South Carolina OUTLAWS Obamacare! ...WTG!

The main thing is to establish centralized, corporatist control over all the basic human needs (food will be next). Then we'll all be compliant workers and soldiers.

Fuck you.

Food is under centralized, corporatist control & has been for a long time. So have all the basic human needs. I could not plant corn in my fields this year because a corporation & the law said so. I can't sell or give you raw milk because of the law.

State laws regulate raw milk.

Summary of Raw Milk Statutes and Administrative Codes, Page 4 | A Campaign for Real Milk

Tell us more about your corn.
Yeah, those stooopid South Carolinians, caring about what's right and not caring about money. they should be more like the Democrats and sell their values for money or votes. yeah, that'll be good for everyone.
The main thing is to establish centralized, corporatist control over all the basic human needs (food will be next). Then we'll all be compliant workers and soldiers.

Fuck you.

Food was first!

President Harry S. Truman began the national school lunch program in 1946 as a measure of national security. He did so after reading a study that revealed many young men had been rejected from the World War II draft due to medical conditions caused by childhood malnutrition. Since that time more than 180 million lunches have been served to American children who attend either a public school or a non-profit private school.

Had to have good strong soldiers.

The History of the School Lunch Program - Education Bug


Now moochelle worries the kids are too fat for the service.

PolitiFact Georgia | Michelle Obama says many too fat to fight in military

Not that it isn't a legit concern, but when I went through basic they had a program for the fat guys. A few extra weeks of PT and monitored food portions helped a bunch of guys out.
SCOTUS, Jeri, tells you that you are wrong. So, no, it is not unconstitutional. That is only your opinion.

Only the Jury was given the power to decide the Constitutionality of laws in Federal Tribunals; the Judiciary is supposed to adhere to strict construction otherwise (when a jury cannot be summoned).

Article V, the Amendment process, is the only way to change the Constitution, Article V did not say the SCOTUS could change the Constitution.

Also the SCOTUS upheld Citizens United...
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The main thing is to establish centralized, corporatist control over all the basic human needs (food will be next). Then we'll all be compliant workers and soldiers.

Fuck you.

Food was first!

President Harry S. Truman began the national school lunch program in 1946 as a measure of national security. He did so after reading a study that revealed many young men had been rejected from the World War II draft due to medical conditions caused by childhood malnutrition. Since that time more than 180 million lunches have been served to American children who attend either a public school or a non-profit private school.

Had to have good strong soldiers.

The History of the School Lunch Program - Education Bug


Now moochelle worries the kids are too fat for the service.

PolitiFact Georgia | Michelle Obama says many too fat to fight in military

Not that it isn't a legit concern, but when I went through basic they had a program for the fat guys. A few extra weeks of PT and monitored food portions helped a bunch of guys out.

The pendulum swings this way then that way.
SCOTUS, Jeri, tells you that you are wrong. So, no, it is not unconstitutional. That is only your opinion.

Only the Jury was given the power to decide the Constitutionality of laws in Federal Tribunals; the Judiciary is supposed to adhere to strict construction otherwise (when a jury cannot be summoned).

Article V, the Amendment process, is the only way to change the Constitution, Article V did not say the SCOTUS could change the Constitution.

Also the SCOTUS upheld Citizens United...

That is only your opinion, The2ndAmendment, and you are wrong.
SCOTUS, Jeri, tells you that you are wrong. So, no, it is not unconstitutional. That is only your opinion.

Only the Jury was given the power to decide the Constitutionality of laws in Federal Tribunals; the Judiciary is supposed to adhere to strict construction otherwise (when a jury cannot be summoned).

Article V, the Amendment process, is the only way to change the Constitution, Article V did not say the SCOTUS could change the Constitution.

Also the SCOTUS upheld Citizens United...

That is only your opinion, The2ndAmendment, and you are wrong.

What do the Ninth and Tenth Amendments mean to you?
Yeah, those stooopid South Carolinians, caring about what's right and not caring about money. they should be more like the Democrats and sell their values for money or votes. yeah, that'll be good for everyone.

South Carolina is 45th in the nation in number of citizens with healthcare

Yea......stooopid is the correct term for criminalizing Obamacare
Yeah, those stooopid South Carolinians, caring about what's right and not caring about money. they should be more like the Democrats and sell their values for money or votes. yeah, that'll be good for everyone.

South Carolina is 45th in the nation in number of citizens with healthcare

Yea......stooopid is the correct term for criminalizing Obamacare

Doing the right thing can often appear 'stupid' to the blithely unscrupulous.
Congress is neither unscrupulous, and the lege did the wrong thing.

