Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it

Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid
You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it. If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.
Horseshit. You have no clue why Pelosi is restraining her more rabid Dem House comrades so to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant. Just admit it and move on. :D
I know, because Pelosi has seen some of the files that Trump will release if impeached and Nancy knows that Trump is the most dangerous president of all time to the dems
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I don't think they know how to read, and if you ever watched Pelosi lately, they can't speak either.
Now now picking on the senile is not polite
Which is why she should step down, her senility caused her to forget which country she is house speaker for. *L*


Right after you agree that Trump should step down because the senile, old coot keeps saying his father was born in Germany (when he was born in New York...duh). Who the fuck cannot remember what continent your own father - who gave him hundreds of millions of dollars - was born?

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany
Which is why she should step down, her senility caused her to forget which country she is house speaker for. *L*
If she does which Dem will even pretend to be the voice of reason?
Sadly Nancy is making more sense than any other democrat
Who would have predicted that an aging loony-lib from San Fran would be the only House Dem even attempting to be an adult in that clown car? Certainly I did not. :lol:
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I don't think they know how to read, and if you ever watched Pelosi lately, they can't speak either.
Now now picking on the senile is not polite
Which is why she should step down, her senility caused her to forget which country she is house speaker for. *L*


Right after you agree that Trump should step down because the senile, old coot keeps saying his father was born in Germany (when he was born in New York...duh). Who the fuck cannot remember what continent your own father - who gave him hundreds of millions of dollars - was born?

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany
"Keeps saying?" Why do you keep LYING?
Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid
You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it. If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.
Horseshit. You have no clue why Pelosi is restraining her more rabid Dem House comrades so to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant. Just admit it and move on. :D
I know, because Pelosi has seen some of the files that Trump will release if impeached and Nancy knows that Trump is the most dangerous president of all time to the dems
Since the day he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" Trump has been a threat to the power, positions, and places at the trough of all swampers both Dem and Repub. How many of the 31 Repub incumbents who did not seek reelection in 2018 did not because of Trump is unknown but it had to figure into virtually all their decisions.

A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018
A record number of Republicans are leaving the House of Representatives in 2018, either to retire or to seek higher office. A total of 31 House Republicans will not be running for re-election in 2018 with Rep Darrell Issa's (R-CA) retirement announcement Wednesday.
Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid
You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it. If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.
Horseshit. You have no clue why Pelosi is restraining her more rabid Dem House comrades so to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant. Just admit it and move on. :D
I know, because Pelosi has seen some of the files that Trump will release if impeached and Nancy knows that Trump is the most dangerous president of all time to the dems
Since the day he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" Trump has been a threat to the power, positions, and places at the trough of all swampers both Dem and Repub. How many of the 31 Repub incumbents who did not seek reelection in 2018 did not because of Trump is unknown but it had to figure into virtually all their decisions.

A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018
A record number of Republicans are leaving the House of Representatives in 2018, either to retire or to seek higher office. A total of 31 House Republicans will not be running for re-election in 2018 with Rep Darrell Issa's (R-CA) retirement announcement Wednesday.
Trump is not deep state this investigation isca warning to the next not deep state candidate to not bother running
Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid
You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it. If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.
Horseshit. You have no clue why Pelosi is restraining her more rabid Dem House comrades so to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant. Just admit it and move on. :D
I know, because Pelosi has seen some of the files that Trump will release if impeached and Nancy knows that Trump is the most dangerous president of all time to the dems
Since the day he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" Trump has been a threat to the power, positions, and places at the trough of all swampers both Dem and Repub. How many of the 31 Repub incumbents who did not seek reelection in 2018 did not because of Trump is unknown but it had to figure into virtually all their decisions.

