Straight forward questions for PROGS

1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?

5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?

1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

Can't say I "believe" but I am keeping an open mind on the issue.
What I "believe" is that regardless of global warming we should use our resources wisely and try to NOT foul up the planet.

I'm sure most conservatives try to keep a clean house.....I have no idea why they want to trash the planet.

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

I believe only a fool pees in his own water supply.

Only an idiot closes the garage door and hangs out in the garage with the car engine running.

Only a conservative thinks poisoning the air is funny.

Instead of the conservative method: use it all up and then laugh about it, it would be better for us to pay attention to our resources, use them wisely, and keep them clean. fkn responsible! for the earth, for our resources, for the future, for our children

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?

I believe, with modern technology and farming techniques, we COULD easily "provide" for our current population and even more. (up to some point) Obviously that doesn't happen but we have the technology to do it.

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?

"decriminalize immigration,"


immigration isn't a crime...

do you mean ILLEGAL immigrants?

If so....
I would keep ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS a crime.

When I found illegal immigrants I would NOT (like conservatives like to do) beat them, taze them, haze them, torture them, separate them from their children or water board them (no, not even for the fun of it)
I WOULD send them back to their own countries.

additionally I would start LIMITING immigration to
1. lots fewer people
2. only people who can speak english (regardless of race, color of religion)
3. only people who have a place to stay and a job
4. have no criminal record or association with any terrorist or criminal organization.

"5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?"

That's the theory.
1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?

5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?

Your question 2 validates question 1.

Do you believe that we have an unlimited population?

What are you suggesting that the Democratic position is?

Do you believe in price gouging?

I need to know these questions first.
Coyote, are you that Fing dumb, seriously? What I supposedly said is still in the OP. Gosh dude, you really got me. You're too lost to understand you just helped me expose Crepitus.

I ONLY changed question five, it was a replacement. You can clearly see Crepitus' answer to #4. Never mind he didn't answer the question, his response is clearly wrong by itself.

You don't know what a liberal position is? Read a book. Essentially open borders, is that simple enough for your head?

Poorly defined questions? Seriously? Why, because one reads liberal and you don't know what that means?

Can someone dumb down the content of the following question, so that PROGS can understand it? "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?"

If this is a troll bait thread then state so, so we can accommodate you.

GOSH, you got me good. You should look up the term adopt.

Notice how

Otherwise, you need to define what you are talking about. I'm a liberal. I KNOW what my position is. The thing is, I don't think you do.
You saw my post. Don’t play coy. And you’re not a Liberal. You’re a Leftist. There is a distinct difference. Crep is a Liberal. It would be like calling all Conservatives, Alt Right.
You're a liar.

This is what you said:

"Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?"

What is a "liberal position"?

And fact - immigration is legal as well as illegal. Don't blame Crep for your poorly defined questions.

Coyote, are you that Fing dumb, seriously? What I supposedly said is still in the OP. Gosh dude, you really got me. You're too lost to understand you just helped me expose Crepitus.

I ONLY changed question five, it was a replacement. You can clearly see Crepitus' answer to #4. Never mind he didn't answer the question, his response is clearly wrong by itself.

You don't know what a liberal position is? Read a book. Essentially open borders, is that simple enough for your head?

Poorly defined questions? Seriously? Why, because one reads liberal and you don't know what that means?

Can someone dumb down the content of the following question, so that PROGS can understand it? "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?"

If this is a troll bait thread then state so, so we can accommodate you.

Otherwise, you need to define what you are talking about. I'm a liberal. I KNOW what my position is. The thing is, I don't think you do.

You should look up the term adopt. Let's review what we have so far.

A. OP changed question five only. It's really a replacement. No complaints, yet.

B. Crepitus says OP changed question four. Cause of PROG-concern is that it used to only read (I'm guessing, it's their story) "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration".

C. Crepitus responded to question 4 with "Immigration is not a crime". Golly, perhaps he thinks others believe immigration is a crime. Everyone's entire heritage is arrested for immigration, they were all crooks. Really Crepitus?

