Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it

and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Without reading the report one is in no position to comment on the issue.
The report is Mueller’s opinion, nothing more, nothing less… End of story
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Read the Mueller Report.
Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid

You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it.

If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.


Shit...are you dumb.

In other words there is no basis for impeachment.

If dems had a solid case with evidence, they would have the votes.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Read the Mueller Report.
Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid

You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it.

If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.


Shit...are you dumb.

You stupid bitch
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Pelosi will not call for Impeachment because she knows the backlash will cause the Democrats to lose in 2020...
No. Pelosi will not call for impeachment because the republicans in the Senate are wholly owned by tRump and wouldn't convict him no matter what.
We got a pass it before we know what’s in it… Sounds familiar?
So shut the fuck up
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Read the Mueller Report.
Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid

You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it.

If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.


Shit...are you dumb.
Can you count?

Only about 30 House Dems have come out in favor of impeachment.

It's you that is the stupid bitch.

But it's not your fault. Clinton gave birth to you and abandoned you at Janet Reno's house.

So whether it's nature or nurture, you drew a bad card, cuz they both be some stupid treacherous bitches.

Here is another Russian Meme for you

This one got 49 likes!

The Russians are coming The Russians are coming!


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
What are you talking about?

It’s a fact that the Russians did the hacking.

The only people denying that are right wing QAnon nut jobs... ya know... the Pizzagate crowd
...And still no Russian connection to Trump
First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
What are you talking about?

It’s a fact that the Russians did the hacking.

The only people denying that are right wing QAnon nut jobs... ya know... the Pizzagate crowd
Please present your FACTS.

Even Mueller still to this day cannot say who obtained Podesta's emails because Mueller avoided looking at The DNC Server. No one has ever seen it.

But Forensics experts have shown that Podesta's emails were copied internally, not uploaded through a hacking attempt.

The Pakistani Criminal Hackers are who took his emails, because they had administrative rights.

They gave them to Seth Rich who gave them to assange.

All of them were Sanders supporters.

"They gave them to Seth Rich who gave them to assange.

All of them were Sanders supporters."

These two statements are not statements of fact, but rather statements of supposition. The rest is correct though.

Assange strongly implied he received them from Rich, though never explicitly stated such.

We should remain skeptical for several reasons. This is yet another reason the report cannot be trusted. They now have Assange in custody, but would never depose him on this issue. Most knowledgeable folks believe Assange is a limited hang-out.

We shall see, depending on Assange's sanctioning. . . .

Assange will never be extradited to The US
Assange will also NEVER be asked to testify to the fact Seth Rich sent him Podesta's emails.

I will lay a bet on either.

When is Guccifer's Trial?

You know, the guy who said he and numerous other people easily hacked in to Clinton's unsecured server, and James Comey said Nobody hacked in to her server.

Yah that guy. He will never see a trial.

Also will lay a bet on that too.

When do we get to see the transcripts of Comey's Fake Investigation in to Clinton's Espionage Charges?

Where is "The Comey Report?"
Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.
Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I assure you half of those who scream "read the report" have not themselves read it and the other half didn't understand a word except "...does not exonerate him." Additionally I doubt more than half of congress read the entire report and of those less than half understood it. I want to know who read to (or for) AOC like a bedtime story and how long it took for her to nod-off.

What all impeachers assiduously ignore is the single most important 11 words in the 400+ page treatise … that "...
this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime..."

If one accepts that the purpose of a prosecutorial investigation is to uncover criminality (not exoneration) - and it is - then that one statement is all one need understand. Our justice system does not do "we found no crime but..." and we do not prosecute and congress must not persecute any American for a crime or crimes he did not commit.

2 yrs and $35 million are more than enough time and cash to find criminality and the Muel Team admittedly did not.

Case closed.
Last edited:
Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.
Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I assure you half of those who scream "read the report" have not themselves read it and the other half didn't understand a word except "...does not exonerate him."
Case closed.

I assure you that you have not a fucking clue who has and who has not read the report.

So to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant.

Have a nice day.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE. Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Reading isn't their problem, but basic comprehension. Their minds automatically twist whatever they read into supporting their preloaded delusions.

2.5 years of constant CNN/PMSNBC lies may have soothed their seething hatred but did nothing to alleviate the underlying mental & emotional distress. In fact, it fed both.

Haters gotta hate 'cause it's in their DNA.
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Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.
Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I assure you half of those who scream "read the report" have not themselves read it and the other half didn't understand a word except "...does not exonerate him."
Case closed.

I assure you that you have not a fucking clue who has and who has not read the report.

So to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant.

Have a nice day.
Well, the report says there was no Russian connection to Trump… That was the whole point of the investigation was it not?
Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.
Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I assure you half of those who scream "read the report" have not themselves read it and the other half didn't understand a word except "...does not exonerate him."
Case closed.

I assure you that you have not a fucking clue who has and who has not read the report.

So to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant.

Have a nice day.