A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018
A record number of Republicans are leaving the House of Representatives in 2018, either to retire or to seek higher office. A total of 31 House Republicans will not be running for re-election in 2018 with Rep Darrell Issa's (R-CA) retirement announcement Wednesday.
Trump is not deep state this investigation isca warning to the next not deep state candidate to not bother running
Self-serving Swampers won't quit trying. Many are hanging on for dear life hoping to outlast Trump but should he win in 2020 - and it right now seems clear he will - many more will be shorn from the public teat.

3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report
Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.

Steven Rattner wrote that Ray Fair of Yale favors Trump to win based on a model that combines incumbency and gross domestic product growth rates.
You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it. If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.
Horseshit. You have no clue why Pelosi is restraining her more rabid Dem House comrades so to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant. Just admit it and move on. :D
I know, because Pelosi has seen some of the files that Trump will release if impeached and Nancy knows that Trump is the most dangerous president of all time to the dems
Since the day he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" Trump has been a threat to the power, positions, and places at the trough of all swampers both Dem and Repub. How many of the 31 Repub incumbents who did not seek reelection in 2018 did not because of Trump is unknown but it had to figure into virtually all their decisions.

A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018
A record number of Republicans are leaving the House of Representatives in 2018, either to retire or to seek higher office. A total of 31 House Republicans will not be running for re-election in 2018 with Rep Darrell Issa's (R-CA) retirement announcement Wednesday.
Trump is not deep state this investigation isca warning to the next not deep state candidate to not bother running
Self-serving Swampers won't quit trying. Many are hanging on for dear life hoping to outlast Trump but should he win in 2020 - and it right now seems clear he will - many more will be shorn from the public teat.

3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report
Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.

Steven Rattner wrote that Ray Fair of Yale favors Trump to win based on a model that combines incumbency and gross domestic product growth rates.

LOL...even the Trumpbot that first post those on this site knows enough not to put much stock in those silly predictions.

3 modelers predict Trump will dust the left in 2020
Horseshit. You have no clue why Pelosi is restraining her more rabid Dem House comrades so to claim otherwise is monumentally arrogant and ignorant. Just admit it and move on. :D
I know, because Pelosi has seen some of the files that Trump will release if impeached and Nancy knows that Trump is the most dangerous president of all time to the dems
Since the day he defeated "the most qualified candidate evah" Trump has been a threat to the power, positions, and places at the trough of all swampers both Dem and Repub. How many of the 31 Repub incumbents who did not seek reelection in 2018 did not because of Trump is unknown but it had to figure into virtually all their decisions.

A Record Number of House Republicans Will Not Seek Re-Election in 2018
A record number of Republicans are leaving the House of Representatives in 2018, either to retire or to seek higher office. A total of 31 House Republicans will not be running for re-election in 2018 with Rep Darrell Issa's (R-CA) retirement announcement Wednesday.
Trump is not deep state this investigation isca warning to the next not deep state candidate to not bother running
Self-serving Swampers won't quit trying. Many are hanging on for dear life hoping to outlast Trump but should he win in 2020 - and it right now seems clear he will - many more will be shorn from the public teat.

3 modelers predict Trump reelection: report
Three modelers are predicting President Trump will win reelection in 2020 based on a combination of economic data and incumbent advantages, according to a column in The New York Times.

Steven Rattner wrote that Ray Fair of Yale favors Trump to win based on a model that combines incumbency and gross domestic product growth rates.

LOL...even the Trumpbot that first post those on this site knows enough not to put much stock in those silly predictions.

3 modelers predict Trump will dust the left in 2020
I absolutely agree that predictions are of little value, particularly 17 months before the election. Hell, the day before the 2016 election virtually all posters guaranteed Shrillary would wear the crown. In truth I put far more faith in what every loyal American should hope will continue to be our success and prosperity. Living in denial will do you no good:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans you consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
I don't think they know how to read, and if you ever watched Pelosi lately, they can't speak either.
Now now picking on the senile is not polite
Which is why she should step down, her senility caused her to forget which country she is house speaker for. *L*


Right after you agree that Trump should step down because the senile, old coot keeps saying his father was born in Germany (when he was born in New York...duh). Who the fuck cannot remember what continent your own father - who gave him hundreds of millions of dollars - was born?

