South Africa: Whites abandon their homes as mobs spread mayhem

South Africa is on the best way to became Zimbabwe 2.0 or the new Somalia. Interestingly the main targets of 'looters' are whites and their businesses. Why western governments give Asylum for any illiterate colored trash from the third world but strictly refuse to help persecuted whites in SA: There is no one place on Earth which wasn't quickly transformed to a sh.thole by blacks. What the West waiting for?Must any white die in the failed 'state' SA. Isn't it an evidence for carrying out white genocide?

Durban is the third most populous city in South Africa after Johannesburg and Cape Town and the largest city in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal. Zulus, the largest black tribe in the country, form the largest single ethnic group in the city too. FreeWestMedia has received reports of residents in areas hardest hit by ongoing riots, abandoning their homes. What may have started as a political protest has descended into anarchy.

The same thing happened during the civil war in America.
Where the fuck have you been since 1865.
Very sensitive topic.

I imagine that there are some South Africans of European ancestry who now realize that they were very naive in thinking that the end of apartheid would usher in a golden era of harmony between the ethnic groups in that nation.

Of course, many of those South Africans of European ancestry have already fled the country,

This latest round of violence will only convince others that it is -- sadly -- time to get out while they can.

I think that a lot of Jewish people in 1930s Germany did not get out in time because they could not even imagine that their beloved country would do to them what it did.

Human beings cannot believe that their fellow citizens could actually mean them fatal harm.

Look at what is happening in this country.

Sadly, you ain't seen nothing yet.

I am 84, so ...

But younger Americans have a very unpleasant future ahead of them, I feel.
Every African country that was colonized and ruled by white Europeans prospered and became civilized, modernized, with law and order.
But when the Europeans granted the former African colonies independence and left, in the 1950's 60's and 70's. Each and everyone of them quickly reverted to lawless dictatorship's and decades of civil war, starvation, and tribal genocide.
Which is still going on today. ... :cool:

Do you mean the 'Black Panther' movie is total make-believe bullshit comics?? :muahaha:
So are you saying that blacks weren't being oppressed, beaten and murdered during Apartheid?
Don’t know and don’t care. They could leave the country if they wanted to. But like here, the blacks want White Privilege that they can only get in White nations. So they complain about not having all the same rights, yet when they are given those rights and become the majority, they turn it into a shit hole country. Why don’t they just go to a neighboring shit hole country in the first place? This is what’s so funny about these types, they want to live like whites but then hate white people for not building them a new nation and just handing it over to them. Why can’t negroes make their own nation and be happy with it?
There were plenty of butt hurt Jungle Monkeys running around. Especially if there was looting going on.
Flash what are you sheet wearers up to these days since you are too scared to come out into public in your white sheets?
Africans can barely manage a village!
A whole previously prosperous Country?.......fuhgettabout it!!
Africans can barely manage a village!
A whole previously prosperous Country?.......fuhgettabout it!!
Exactly. Look at the Democrats here. Every major city they’ve run for decades is a steaming pile of shit no one wants to live in. Why does anyone think they can run an entire state or country?
Don’t know and don’t care.
Right, but we are supposed to care today.
They could leave the country if they wanted to.
Why should they have to leave their country? Oh that's right the white man wanted it.
But like here, the blacks want White Privilege that they can only get in White nations.
So you want to enjoy white privilege and everybody else is suppose to bow down to you.
So they complain about not having all the same rights, yet when they are given those rights and become the majority, they turn it into a shit hole country.
So after you have stolen all the resources and there is nothing left to produce you want to just give it back.
Why don’t they just go to a neighboring shit hole country in the first place?
Why didn't you just keep your ass in Europe in the first place.
This is what’s so funny about these types, they want to live like whites but then hate white people for not building them a new nation and just handing it over to them. Why can’t negroes make their own nation and be happy with it?
They had their own nation until you showed up, Why didn't you just keep your ass in Europe where you originated from. Can you show us where God deemed you the almighty to destroy everyone else in the world that is not white.
So you want to enjoy white privilege and everybody else is suppose to bow down to you.
Never asked anyone to bow to me. Go live your own life in your own black nation. Why are you so afraid to live in an all black nation?
Exactly. Look at the Democrats here. Every major city they’ve run for decades is a steaming pile of shit no one wants to live in. Why does anyone think they can run an entire state or country?
Now listen to these 2 white racist babble on and on, but in the next breath you want black folks to vote for you.....fuhgettabout it!!
Never asked anyone to bow to me. Go live your own life in your own black nation. Why are you so afraid to live in an all black nation?
I'll go when you take your white ass back to Siberia, what are you afraid of. Everything is lily white and there are no people of color. Just like you like it.
So after you have stolen all the resources and there is nothing left to produce you want to just give it back.
We’ve stolen nothing. Indians, blacks, none of them actually use resources other than some wood and animal skins. Western cultures use resources for technology we created.
Look at all the black nations in Africa, sitting on mountains of resources. Yet they are too stupid to do anything with them. So they need whitey to show them or better yet make it for them. Now they even import Chinese to do it for them.
I'll go when you take your white ass back to Siberia, what are you afraid of. Everything is lily white and there are no people of color. Just like you like it.
I have lived in Europe before. It was wonderful, especially the areas without imported African refugees. I certainly don’t have an issue with other people living in the same area, so long as they are law abiding and peaceful and contribute to society. Many blacks in America can and do assimilate well. Others, like you, who whine and bitch and moan about being “oppressed” in a white society are what ruin it.
We’ve stolen nothing. Indians, blacks, none of them actually use resources other than some wood and animal skins. Western cultures use resources for technology we created.
Look at all the black nations in Africa, sitting on mountains of resources. Yet they are too stupid to do anything with them. So they need whitey to show them or better yet make it for them. Now they even import Chinese to do it for them.
Is that why you are afraid of real history, that is the lie you have been trying to sell for centuries. Sorry this isn't 1921, I don't dance unless I hear music, I don't scratch my head unless it itches and I don't bend, buck and bow. Just wasn't made that way.
I have lived in Europe before. It was wonderful, especially the areas without imported African refugees. I certainly don’t have an issue with other people living in the same area, so long as they are law abiding and peaceful and contribute to society. Many blacks in America can and do assimilate well. Others, like you, who whine and bitch and moan about being “oppressed” in a white society are what ruin it.
Well move your white racist ass back to Siberia, what are you afraid of?
They had their own nation until you showed up, Why didn't you just keep your ass in Europe where you originated from. Can you show us where God deemed you the almighty to destroy everyone else in the world that is not white.
Who had their own nation? Even if they did, why didn’t they defend it and send the white colonizers out? If you can’t hold your lands against invaders then you don’t deserve to hold it.

We whites aren’t “destroying” any other races. Whites are the minority on this planet. We only make up 10% of the population. Negroids make up nearly 20%.
Kill all the whites and take their land. Thats what should happen.
What was Rhodesia has massive poverty now. People so poor they are eating tree bark. South Africa is on that path. There are white people in South Africa trying to teach proper farming and other technologies. Some have learned. But other interests reign supreme with others. People suffering for false pride is about as stupid as we can get as humans. We all do things.

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