D. Coyote explains how question 4 is confusing, because he doesn't know what the terms adopt or liberal mean and/or context.

E. Not a single PROG has finished answering these questions, which are supposedly confusing. Can some make question #4 more better, the PROGS don't get it.

F. You wrote a poorly worded OP, and then are digging yourself in deeper trying to defend it. Just admit it was poorly worded, state what you meant and quit blaming everyone for not understanding wtf you were talking about.
You know what he meant. You’re being dishonest yourself and digging a deeper hole for yourself.

It was so poorly worded it was ridiculous. Quit blaming others for his faux faux.
Fair enough PROGS, pretend my questions threw you off. Here's a direct quote from the OP (cough!): Answer while pretending you were tricked somehow....

1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

Unlike religion, "belief" has nothing to do with it. The science supports it.

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

I believe (and this is a matter of belief) that we are heading towards a point where that could happen though not likely in our lifetime.

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?


4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?

5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?

4, answered elsewhere...


HURRAY, we have a PROG-answer. Coyote is the winner, so far the rest ball-less cowards. Coyote says:
Man-caused global warming Yes
Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth? No
3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?
Coyote said:
What is a "liberal position"?
'No Border'
Anywhere On Earth

What hole did you pull that out of?

He's offering you a clue Coyote. You should change your handle, Coyotes are smart and astute.

A clue to his ignorance?
Since the OP can not articulate his position clearly, I'll state what I believe the liberal position on immigration is:

1. We support legal immigration.
2. We do not believe illegal immigration is a crime on par with rape and murder and similar serious crimes.
3. We support good border control using modern technology and, in places where it's most effective, a physical barrier.
4. We do not support a physical barrier across the entire or even most of the border - in particular where it effects sensitive habituate, migration patterns, or trade.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.
6. Enforcement of laws everywhere is prioritized according to what is most important in an area - resources are limited. Immigration is no different. We believe that when it comes to illegal immigration - enforcement should prioritize violent crime.
7. Illegal immigrants who are convicted of serious crimes should be rapidly deported.
8. Deportation and enforcement should prioritize keeping families together (for the rightists that means quite the family separation unless there is reason to believe there is trafficking).
9. Prioritize immigration courts - fund them, staff them and adjudicate asylum claims as efficiently as possible.
10. Seeking asylum is NOT A CRIME, regardless of how one enters a country. If you disagree then change the law. Until then it IS NOT CRIMINAL.
11. The only real solution is bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the labor needs of this country and the realities outside this country driving migration.

1) Yep. Nothing wrong there

2) No but some of those persons are rapists and murderers and need to be deported ASAP. Come here legally or not at all.

3) Yep

4) Why not? Works in Israel.

5) Nope. If I steal a million dollars and give it to my kids, they don’t get to keep it even through they had nothing to do with me stealing it or even knew that it was stolen. Illegal is illegal.

6) Yep. But in the end ALL illegals should be deported or given a path to citizenship.

7) Of any crime

8) Nope. If I get stopped for a DUI and my kids are in the car we will be separated. Don’t come here with your kids illegally if you don’t want to be separated.

9) With what monies? ICE needs to deport as many as feasible.

10) There are Asylum laws and looking for work is not a reason to seek asylum.

11) Temporary Visas are fine.

2). If they are rapists and murders ,agree (but, I covered that in 7)

4) we are nothing like Israel - culturally, historically, geographically

5) it's not the same thing as theft - where you have a distinct victim and a distinct perpetrator. Kids have no choice where they are taken. It's just plain evil to punish them -worse to send them back to a country they have no memory of or no ties to. I do not support punishing kids for the acts of their parents. If a parent murdered someone -are his children forced to pay compensation? Do they go to jail for it?

7). I don't care if it's minor - prioritize those that most impact the community in which it occurs and often that is violent crime.

9). Don't care. I absolutely oppose family separation, it's horrific for the children. How ironic that I, on the left, seem to be the only one supporting family values here....

2) You don’t know who they are as they are here illegally. Send them back. Period. End of story.

