Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it

and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?
400 pages of lies based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama, and Mueller still could not pin a single crime on President Trump.
Does Putin's cock leave an after taste in your mouth?
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Reading isn't their problem, but basic comprehension. Their minds automatically twist whatever they read into supporting their preloaded delusions.
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?

1) You have no clue what I have or have not read.

2) AG Barr has read it, and at this juncture, his reading of it is the only one that legally matters. If the Democrats take issue, let them launch impeachment proceedings. Please.

Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
Wrong, Muller did investigate this and he indicted 12 or 13 Russian intelligence personel.

You are living in la la land

Next turd

Recommended Indictments against Clinton: 11
Recommended indictments against Trump: 0

So Memes are criminal, like this one?











I know you can't read, but Read This

Russia's memes had no quantifiable effect on our elections, but we have to keep hearing about it anyway


Opinion | Russian Memes Didn’t Steal the Election
Last edited:

Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
Wrong, Muller did investigate this and he indicted 12 or 13 Russian intelligence personel.

You are living in la la land

Next turd
Based on copied, second hand data.

I already posted the problems with Crowd Strike and their agenda.

You think Muller isn't honest? all the more reason for you to go read the report.

Educate yourself.


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
What are you talking about?

It’s a fact that the Russians did the hacking.

The only people denying that are right wing QAnon nut jobs... ya know... the Pizzagate crowd
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
Wrong, Muller did investigate this and he indicted 12 or 13 Russian intelligence personel.

You are living in la la land

Next turd
Based on copied, second hand data.

I already posted the problems with Crowd Strike and their agenda.

Crowd Strike is not a good company. I would not trust them on my network.

Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
What are you talking about?

It’s a fact that the Russians did the hacking.

The only people denying that are right wing QAnon nut jobs... ya know... the Pizzagate crowd
You obviously didn't read any of those links and don't know what the hell you are talking about.

You are the type of person that did really well in school aren't you? What ever the teacher told you, you just regurgitated.

You just do what authority tells you. If an expert says it, it HAS to be true. You lack all critical thinking what-so-ever.

I can see, no reasoning is to be done with you.

and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

The Left uses this shoddy debate tactic for a couple of reasons. One, they believe we will not take the time to read the damn thing at all. Two? Well, the modern American Left is actually the postmodern American Left and postmodernism relies on a philosophical ritual, if you will, known as deconstructionism. What that essentially means is there are infinite ways of interpreting a piece of writing (the Mueller Report, for instance) and that the author of the report must have intended hidden meanings and messages even he was unaware of when he wrote it. Lastly, deconstructionism allows for the reader of a written work to tell its author what he really meant. So, armed with such insane literary critiquing tools, neither you nor I will ever win an argument with a postmodernist about what the Mueller Report "really" says or means. Funny thing is most of the far Left posters on this forum aren't fully indoctrinated postmodernists or they're barely acolyte novices of the ideology, so watching them try to debate according to postmodern dictates is quite entertaining in an ant versus magnifying glass sort of way.
First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
Wrong, Muller did investigate this and he indicted 12 or 13 Russian intelligence personel.

You are living in la la land

Next turd
Based on copied, second hand data.

I already posted the problems with Crowd Strike and their agenda.

Crowd Strike is not a good company. I would not trust them on my network.

Not only that, indictments don't mean shit. Only convictions do.

When some of these Russians showed up to court, he was embarrassed by his false accusations. :71:

They are now moving to have these indictments dismissed.

Lawyer for Russian Firm Says Mueller Is Prosecuting a ‘Made-Up Crime’
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?
400 pages of lies based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama, and Mueller still could not pin a single crime on President Trump.
Does Putin's cock leave an after taste in your mouth?
How much did you manage to read, Comrade?
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
Wrong, Muller did investigate this and he indicted 12 or 13 Russian intelligence personel.

You are living in la la land

Next turd
Based on copied, second hand data.

I already posted the problems with Crowd Strike and their agenda.

Crowd Strike is not a good company. I would not trust them on my network.

Not only that, indictments don't mean shit. Only convictions do.

When some of these Russians showed up to court, he was embarrassed by his false accusations. :71:

They are now moving to have these indictments dismissed.