Trump incorrectly says that his father was born in Germany
I'm not gonna read the link because more often you guys are wrong so why trust your sources?
Let's humor you and say it's accurate, but assumptive, because a person could mean ancestors not that he literally was from there, people misspeak that way all the time, but also missunderstood by the listener as well.
I've spoken that way about my own father and his father, it's a general statement of where your ancestry is from.
Another grasp for straws, what are you doing, opening up a soda shop or something?
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
If liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?



You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.

No one here can change anything by reading the report

We can all educate ourselves so we can make informed decisions, so we can know things first hand instead of just repeating what we are told to say.

If you think that won't change things then by all means, remain ignorant, but don't whine when people tell you to better yourself.
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?



You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.

Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.

You claim to be nonpartisan and link to nothing but rwnj conspiracy theory sites



You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.

Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.

Muller did pursue all leads.....

It would take decades to pursue all the leads.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?
400 pages of lies based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama, and Mueller still could not pin a single crime on President Trump.
Does Putin's cock leave an after taste in your mouth?
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?
400 pages of lies based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama, and Mueller still could not pin a single crime on President Trump.
Does Putin's cock leave an after taste in your mouth?
Even if I were so inclined it wouldn't be possible.

It's still up your ass.
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read[/QUOTE]

You're a true IDIOT........First you state " a result of reading it".....and in the next sentence, ".....for not being educated enough to read....".......LMAO
We can all educate ourselves so we can make informed decisions, so we can know things first hand instead of just repeating what we are told to say.

If you think that won't change things then by all means, remain ignorant, but don't whine when people tell you to better yourself.
Good...I like that...then maybe you can tell me what Trump did that reaches high crimes.....because no other dem or liberal will tell me...they say we must defend the constitution...from what?...from who? I figure since you took the time to educate yourself you may be able to tell me what no one else so far has been able to.......What did Trump do that deserves impeachment???...



You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.

Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.

You claim to be nonpartisan and link to nothing but rwnj conspiracy theory sites

Ad hominem attacks are weak, especially when they are incorrect. I will give you that some of the sources I used have a bias as you impugn, that does not take away from their truth. I will however, address the incorrectness of some of your claims, and post alternative, left of center sources for the others.

The Nation
The Nation - Media Bias/Fact Check


"These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Nation Left Biased due to story choices and wording that favor the left and factually high based on proper sourcing.

Detailed Report

Factual Reporting: HIGH
Country: USA
World Press Freedom Rank: USA 48/180


Founded in 1865, The Nation is an American weekly business magazine based in New York City. The Nation covers world and national news, politics, economy, arts, culture and more. The Nation considers itself as a continuation of William Lloyd Garrison’s anti-slavery newspaper, The Liberator.

The Nation’s founding publisher was Joseph H. Richards, and the Irish born American Journalist Edwin Lawrence Godkin, who had formerly worked as a correspondent of the London Daily News and editor of the New York Evening Post. After the Nation was sold to the New York Evening Post, Godkin became editor of the Post, a position he held until his retirement in 1899. Wendell Phillips Garrison, son of William Lloyd Garrison, was Literary Editor from 1865 to 1906. The Nation was bought by newspaperman-turned-railroad-baron Henry Villard in 1881 and The Nation became a weekly supplement for the New York Evening Post (Later it became the New York Post). After Henry Villard, his son, Oswald Garrison Villard, would became the new owner in 1900.

The Nation masthead states that it is edited and published by Katrina vanden Heuvel. Richard Kim is Executive Editor and the President is Erin O’Mara. According to their about page the magazine describes itself as “Principled. Progressive”.

Funded by / Ownership

Katrina vanden Heuve is the editor, publisher, and part-owner of The Nation. She also writes an op-ed column for the Washington Post. Subscription and advertising is The Nation’s main revenue as well as donations, which contributes to the Nation Builders campaign.

