Stop Antisemitism

The United Kingdom’s Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is trying the case of Abdullah Qureshi, a man who officials say trekked 200 miles from West Yorkshire to Stamford Hill to assault members of the Jewish community last year

“The prosecution’s case is that Mr. Qureshi had travelled all the way from West Yorkshire and specifically went to Hackney, a place that is specifically associated with the Jewish community, to deliberately target members of the Jewish community and carry out religiously motivated attacks,” prosecutor Varinder Hayre told a magistrates’ court on Thursday.

The assaults were all carried out last August. In the first incident, a 30-year-old man was struck on the head with a bottle, while the target of the second incident was a 14-year-old boy who was physically assaulted. The third victim was a 64-year-old man who was brutally punched in the face, causing him to fall and break a bone in his foot.

Last month, a woman wielding a wooden stick approached a Jewish woman near the Seven Sisters area and declared “I am doing it because you are Jew,” while striking her over the head and pouring liquid on her.

In separate episodes reported by Shomrim, a Jewish neighborhood watch group, a woman was seen threatening Jewish congregants leaving Shabbat services on Friday night, shouting, “f*** you Jews, I will kill you.” Another account described “hundreds of Jewish men and boys” similarly harassed as they returned from synagogue.

(full article online)

From Fox News:

Student organizations at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law are facing backlash from their own dean after adopting a statement that pledges to not invite any Zionist or pro-Israel speaker to give lectures.

Law Students for Justice in Palestine at Berkeley Law made an Aug. 21 post on Instagram stating that nine other student organizations have adopted a "pro-Palestine bylaw" that states they "will not" invite speakers who support Zionism or "the apartheid state of Israel."

"In the interest of protecting the safety and welfare of Palestinian students on campus, [insert organization name] will not invite speakers that have expressed and continued to hold views or host/sponsor/promote events in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine," the bylaw states.
There are no similar rules barring terrorists, or Nazis, or people who want disco to come back.
Berkeley Law Dean Erwin Chemerinsky emailed the groups, saying,

I want the Law School to be a place where all views can be expressed and where all of our students, staff, and faculty feel included and that they belong.
... It is troubling to broadly exclude a particular viewpoint from being expressed. Indeed, taken literally, this would mean that I could not be invited to speak because I support the existence of Israel, though I condemn many of its policies.
The principles of community for the Berkeley campus stress that we are committed to ensuring freedom of expression and dialogue that elicits the full spectrum of views held by our varied communities. As part of Berkeley’s Antisemitism Education initiative the campus has created a video which explains why singling out the state of Israel for special condemnation, or questioning the very legitimacy of its existence, is considered by many Jewish students to be a form of Antisemitism.

In fact, this rule would mean that no current or past Supreme Court Justices could be invited to speak at these groups. Neither could nearly all members of Congress and every single senator.
The idea that law school students enthusiastically support limiting free speech and "protecting" adult students from hearing opinions they might disagree with is almost more troubling than their obvious antisemitism.

The attack that sent 31-year-old Yossi Hershkop to the hospital was an unmysterious crime, the opposite of a stone-cold whodunnit. Security cameras recorded clear video of a group of four men approaching Hershkop’s car, with two of them repeatedly punching him through the driver’s side window while his 5-year-old child sat in the back seat. Another camera recorded the license plate and model of the attackers’ getaway vehicle. The assault took place around 3:40 p.m. on July 13, 2022, on a busy street in Crown Heights. Hershkop believes his assailants were identified later that evening.

In an ideal world, a victim’s personal background would be irrelevant to whether their attackers are arrested and prosecuted. But at least in theory, Hershkop is someone with enough of a profile to keep the police and prosecutors focused on his case. The young Chabad Hasid is an energetic yet shrewdly understated local political activist—the kind of person who knows the total number of newly registered voters in Crown Heights off the top of his head, or who you might WhatsApp when you need to reach a particular City Council member later that afternoon. He also manages a large urgent care center in Crown Heights, a position of real civic significance during New York’s COVID nightmare. Hershkop is also a personal friend of mine, although even people I am not friends with should expect the police to move quickly when they’re able to easily identify the people who bloodied them on camera in broad daylight in front of their child.

