STOP worrying Earth is getting hotter

How else do you frighten those grandchildren? Do you preach to them? Do you scare them over ghosts?
I've never even talked to them about this but I do want to ensure they inherit a world at least as good as the one I was lucky enough to get.
No, I think I would dominate you with facts and logic. I don't think you would offer any resistance whatsoever.
Your dominance can be established based on the real truth of the big fish story.

For the record, my position is that it's hocus-pocus, along with you and the rest of the Xtian fairy tales.

Climate Science? I have to refer you to ...............................
Your dominance can be established based on the real truth of the big fish story.

For the record, my position is that it's hocus-pocus, along with you and the rest of the Xtian fairy tales.

Climate Science? I have to refer you to ...............................
You know nothing about this subject. You are out of your league discussing it with me.
I've never even talked to them about this but I do want to ensure they inherit a world at least as good as the one I was lucky enough to get.
Then actually study climate. You must be well aware that this is a johnny come lately topic preached by the Democrats!!!
You know nothing about this subject. You are out of your league discussing it with me.
This is the league you have chosen ding:

Ding: It would be the equivalent of me bending you over, pulling your panties down and having my way with you. You're a climate cuck. I'm not.

You need to pray.
I've never even talked to them about this but I do want to ensure they inherit a world at least as good as the one I was lucky enough to get.
I do not find fault with your views since you mean well. But for crying out loud, why did this first come upon us when Gore talked it up? Try to analyze it as were you hunting for GOLD. And you had a million parts of dirt but in there was 400 parts of gold. It would drive you crazy trying to find the gold.
This is the league you have chosen ding:
You need to pray.
I really do wish you knew more about this subject and could discuss it intelligently. But that would require you put in time, effort and be objective.
I really do wish you knew more about this subject and could discuss it intelligently. But that would require you put in time, effort and be objective.
I studied global climate when I became a pilot. I still have my text book. I checked today to see if it mentions Climate. It does not. I checked on Global climate and it is not mentioned.
But these politicians persist in discussing a topic they never have studied at all.

What we studied was the way weather operates all over the globe depending on location. For example at the vast desert in Chili, it is not like the desert in the USA called the Death Valley. Deserts globally have some variation as well. Earth is not just some climate. It is a myriad of climates all over the globe.
This is the league you have chosen ding:
You need to pray.
And if you are going to quote me, use the entire quote so that it's not taken out of context.

20 years studying this subject says otherwise. We can always prove it by going at it in the bull ring with no links allowed. It would be the equivalent of me bending you over, pulling your panties down and having my way with you. You're a climate cuck. I'm not.
Many, like me, have grandchildren.
I also have them. I would not want to be the person working hard to frighten my grandchildren either. I am happy you do not do that to your own grandchildren.
I do not find fault with your views since you mean well. But for crying out loud, why did this first come upon us when Gore talked it up?
The topic was being studied by scientists well before Gore got involved.

Try to analyze it as were you hunting for GOLD. And you had a million parts of dirt but in there was 400 parts of gold. It would drive you crazy trying to find the gold.
Crazy rich you mean. That is 10 times better than a good gold ore would yield.
The topic was being studied by scientists well before Gore got involved.

Crazy rich you mean. That is 10 times better than a good gold ore would yield.
It should then be in my book covering global weather. It was published in 1975 and not a word of man causing climate or weather is in this excellent book I studied to be a pilot.

I think you need to revisit what 400 is related to a million and then see if you get rich.
Yes, that's what I said, until today. It gets weary.
You and I no doubt recall the days when Americans burned women they called witches.

Every generation has it's version of those types of Americans.
Actually Obama has a mansion on Maui on the North western shore area. A hell of a place to buy for a man persuaded climate is in the process of killing us all. The other you bring up is hardly above sea level too.
I knew he wanted the old place where Magnum PI was filmed but thought the deal fell through. I have not heard of him being in Hawaii at any time.

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