4) Israel was used as an example. A wall works there. It also worked in Berlin. Walls work. Your hatred of Israel is noted.

5) Their parents committed a crime and their kids should not be rewarded for it. If their parents commit murder then no the kids don’t go to jail but the parents do. The kids are here illegally they need to go or apply for asylum. Point is they should have never been here in the first place.

7) They should not be here period.

9) Half the children get raped or worse and we don’t even know if they are really their kids. If you cared about families you would tell them to stay in their countries and apply to come here legally. You come in illegally and you get separated. It is an excellent deterrent. I also Don’t care what you think as you’re a Jew hating Leftist.
If this is a troll bait thread then state so, so we can accommodate you.

GOSH, you got me good. You should look up the term adopt.

Notice how

Otherwise, you need to define what you are talking about. I'm a liberal. I KNOW what my position is. The thing is, I don't think you do.
You saw my post. Don’t play coy. And you’re not a Liberal. You’re a Leftist. There is a distinct difference. Crep is a Liberal. It would be like calling all Conservatives, Alt Right.
Coyote, are you that Fing dumb, seriously? What I supposedly said is still in the OP. Gosh dude, you really got me. You're too lost to understand you just helped me expose Crepitus.

I ONLY changed question five, it was a replacement. You can clearly see Crepitus' answer to #4. Never mind he didn't answer the question, his response is clearly wrong by itself.

You don't know what a liberal position is? Read a book. Essentially open borders, is that simple enough for your head?

Poorly defined questions? Seriously? Why, because one reads liberal and you don't know what that means?

Can someone dumb down the content of the following question, so that PROGS can understand it? "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?"

If this is a troll bait thread then state so, so we can accommodate you.

Otherwise, you need to define what you are talking about. I'm a liberal. I KNOW what my position is. The thing is, I don't think you do.

You should look up the term adopt. Let's review what we have so far.

A. OP changed question five only. It's really a replacement. No complaints, yet.

B. Crepitus says OP changed question four. Cause of PROG-concern is that it used to only read (I'm guessing, it's their story) "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration".

C. Crepitus responded to question 4 with "Immigration is not a crime". Golly, perhaps he thinks others believe immigration is a crime. Everyone's entire heritage is arrested for immigration, they were all crooks. Really Crepitus?

D. Coyote explains how question 4 is confusing, because he doesn't know what the terms adopt or liberal mean and/or context.

E. Not a single PROG has finished answering these questions, which are supposedly confusing. Can some make question #4 more better, the PROGS don't get it.

F. You wrote a poorly worded OP, and then are digging yourself in deeper trying to defend it. Just admit it was poorly worded, state what you meant and quit blaming everyone for not understanding wtf you were talking about.
You know what he meant. You’re being dishonest yourself and digging a deeper hole for yourself.

It was so poorly worded it was ridiculous. Quit blaming others for his faux faux.

It was? Here's the OP again:
1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border? (see below)

5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?

I guess what confuses PROGS about #4 is they failed to pick up context. Fair enough, I guess I blew it, because they assume others believe all immigration is illegal. I'll revise the question for them to read:

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize what's now illegal immigration, adopting a position so that it's much easier to cross the border?

Since "decriminalize" is confusing, see all Democrats running for POTUS. Are they confusing you too?
Last edited:
Since the OP can not articulate his position clearly, I'll state what I believe the liberal position on immigration is:

1. We support legal immigration.
2. We do not believe illegal immigration is a crime on par with rape and murder and similar serious crimes.
3. We support good border control using modern technology and, in places where it's most effective, a physical barrier.
4. We do not support a physical barrier across the entire or even most of the border - in particular where it effects sensitive habituate, migration patterns, or trade.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.
6. Enforcement of laws everywhere is prioritized according to what is most important in an area - resources are limited. Immigration is no different. We believe that when it comes to illegal immigration - enforcement should prioritize violent crime.
7. Illegal immigrants who are convicted of serious crimes should be rapidly deported.
8. Deportation and enforcement should prioritize keeping families together (for the rightists that means quite the family separation unless there is reason to believe there is trafficking).
9. Prioritize immigration courts - fund them, staff them and adjudicate asylum claims as efficiently as possible.
10. Seeking asylum is NOT A CRIME, regardless of how one enters a country. If you disagree then change the law. Until then it IS NOT CRIMINAL.
11. The only real solution is bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the labor needs of this country and the realities outside this country driving migration.