Ummm...yes we do.
No Democrats have read the less-redacted Mueller report. But five Republicans have. - CNNPolitics
Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.
Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I assure you half of those who scream "read the report" have not themselves read it and the other half didn't understand a word except "...does not exonerate him." Additionally I doubt more than half of congress read the entire report and of those less than half understood it. I want to know who read to (or for) AOC like a bedtime story and how long it took for her to nod-off.

What all impeachers assiduously ignore is the single most important 11 words in the 400+ page treatise … that "...
this report does not conclude
that the president committed a crime..."

If one accepts that the purpose of a prosecutorial investigation is to uncover criminality (not exoneration) - and it is - then that one statement is all one need understand. Our justice system does not do "we found no crime but..." and we do not prosecute and congress must not persecute any American for a crime or crimes he did not commit.

2 yrs and $35 million are more than enough time and cash to find criminality and the Muel Team admittedly did not.

Case closed.

This is correct.

Compare to Ken Starr's report which concluded that Bill Clinton committed 11 crimes that he should be indicted for and impeached for.

Mueller concluded that 0 crimes were committed by the president.
Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.
Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I assure you half of those who scream "read the report" have not themselves read it and the other half didn't understand a word except "...does not exonerate him."
Case closed.

I assure you that you have not a fucking clue who has and who has not read the report.

So to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant.

Have a nice day.
Which totally ignores the fact that not all or perhaps even many who scream "read the report you ignorant twit" have themselves read it.

Barr quickly made available a less redacted version of the Mueller Report to congress men & women wanting more of it. Only 2 - both Repubs - bothered to go to his offices to read it proving conclusively that Dems don't really care about anything that does not include trashing Trump.

Oh yeah, and thanks … you have a good day too. :D

Just 2 lawmakers have seen less-redacted Mueller report
Barr offered access to a less-redacted version of the report to just 12 members of Congress — six Democrats and six Republicans. But as of Tuesday afternoon, only Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, opted to view it. A third, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he planned to review the report later Tuesday.
Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.
Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I assure you half of those who scream "read the report" have not themselves read it and the other half didn't understand a word except "...does not exonerate him." Additionally I doubt more than half of congress read the entire report and of those less than half understood it. I want to know who read to (or for) AOC like a bedtime story and how long it took for her to nod-off.

What all impeachers assiduously ignore is the single most important 11 words in the 400+ page treatise … that "...
this report does not conclude
that the president committed a crime..."

If one accepts that the purpose of a prosecutorial investigation is to uncover criminality (not exoneration) - and it is - then that one statement is all one need understand. Our justice system does not do "we found no crime but..." and we do not prosecute and congress must not persecute any American for a crime or crimes he did not commit.

2 yrs and $35 million are more than enough time and cash to find criminality and the Muel Team admittedly did not.

Case closed.

This is correct.

Compare to Ken Starr's report which concluded that Bill Clinton committed 11 crimes that he should be indicted for and impeached for.

Mueller concluded that 0 crimes were committed by the president.
And he found N0 Americans at all that COLLUDED WITH Russia, however now we know through Steele the Dems did and is this an admission that Dems are no longer Americans?
Or is this proof that the investigation was not about Russian collusion but a smokescreen for crimes on the left and their coup tactic?
Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.
Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I assure you half of those who scream "read the report" have not themselves read it and the other half didn't understand a word except "...does not exonerate him."
Case closed.

I assure you that you have not a fucking clue who has and who has not read the report.

So to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant.

Have a nice day.
Why are you so worried about Russian Memes which resulted in not a single Russian casting a vote or causing an American to change a vote in The Election, yet you are totally unconcerned that The Government of Mexico is telling Illegal Aliens how to infiltrate America, encouraging them to Not Learn English, and telling them to try to register to vote even though it is illegal for them to do so?

Why are you unconcerned that The Democrat Party and associated organizations are spending Millions of Dollars to help give Illegal Aliens legal advice and help them get in to The US?

Not a single Russian voted in our election but it is estimated that nearly 3 Million Illegals voted in California in 2016 and as many as 6 Million voted in our election back in 2016.

Why is it you don't care that Mexico, and Central America are trying to interfere in American Politics, but Russia posts a few silly memes and you are having epileptic fits over it?

Illegal Aliens voted and changed vote totals in many areas..... Not a single Russian voted or changed a vote total anywhere.

Why are you unconcerned about real Voter Fraud, and why do you Oppose Voter ID which would stop it?
Watch Robert Mueller Tell Congress His Investigation Shows Iraq has WMD....He lied then....he lies now!

and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I don't think they know how to read, and if you ever watched Pelosi lately, they can't speak either.
Now now picking on the senile is not polite
Which is why she should step down, her senility caused her to forget which country she is house speaker for. *L*
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I don't think they know how to read, and if you ever watched Pelosi lately, they can't speak either.
Now now picking on the senile is not polite
Which is why she should step down, her senility caused her to forget which country she is house speaker for. *L*
Sadly Nancy is making more sense than any other democrat
Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid
You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it. If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.
Horseshit. You have no clue why Pelosi is restraining her more rabid Dem House comrades so to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant. Just admit it and move on. :D

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