The police did not move quickly. No arrests were made during the two weeks after the attack, a span in which the getaway car got ticketed in a totally unrelated incident, Hershkop says. On July 27, an exasperated Hershkop tweeted: “No arrests have been made, despite the assailants’ vehicle having been seen all over the neighborhood. My son still has a lot of trauma from the incident & we now Uber instead of walk whenever we need to go out.” Perhaps not coincidentally, the first arrest in the case was made the day after that tweet, some two weeks after the attack. The first suspect was released on bail after the judge ordered a bond of $10,000, significantly less than the district attorney had requested, according to Hershkop. Hershkop is confident that after a long period of delay, the NYPD is now making efforts toward arresting the second individual who physically attacked him.
“This was a perfect opportunity for them to do the right thing,” Hershkop told me. “Nobody was saying this isn’t a big deal and we shouldn’t make an arrest. Everybody was on the same page here.” As he explained, “it was an assault on a 5-year-old caught on camera. I didn’t think I’d have to fight for justice.”

Perhaps the attack, which stemmed from a seemingly innocuous dispute over a parking space—a common enough occurrence in a densely populated place like Crown Heights, and one that almost never ends with anyone in the hospital—was just too fraught of an event for the police to want to handle too aggressively. Maybe someone feared that drawing additional attention to a group of young Black men attacking a prominent Orthodox Jew would threaten to inflame tensions in a neighborhood with a long but mostly improving (and generally misunderstood) history of racial division.

Maybe, but maybe not: Overload in the New York court system, increasingly lenient prosecutors and judges, and a police department in which officers are quitting at a growing clip, all make it easier for even open-and-shut cases to languish, and for people at every level of the system to find excuses not to resolve them.

The dysfunctional handling of public order takes different forms across the city, and across the country: Philadelphia is experiencing record murder rates; San Francisco experimented with decriminalizing certain forms of property crime, at least until its pro-reform district attorney lost a recent recall election. As with various other recent American traumas, the ambient disorder has its own distinct characteristics as far as Jews are concerned. In a study released this past July, the New York-based group Americans Against Antisemitism found that of the 118 adults arrested for anti-Jewish hate crimes in New York City since 2018, only one has been convicted and sent to prison.

Earlier this month, an Orthodox Jew from Baltimore named Aryeh Wolf was gunned down in broad daylight as he attached solar panels to the roof of a building in a gentrifying neighborhood in southeast Washington, D.C. As with Hershkop’s attack, Wolf’s murder was a motiveless crime in which the motive was obvious. To the killer, Wolf and the trendy new technology he was installing might have represented the growing penetration of outsiders, further distilled by Wolf being the ultimate of outsiders: the proud religious Jew. So far, no one has been arrested. The Washington police still consider the motive in the crime to be unknown.

(full article online)

Sawaleif is a Jordanian news site. It isn't hugely popular but it has over 30,000 Facebook followers and covers mainstream news, if a bit tabloid-like.

And, like many Jordanian news sites, it expresses antisemitism frequently and shamelessly.

But this op-edby Bassam Al Yassin, published Monday, hits Der StĂźrmer levels.

Jordanians hate Jews the most

The Jew is the epitome of evil and deceit, a professor of greed and deceit, a genius who plots against creation, a superman who spies wherever he is. The Jew is selfish, self-centered, and believes that God created no one but Him, and that the goyim – other peoples, were created to serve Him. That is why the Jew lives behind a false mask of oppression and the Holocaust.

The Jews lived as parasites on peoples, under the guise of persecution, then infiltrated into Palestine, with the Balfour Declaration, which gave what Balfour did not have to those who did not deserve it. It was a humanitarian catastrophe that has not stopped since. Palestine is Arab, and excavations have proven that Jews do not have a history there, and with conclusive evidence, their claims were refuted and they were disappointed, as they did not find a piece of pottery that proves that they had a state or a temple.