1) Yep. Nothing wrong there

2) No but some of those persons are rapists and murderers and need to be deported ASAP. Come here legally or not at all.

3) Yep

4) Why not? Works in Israel.

5) Nope. If I steal a million dollars and give it to my kids, they don’t get to keep it even through they had nothing to do with me stealing it or even knew that it was stolen. Illegal is illegal.

6) Yep. But in the end ALL illegals should be deported or given a path to citizenship.

7) Of any crime

8) Nope. If I get stopped for a DUI and my kids are in the car we will be separated. Don’t come here with your kids illegally if you don’t want to be separated.

9) With what monies? ICE needs to deport as many as feasible.

10) There are Asylum laws and looking for work is not a reason to seek asylum.

11) Temporary Visas are fine.

2). If they are rapists and murders ,agree (but, I covered that in 7)

4) we are nothing like Israel - culturally, historically, geographically

5) it's not the same thing as theft - where you have a distinct victim and a distinct perpetrator. Kids have no choice where they are taken. It's just plain evil to punish them -worse to send them back to a country they have no memory of or no ties to. I do not support punishing kids for the acts of their parents. If a parent murdered someone -are his children forced to pay compensation? Do they go to jail for it?

7). I don't care if it's minor - prioritize those that most impact the community in which it occurs and often that is violent crime.

9). Don't care. I absolutely oppose family separation, it's horrific for the children. How ironic that I, on the left, seem to be the only one supporting family values here....

2) You don’t know who they are as they are here illegally. Send them back. Period. End of story.

4) Israel was used as an example. A wall works there. It also worked in Berlin. Walls work. Your hatred of Israel is noted.

5) Their parents committed a crime and their kids should not be rewarded for it. If their parents commit murder then no the kids don’t go to jail but the parents do. The kids are here illegally they need to go or apply for asylum. Point is they should have never been here in the first place.

7) They should not be here period.

9) Half the children get raped or worse and we don’t even know if they are really their kids. If you cared about families you would tell them to stay in their countries and apply to come here legally. You come in illegally and you get separated. It is an excellent deterrent. I also Don’t care what you think as you’re a Jew hating Leftist.

Good lord, you are a nutter. How did you arrive at "hatred of Israel" in what I said? No point in talking with you.
If this is a troll bait thread then state so, so we can accommodate you.

GOSH, you got me good. You should look up the term adopt.

Notice how

Otherwise, you need to define what you are talking about. I'm a liberal. I KNOW what my position is. The thing is, I don't think you do.
You saw my post. Don’t play coy. And you’re not a Liberal. You’re a Leftist. There is a distinct difference. Crep is a Liberal. It would be like calling all Conservatives, Alt Right.
Coyote, are you that Fing dumb, seriously? What I supposedly said is still in the OP. Gosh dude, you really got me. You're too lost to understand you just helped me expose Crepitus.

I ONLY changed question five, it was a replacement. You can clearly see Crepitus' answer to #4. Never mind he didn't answer the question, his response is clearly wrong by itself.

You don't know what a liberal position is? Read a book. Essentially open borders, is that simple enough for your head?

Poorly defined questions? Seriously? Why, because one reads liberal and you don't know what that means?

Can someone dumb down the content of the following question, so that PROGS can understand it? "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?"

If this is a troll bait thread then state so, so we can accommodate you.

Otherwise, you need to define what you are talking about. I'm a liberal. I KNOW what my position is. The thing is, I don't think you do.

You should look up the term adopt. Let's review what we have so far.

A. OP changed question five only. It's really a replacement. No complaints, yet.

B. Crepitus says OP changed question four. Cause of PROG-concern is that it used to only read (I'm guessing, it's their story) "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration".

