South Carolina OUTLAWS Obamacare! ...WTG!

Because we're REQUIRED to buy coverage

How? There's no 'open borders'

Really? Then how much will it cost this 47 yr old smoking diabetic with a foot full of steel?


Then pay the fine if you don't want to buy the coverage. But let's see what the cost is going to be for you, first, huh?

Who can answer that question, though?
I was just told that there is this "transparency in pricing".

Right now I pay nothing, zip, zilch, zero for my health insurance. My employer pays 100% of my premiums.

What happens when/if the IRS finds out I'm a registered white Christian Republican and they determine that the healthcare coverage I have isn't sufficient?
How much will they charge me?

Then you keep it, unless your employer drops you. That's like a private sector death panel.
What happens when/if the IRS finds out I'm a registered white Christian Republican and they determine that the healthcare coverage I have isn't sufficient?
How much will they charge me?

It probably depends on whether you attend Tea Party rallies or express your opinions on an open public forum such as this. :wtf:
If you don't want coverage just pay the fine

How bout doing it the American way

If you don't want coverage just do without

It used to be cool to be your own man, now it's cool to be the governments tool.
The main thing is to establish centralized, corporatist control over all the basic human needs (food will be next). Then we'll all be compliant workers and soldiers.

Fuck you.
The main thing is to establish centralized, corporatist control over all the basic human needs (food will be next). Then we'll all be compliant workers and soldiers.

Fuck you.

Whatever, reactionary wack.
The main thing is to establish centralized, corporatist control over all the basic human needs (food will be next). Then we'll all be compliant workers and soldiers.

Fuck you.

Food is under centralized, corporatist control & has been for a long time. So have all the basic human needs. I could not plant corn in my fields this year because a corporation & the law said so. I can't sell or give you raw milk because of the law.
The main thing is to establish centralized, corporatist control over all the basic human needs (food will be next). Then we'll all be compliant workers and soldiers.

Fuck you.

Food is under centralized, corporatist control & has been for a long time. So have all the basic human needs. I could not plant corn in my fields this year because a corporation & the law said so. I can't sell or give you raw milk because of the law.

That is soooooo very wrong
South Carolina OUTLAWS Obamacare! ...WTG!

Great!!! Now only 49 more states to go.

Republican Rep. Keith Frederick Introduces Bill to Make Obamacare Illegal in Missouri

4. No public officer or employee of this state shall have any authority to enforce or
attempt to enforce any aspect of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
5. Any official, agent, or employee of the United States government who undertakes
any act within the borders of this state that enforces or attempts to enforce any aspect of
the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.

We can only hope more states will follow suit.
No doubt Lakhota will defend Monsanto when the time comes.

Food is under centralized, corporatist control & has been for a long time. So have all the basic human needs. I could not plant corn in my fields this year because a corporation & the law said so. I can't sell or give you raw milk because of the law.

Well, you're both missing the point. Corporatism isn't about corporations controlling things. It's about government that dispenses with equal rights and rule of law, instead divvying up power and control in society to special interest groups. Some of those special interest groups might be incorporated businesses. But it doesn't matter whether it's a for-profit company, or a union, or religious group, or whatever. The point is that under corporatism, individual rights are an afterthought. What matters is what group you belong to and what special deals they've been able to cut with the current administration.
So let me get this straight;

According to many conservatives, Obamacare will spell the end to companies offering healthcare since you will be able to buy your own for cheaper. Yet South Carolina will not have any such stipulation.

From a business standpoint, it will apparently be very expensive to do business in South Carolina since companies will be compelled to pay for health insurance.
South Carolina House passes bill making 'Obamacare' implementation a crime - Washington Times

The South Carolina state House passed a bill Wednesday that declares President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be “null and void,” and criminalizes its implementation.
The state’s Freedom of Health Care Protection Act intends to “prohibit certain individuals from enforcing or attempting to enforce such unconstitutional laws; and to establish criminal penalties and civil liability for violating this article.”

I think this is outstanding, and I hope other states will follow the lead. It's high time we deep six this monstrosity for good. It should have never been passed, and it shouldn't be tolerated.

We had some very real problems with our healthcare system, and those problems had reasonable solutions which could have been implemented. Instead, we had a boondoggle written mostly by big pharma and insurance, which no one bothered to even read before passing, because we now live in a polarized political climate where the main objective seems to be, to oppose whatever the other side says or does. As Obamacare proves, this leads to a failure of critical thinking.

Most definitely. It was unconstitutional from the beginning. It is time to call it what it is and get rid of it. - Jeri
SCOTUS, Jeri, tells you that you are wrong. So, no, it is not unconstitutional. That is only your opinion.
South Carolina is such a "special" place. :D

It really is. :lol:

It is the nexus of retardation in America. I get such joy reading about the amazingly neverending stupid political shit that goes on there.

I wonder if the "raghead" in the Governor's mansion will sign the bill. ;)

It sure is going to suck for the GOP when the federal government stops sending Medicare money to SC. :lol:

Wow... I thought gratuitous racism went out of style 50 years ago.

He was referencing a comment made by a Republican state senator
The main thing is to establish centralized, corporatist control over all the basic human needs (food will be next). Then we'll all be compliant workers and soldiers.

Fuck you.

Food was first!

President Harry S. Truman began the national school lunch program in 1946 as a measure of national security. He did so after reading a study that revealed many young men had been rejected from the World War II draft due to medical conditions caused by childhood malnutrition. Since that time more than 180 million lunches have been served to American children who attend either a public school or a non-profit private school.

Had to have good strong soldiers.

The History of the School Lunch Program - Education Bug

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