No doubt about it.
Only the South Carolina House passed the bill.

Now, I'd guess, it goes to the SC state Senate, which is made up of 28 Republicans, 17 Democrats, and one vacancy.

BTW, SC Gov. Nikki Haley seems to like the bill a lot, and will probably sign it if it reacher her desk.

Sets up an interesting Supreme Court challenge if South Carolina actually signs this into law. Normally Federal law supercedes state law... if the Fed Govt has the constitutional authority to make that law.

It doesn't make an interesting constitutional challenge at all. The only thing South Carolina is doing is exposing themselves to a huge lawsuit for false imprisonment.
South Carolina is such a "special" place. :D

It really is. :lol:

It is the nexus of retardation in America. I get such joy reading about the amazingly neverending stupid political shit that goes on there.

I wonder if the "raghead" in the Governor's mansion will sign the bill. ;)

It sure is going to suck for the GOP when the federal government stops sending Medicare money to SC. :lol:

You are a full fledged jackass. The people of that state are no different than people in any other state.
Of course he is a jackass, he is a libtard after all.
Nah, the reactionary pubs, RW, the reactionary pubs.

It may take three or four more election cycles for them to catch on.

It's not the pubs that will be catching on in 6 months. The citizens are getting hit with 500% health insurance premium increases. The pitchforks will soon be out.

No, they are not getting hit with anything like that. Step off.

I did get hit & others are too. The ACA has many loopholes that allow people to not buy insurance & get out of paying a fine. So since anyone can now buy insurance regardless of whether they are sick or have pre-existing conditions, people will only buy insurance when they get sick. Health insurance rates will continue to skyrocket & those insurance companies will go out of business. We are going to wind up with expensive government health-care.

As always government ends up paying 10 times more than they say it will cost. Just look at the Iraq war, Medicare, Prescription Drugs, etc. This is their way of injecting printed money stimulus into the economy. If a state rejects this they will miss out on the infusion of printed government money.

Obamacare Doomed! Here's the Loophole that Anyone Can Exploit!

The Supreme Court ruled that this law was constitutional because this penalty is a tax. They ruled that Congress cannot mandate that people buy health insurance, but that they can tax you if you do not. They ruled that this is a tax and not a penalty because the tax is so small. Vertigo has mentioned a figure around $95 several times in the forums. Now obviously $95 is a lot less per year than it would cost to buy health insurance. The Court did say, however, that if the tax was so high and burdensome that it would basically ruin you if you did not buy health insurance, that would be unconstitutional since that would be forcing people to buy health insurance via the tax code. Here are some more key facts: the bill has several features which are meant to protect people from not having insurance such as no longer allowing insurance companies to deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions. One more thing, the IRS is not allowed to use aggressive methods in collecting the penalty/tax for not buying health insurance.

So, what's the loophole? Don't buy insurance, don't pay the penalty, and then only buy insurance when you get sick since they can't deny you coverage. The penalty/tax is so small that it's a lot cheaper than buying insurance, and the IRS is likely not going to be able to collect it from you anyway. Not only that, you can wait until you are sick and then buy insurance and be fully covered. And here's the kicker: since the Court ruled that the law is constitutional only so long as the penalty/tax remains small enough to be considered to not force people to choose to buy health insurance, they can't raise it without risking the bill being overturned!
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Kind of funny and Ironic, South Carolina fired the first shot at Fort Summter and fired the first shot at Obama care the left is worried and you can tell.
Yeah, I'm terrified because some wingnuts in South Carolina are potentially going to end up costing their citizens a lot of money because they wanted to throw a temper tantrum.
and like I said before it was just a symbol, the left never even bothered to read obama care before it was passed or the South Carolina's house bill that was passed. but wait a second maybe it does have some teeth to it

South Carolina ObamaCare Nullification Bill Being Held Up in Committee

Furthermore, rather than allowing state officials to hold anyone — including federal agents — accountable for participating in the application of the ObamaCare mandates to citizens of South Carolina, in its present form, the prohibitions apply only to state employees.

but I so like this part.... I so hope it passes the S.C. Senate.

The bill goes further in protecting South Carolinians from the financial impact of ObamaCare by giving a dollar-for-dollar tax deduction to anyone assessed a federal tax penalty for failure to conform to the ObamaCare mandates.
If South Carolina wants to set their money on fire, that's their prerogative.
I think it's terrible, because it's (mostly) not the people lacking coverage that are making this little fuss.

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