C. Crepitus responded to question 4 with "Immigration is not a crime". Golly, perhaps he thinks others believe immigration is a crime. Everyone's entire heritage is arrested for immigration, they were all crooks. Really Crepitus?

D. Coyote explains how question 4 is confusing, because he doesn't know what the terms adopt or liberal mean and/or context.

E. Not a single PROG has finished answering these questions, which are supposedly confusing. Can some make question #4 more better, the PROGS don't get it.

F. You wrote a poorly worded OP, and then are digging yourself in deeper trying to defend it. Just admit it was poorly worded, state what you meant and quit blaming everyone for not understanding wtf you were talking about.
You know what he meant. You’re being dishonest yourself and digging a deeper hole for yourself.

It was so poorly worded it was ridiculous. Quit blaming others for his faux faux.

But you understood his intent? Or am I that much smarter than you? We Jews are very smart as you very well know. Stop playing coy, you’re digging yourself an even deeper hole.
Since the OP can not articulate his position clearly, I'll state what I believe the liberal position on immigration is:

1. We support legal immigration.
2. We do not believe illegal immigration is a crime on par with rape and murder and similar serious crimes.
3. We support good border control using modern technology and, in places where it's most effective, a physical barrier.
4. We do not support a physical barrier across the entire or even most of the border - in particular where it effects sensitive habituate, migration patterns, or trade.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.
6. Enforcement of laws everywhere is prioritized according to what is most important in an area - resources are limited. Immigration is no different. We believe that when it comes to illegal immigration - enforcement should prioritize violent crime.
7. Illegal immigrants who are convicted of serious crimes should be rapidly deported.
8. Deportation and enforcement should prioritize keeping families together (for the rightists that means quite the family separation unless there is reason to believe there is trafficking).
9. Prioritize immigration courts - fund them, staff them and adjudicate asylum claims as efficiently as possible.
10. Seeking asylum is NOT A CRIME, regardless of how one enters a country. If you disagree then change the law. Until then it IS NOT CRIMINAL.
11. The only real solution is bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the labor needs of this country and the realities outside this country driving migration.

1) Yep. Nothing wrong there

2) No but some of those persons are rapists and murderers and need to be deported ASAP. Come here legally or not at all.

3) Yep

4) Why not? Works in Israel.

5) Nope. If I steal a million dollars and give it to my kids, they don’t get to keep it even through they had nothing to do with me stealing it or even knew that it was stolen. Illegal is illegal.

6) Yep. But in the end ALL illegals should be deported or given a path to citizenship.

7) Of any crime

8) Nope. If I get stopped for a DUI and my kids are in the car we will be separated. Don’t come here with your kids illegally if you don’t want to be separated.

9) With what monies? ICE needs to deport as many as feasible.

10) There are Asylum laws and looking for work is not a reason to seek asylum.

11) Temporary Visas are fine.

2). If they are rapists and murders ,agree (but, I covered that in 7)

4) we are nothing like Israel - culturally, historically, geographically

5) it's not the same thing as theft - where you have a distinct victim and a distinct perpetrator. Kids have no choice where they are taken. It's just plain evil to punish them -worse to send them back to a country they have no memory of or no ties to. I do not support punishing kids for the acts of their parents. If a parent murdered someone -are his children forced to pay compensation? Do they go to jail for it?

7). I don't care if it's minor - prioritize those that most impact the community in which it occurs and often that is violent crime.

9). Don't care. I absolutely oppose family separation, it's horrific for the children. How ironic that I, on the left, seem to be the only one supporting family values here....

2) You don’t know who they are as they are here illegally. Send them back. Period. End of story.

4) Israel was used as an example. A wall works there. It also worked in Berlin. Walls work. Your hatred of Israel is noted.

5) Their parents committed a crime and their kids should not be rewarded for it. If their parents commit murder then no the kids don’t go to jail but the parents do. The kids are here illegally they need to go or apply for asylum. Point is they should have never been here in the first place.

7) They should not be here period.

