Stopping Obama’s Neighborhood Watch Program


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Here we go, United Nations Agenda 21


President Obama's Executive Order 13547 issued July 19, further extends federal power, embraces global governance, diminishes the rights and privileges of individuals, and brings the United States into compliance with Agenda 21, Chapter 17.6,

Stopping Obama’s Neighborhood Race-Watch Program

August 14, 2013 By Matthew Vadum

President Obama is quietly moving forward with a plan to use your tax dollars to loot American suburbs in order to help Democrats and fund their corrupt big-city political machines.

The new plan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to use federal housing policy to uproot and change American neighborhoods is part of Obama’s effort at “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Long ago Democrats declared war on the suburbs and rural areas because, among other things, they tend to be Republican strongholds.

HUD is the right vehicle for this scheme because its bureaucracy is adept at telling people how to live and where to live. It tells cities they are racially out of balance and pressures them to change their zoning to allow more “affordable housing” so communities have the politically correct mixture of economic development and racial diversity.

HUD, by the way, ought to stand for the Department of Homewrecking and Utopian Development.


The Obama administration has long been a partner with National Council of La Raza, ACORN, and other radical groups that use the nation’s poor and inner-city communities as laboratory rats in social engineering schemes. HUD has, for the most part, hurt cities. It has helped to make city dwellers increasingly dependent on government for handouts.

HUD is especially close to radical left-wing community organizers. HUD Secretary Donovan praised Al Sharpton and his group, National Action Network, at its convention in Washington, D.C. last year.


The new HUD plan would, of course, empower Alinskyite troublemakers, while annoying and inconveniencing normal Americans.

Stopping Obama?s Neighborhood Race-Watch Program | FrontPage Magazine
The Dumbocrats, but Obama more specifically, won't be happy until all of America looks like Chicago or Detroit: fiscally and morally bankrupt and full of crime.
Sounds like commie to me. He wants the suburbs destroyed and everyone packed into shitty little apartments. I'll die before Obama, Agenda 21 or urbanization take my 40 acres.
Here we go, United Nations Agenda 21


President Obama's Executive Order 13547 issued July 19, further extends federal power, embraces global governance, diminishes the rights and privileges of individuals, and brings the United States into compliance with Agenda 21, Chapter 17.6,

Stopping Obama’s Neighborhood Race-Watch Program

August 14, 2013 By Matthew Vadum

President Obama is quietly moving forward with a plan to use your tax dollars to loot American suburbs in order to help Democrats and fund their corrupt big-city political machines.

The new plan from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to use federal housing policy to uproot and change American neighborhoods is part of Obama’s effort at “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Long ago Democrats declared war on the suburbs and rural areas because, among other things, they tend to be Republican strongholds.

HUD is the right vehicle for this scheme because its bureaucracy is adept at telling people how to live and where to live. It tells cities they are racially out of balance and pressures them to change their zoning to allow more “affordable housing” so communities have the politically correct mixture of economic development and racial diversity.

HUD, by the way, ought to stand for the Department of Homewrecking and Utopian Development.


The Obama administration has long been a partner with National Council of La Raza, ACORN, and other radical groups that use the nation’s poor and inner-city communities as laboratory rats in social engineering schemes. HUD has, for the most part, hurt cities. It has helped to make city dwellers increasingly dependent on government for handouts.

HUD is especially close to radical left-wing community organizers. HUD Secretary Donovan praised Al Sharpton and his group, National Action Network, at its convention in Washington, D.C. last year.


The new HUD plan would, of course, empower Alinskyite troublemakers, while annoying and inconveniencing normal Americans.

Stopping Obama?s Neighborhood Race-Watch Program | FrontPage Magazine

The title, Stopping Obama’s Neighborhood Watch Program, sounds as if he wants to stop neighborhood watch programs. I was going to suggest we start with 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. But since there are blacks in the White House, it would seem that neighborhood is right on target for what the OP is really about.
Look for more privately owned communities. Gated, walled, with armed guards. They have them in Orange County and out by Palm Springs. Also, the co-op is a good vehicle. The current owners have to vote on whether to let in a new resident or not.
President Obama's Executive Order 13547 issued July 19, further extends federal power, embraces global governance, diminishes the rights and privileges of individuals, and brings the United States into compliance with Agenda 21, Chapter 17.6,

Agenda 21. :lol:

I was going to let this topic run for 10 pages without anyone bothering to look up Executive Order 13547. But, what the hell...

Executive Order 13547 --Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes

Hmmm. Nothing about HUD or housing in there...ZOMG! The Lizard People must have changed it!

Why read the original when you can read about it on a tin foil hat site, amiright?
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I don't think it's a good idea to force me to live next door to ghetto trash.

That will have a very bad ending.
Um. Hello? Is this thing on?

Executive Order 13547 has nothing to do with HUD. It's about the oceans.
Look for more privately owned communities. Gated, walled, with armed guards. They have them in Orange County and out by Palm Springs. Also, the co-op is a good vehicle. The current owners have to vote on whether to let in a new resident or not.

Yeah but that's for rich people.

What about us who are middle class? Are we just condemned to live in black ghettos without any other option?

This is going to cause alot of violence and civil unrest.
Look for more privately owned communities. Gated, walled, with armed guards. They have them in Orange County and out by Palm Springs. Also, the co-op is a good vehicle. The current owners have to vote on whether to let in a new resident or not.

Yeah but that's for rich people.

What about us who are middle class? Are we just condemned to live in black ghettos without any other option?

This is going to cause alot of violence and civil unrest.

You should be safe in your trailer park.
Look for more privately owned communities. Gated, walled, with armed guards. They have them in Orange County and out by Palm Springs. Also, the co-op is a good vehicle. The current owners have to vote on whether to let in a new resident or not.

Yeah but that's for rich people.

What about us who are middle class? Are we just condemned to live in black ghettos without any other option?

This is going to cause alot of violence and civil unrest.

You should be safe in your trailer park.

I actually live in a nice neighborhood.

But I would rather live in a trailer park than a black ghetto.

What about you?
Look for more privately owned communities. Gated, walled, with armed guards. They have them in Orange County and out by Palm Springs. Also, the co-op is a good vehicle. The current owners have to vote on whether to let in a new resident or not.

Yeah but that's for rich people.

What about us who are middle class? Are we just condemned to live in black ghettos without any other option?

This is going to cause alot of violence and civil unrest.

Maybe you'll be fortunate enough to draw housing in a Mexican barrio.

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