Speaker of the House gives history lesson to reporter.

That's most possibly one of the dumbest things I've ever read in my time here. Why the hell would someone who's Jewish move to American because it's Christian?
/----/ Actually, our great nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values. One would only need to get a glimpse into our nation’s past to realize that the US was founded on principles and beliefs that are directly from the Bible.
/----/ Actually, our great nation was founded on Judeo-Christian values. One would only need to get a glimpse into our nation’s past to realize that the US was founded on principles and beliefs that are directly from the Bible.

Can you be specific as to which Judeo-Christian values were used in our founding?
Can you be specific as to which Judeo-Christian values were used in our founding?
They used it as a placeholder in time to denote when it was signed.

the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.”
They used it as a placeholder in time to denote when it was signed.

the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven.”

So no Christian values? Just a common way of saying the date?
Really telling and very disturbing how when you pose the idea of mere unity of all people within a nation towards a common goal of love and excellence with a central-guiding principle to lead our way to harmony and prosperity for all, that the Left's reaction is one of horror and revulsion.
Unfortunately the left has been working against America since the sixties.
Since the 1930's in ernest.

Sen Joseph McCarthy tried to warn us long ago but they suppressed and discredited him. We had the great Barry Goldwater, but failed to elect him. When Reagan came along, the GOP hated him, almost as much as Trump. In some ways, the GOP is doing more to help install the full leftist takeover of this country than the left themselves as the GOP has had 90+ years to stop socialism and instead, is embracing it themselves.

Now the GOP does it to themselves yet again first expelling the Santos guy despite his generally great voting record, losing another guy who apparently was bought off, and now, the C-rag Kevin McCarthy is having his Cheney-style hissy fit pout-fest and is trying to take down the entire party and country by stomping off holding his breath in his "I'll-Show-You" now intending to walk out on his job at the end of the year and damn both his party and the nation.

The GOP--- --- the Left's best friends. The GOP could literally now throw away not only their one opportunity to impeach Biden, but even their own control of the House.
So no Christian values? Just a common way of saying the date?
That is not really correct.

The reality here is that the right, though none of the 'Cristian nation' morons in this thread remotely understand it, has a valid point here. The left recognizes it as well when they talk about the impact that socialization has on people and what that means in shaping their views, stances, political predilections and, ultimately, understanding of the world around them. Like it or not, the west is very ingrained in a Christian moral ethic and that shines through in our government, constitution and norms. So yes, we were founded squarely on a Christian ethic and I do not see any way to refute that. Hell, even the very idea of a clear separation of church and state is based in a Christian view. Such is not the same in any Islamic nation, there they have a base understanding that the government and the church are wholly integrated based on Islamic ethical structures. It is deeply ingrained into the way they perceive government. It would be like saying the Magna Carta or English common law were not also integral parts of what the nation was founded on. All of these things are part of our history and part of what forms the foundational thoughts that were used in constructing our own society. What these people do not seem to understand is that we are still a secular nation even if we were also founded in an inescapable Christian fo0undation. These two things are not in direct contention.
”Bearing false witness” is pretending the Democrat Party is good and not evil….pretending that God approves of faggots….of men wearing dresses and the like.
Tell us more Lucifer.

Bearing false witness is making shit up about other people.

I am not surprised I have to teach you about Christian principles.

Prove it, it was a way to keep Government out of the Churches, to keep the Government from corrupting the Church, period.
And that is exactly what has happened. Many Christians have allowed politics to poison their faith.

Like you, for example.

You have been led astray by one of the most depraved people ever to occupy the White House.

And for what?

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Show me the words Separation of Church and State. They do not exist nor was that even implied here
They are implied. You clearly have not read Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists.

He made it every clear the meaning behind the first amendment was to separate church and state.

I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.

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