Stop Antisemitism

Acclaimed rapper Kanye West appeared to threaten Jewish people in a tweet posted Sunday, shortly after his Instagram account was restricted for content viewed by some users as antisemitic.

“I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE The funny thing is I actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda,” he wrote, in one of his first tweets in two years.

The post was later removed by Twitter for violating its rules.

The statement was part of an argument between the two about West wearing a “White Lives Matter” shirt at a Paris fashion show. The controversial slogan has been described by the Anti-Defamation League as a “white supremacist phrase.”

It wasn’t clear who West was referring to in the message, but the comments drew criticism from the American Jewish Committee.

“Kanye West has had a streak of rants this week that is remarkable even by his standards. Ye needs to see that words matter, especially a vicious antisemitic comment that recently surfaced on social media,” the organization said.

“If he wants to have any credibility as a commentator on social issues, let alone as a musician, maybe he can start by figuring out how to make a point without fomenting hatred of Jews,” the statement said.

(full article online)

A Georgia Republican and ally of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp likened major corporations that provide women with access to abortion care to the Nazi regime’s treatment of Jews, according to audio obtained by the Forward.

The Nazi regime decided Jews “were not people and they did not have a right to life,” said Jason Shepherd, a member of the GOP state committee and former chair of the Cobb County GOP, at an Aug. 17 event hosted by Cobb Young Republicans and Georgia Life Alliance.

“Today we have corporate America — because of expenses and the cost — saying that these people are not people and they don’t have a right to life,” he said, referring to unborn fetuses. He mentioned that his great-grandmother, who fled Eastern Europe before the war to settle in New York, was Jewish, and that some of his family members were murdered during the Holocaust.

Calling out some corporations by name — including Home Depot, Delta Airlines, Mercedes and Walmart — Shepherd, a healthcare attorney, asked the crowd if anyone was recording and noted that his comments were off the record. The Forward was not in attendance and did not agree to those terms. The person who shared the audio, who was at the event, did so on the condition they not be named in order to avoid retaliation.

That attendee shared audio of the event with Rep. Mike Wilensky of Dekalb County, the only Jewish member of the Georgia state legislature. Wilensky said he was “disgusted and angry” when he heard the remarks, calling Shepherd’s statements “ignorant, harmful and wrong.”

(full article online)


Field teams of the Yemen Ministry of Industry and Trade in Sanaa closed a shop selling children's pajamas with the Star of David on them on Wednesday.

The Minister of Industry and Trade, Muhammad Sharaf al-Mutahhar, stressed his ministry will not be lenient towards those involved in importing and trading Israeli goods or those bearing symbols of the Israeli enemy.

Al-Mutahar expressed his thanks for citizens who reported this horrendous crime.

Samples of the offensive pajamas were taken and through intensive investigation, the importer was identified.

The Deputy Director of the Industry Office in the Secretariat, Muhammad Sudan, said that the field teams closed the shop of the merchant who imported the awful clothing, stressing that the necessary legal procedures are being completed to refer him to the competent authorities.

The streets of Yemen are safe again.

A Tufts University club sports team was suspended over an antisemitic incident, President Tony Monaco confirmed on Friday.

The university is withholding details of the incident until it concludes an internal investigation, a Tufts University spokesperson told The Algemeiner. In the interim, the university has suspended the team’s activities.

The incident involved members of a club sports team during a recent visit to another university in New England, university officials said. The name of the university was not given.

“The alleged conduct is appalling and goes against our values as an institution, and those values do not end at the borders of our campus,” President Monaco continued in Friday’s statement. “I want to express my solidarity with our Jewish students, faculty, staff, and alumni for whom this will hit especially hard given that the alleged incident occurred during the Jewish High Holidays. And I want to state in no uncertain terms that antisemitism is not tolerated — and will not be tolerated — at Tufts University.”

Monaco also noted that Tufts University has undertaken “a concerted effort” to fight antisemitism on campus.

Last December, the university, working with Hillel International and a private consultancy firm, formed an ad hoc committee to study antisemitism on campus. The committee recommended new training on antisemitism for students, faculty, and staff, and that university orientation for freshmen include feature programs on antisemitic bias.