Lawyer for Russian Firm Says Mueller Is Prosecuting a ‘Made-Up Crime’

Mueller is actually being sued for slander by some of the fake indictments Mueller made, which is another reason he read a prepared statement, refused to actually look anyone in the eye and refused to take questions.

Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
What are you talking about?

It’s a fact that the Russians did the hacking.

The only people denying that are right wing QAnon nut jobs... ya know... the Pizzagate crowd

Of course it's a fact, because when the Russians hack anything they leave Putin's fingerprints so there won't be any doubt...
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Go read the report.

Educate yourself.

Why take a known liar's word for what's in it?
400 pages of lies based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Obama, and Mueller still could not pin a single crime on President Trump.
Does Putin's cock leave an after taste in your mouth?
How much did you manage to read, Comrade?

I got this far, then I was bored with it.

Actual Russian Meme.

America is under SIEGE!
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
What are you talking about?

It’s a fact that the Russians did the hacking.

The only people denying that are right wing QAnon nut jobs... ya know... the Pizzagate crowd

Of course it's a fact, because when the Russians hack anything they leave Putin's fingerprints so there won't be any doubt...
Real Hackers leave no Fingerprints.

Crowd Strike and the NO INVESTIGATION of The DNC SERVER was a joke.

Mueller refused to even look at that.

Dude was nothing but a Deep State Plant who was incompetent at even framing anyone.
OH MY GOD, I was going to vote for Hillary Clinton!

Now Putin Made me Vote for Trump!

She's kinda hot though, so I might have to vote for Hillary when I get to the booth.


Russia Russia Russia


Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
What are you talking about?

It’s a fact that the Russians did the hacking.

The only people denying that are right wing QAnon nut jobs... ya know... the Pizzagate crowd
Please present your FACTS.

Even Mueller still to this day cannot say who obtained Podesta's emails because Mueller avoided looking at The DNC Server. No one has ever seen it.

But Forensics experts have shown that Podesta's emails were copied internally, not uploaded through a hacking attempt.

The Pakistani Criminal Hackers are who took his emails, because they had administrative rights.

They gave them to Seth Rich who gave them to Assange.

All of them were Sanders supporters.
Last edited:
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest.
Muller did pursue all leads.....

The whole controversy is based on the premise that the Russians "hacked" the servers of the DNC and Podesta.

The government never examined this evidence.

You are wrong.
What are you talking about?

It’s a fact that the Russians did the hacking.

The only people denying that are right wing QAnon nut jobs... ya know... the Pizzagate crowd
Please present your FACTS.

Even Mueller still to this day cannot say who obtained Podesta's emails because Mueller avoided looking at The DNC Server. No one has ever seen it.

But Forensics experts have shown that Podesta's emails were copied internally, not uploaded through a hacking attempt.

The Pakistani Criminal Hackers are who took his emails, because they had administrative rights.

They gave them to Seth Rich who gave them to assange.

All of them were Sanders supporters.

"They gave them to Seth Rich who gave them to assange.

All of them were Sanders supporters."

These two statements are not statements of fact, but rather statements of supposition. The rest is correct though.

Assange strongly implied he received them from Rich, though never explicitly stated such.

We should remain skeptical for several reasons. This is yet another reason the report cannot be trusted. They now have Assange in custody, but would never depose him on this issue. Most knowledgeable folks believe Assange is a limited hang-out.

We shall see, depending on Assange's sanctioning. . . .
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read

Read the Mueller Report.
Nancy read it for me and will not impeach. The report is meaningless kid

You stupid bitch...she won't impeach because the Senate won't do it.

If the Senate would Impeach Trump, she would impeach him.

What the fuck is the point in Pelosi Impeaching Trump in the House if she KNOWS there is no way the Senate will agree?


Shit...are you dumb.
Last edited:
and as a result of reading it are NOT HOLDING AN IMPEACHMENT VOTE.

Just the truth. So stop babbling at me and hold
the democratic party responsible for not being educated enough to read
Again you are wrong. Congress has not read the unredacted report and oh yea... Republican Congressman Amash has read the redacted version and he is appalled at what it says about Trump’s actions
... and still no Russian connection

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