South Carolina OUTLAWS Obamacare! ...WTG!

Oh my, we're back to 1832, how quaint. What was it George Santayana said? Oh yeah, "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."

Maybe the people in South Carolina ought to read history and take it little field trip and read some gravestones.

And what makes you think the Armed Forces of the United States would open fire on South Carolina today, what excuse would the federal government try to motivate the soldiers with?

It was easy to invade the South in the 1860's by motivating the North to abolish slavery, even though that wasn't the federal government's true goal. What would they motivate them with today?

I dont get your post? South Carolina fired the first shot at Fort Sumter.

You should know they're not good with details.
OP- ZZZZZZ Makes as much sense as all the other BS the Pubs and their disgraceful propaganda machine have been doing the last 5 years. All for the disappearing base of super dupe hater morons...
What a surprise! inbred christer cracker trash against Medical care for their own.

Yes... that's what we ALL want, no medical care! You're such a brilliant freaking genius, man... pass the bong!

What? You came within one battle of losing the US as we knew it, forever?

I don't like obamacare either, but if a dollar will get me nine more dollars, I can find that dollar LOL

I truly wish we lived in the reality liberals imagine, I do! If only we knew of some way to make money appear from nowhere, to do whatever type of social engineering we please, and never experience any ramifications other than positive ones, that would be a wonderful world to live in! If we could take care of every person from cradle to grave, and it didn't have to be paid for by anyone, or even if the 'rich people' had enough wealth to cover it all, this would be a very nice world indeed. If we could add 50 million people to the ranks of the insured, and it didn't increase costs to consumers or more burdens and demands on health care professionals, it would be a glorious day! Unfortunately, this reality does not exist in our universe.

Well, we'll see. The basic premise is we pay healthcare providers less and tax insurors more for the privlidge of having more customers. We'll have to see how the dollars shake out.

But, again, my preference would simply have been a highly progressive tax, along with cost controls on providers, coupled with tax penalties for companies like Wal-Mart to just fund tax credits for the uninsured to get preventative care, if they chose, and only expand medicaid to those who actually got cancer or a stroke or run over by a bus. Less govt telling me what I have to have and more having individuals decide what is the most important preventative service they need in a given year. But, Obamacare is the law we have. Is it better than the status quo? Imo, probably. And certainly it would be an econ development boon for my state.

The basic premise is flawed. Healthcare providers have no interest in being paid less to see more patients. We already KNOW how the dollars shake out, this will cost us about $10 trillion over the next decade alone. It will do NOTHING to control costs or provide more availability to services, and sure as hell won't improve quality of healthcare. Whenever the government decides to step in and control prices in a free market capitalist system, they actually create less supply for the demand. Whenever government imposes a tax on something, they effectively cause less of that thing. If you want to continue to tax "high incomes" then "high incomes" will soon become obsolete, as people figure out other ways to compensate people besides "high income."

Obamacare IS law of the land for now, but I don't believe it will always be. I honestly think the Affordable Care Act will be completely repealed by a future congress, out of decorum, because most of it is going to be picked apart and litigated out of relevance. A lot of people will cheer and celebrate that day, but for all intents and purposes, this bill is already non-functional and failing. From the growing and long list of those who have been 'exempted' to the systematic defunding of every aspect as it comes up, and the growing refusal of states like South Carolina, to go along with this catastrophe. I predict, by 2016, whoever the Democrats tap to follow The Messiah Obama, will start setting the tone for revisiting Obamacare, to supposedly "fix" all the problems it caused, which ironically, was supposed to "fix" the problems which existed.
I dont get your post? South Carolina fired the first shot at Fort Sumter.

And what exactly were Federal ships doing in the harbors of South Carolina?

What exactly were the Feds doing by holding onto Fort Sumter?
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What a surprise! inbred christer cracker trash against Medical care for their own.
Yes... that's what we ALL want, no medical care! You're such a brilliant freaking genius, man... pass the bong!

We know what happened the last time SC was the first one to step off the train
What? You came within one battle of losing the US as we knew it, forever?

I don't like obamacare either, but if a dollar will get me nine more dollars, I can find that dollar LOL
I truly wish we lived in the reality liberals imagine, I do! If only we knew of some way to make money appear from nowhere, to do whatever type of social engineering we please, and never experience any ramifications other than positive ones, that would be a wonderful world to live in! If we could take care of every person from cradle to grave, and it didn't have to be paid for by anyone, or even if the 'rich people' had enough wealth to cover it all, this would be a very nice world indeed. If we could add 50 million people to the ranks of the insured, and it didn't increase costs to consumers or more burdens and demands on health care professionals, it would be a glorious day! Unfortunately, this reality does not exist in our universe.

Do tell
Oh my, we're back to 1832, how quaint. What was it George Santayana said? Oh yeah, "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."

Maybe the people in South Carolina ought to read history and take it little field trip and read some gravestones.

And what makes you think the Armed Forces of the United States would open fire on South Carolina today, what excuse would the federal government try to motivate the soldiers with?

It was easy to invade the South in the 1860's by motivating the North to abolish slavery, even though that wasn't the federal government's true goal. What would they motivate them with today?

What makes you think a professional military sworn to support and defend the COTUS against all enemies, foreign and domestic, would not do their duty?
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Oh my, we're back to 1832, how quaint. What was it George Santayana said? Oh yeah, "Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."

Maybe the people in South Carolina ought to read history and take it little field trip and read some gravestones.