And still the "progressives" who pretend they hate antisemitism pointedly don't say a word. When pushed into a corner, they say that there must be a good reason for Arab Jew-hate: Israel.

Sawaleif is a Jordanian news site. It isn't hugely popular but it has over 30,000 Facebook followers and covers mainstream news, if a bit tabloid-like.

And, like many Jordanian news sites, it expresses antisemitism frequently and shamelessly.

But this op-edby Bassam Al Yassin, published Monday, hits Der StĂźrmer levels.

And still the "progressives" who pretend they hate antisemitism pointedly don't say a word. When pushed into a corner, they say that there must be a good reason for Arab Jew-hate: Israel.

not news-----islamo nazism is actively taught in
muslim schools and mosques WORLD WIDE
On Monday, there was a rally in Manhattan's Washington Square Park demanding that Israel free all terrorists from prison.

At the rally one could see this sign to "globalize the Intifada," a call to attack Jews worldwide.

Even more explicit were these signs for "Palestinian return" and "Palestinian liberation" - "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY."

"By any means necessary" means "including murdering Jews." It isn't even a dog whistle, it literally justifies terrorism.

This is incitement to murder Jews being proudly displayed in the city with the world's largest Jewish population.

Remember the signs in Nazi Germany saying “Jews not allowed” at the entrance to some shops?

Now Salfit District Governor Abdallah Kamil has “issued a series of important decisions” of which one brings the term “Jews not allowed” to mind. It specifically “forbids” Palestinian businesses to “receive any settler” – i.e., Israelis/Jews. Whoever violates this rule risks closure of his business by the PA Security Forces:

  1. It is completely forbidden to have commercial relations with the settlers, according to Law No. 4 of 2010. It is forbidden to receive any settler in our places of business. We have conveyed clear instructions to the relevant [PA] Security Forces to close any store that violates this decision and to put its owners on trial.
  1. All signs written in the Hebrew language placed in the various places of business and workshops must be removed within a week at the latest. The required legal procedures will be taken against those who do not fulfill this.
  1. We emphasize once more that one must not carry out any action of selling lands, and specifically in Area C (i.e., land under full Israeli administration according to the Oslo Accords), without first receiving security permission from the district.”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 28, 2022]
These decisions in force in the Salfit district in the northwestern West Bank have been made to hinder any kind of peace building between Palestinians and Israelis/Jews as their goal is “to fight the settlement enterprise and the relations with the settlers in the district.” District Governor Kamil added that the Palestinian people “will not agree to any manner of coexistence or normalization with the settlers.” The PA routinely refers to all of Israel as "occupied Palestine" and all Israelis as "settlers."

Palestinian Media Watch has reported extensively on the third rule above. It is forbidden by PA law to sell land to “the enemy” –i.e., Israelis/Jews. The law has been reinforced by a religious ban – a fatwa – issued by the PA Supreme Fatwa Council, led by PA Grand Mufti and Supreme Fatwa Council Chairman Sheikh Muhammad Hussein.

In addition to these rules being in force in the Salfit district, in all PA schools any trace of the existence of Israel has been erased and thus there are “no Israeli products and products from the settlements in the school kiosks.” This was apparently verified by no other than PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh, who together with deputy ministers and directors-general of the Ministry of Education “examined the preparations and preparedness of the [PA] Ministry of Education for the start of the school year.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 29, 2022]

The following is a longer excerpt of the report on the anti-Jews decisions made by Salfit District Governor Abdallah Kamil:

(full article online)

Israel-hater and antisemite Roger Waters is in the midst of a North American tour. The Times of Israel writes about the concert and the protesters outside his New York show on Tuesday.

Waters puts political messages on a massive screen, and among them are messages about how awful "occupation" is.

Waters became a spokesperson for BDS in 2011, so it is safe to say that he held these opinions for over a decade.

Moreover, Waters has said that any artists performing in Israel endorse the Israeli government.

If all that is true, then how come he performed Pink Floyd's "The Wall" in 2013 - in Istanbul, Turkey? You know, the country that occupies part of Cyprus?

Waters, in his own words, must endorse the Turkish occupation of Northern Cyprus.

