South Carolina OUTLAWS Obamacare! ...WTG!

It is obvious to me that if the State of South Carolina passes this to the Governor, they are trying to take the case back to the Supreme Court forcing another battle on State versus Federal action.

If they pass it, the Federal Courts will strike it down via the Supremacy Clause
Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, k
. Then the State will appeal it up to the Supreme Court and FORCE ANOTHER LEGAL BATTLE on the issue.
It is obvious to me that if the State of South Carolina passes this to the Governor, they are trying to take the case back to the Supreme Court forcing another battle on State versus Federal action.

If they pass it, the Federal Courts will strike it down via the Supremacy Clause
Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, k
. Then the State will appeal it up to the Supreme Court and FORCE ANOTHER LEGAL BATTLE on the issue.


State vs Federal
State vs Federal

Where have we seen that before? Guess who wins?
Poor South Carolina

Denied the benefits of Obamacare, but still pay the same taxes


do you really think life is about money? you never lived in South Caolina did you? . your the sucker..... not us.

Bite ones nose off to spite thy face
Sucker is the polite term for it

So tell is the current health care situation in South Carolina?
It is obvious to me that if the State of South Carolina passes this to the Governor, they are trying to take the case back to the Supreme Court forcing another battle on State versus Federal action.

If they pass it, the Federal Courts will strike it down via the Supremacy Clause
Article VI, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, k
. Then the State will appeal it up to the Supreme Court and FORCE ANOTHER LEGAL BATTLE on the issue.


State vs Federal
State vs Federal

Where have we seen that before? Guess who wins?

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo what...........................

As long as they are a thorn in this POS LAW go for it. Might actually get to a topic the Supremes may agree on.

We can always Hope to get rid of this BS law.

Here's the full text of multi-thousand page bill, you tell us what's so great inside of it:

Text of H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -

Here's an additional 20,000 pages of regulations, tell us what is great in these as well:
How many pages of regulations for ?Obamacare?? - The Washington Post

For starters:
- guaranteed issue
- end of lifetime limits
- Medicaid expansion
- cuts to the massive money suck that is Medicare Advantage

To add on:
- Competitive insurance markets
- Medicare reform to pay for quality, not just quantity
- Pricing transparency and public reporting on quality and costs
- Investments in prevention, wellness, and public health

Please cite in the bill, certainly there's at least one page to contains all these beautiful things?
The South Carolina state House passed a bill Wednesday that declares President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be “null and void,” and criminalizes its implementation.

No more enforceable or legal than Utah legislature's nonsensical gun law this year.

It inflames about 15% of Americans, most to the far right in the GOP base, and means only grins and chuckles to the rest of America.

Yea right, did you read the post's in this thread the left is pissed off and soooooooooo upset. frickin hilarious. anyways it was just symbolic, just to make a stand on Obama care and "lets see what happens".

Exactly, bear, that's all it could ever be, but it is fun to have fun with the left.
It is obvious to me that if the State of South Carolina passes this to the Governor, they are trying to take the case back to the Supreme Court forcing another battle on State versus Federal action.

If they pass it, the Federal Courts will strike it down via the Supremacy Clause. Then the State will appeal it up to the Supreme Court and FORCE ANOTHER LEGAL BATTLE on the issue.


State vs Federal
State vs Federal

Where have we seen that before? Guess who wins?

Sooooooooooooooooooooooo what...........................

As long as they are a thorn in this POS LAW go for it. Might actually get to a topic the Supremes may agree on.

We can always Hope to get rid of this BS law.


Sooooooooooooooooooo........the beleaguered taxpayer has to waste money on a petty lawsuit rather than spend it on helping the people

God I ever LOVE Republicans
Nah, the reactionary pubs, RW, the reactionary pubs.

It may take three or four more election cycles for them to catch on.
Nah, the reactionary pubs, RW, the reactionary pubs.

It may take three or four more election cycles for them to catch on.

It's not the pubs that will be catching on in 6 months. The citizens are getting hit with 500% health insurance premium increases. The pitchforks will soon be out.
For starters:
- guaranteed issue
- end of lifetime limits
- Medicaid expansion
- cuts to the massive money suck that is Medicare Advantage

To add on:
- Competitive insurance markets
- Medicare reform to pay for quality, not just quantity
- Pricing transparency and public reporting on quality and costs
- Investments in prevention, wellness, and public health

Please cite in the bill, certainly there's at least one page to contains all these beautiful things?

First things first. Use this version: Compilation of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. You're going to get confused if you use the other because it's essentially in track changes; if a later section strikes or replaces an earlier section, that earlier section is still sitting there (despite the fact it doesn't actually exist in the U.S. Code). That's why it seems so long--lots of the stuff in it is altered or eliminated by later stuff in it. The version I just linked to is the cleaned up final version that's removed things that didn't become law. It's much more readable (and useful) than the on sitting on the LOC site.

