pants on Fire. Bracamontes’ last illegal entry was under George W. Bush, a Republican president, and Republican and Democratic administrations had deported Bracamontes.

"The Democrats want to invite caravan after caravan of illegal aliens into our country. And they want to sign them up for free health care, free welfare, free education, and for the right to vote."

False. The claim mangles what some Democrats had said about allowing immigrants to make asylum claims. No one talked of giving them benefits beyond existing laws.

Says 3,000 people "did not die" in two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico.

False. Trump refused to accept a dramatic uptick of 2017 hurricane deaths in Puerto Rico by researchers at George Washington University’s Milken Institute. He dismissed as "magic" the work of researchers’ estimates of "excess deaths," based on scientific methods, which is now generally accepted. Their estimate did not include, as he claimed, anyone who died after the storm from reasons such as old age.

People "went out in their boats to watch" Hurricane Harvey.

Pants on Fire. President Trump criticized people for recklessly taking to their boats to see the storm, forcing the Coast Guard to rescue them. In reality, people went out on boats to evacuate flooded homes and neighborhoods.

"California wildfires are being magnified & made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren’t allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean."

False. The state’s firefighting agency said it had no complications accessing water, and fire experts faulted hot, dry and windy conditions for the infernos.

"In many places, like California, the same person votes many times. You probably heard about that. They always like to say 'oh that's a conspiracy theory.' Not a conspiracy theory, folks. Millions and millions of people."

Pants on Fire. It is a conspiracy theory, one Trump lamented all year without evidence. National experts have said that voter fraud is isolated and rare.

"The ice caps were going to melt, they were going to be gone by now, but now they’re setting records, so okay, they’re at a record level."

Pants on Fire. Trump got it backwards. The numbers show that the extent of the ice at both poles is smaller than it was decades ago, particularly in the Arctic.

"U.S. Steel just announced that they are building six new steel mills."

False, no matter how many times Trump brought it up during the midterm campaign. U.S. Steel, which owns four of the country’s steel-making facilities, announced it would restart two shuttered mills.

Saudi Arabia has ordered $450 billion from the United States, "$110 billion of which is a military order," producing "over a million jobs."

Pants on Fire. Trump’s rhetoric, which he used as justification for not more forcefully condemning the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, doesn’t match the facts. There are no orders totaling $450 billion or $110 billion, and no 1 million U.S. jobs.
300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the Russia investigation if he were not President.

"The letter posted online by Justice Department alumni, who served under presidents from both parties, said the report from special counsel Robert Mueller contained repeated instances of Trump committing obstruction of justice, and that he would have been charged with obstruction if he was not protected as President by an opinion from the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel that Mueller cited."

Bipartisan support that includes one career prosecutor who worked with Rudy Giuliani says the Rudy he knew would not have hesitated to charge Trump based on the evidence Mueller has supplied.

Trump's actions today confirm he is still actively obstructing justice, and provides ample evidence he will do little to prevent his "Fancy Bear" buddies from helping in 2020.
How many Republicans were there, two?

Here's their list of "Republicans."

"It also includes the signature of Jeffrey Harris, who worked for Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani when he was the then-associate attorney general under President Ronald Reagan."

It doesn't say he was a Republican. It says he worked for a Republican. You don't have to be a Republican to become Associate AG under a Republican. You can get that job simply by being a Career DOJ employee.

That's why they used the term "served both parties." They weren't from both parties. Weld ran as a libertarian in the 2016 election. The libertarian party disgraced itself when they nominated this statist douchebag to be their vice presidential candidate.

"Bill Weld, a former assistant U.S. attorney during the Reagan administration running as a Republican against Trump in 2020, also signed the letter."
Bill Weld is a Romney style Republican, which means he is indistinguishable from a Democrat. He was also a governor of Massachusetts, just like Romney.

Jeff Harris (politician) - Wikipedia

Jeff Harris (born October 7, 1964) is an attorney and a Missouri Democratic politician. He represented the 23rd District of Missouri in the Missouri House of Representatives from 2003–2009 and ran unsuccessfully for the office of attorney general in 2008. He served as Minority Floor Leader before giving up the post in order to focus more time on the attorney general race.

Because they are now out-of-work Obamabots!
All of them?

300+ attorneys say they think Trump obstructed justice

"The letter was signed by officials from a wide-range of backgrounds, and included former US attorneys and other top officials from both parties.

"The Washington Post, which previously reported on the letter, which said signatories to the letter included officials whose time in government included every administration since President Dwight Eisenhower."
"A wide range of backgrounds," except for being an honest Republican.

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