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Spread the wealth - one boat, a few boats, or many boats?

They can afford to pay people more. As long as the Waltons are making BILLIONS each year they can afford to pay more.

Walmart's profit margin could go to zero, and it still wouldn't be enough to pay a "living wage." Why do you think they are obligated to pay any more than what the traffic will bear? Where is it written that when you start a business you are obligated to pay a given wage?

So you think tax dollars should go to subsidize their workers while the Waltons make billions?

If you don't like paying welfare to Walmart's employees, there's a very simple solution: vote out the politicians who approve this stuff. This schema to pin the blame on Walmart is beyond stupid. Only gullible turds like you are fooled.

That's not going to happen. If there are poor people needing the government is always going to give them something.

Well then, you've made up your mind. You're content to pay welfare to Walmart's employees. Don't go blaming Walmart for that decision, like some petulant child.

The only way the government is going to get smaller is if employers start taking care of employees again. Why don't you want the employers to take care of employees? The only other option is big government.

ROFL! Stop pretending that you and your ilk want to make the government smaller. You don't do that by making it more powerful. Taking care of employees isn't Walmart's job. It's not a Welfare agency. It pays the market rate for a given quantity and quality of labor. Anyone who doesn't like the deal is free to find a better one elsewhere.

Big government isn't the "only other option." I already pointed out another option. What you really mean is that your option is the only one you and your ilk will accept. Of course, things don't always go the way petulant children insist they have to go.

You seem to not live in the real world. You really think any politician is going to start cutting people off welfare? And if one does you think they won't be voted out the next election? You must live in fantasy land. Sorry, but yes I do want smaller government. And I'm smart enough to know that either companies are going to provide for their employees or the government is. I prefer it be companies, you seem to prefer it is government. So you must be for big government.
Are apple employees on welfare?

dear they make about the same and its all relative anyway. In Bangledesh they make $66/ month. A libturd can decide any wage is a living wage- right? Did you hear what happenend in Cambodia. Worker commie violence forced them to raise wages from $80 to $124 per month and the new orders dryed up!! N0w a few make the big buck and the rest slowly starve

Yes like I care about Bangledesh and Cambodia. I think a living wage is enough that you can't collect welfare. Lets start there.

If you don't care about Bangladesh or Cambodia, then why do you care about Walmart employees?

I don't live in either of those countries.

You don't work at Walmart, do you?

It has been years since I've even been in a Walmart.
They can afford to pay people more. As long as the Waltons are making BILLIONS each year they can afford to pay more.

Walmart's profit margin could go to zero, and it still wouldn't be enough to pay a "living wage." Why do you think they are obligated to pay any more than what the traffic will bear? Where is it written that when you start a business you are obligated to pay a given wage?

So you think tax dollars should go to subsidize their workers while the Waltons make billions?

If you don't want the government to pay money to Walmart's employees, then simply vote down these programs.

Simply? Right. Vote them down and then the next vote they will be right back. You aren't going to get smaller government that way. Get serious.

Voting down liberal big government social programs is the only way to get smaller government. I do find your belief that they are as inevitable as the sun coming up to be utterly charming.

Have you noticed our government spending lately? It hasn't mattered if Republicans or Democrats are in power, the government still grows.
A simple notion that so many still reject. Why is a million dollar boat not as good as ten $100,000 boats, and 100 $10,000 boats is even better, and 1,000 $1,000 boats is much, much better still. Now, why is that? It has to do with the economic activity created by such a thing.
The bottom line....It's none of your business how others spend THEIR money
No, it matters very much, if you want a healthy economy that is.
So you are the one supporting Walmart for making people dependent on government and I'm the communist? haha That's a good one.

You are a retard, that is for sure,

Person on welfare gets a job at Walmart - Retard Commie shrieks WALMART MADE THEM DEPENDANT.

Stupid - and evil...

Waltons make billions off government subsidized workers. Why are you so stupid to not see that? Do you really call yourself a conservative? What a joke.

The very rich and their greed are doing more for big government than the democrats ever have.
They PAY billions to millions that would be totally dependent on government without the jobs they perform. It is not Walmart's fault that these people have no skills and little education. It is not the GOP's fault that half of HS graduates can't get into a decent college freshman class without some remedial classes. THAT is the fault of parents not caring enough to insist their kids do well in school and of an education system who's primary focus is to employ teachers.
Are you stoned?
Nope. Why is spreading the wealth, meaning many people can buy many things, good?
By all means! Feel free to spread your wealth. Leave mine the fuck alone.
I do spread the wealth, and if you want everyone to do well so do you. Otherwise you're just a selfish child. Greed is not good, for the economy.
By paying taxes? I spread mine voluntarily, usually one "project" at a time.
In the last 5 years, I've given roughly 20% of my income to these "projects" You've paid taxes. Big fucking deal.
Taxes, tips, projects, donations, and investments. Get over yourself.
Taxes? We all pay taxes. Tips? I'm in the service industry. I likely tip at a higher rate than you because those I deal with on a daily basis live on tips. Investments? Hardly spreading the wealth, unless you do a lot of capitalization for loser startups.

