South Carolina OUTLAWS Obamacare! ...WTG!

Heck I thought that was tort reform. Now that I skimmed through it real fast, I like yours better.

Tort has already been reformed. All the big companies have arbitration agreements that prevents you from being able to sue them. So if your laptop battery explodes & blows your leg off, you will get a low flat rate settlement, no day in court, no disclosure of amount awarded & no punitive damages.
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I guess South Carolina is really sticking it to that big bad Obama
Heck I thought that was tort reform. Now that I skimmed through it real fast, I like yours better.

Tort has already been reformed. All the big companies have arbitration agreements that prevents you from being able to sue them. So if your laptop battery explodes & blows your leg off, you will get a low flat rate settlement, no day in court, no disclosure of amount awarded & no punitive damages.

Nah I am talking about loser pays in a lawsuit, my mistake, Guess i didnt keep up with the times in that department. You know what else I so love the Idea of? the more you make the higher your speeding ticket is, Country's like Finland, thats my favorite socialist idea.

The World's Highest Speeding Fines
Even if you're one of the richest men in Europe, a nearly $200,000 speeding ticket is going to pang just a little (and that was in 2002, when $200,000 was a lot of money). The Trick here is that Finland, and nearby Denmark, both levy speeding fines depending on the annual income of the driver
Notice that some of the dumbest of the 'contributors' on this thread all complain (or worse) about Obamacare. I'm convinced not one of these 'contributors' know anything about the act or what it is proposed to reform.

Here's the full text of multi-thousand page bill, you tell us what's so great inside of it:

Text of H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -

Here's an additional 20,000 pages of regulations, tell us what is great in these as well:
How many pages of regulations for ?Obamacare?? - The Washington Post

For starters:
- guaranteed issue
- end of lifetime limits
- Medicaid expansion
- cuts to the massive money suck that is Medicare Advantage

Please site where these can be found in the bill, also cite the myriad of loopholes and exemptions that private corporations can use to effectively ignore all those things.
Dupes appear to know absolutely NOTHING about ACA, just ridiculous talking points. It DOES cut costs, malpractice, makes preexising patients pay the same as others, people ALREADY pay for the poor- just the most expensive way possible, NONE of the Pub horrors you're full of have EVER happened, Masscare proves it. Change the gd STOOPID channel, functional morons.
The South Carolina state House passed a bill Wednesday that declares President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be “null and void,” and criminalizes its implementation.

No more enforceable or legal than Utah legislature's nonsensical gun law this year.

It inflames about 15% of Americans, most to the far right in the GOP base, and means only grins and chuckles to the rest of America.
If you want more, add to it- like will happen FOREVER. Your a-hole Pub heroes want nothing to do with fixing the gold mine that is BS Pub health care...
Here's the full text of multi-thousand page bill, you tell us what's so great inside of it:

Text of H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -

Here's an additional 20,000 pages of regulations, tell us what is great in these as well:
How many pages of regulations for ?Obamacare?? - The Washington Post

For starters:
- guaranteed issue
- end of lifetime limits
- Medicaid expansion
- cuts to the massive money suck that is Medicare Advantage

Please site where these can be found in the bill, also cite the myriad of loopholes and exemptions that private corporations can use to effectively ignore all those things.

Read something, functional moron, and not your usual ridiculous Pub propaganda, REAL NEWS and FACTS. No one but bought off Pub charlatans and super dupes like you don't know that's in it, as well as help to pay for those making 140% to 4x the poverty level.
And that's "cite", dingbat.
The South Carolina state House passed a bill Wednesday that declares President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be “null and void,” and criminalizes its implementation.

No more enforceable or legal than Utah legislature's nonsensical gun law this year.

It inflames about 15% of Americans, most to the far right in the GOP base, and means only grins and chuckles to the rest of America.

Yea right, did you read the post's in this thread the left is pissed off and soooooooooo upset. frickin hilarious. anyways it was just symbolic, just to make a stand on Obama care and "lets see what happens".
Dupes appear to know absolutely NOTHING about ACA, just ridiculous talking points. It DOES cut costs, malpractice, makes preexising patients pay the same as others, people ALREADY pay for the poor- just the most expensive way possible, NONE of the Pub horrors you're full of have EVER happened, Masscare proves it. Change the gd STOOPID channel, functional morons.

You are apparently so much of a moron, you believe this! There is no logical way for it to include 'preexisting' patients, and not cost someone more money. It does NOT cut ANY cost, it steals money from Medicare to make it appear to be "saving" money, but you can't count money twice or use it for two different things at the same time. You have been pumped full of pure propaganda, and you are too stupid to realize this. Too caught up in YOUR TEAM vs. THEIR TEAM, to be objective in any way. All that really matters to you is, the RIGHT is opposed to this, so that means you HAVE TO support it, regardless. So, armed with your bogus propaganda, you set out to straighten out the righties, but you are the FOOL!
Poor South Carolina

Denied the benefits of Obamacare, but still pay the same taxes

Dupes appear to know absolutely NOTHING about ACA, just ridiculous talking points. It DOES cut costs, malpractice, makes preexising patients pay the same as others, people ALREADY pay for the poor- just the most expensive way possible, NONE of the Pub horrors you're full of have EVER happened, Masscare proves it. Change the gd STOOPID channel, functional morons.

You are apparently so much of a moron, you believe this! There is no logical way for it to include 'preexisting' patients, and not cost someone more money. It does NOT cut ANY cost, it steals money from Medicare to make it appear to be "saving" money, but you can't count money twice or use it for two different things at the same time. You have been pumped full of pure propaganda, and you are too stupid to realize this. Too caught up in YOUR TEAM vs. THEIR TEAM, to be objective in any way. All that really matters to you is, the RIGHT is opposed to this, so that means you HAVE TO support it, regardless. So, armed with your bogus propaganda, you set out to straighten out the righties, but you are the FOOL!

Those with pre existing conditions have two options

Get insurance or die

America is not that kind of country
Only the South Carolina House passed the bill.

Now, I'd guess, it goes to the SC state Senate, which is made up of 28 Republicans, 17 Democrats, and one vacancy.

BTW, SC Gov. Nikki Haley seems to like the bill a lot, and will probably sign it if it reacher her desk.

Sets up an interesting Supreme Court challenge if South Carolina actually signs this into law. Normally Federal law supercedes state law... if the Fed Govt has the constitutional authority to make that law.
Notice that some of the dumbest of the 'contributors' on this thread all complain (or worse) about Obamacare. I'm convinced not one of these 'contributors' know anything about the act or what it is proposed to reform.

Here's the full text of multi-thousand page bill, you tell us what's so great inside of it:

Text of H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -

Here's an additional 20,000 pages of regulations, tell us what is great in these as well:
How many pages of regulations for ?Obamacare?? - The Washington Post

For starters:
- guaranteed issue
- end of lifetime limits
- Medicaid expansion
- cuts to the massive money suck that is Medicare Advantage

To add on:
- Competitive insurance markets
- Medicare reform to pay for quality, not just quantity
- Pricing transparency and public reporting on quality and costs
- Investments in prevention, wellness, and public health

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