9) Half the children get raped or worse and we don’t even know if they are really their kids. If you cared about families you would tell them to stay in their countries and apply to come here legally. You come in illegally and you get separated. It is an excellent deterrent. I also Don’t care what you think as you’re a Jew hating Leftist.

Good lord, you are a nutter. How did you arrive at "hatred of Israel" in what I said? No point in talking with you.
Your tone, prior posts and intuition. You know me well enough to know I am far from a “nutter” but you just keep digging that hole.
1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?

5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?
I suspect you’re confusing asylum and immigration. Being humanitarians and wanting to help people, when people from other nations fleeing danger come here we help them out. Not Republicans, I’m talking about the rest of the country.

There’s a show on this Sunday called what’s eating America and it stars Andrew Zimmer. He’s the guy that travels around the world and eat snails and snakes and fungus. He’s very entertaining.
He was being interviewed and he said that all of the Americas food production is touched at one time or another by an immigrant or an illegal immigrant. He said trumps wine production facility had 30 to 40 illegal immigrants working there

he said if America actually managed to round up the immigrants and ship them out our entire food production for the country would collapse.

you don’t think Republicans are going to do the work do you? We’re talking Republicans. These are like the laziest people on earth.

publicans don’t even know why they hate anymore. They just hate everybody. They want the world around them destroyed without being inconvenienced themselves. Well it doesn’t work that way, it’s all interconnected.
You saw my post. Don’t play coy. And you’re not a Liberal. You’re a Leftist. There is a distinct difference. Crep is a Liberal. It would be like calling all Conservatives, Alt Right.
If this is a troll bait thread then state so, so we can accommodate you.

Otherwise, you need to define what you are talking about. I'm a liberal. I KNOW what my position is. The thing is, I don't think you do.

You should look up the term adopt. Let's review what we have so far.

A. OP changed question five only. It's really a replacement. No complaints, yet.

B. Crepitus says OP changed question four. Cause of PROG-concern is that it used to only read (I'm guessing, it's their story) "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration".

C. Crepitus responded to question 4 with "Immigration is not a crime". Golly, perhaps he thinks others believe immigration is a crime. Everyone's entire heritage is arrested for immigration, they were all crooks. Really Crepitus?

D. Coyote explains how question 4 is confusing, because he doesn't know what the terms adopt or liberal mean and/or context.

E. Not a single PROG has finished answering these questions, which are supposedly confusing. Can some make question #4 more better, the PROGS don't get it.

F. You wrote a poorly worded OP, and then are digging yourself in deeper trying to defend it. Just admit it was poorly worded, state what you meant and quit blaming everyone for not understanding wtf you were talking about.
You know what he meant. You’re being dishonest yourself and digging a deeper hole for yourself.

It was so poorly worded it was ridiculous. Quit blaming others for his faux faux.

But you understood his intent? Or am I that much smarter than you? We Jews are very smart as you very well know. Stop playing coy, you’re digging yourself an even deeper hole.

"Or am I that much smarter than you?"


a rock....

I am sure you are much smarter than a rock...

or...a LITTLE smarter....

or...AS SMART as a rock.....

or maybe not quite...

ALMOST as smart as a rather dull rock
Since the OP can not articulate his position clearly, I'll state what I believe the liberal position on immigration is:

1. We support legal immigration.
2. We do not believe illegal immigration is a crime on par with rape and murder and similar serious crimes.
3. We support good border control using modern technology and, in places where it's most effective, a physical barrier.
4. We do not support a physical barrier across the entire or even most of the border - in particular where it effects sensitive habituate, migration patterns, or trade.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.
6. Enforcement of laws everywhere is prioritized according to what is most important in an area - resources are limited. Immigration is no different. We believe that when it comes to illegal immigration - enforcement should prioritize violent crime.
7. Illegal immigrants who are convicted of serious crimes should be rapidly deported.
8. Deportation and enforcement should prioritize keeping families together (for the rightists that means quite the family separation unless there is reason to believe there is trafficking).
9. Prioritize immigration courts - fund them, staff them and adjudicate asylum claims as efficiently as possible.
10. Seeking asylum is NOT A CRIME, regardless of how one enters a country. If you disagree then change the law. Until then it IS NOT CRIMINAL.
11. The only real solution is bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the labor needs of this country and the realities outside this country driving migration.