That leaves us with donations. How many homeless people do you support voluntarily? What charities do you endow? Do you claim donations for tax purposes?
Is the government subsidizing Walmart workers capitalism? What we have is crony capitalism.

dear, only liberals make the govt subsidize Walmart wages. Do you understand? Obamacare is perfect example of liberal crony capitalism.

The multi billionaire Waltons are forced to pay so little because of liberals? haha That's a good one.
The multi-billionaire Waltons pay millions in taxes. You get 6 grand a year in EITC. You likely use more government services than they do. Your wanting them to pay more, either in taxes or wages is illogical, unfair obnoxious and immoral.

Crap I just defined Progressivism.

Like Sears and Kmart?

Or you mean the mom and pops who didn't even pay minimum wage?

Seriously - the shit you leftists come up with.

Walmart hires people on welfare - this reduces the amount of welfare collects and provides job training to those at the bottom of the ladder.

You leftists are not just stupid - you're evil. You will destroy the only path out of dependency without a thought.

No like Costco.
Costco pays more ... because it can

Or Walmart could pay everyone a living wage and decrease welfare a lot. Given these people are making the Waltons billions they should make enough they aren't on welfare. Why do you like government dependency so much?

Anyone comparing Walmart and Costco is either ignorant or dishonest.

Oh really? They are so different that Walmart couldn't possibly pay decent wages? Really? Explain why please. You prefer the government takes care of people I guess. And how about Sams Club? Why can't they pay like Costco?

Nope. We would prefer you take care of yourselves.

I would love all of you Progressive sponges to be able to afford my $1,000,000 yacht. If y'all could, I could sell a thousand of them every year instead of 10 and employ 100 times as many workers.
Yes I'd likely have some minimum wage workers sweeping floors or flipping burgers in the cafeteria, but most of these jobs would be skilled positions worth far more than $10.10/hour.
They would be shopping at Macy's instead of Walmart.

Take care of your self! Have some pride, for Christ's sake. Keep your mind and body clean, get an education and stay out of jail and you can buy my boat and avoid Walmart all you want.

So you prefer people take care of themselves, but you are ok with the largest company in the country paying so little that people can't?
Yes I am. Do you pay more for a product than it's worth? Neither does Walmart. That's called sound business practice.
Are Amazon employees on welfare?

Apple employees make $10 an hour too or maybe a touch more but on far far more profit at Apple than Walmart. Does the soviet libturd care about that??

Are apple employees on welfare?

dear they make about the same and its all relative anyway. In Bangledesh they make $66/ month. A libturd can decide any wage is a living wage- right? Did you hear what happenend in Cambodia. Worker commie violence forced them to raise wages from $80 to $124 per month and the new orders dryed up!! N0w a few make the big buck and the rest slowly starve

Yes like I care about Bangledesh and Cambodia. I think a living wage is enough that you can't collect welfare. Lets start there.

and does the libturb commie get to decide what a living wage is??
The following are facts about persons defined as “poor” by the Census Bureau, taken from a variety of government reports:

46 percent of all poor households actually own their own homes. The average home owned by persons classified as poor by the Census Bureau is a three-bedroom house with one-and-a-half baths, a garage, and a porch or patio.

80 percent of poor households have air conditioning. By contrast, in 1970, only 36 percent of the entire U.S. population enjoyed air conditioning.

Only six percent of poor households are overcrowded; two thirds have more than two rooms per person.

The typical poor American has more living space than the average individual living in Paris, London, Vienna, Athens, and other cities throughout Europe. (These comparisons are to the average citizens in foreign countries, not to those classified as poor.)

Nearly three quarters of poor households own a car; 31 percent own two or more cars.

97 percent of poor households have a color television; over half own two or more color televisions.

78 percent have a VCR or DVD player.

62 percent have cable or satellite TV reception.

89 percent own microwave ovens, more than half have a stereo, and a more than a third have an automatic dishwasher.As a group, America’s poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100-percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, super-nourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and ten pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.While the poor are generally well-nourished, some poor families do experience temporary food shortages. But, even this condition is relatively rare; 89 percent of the poor report their families have “enough” food to eat, while only two percent say they “often” do not have enough to eat.Overall, the typical American defined as poor by the government has a car, air conditioning, a refrigerator, a stove, a clothes washer and dryer, and a microwave. He has two color televisions, cable or satellite TV reception, a VCR, or DVD player, and a stereo. He is able to obtain medical care. His home is in good repair and is not overcrowded. By his own report, his family is not hungry, and he had sufficient funds in the past year to meet his family’s essential needs. While this individual’s life is not opulent, it is far from the popular images of dire poverty conveyed by the press, liberal activists, and politicians.Of course, the living conditions of the average poor American should not be taken as representing all of the nation’s poor: There is a wide range of living conditions among the poor. A third of “poor” households have both cell and land-line telephones. A third also telephone answering machines. At the other extreme, approximately one-tenth of families in poverty have no phone at all. Similarly, while the majority of poor households do not experience significant material problems, roughly a third do experience at least one problem such as overcrowding, temporary hunger, or difficulty getting medical care.Much official poverty that does exist in the United States can be reduced, particularly among children. There are two main reasons that American children are poor: Their parents don’t work much, and their fathers are absent from the home.
The poverty level is directly tied the ratio of Democrats to Republicans. Any time that ration threatens to achieve 1:1 parity, the Democrats bump up the number so they can buy a few more votes.
Tell ya what.....................if you can, try to find a Wal-Mart that carries American made merchandise.