(full article online)

[ Beyond amazing how some people do not know when they are saying something which is against Jews ]

The United Nations is an infamous hotbed of antisemitism and disinformation. Sometimes, as is the case with an October 2nd article by Barbara Crossette, that antisemitism and disinformation extends to those journalists who cover the UN.

Barbara Crossette is the UN correspondent for The Nation, having previously served as the New York Times bureau chief at the UN. She also happens to be the senior consulting editor for PassBlue a specialized news outlet focused on the United Nations, typically read by UN staff, foreign affairs specialists, diplomats, and academics.

The article at issue was published at PassBlue, perhaps suggesting it was too offensive and inaccurate even for The Nation, known for its “Palestine correspondent,” the notoriously antisemitic Mohammed El-Kurd.

Crossette’s story focuses on the canceling of an event in Germany that was meant to honor Navi Pillay, chair of a highly controversial UN commission of inquiry targeting Israel. The article works to cast Pillay as a victim of a devious Israeli machinations, and in doing so, Crossette combines classic conspiracy theories about Jews with blatant disinformation.

Start with the open antisemitism. Crossette’s piece claims the event was canceled because of “an Israeli campaign.” That “Israel lobbying campaign” began, according to Crossette, “with an article in the pro-Israeli German tabloid Bild.” The Bild article in question was authored by Filipp Piatov, a German Jew and head of opinion at Bild. No evidence is proffered to suggest that Piatov was acting at the direction of the State of Israel.

Labeling an opinion article by a German Jew as part of an “Israel lobbying campaign” is a straightforward example of the dual loyalty trope. It is to suggest that when a Jewish person of any nationality has an opinion favorable to Israel, they must be acting as agents of the State of Israel.

Crossette then goes on to conceal the antisemitism of Pillay and her fellow commissioner, Miloon Kothari.

Crossette claims Pillay has been “accused by the Israelis, without evidence, of being part of the Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions movement (BDS).”

(full article online)

At what point does a rise in anti-Semitism stop being viewed merely as a series of isolated, troubling occurrences and start being treated like an emergency? When mass- media programs mainstream hatemongers who target and seek to delegitimize Jews? When elite academic institutions behave as though it’s acceptable conduct? When Jews are attacked in the streets?

The ongoing epidemic of violence against Jews in New York City is mostly ignored, both by the media and much of the organized Jewish world. This is not only because the victims are Orthodox Jews who are easy to pick out. They’re also not the sort of people with whom opinion leaders, and even most American Jews, identify or associate.

But the mainstreaming of anti-Semitic attitudes on major campuses around the United States is harder to dismiss. Even more difficult to ignore are the widely disseminated programs that embrace open anti-Semites as legitimate voices worth considering.

Indeed, what is unfolding, inch by inch, is the normalization of anti-Semitism in the U.S. in a manner unprecedented in the post-Holocaust era. Nor is it confined to a specific segment of society or particular end of the political spectrum.

Indeed, as the events of the past week illustrate, Jew-hatred is thriving on both the left and the right. Individually, each of these instances—the legitimization of the BDS movement and targeting of Jewish institutions at Boston’s Wellesley College; the establishment of a Jew-free zone by student organizations at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law; the appearance of BDS advocate Roger Waters on the Joe Rogan podcast; and the featuring of the rapper formerly known as Kanye West on the Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight”—can be unpacked, denounced or rationalized and then forgotten, before the public’s attention is diverted to new controversies.

Joe Rogan embraces BDS hate

Rogan’s decision to grant a platform to Pink Floyd front man and anti-Israel zealot Roger Waters is defended as just one more instance of the country’s leading podcast pushing the envelope when it comes to controversial speakers.

Despite the fact that he has never been a political conservative, Rogan became a piñata for many on the left due to his willingness to engage in dialogue with figures like social critic Jordan Peterson and skeptics of the government’s COVID-19 policies. Indeed, many leading artists sought to get him de-platformed from Spotify for his unwillingness to suppress dissent from liberal orthodoxy on important issues. That effort rightly failed; Rogan’s podcast continues to thrive, with an average of some 11 million listeners per episode.