And what makes you think the Armed Forces of the United States would open fire on South Carolina today, what excuse would the federal government try to motivate the soldiers with?

It was easy to invade the South in the 1860's by motivating the North to abolish slavery, even though that wasn't the federal government's true goal. What would they motivate them with today?

What makes you think a professional military sworn to support and defend the COTUS against all enemies, foreign and domestic, would not do their duty?

If history shows us anything, it's that the boots on the ground will probably follow any order they're given.
This is a great way for South Carolina taxpayers to waste money. I just wish there was a way to make South Carolina also pay the court costs when they lose.

Oh I l so do love tort reform and considering now that we have Obama care....why not?
I'd like to say that I am surprised by the bigotry and intolerance exhibited by those representing the left in this thread, but...
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South Carolina OUTLAWS Obamacare! ...WTG!

Great!!! Now only 49 more states to go.

You're not under the impression that this bill will be enforceable? Even in the highly unlikely event that it even becomes law?

Cause seriously if you are bro... :lmao:
South Carolina is one of the few places that make Mississippi look rational by comparison.

Never could understand why folks post false opinions..
10 fastest growing U.S. cities - Greenville, S.C. (9) - CNNMoney
Growth (2000-2010): 32.5% Once known for textile manufacturing, Greenville has become an international powerhouse, hosting companies from all parts of the globe. The city, along with Spartanburg, Anderson and other nearby towns known as "The Upstate," boast more than 250 international firms, including BMW (Germany), Michelin (France), GlaxoSmithKline (United Kingdom) and Kyocera (Japan). "That's the highest international investment per capita in the nation," said Nancy Whitworth, Greenville's Director of Economic Development.

That's really evidence that the lockal politics are not bat shite crazy.

We have a shit load of Northerner's here now, duh...
I'd like to that I am surprised by the bigotry and intolerance exhibited by those representing the left in this thread, but...

No shit I think I got two warnings the last time they started trashing Nikki.. lol
Notice that some of the dumbest of the 'contributors' on this thread all complain (or worse) about Obamacare. I'm convinced not one of these 'contributors' know anything about the act or what it is proposed to reform.
Notice that some of the dumbest of the 'contributors' on this thread all complain (or worse) about Obamacare. I'm convinced not one of these 'contributors' know anything about the act or what it is proposed to reform.

I have it, in .pdf format, right here on my laptop.
Too bad about Megaupload
This is a great way for South Carolina taxpayers to waste money. I just wish there was a way to make South Carolina also pay the court costs when they lose.

Oh I l so do love tort reform and considering now that we have Obama care....why not?

I'm actually generally in favor of the English Rule ("loser pays").
Notice that some of the dumbest of the 'contributors' on this thread all complain (or worse) about Obamacare. I'm convinced not one of these 'contributors' know anything about the act or what it is proposed to reform.

Here's the full text of multi-thousand page bill, you tell us what's so great inside of it:

Text of H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -

Here's an additional 20,000 pages of regulations, tell us what is great in these as well:
How many pages of regulations for ?Obamacare?? - The Washington Post

This parted quoted from Obamacare seems to be very relavent to Patient's Health:

(a) Extension of Demonstration-

(1) IN GENERAL- Section 6071(h) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (42 U.S.C. 1396a note) is amended--

(A) in paragraph (1)(E), by striking ‘fiscal year 2011’ and inserting ‘each of fiscal years 2011 through 2016’; and

(B) in paragraph (2), by striking ‘2011’ and inserting ‘2016’.


That was the first thing I saw when randomly stopping the scroll bar.

Here's what I got on the next random stop:

(a) In General- Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--

(1) by redesignating subsections (i) and (j) as subsections (j) and (k), respectively, and

(2) by inserting after subsection (h) the following new subsection:

‘(i) Limitation on Health Flexible Spending Arrangements- For purposes of this section, if a benefit is provided under a cafeteria plan through employer contributions to a health flexible spending arrangement, such benefit shall not be treated as a qualified benefit unless the cafeteria plan provides that an employee may not elect for any taxable year to have salary reduction contributions in excess of $2,500 made to such arrangement.’.

(b) Effective Date- The amendments made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2010.

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Notice that some of the dumbest of the 'contributors' on this thread all complain (or worse) about Obamacare. I'm convinced not one of these 'contributors' know anything about the act or what it is proposed to reform.

Here's the full text of multi-thousand page bill, you tell us what's so great inside of it:

Text of H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -

Here's an additional 20,000 pages of regulations, tell us what is great in these as well:
How many pages of regulations for ?Obamacare?? - The Washington Post

For starters:
- guaranteed issue
- end of lifetime limits
- Medicaid expansion
- cuts to the massive money suck that is Medicare Advantage
I was paying $85 a month for insurance until Obamacare rules hit. Then the rate doubled to $172 a month. The federal insurance pool wants $366 a month for some high deductible high copay crap. Obamacare is way to expensive. I have just canceled my policy. I found a loophole in the law to get out of paying a fine. I will just pay my doctor cash & go to the ER if I get real sick like all the other freeloaders do. It's the first time I have been uninsured since I was a teen. Government can piss-off!
This is a great way for South Carolina taxpayers to waste money. I just wish there was a way to make South Carolina also pay the court costs when they lose.

Oh I l so do love tort reform and considering now that we have Obama care....why not?

I'm actually generally in favor of the English Rule ("loser pays").

Heck I thought that was tort reform. Now that I skimmed through it real fast, I like yours better.

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