Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it

and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Again you are wrong. Congress has not read the unredacted report and oh yea... Republican Congressman Amash has read the redacted version and he is appalled at what it says about Trump’s actions
Congressman lesh has reported in.
He is too dumb to know that the real Congress who did read the report will not impeach
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Pelosi will not call for Impeachment because she knows the backlash will cause the Democrats to lose in 2020...
The reason Pelosi is not calling for Impeachment is because she knows that Turtle McConnell and the GOP Senate will protect Trump regardless of what he did

It is because it may negatively impact the 2020 election. A liberal and HRC supporter, Alan Dershowitz, the preeminent constitutional lawyer in the US and Harvard Professor stated that there are no grounds for impeachment. So are you more proficient in constitutional law than him? Do tell.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
If liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
I know...I's very cruel to ask CRCs to read something..................................especially with all those pages...and big words...and such. Should be against the 8th Amendment...cruel and unusual punishment.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read like going on and on and on about something you haven't read? How wonderfully enlightening.
So you like going on and on that I have to read the report that every Democrat in the house read and will not impeach based on what they read....

and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
If liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
I know...I's very cruel to ask CRCs to read something..................................especially with all those pages...and big words...and such. Should be against the 8th Amendment...cruel and unusual punishment.
Pelosi read it goofy, and she said there are no grounds for impeachment

Which part eludes your Burger King table wiping mind
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
If liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
I know...I's very cruel to ask CRCs to read something..................................especially with all those pages...and big words...and such. Should be against the 8th Amendment...cruel and unusual punishment.
Table 5 has a ketchup spill
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
If liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
I know...I's very cruel to ask CRCs to read something..................................especially with all those pages...and big words...and such. Should be against the 8th Amendment...cruel and unusual punishment.
if liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
If liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
I know...I's very cruel to ask CRCs to read something..................................especially with all those pages...and big words...and such. Should be against the 8th Amendment...cruel and unusual punishment.
if liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
Well let's be honest, they are trying to get us to read it so that we can explain it to them
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Pelosi will not call for Impeachment because she knows the backlash will cause the Democrats to lose in 2020...
The reason Pelosi is not calling for Impeachment is because she knows that Turtle McConnell and the GOP Senate will protect Trump regardless of what he did

It is because it may negatively impact the 2020 election. A liberal and HRC supporter, Alan Dershowitz, the preeminent constitutional lawyer in the US and Harvard Professor stated that there are no grounds for impeachment. So are you more proficient in constitutional law than him? Do tell.
He's a paid shill, ask OJ

IF the glove doesn't fit,
You must acquit!

Or ask Jeffrey Epstein who raped over 40 young girls, Dershowitz got him off with a slap on the hand.

Dershowitz is a great lawyer,

For the guilty!!!
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Pelosi will not call for Impeachment because she knows the backlash will cause the Democrats to lose in 2020...
The reason Pelosi is not calling for Impeachment is because she knows that Turtle McConnell and the GOP Senate will protect Trump regardless of what he did

It is because it may negatively impact the 2020 election. A liberal and HRC supporter, Alan Dershowitz, the preeminent constitutional lawyer in the US and Harvard Professor stated that there are no grounds for impeachment. So are you more proficient in constitutional law than him? Do tell.
He's a paid shill, ask OJ

IF the glove doesn't fit,
You must acquit!

Or ask Jeffrey Epstein who raped over 40 young girls, Dershowitz got him off with a slap on the hand.

Dershowitz is a great lawyer,

For the guilty!!!
And your chick Nancy is also a paid Shill who will not impeach

and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Pelosi will not call for Impeachment because she knows the backlash will cause the Democrats to lose in 2020...
The reason Pelosi is not calling for Impeachment is because she knows that Turtle McConnell and the GOP Senate will protect Trump regardless of what he did

It is because it may negatively impact the 2020 election. A liberal and HRC supporter, Alan Dershowitz, the preeminent constitutional lawyer in the US and Harvard Professor stated that there are no grounds for impeachment. So are you more proficient in constitutional law than him? Do tell.
He's a paid shill, ask OJ

IF the glove doesn't fit,
You must acquit!

Or ask Jeffrey Epstein who raped over 40 young girls, Dershowitz got him off with a slap on the hand.

Dershowitz is a great lawyer,

For the guilty!!!

He was one of many for OJ. And to your point he is a great lawyer but he is a Clinton supporter and a Democrat. He only supports the law.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Pelosi will not call for Impeachment because she knows the backlash will cause the Democrats to lose in 2020...
The reason Pelosi is not calling for Impeachment is because she knows that Turtle McConnell and the GOP Senate will protect Trump regardless of what he did

It is because it may negatively impact the 2020 election. A liberal and HRC supporter, Alan Dershowitz, the preeminent constitutional lawyer in the US and Harvard Professor stated that there are no grounds for impeachment. So are you more proficient in constitutional law than him? Do tell.
He's a paid shill, ask OJ

IF the glove doesn't fit,
You must acquit!

Or ask Jeffrey Epstein who raped over 40 young girls, Dershowitz got him off with a slap on the hand.

Dershowitz is a great lawyer,

For the guilty!!!
Ask Alveda King who voted for Trump

If liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?



You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.

Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Pelosi will not call for Impeachment because she knows the backlash will cause the Democrats to lose in 2020...
The reason Pelosi is not calling for Impeachment is because she knows that Turtle McConnell and the GOP Senate will protect Trump regardless of what he did

It is because it may negatively impact the 2020 election. A liberal and HRC supporter, Alan Dershowitz, the preeminent constitutional lawyer in the US and Harvard Professor stated that there are no grounds for impeachment. So are you more proficient in constitutional law than him? Do tell.
He's a paid shill, ask OJ

IF the glove doesn't fit,
You must acquit!

Or ask Jeffrey Epstein who raped over 40 young girls, Dershowitz got him off with a slap on the hand.

Dershowitz is a great lawyer,

For the guilty!!!
Typical liberal, gets her "facts" from a murderer.
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?



You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.

Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.

Muller did pursue all leads.....
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Read the Mueller Report.



You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.

Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.

Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
Wrong, Muller did investigate this and he indicted 12 or 13 Russian intelligence personel.

You are living in la la land

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