Probably can't......most of their merchandise comes from countries other than the U.S.A.

Why? Because of various trade agreements, corporations can move jobs from over here in the U.S.A. to other countries and not pay a penalty.

When was the last time that any of you had a product made in the U.S.A.?
A simple notion that so many still reject. Why is a million dollar boat not as good as ten $100,000 boats, and 100 $10,000 boats is even better, and 1,000 $1,000 boats is much, much better still. Now, why is that? It has to do with the economic activity created by such a thing.
The bottom line....It's none of your business how others spend THEIR money
No, it matters very much, if you want a healthy economy that is.

A healthy economy is the last thing that will happen if you are allowed to have any say in how someone else's money is spent.
So you are the one supporting Walmart for making people dependent on government and I'm the communist? haha That's a good one.

You are a retard, that is for sure,

Person on welfare gets a job at Walmart - Retard Commie shrieks WALMART MADE THEM DEPENDANT.

Stupid - and evil...

Waltons make billions off government subsidized workers. Why are you so stupid to not see that? Do you really call yourself a conservative? What a joke.

The very rich and their greed are doing more for big government than the democrats ever have.
They PAY billions to millions that would be totally dependent on government without the jobs they perform. It is not Walmart's fault that these people have no skills and little education. It is not the GOP's fault that half of HS graduates can't get into a decent college freshman class without some remedial classes. THAT is the fault of parents not caring enough to insist their kids do well in school and of an education system who's primary focus is to employ teachers.

They are making the Waltons billions. So obviously they have some worth to them. I prefer the billionaires who are making all the money pay them, not the tax payer.
A simple notion that so many still reject. Why is a million dollar boat not as good as ten $100,000 boats, and 100 $10,000 boats is even better, and 1,000 $1,000 boats is much, much better still. Now, why is that? It has to do with the economic activity created by such a thing.
What would you rather cruise the 7 seas with?

In this:
I will give paint my house an A for effort though he just used the wrong analogy. I would rather cruise around in a practical $40,000 mustang convertible then a quater million plus Lamborghini. The speed limit for most part is 70 mph, you don't need to buy $60 a quart oil for a mustang or ship it over seas to get it fixed by the factory
Maybe the question is more like,

why is it so great that Apple made 18 billion dollars in the last quarter? Why wouldn't it be better if Apple made half of that,

a mere 9 billion dollars, and the other 9 billion went to better wages for Apple workers...

...maybe even wages high enough to bring jobs back to the US?
Maybe the question is more like,

why is it so great that Apple made 18 billion dollars in the last quarter? Why wouldn't it be better if Apple made half of that,

a mere 9 billion dollars, and the other 9 billion went to better wages for Apple workers...

...maybe even wages high enough to bring jobs back to the US?

....and Obama Commerce Secretary.... Does she know this as well??????
A simple notion that so many still reject. Why is a million dollar boat not as good as ten $100,000 boats, and 100 $10,000 boats is even better, and 1,000 $1,000 boats is much, much better still. Now, why is that? It has to do with the economic activity created by such a thing.
The bottom line....It's none of your business how others spend THEIR money
No, it matters very much, if you want a healthy economy that is.

A healthy economy is the last thing that will happen if you are allowed to have any say in how someone else's money is spent.
My economy is the one we once had, right here, and was very healthy before the ideological morons ruined it.
A simple notion that so many still reject. Why is a million dollar boat not as good as ten $100,000 boats, and 100 $10,000 boats is even better, and 1,000 $1,000 boats is much, much better still. Now, why is that? It has to do with the economic activity created by such a thing.
The bottom line....It's none of your business how others spend THEIR money
No, it matters very much, if you want a healthy economy that is.

A healthy economy is the last thing that will happen if you are allowed to have any say in how someone else's money is spent.

An economy won't succeed if all government is eliminated, as is your repeated desire.
I will give paint my house an A for effort though he just used the wrong analogy. I would rather cruise around in a practical $40,000 mustang convertible then a quater million plus Lamborghini. The speed limit for most part is 70 mph, you don't need to buy $60 a quart oil for a mustang or ship it over seas to get it fixed by the factory
The point is always the same. If you sell gas or auto parts you want many Stangs not just one Lambo.

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