Analysis / Bias

The Nation endorsed Bernie Sanders for President in 2016. They also have been criticized for being a Pro-Russia publication by both conservatives and liberals. Here is a quote from the right leaning Washington Free Beacon: “The Nation’s modern day Russia coverage has been criticized as too pro-Putin. Stephen F. Cohen, who is the husband of editor and publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel, has been characterized as a Putin apologist.” However, an op-ed writer for the The Nation, was forcibly removed from a press briefing between U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin on July 16, 2018 for holding up a sign regarding a nuclear weapons ban treaty, according to CNBC."

Consortium News

Consortium News - Media Bias/Fact Check



These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased sources.

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Notes: Consortium News is an alternative independent news source established in 1995. It is considered the first alternative investigative journalism internet news source. Consortium News covers stories deeply and has been responsible for uncovering scandals and important information that was not found/covered by the mainstream media. They are factual and evidence based, but present information with a slight left of center tone. (D. Van Zandt 11/3/2016)

Consortium News (CN) is an investigative journalism site that publishes fact and evidence based articles. While there is a slight left bias overall, CN is as likely to point out faults on the left as well as the right. As is common with truly fair and balanced reporting, it can lead to charges of bias from both sides from having their beliefs challenged. Despite the slightly left bias CN earns a Least Biased rating. (D. Kelley 3/25/17)

(New) Consortium News has articles that many on the right may consider left biased: The Fat Cats of Fast-Food

While also having articles the left won’t like: Do High-Level Leaks Suggest a Conspiracy?

The reporting from consortium news cites itself as trying to find the truth. However, I would say that they do often report on things with a left leaning focus. With articles like the above pro-minimum wage or anything regarding the environment. I can see how some on the left would feel that articles like the above or another titled “Europe May Finally Rethink NATO Costs” can come off as right leaning. The reality is that truth has no side. Sometimes somebody on the right is correct and somebody on the left is wrong. The bigger issue is that the political environment of America has been moving the goal posts, of left and right, to the right for the last 30+ years. Meaning that somebody who is “left” today may in fact have been right 20 years ago. Consortium News has experts from various backgrounds and not just pure journalist which also helps with its reporting to keep it as centered as one can get these days. They have articles about Hillary, Obama, Bush, and Trump all of which have negative things to say about them. They cite factual data with real sources and with minimum usage of loaded wording that you often find in other online only magazines. I would put this news source in your feed to get a more grounded perspective on many of the issues that are shaping up today. (M. Allen 6/3/17)

Now, to the reliability of Crowdstrike? You are right, we will turn to a new source since you don't trust the right. Everyone know they are in the DNC's pocket, but you want to put your head in the sane? FINE.

Voice of America
Voice of America - Media Bias/Fact Check

These sources have minimal bias and use very few loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes). The reporting is factual and usually sourced. These are the most credible media sources. See all Least Biased sources.

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Notes: Voice of America (VOA) is a United States government-funded multimedia news source and the official external broadcasting institution of the United States. VOA provides programming for broadcast on radio, TV, and the Internet outside of the U.S., in English and some foreign languages. Very low biased reporting and factual. (8/15/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/5/2017)

Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data

Think Tank: Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data

This source will replace those two other conservative sources attacking Crowd Strike.

Adjust your paradigm of reality accordingly.

I have no partisan agenda.

My only agenda is the truth. Stop attacking the sources and discuss my arguments. I can find sources on the left and right covering the truth buddy.
If liberal scum couldn't tell us to "go back and read...", half of their posts would not be here. It's part of their talking points and another failed buttstain attempt to make the greasy filth appear superior.
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?



You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.

No one here can change anything by reading the report

We can all educate ourselves so we can make informed decisions, so we can know things first hand instead of just repeating what we are told to say.

If you think that won't change things then by all means, remain ignorant, but don't whine when people tell you to better yourself.

Nancy read the report and said no impeachment

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