But having already “cried wolf” about him, liberals have little credibility when they criticize Rogan for a show in which notorious anti-Semite Waters was able to spout hatred for Israel—as well as myths about its measures of self-defense in the face of the Palestinian war to destroy it—without being challenged or contradicted.

Waters didn’t merely engage in criticism of Israel. He floated conspiracy theories about it that justify Palestinian terrorism and promulgate the lie that it’s an “apartheid state.”

Throughout the interview, Rogan agreed with Waters that Israel’s existence is an exercise in segregation and racism, and allowed him to claim that none of this was anti-Semitic.

Tucker Carlson gives Kanye West a platform

The same week, Carlson hosted West, who now calls himself “Ye,” and gave him the opportunity to speak for the entire hour of his highly rated show.

Carlson became something of a tribune for conservatives for his forthright condemnations of the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020 and willingness to speak out on other issues dear to the hearts of those on the political right. That made him a target for the left, with groups like the Anti-Defamation League seeking to de-platform him for his discussions of so-called “replacement theory” about immigration. This said more about the ADL’s partisanship than Carlson, since the idea that demographic change will alter American politics is one that originated with and continues to be advocated for by Democrats.

Here again, the fact that liberal groups have already “cried wolf’” about Carlson makes it easier for him to dismiss criticisms when he actually does something to mainstream hatred. This is what happened in the wake of the West interview.

Carlson embraced West because some of what he says is in line with conservative views about race-baiting (his endorsement of a “White Lives Matter” shirt) and opposition to abortion. On the program, the rapper/fashion mogul was allowed to claim that Jared Kushner pursued the Abraham Accords for financial profit rather than to advance peace.

Carlson is unique among leading conservative media figures in that he is not a supporter of Israel. He is careful, however, to stay away from discussions about the Jewish state, lest he run afoul of mainstream conservative opinion, which is overwhelmingly Zionist.

The word “Israel,” thus, is a word almost never heard from 8-9 p.m. on Fox News. And it is not surprising that Carlson would allow one of the Trump administration’s greatest triumphs to be denigrated in this particular manner.

While Carlson trumpeted the interview as proof that West was not, as many claim, a disturbed individual or a hatemonger, what was left out of the broadcast was as interesting as what was left in. In outtakes that have subsequently been published, West made numerous allusions to hateful Jewish stereotypes.

He even echoed assertions of the Black Israelite sect that African-Americans were the real Jews—effectually denying the existence of a Jewish people. That Carlson would leave this out of his show demonstrates that he was attempting to hide West’s anti-Semitism.

Days later, West dropped the veil. In a series of tweets, he announced that he was going to “def con 3 against the Jewish people.” Yet conservative talk-show host Candace Owens defended him, in essence instructing Jews on what does or does not constitute anti-Semitism.

Like liberals circling the wagons around left-wing haters of Israel and the Jews, Carlson and Owens are doing the same for West and for the same reason. In each case, legitimizing anti-Semitism is considered justified if it defends a political ally, regardless of the consequences.

What happens at Wellesley and Berkeley or what is said on Rogan’s, Carlson’s or Owens’s talk shows do not by themselves mean that all of the guardrails against anti-Semitism in American society have been removed. But, taken together, they demonstrate how anti-Semitic attitudes and statements are increasingly legitimized in mainstream discourse.

After last week, it’s no good pretending that Jew-hatred is only a problem on one or the other side of the political aisle. And it’s the obligation of decent people—no matter where their political loyalties lie—to condemn all expressions of anti-Semitism unambiguously.

That too many otherwise decent people are either ignoring these incidents or downplaying them, because speaking out might entail offending political allies, isn’t simply a disgrace. It explains why anti-Semitism is coming back into fashion in quarters where we thought it had become extinct.

(full article online)

[ No protests against Russia. No protests against any other country or people ]

AfD politician Holger Winterstein on one of the 2,711 stone slabs at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, Oct. 8, 2022. Source: Twitter.

AfD politician Holger Winterstein on one of the 2,711 stone slabs at the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, Oct. 8, 2022. Source: Twitter.


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