Which means Roger Waters, human rights activist, endorses occupation.

And indeed he does. After all, Roger Waters has said that he supports Russia in the current war in Ukraine, which is a war of occupation, and he certainly hasn't said a negative word about Russia's occupation of Crimea.

How to reconcile these two opinions about occupation?

When he says "FUCK OCCUPATION," he must mean "...but only if it can be blamed on Jews. Otherwise, carry on!"

An Arab-American comedian and content creator whose hallmark consists of random attempts to interview Orthodox Jews about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was met with puzzlement in Brooklyn, where his entreaties largely fell upon deaf ears.

The comedian — who goes by the name Dulla Mulla and has an Instagram following approaching 300,000 — appeared on the streets of Williamsburg on Wednesday.

Videos shared by Jewish accounts poked fun at Mulla’s evident frustration.

In one encounter, a Hasidic Jew claimed to be completely unaware of the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

“What actions are you talking about?” he asked, after Mulla questioned whether he “justified Israel’s action towards Palestine.”

Later on, the same man asked “there’s a war now?” when encouraged by Mulla to share his thoughts on the “war between Israel and Palestine.”

“I thought there was a a war in Ukraine, there’s another war on also?” the man added, shaking his head ruefully. “That’s crazy, man, these wars gotta stop.”

Chabad Rabbi Mordechai Lightstone described Mulla on Twitter as “the first person in history to be completely ghosted by every Lubavitcher on the streets ever.”

An accompanying video showed an increasingly frustrated Mullah trying and failing to engage various Hasidic Jews, all of whom politely ignored him.

Last year, Mulla was strongly criticized for a similar videofilmed in Detroit. The video featured Mulla approaching shoppers at the Grove kosher market in the Southfield suburb, showing them a graphic with the words “Free Palestine” on his cellphone. On that occasion, one critic responded, “Of course there’s going to be some Jewish people who do support Israel, but purposefully going into Jewish communities/shops and doing this is not pushing the movement to further progression, is it? Well done for saving countless Palestinian lives by pulling this cheap stunt.”

A first year student told me she had been warned that there was actually a “Zionist” inside the department! It is that picture of me that inspired the designation “far right white supremacist”. I am called that by our Students’ Union, which formally speaks for our students, and it is endorsed by my own union branch, which formally speaks for my colleagues.

I am a scholar of antisemitism, and of genocide, and of 20th century totalitrianism. I am the son of a refugee from Nazi Germany. Depending on who you count, tens, or hundreds, or thousands, or millions of my people were murdered by “far right white supremacists”. There is an antisemitic hostile environment at Goldsmiths. It has announced that it is going to carry out a formal investigation to determine whether that is true, and what should be done about it.

Danielle Greyman is suing Leeds University. Her lecturers failed her third-year essay because it did not blame Israel for what Hamas does wrong. The institution rallied round the markers. Her degree was delayed by a year. In the end, after legal pressure from UK Lawyers for Israel, the university conceded that the essay was not a fail. But the damage done to Danielle by that antisemitic exclusion is irreversible.

Holocaust and genocide studies is being reconstructed by people who say focus on the Holocaust is a Zionist strategy to legitimise Israel and to normalise colonial violence in general; their call is to ‘decentre’ the Holocaust.

SOAS paid out ÂŁ15,000 to its student, Noah Lewis, to settle his complaint that there was an antisemitic hostile environment there. SOAS had asked me to chair his appeal. My appeal committee had mandated SOAS to have a proper inquiry to determine whether or not they have a problem of institutional antisemitism. I persistently reminded them of this and they ignored me. They never had an inquiry. When I spoke out in public they tried to undermine my professional reputation. They later withdrew the claims.

We need to institutionalise the work of challenging the intellectual underpinnings of antisemitism in public life.

We have played a role in shaping the responses of the Jewish community to 21st century antisemitic threats. But our position in universities is precarious and it is becoming increasingly difficult to teach and mentor the scholars of the future. We are cut out of research funding, academic publication and promotion. Even the very brightest young scholars of antisemitism are not getting jobs in universities.

(full article online)


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