Guaranteed issue is in Sec. 1201 (Amendment to the Public Health Service Act), while the end of lifetime limits is up front in Sec. 1001 (Amendments to the Public Health Service Act).

The Medicaid expansion is at the very beginning of Title II of the law, in Sec. 2001 (Medicaid coverage for the lowest income populations).

The Medicare Advantage reforms he referenced were in the reconciliation bill so you won't find them in H.R. 3590--but you will find them in my link because it's a compilation. It's Section 1102 in the reconciliation bill at the end.

The competitive insurance markets I referenced are primarily in Sec. 1311 but Sec. 1301 and Sec. 1302 are also part of what makes them possible.

The Medicare reforms I'm talking about constitute most of Title III of the law (aptly named "Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care"). But if you want particularly notable sections in there, try Sec. 3001, Sec. 3007, Sec. 3008, Sec. 3022, Sec. 3023, and Sec. 3025.

Pricing transparency for hospitals is also up front in Sec. 1001.

Public reporting on costs and quality is in almost too many places to list. To name a few: Sec. 3002, Sec. 3004, Sec. 3005, Sec. 3015, and Sec. 10331 (as well as the sections about the competitive insurance markets already mentioned).

As for prevention and public health, that would be pretty much all of Title IV of the law--the one called "Prevention of Chronic Disease and Improving Public Health."

That said, there are much, much easier (and more effective) ways of learning about these things and the other contents of the law than trying to read the legislative text. That includes any number of very good summaries that are available.
Nah, the reactionary pubs, RW, the reactionary pubs.

It may take three or four more election cycles for them to catch on.

It's not the pubs that will be catching on in 6 months. The citizens are getting hit with 500% health insurance premium increases. The pitchforks will soon be out.

No, they are not getting hit with anything like that. Step off.
Perfect! Let em hang themselves. Red state Pubs who refuse Medicaid that costs the state nothing will hang themseles. Terminally dumb. Same for idiot dupes, absolutely clueless lol.

Said with his hand out
Medicare medicare blah blah
They wouldn't have done it, if they didn't have the money
Here's the full text of multi-thousand page bill, you tell us what's so great inside of it:

Text of H.R. 3590 (111th): Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Passed Congress/Enrolled Bill version) -

Here's an additional 20,000 pages of regulations, tell us what is great in these as well:
How many pages of regulations for ?Obamacare?? - The Washington Post

For starters:
- guaranteed issue
- end of lifetime limits
- Medicaid expansion
- cuts to the massive money suck that is Medicare Advantage

To add on:
- Competitive insurance markets
- Medicare reform to pay for quality, not just quantity
- Pricing transparency and public reporting on quality and costs
- Investments in prevention, wellness, and public health

Because we're REQUIRED to buy coverage

How? There's no 'open borders'

Really? Then how much will it cost this 47 yr old smoking diabetic with a foot full of steel?

For starters:
- guaranteed issue
- end of lifetime limits
- Medicaid expansion
- cuts to the massive money suck that is Medicare Advantage

To add on:
- Competitive insurance markets
- Medicare reform to pay for quality, not just quantity
- Pricing transparency and public reporting on quality and costs
- Investments in prevention, wellness, and public health

Because we're REQUIRED to buy coverage

How? There's no 'open borders'

Really? Then how much will it cost this 47 yr old smoking diabetic with a foot full of steel?


Then pay the fine if you don't want to buy the coverage. But let's see what the cost is going to be for you, first, huh?
To add on:
- Competitive insurance markets
- Medicare reform to pay for quality, not just quantity
- Pricing transparency and public reporting on quality and costs
- Investments in prevention, wellness, and public health

Because we're REQUIRED to buy coverage

How? There's no 'open borders'

Really? Then how much will it cost this 47 yr old smoking diabetic with a foot full of steel?


Then pay the fine if you don't want to buy the coverage. But let's see what the cost is going to be for you, first, huh?

Who can answer that question, though?
I was just told that there is this "transparency in pricing".

Right now I pay nothing, zip, zilch, zero for my health insurance. My employer pays 100% of my premiums.

What happens when/if the IRS finds out I'm a registered white Christian Republican and they determine that the healthcare coverage I have isn't sufficient?
How much will they charge me?
Greenbeard said:
To add on:
- Competitive insurance markets
- Medicare reform to pay for quality, not just quantity
- Pricing transparency and public reporting on quality and costs
- Investments in prevention, wellness, and public health

Because we're REQUIRED to buy coverage

How? There's no 'open borders'

I don't know what that means. If you're talking about out-of-state plans, at least 31 states are going to have such plans (i.e. insurance plans that can be sold across-state-lines, in multiple states simultaneously) available in their marketplaces next year. By 2017, every single state will.

Really? Then how much will it cost this 47 yr old smoking diabetic with a foot full of steel?


How much will what cost?

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