State teen birthrate dropped to lowest level in 20 years

So when are you going to prove that the teen birth rate dropped as a result of their programs? Correlation does not imply causation. I wished for a red car to drive by and one did, therefore my wish caused a red car to drive by. It's good that it has dropped, that is something we can agree on. Whether the program caused it or not is the question.

Comment does not prove lack of correlation and causation.

The evidence stands affirmative until someone can pull it apart.

Hint: kwc can't.

Well, it wasn't really my intention to prove causation. Of course the sex ed folks are gonna wanna take credit. If the rate had jumped, they would have gotten the blame for sure.

I believe all the available numbers do seem to indicate that they (the sex ed folks) are making some progress - there is certainly stronger evidence to support that conclusion than there is to support any alternative theories that have been trotted out.

The causation has been given strong suggestion above. kcw57 is merely being a gnat, not having anything with to attack the decreasing numbers.
Good news indeed so long as abortion isn't the reason.

Hold on....there will be plenty of illegal ones in Texas now, especially since Texas is now moving towards stopping abortions over 6 weeks. Congratulations!

Texas, with the closing of clinics that provide education on contraception and access to it, are going to find an increase in STDs and birth rates in a few years.
Texas, with the closing of clinics that provide education on contraception and access to it, are going to find an increase in STDs and birth rates in a few years.

Clinics that provide sex education and contraception don't have to close. As a matter of fact, they receive givernment funding to provide it.

Oh yes, please do read the article because the sex education you're crowing about included information about abstinence.

Plus the state's demographic changed which accounts for some of the improvement.

Of course, CA continues to lead the nation (and some foreign countries) in the teen birth rate. And the teen birthrate across the nation is down, too.

What's wrong with abstinence education?
Or what's wrong with one of the areas with the worst teenage birth rates improving on that?

I didn't say anything was "wrong" with it. What I was pointing out that the sex education included not just information about birth control, but also information about abstinence, which is important. The CA HD also put out a notice that said they focused on the dangers of early pregnancy and other important implications of getting pregnant too soon. They also made the message accessible with cultural differences in mind.

Sometimes Progressives think it is all about supplying birth control. It is more than that. We need to give teens credit.
State teen birthrate dropped to lowest level in 20 years -

In 2011, the birthrate for teenage girls in California dropped to its lowest level since 1991, a state report released Wednesday announced.

Twenty-eight children were born in the state for every 1,000 teenage girls, a sharp decline from 1991 when the rate peaked at 70.9 births for every 1,000 teenage girls.

Public health experts say state laws are responsible for the decline because they require public schools that offer sex education classes to provide scientifically reliable instructions on how contraceptives work along with information about abstinence.

Reproductive health planning projects like the California Personal Responsibility Education Program are also credited with the lower numbers.

Sex Ed works...whoda thunk it? Rational folks that's who

Yeah, well. The decline is in almost every state, not just Californicate.
Almost all states seeing big drop in teen birth rates - CBS News

So it isnt sex ed at all. Another liberal myth bites the dust.
Good news indeed so long as abortion isn't the reason.

Hold on....there will be plenty of illegal ones in Texas now, especially since Texas is now moving towards stopping abortions over 6 weeks. Congratulations!

Texas, with the closing of clinics that provide education on contraception and access to it, are going to find an increase in STDs and birth rates in a few years.

You know this how?
Maybe you'll be lucky and all those girls will decide to become dykes.
Hold on....there will be plenty of illegal ones in Texas now, especially since Texas is now moving towards stopping abortions over 6 weeks. Congratulations!

Texas, with the closing of clinics that provide education on contraception and access to it, are going to find an increase in STDs and birth rates in a few years.

You know this how?
Maybe you'll be lucky and all those girls will decide to become dykes.

The Rabbi, the King of the Unsubstantiated Statement, strikes again.

He is as silly as Yurt: all froth and foam, no body.
Surely, all the parents of teens, who insist on teaching abstinence only, were, themselves, abstinent as teens.
Sex ed doesn't belong in schools. Education about sex belongs at home. If kids are going to take that class they should need permission from their parents. My kids will learn at home...not at school so I know exactly what is being taught.
AnCap, you make crazy statements, and you expect educated, literate, thinking adults to do anything else than stare?

Sex Ed belongs in Health classes in public schools.
AnCap, you make crazy statements, and you expect educated, literate, thinking adults to do anything else than stare?

Sex Ed belongs in Health classes in public schools.

Thus sayeth Jake, King of the Unsubstantiated Statement and Sock Puppet. Hail, King!
Good news indeed so long as abortion isn't the reason.

yep. But it is ( if one looks at statistics - California is one of the leading states in abortion)

and there is no reason to celebrate "drop in teenage pregnancy" as there is no drop, there is drop in teenage birth which coupled with jump in STDs paint a very worrisome picture.

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