1) Yep. Nothing wrong there

2) No but some of those persons are rapists and murderers and need to be deported ASAP. Come here legally or not at all.

3) Yep

4) Why not? Works in Israel.

5) Nope. If I steal a million dollars and give it to my kids, they don’t get to keep it even through they had nothing to do with me stealing it or even knew that it was stolen. Illegal is illegal.

6) Yep. But in the end ALL illegals should be deported or given a path to citizenship.

7) Of any crime

8) Nope. If I get stopped for a DUI and my kids are in the car we will be separated. Don’t come here with your kids illegally if you don’t want to be separated.

9) With what monies? ICE needs to deport as many as feasible.

10) There are Asylum laws and looking for work is not a reason to seek asylum.

11) Temporary Visas are fine.

2). If they are rapists and murders ,agree (but, I covered that in 7)

4) we are nothing like Israel - culturally, historically, geographically

5) it's not the same thing as theft - where you have a distinct victim and a distinct perpetrator. Kids have no choice where they are taken. It's just plain evil to punish them -worse to send them back to a country they have no memory of or no ties to. I do not support punishing kids for the acts of their parents. If a parent murdered someone -are his children forced to pay compensation? Do they go to jail for it?

7). I don't care if it's minor - prioritize those that most impact the community in which it occurs and often that is violent crime.

9). Don't care. I absolutely oppose family separation, it's horrific for the children. How ironic that I, on the left, seem to be the only one supporting family values here....

2) You don’t know who they are as they are here illegally. Send them back. Period. End of story.

4) Israel was used as an example. A wall works there. It also worked in Berlin. Walls work. Your hatred of Israel is noted.

5) Their parents committed a crime and their kids should not be rewarded for it. If their parents commit murder then no the kids don’t go to jail but the parents do. The kids are here illegally they need to go or apply for asylum. Point is they should have never been here in the first place.

7) They should not be here period.

9) Half the children get raped or worse and we don’t even know if they are really their kids. If you cared about families you would tell them to stay in their countries and apply to come here legally. You come in illegally and you get separated. It is an excellent deterrent. I also Don’t care what you think as you’re a Jew hating Leftist.

Good lord, you are a nutter. How did you arrive at "hatred of Israel" in what I said? No point in talking with you.
Your tone, prior posts and intuition. You know me well enough to know I am far from a “nutter” but you just keep digging that hole.

I don't read that many of your posts (because you are a "nutter") but I have read enough of them to know that you are, indeed, a "nutter"
You should look up the term adopt. Let's review what we have so far.

A. OP changed question five only. It's really a replacement. No complaints, yet.

B. Crepitus says OP changed question four. Cause of PROG-concern is that it used to only read (I'm guessing, it's their story) "Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration".

C. Crepitus responded to question 4 with "Immigration is not a crime". Golly, perhaps he thinks others believe immigration is a crime. Everyone's entire heritage is arrested for immigration, they were all crooks. Really Crepitus?

D. Coyote explains how question 4 is confusing, because he doesn't know what the terms adopt or liberal mean and/or context.

E. Not a single PROG has finished answering these questions, which are supposedly confusing. Can some make question #4 more better, the PROGS don't get it.

F. You wrote a poorly worded OP, and then are digging yourself in deeper trying to defend it. Just admit it was poorly worded, state what you meant and quit blaming everyone for not understanding wtf you were talking about.
You know what he meant. You’re being dishonest yourself and digging a deeper hole for yourself.

It was so poorly worded it was ridiculous. Quit blaming others for his faux faux.

But you understood his intent? Or am I that much smarter than you? We Jews are very smart as you very well know. Stop playing coy, you’re digging yourself an even deeper hole.

"Or am I that much smarter than you?"


a rock....

I am sure you are much smarter than a rock...

or...a LITTLE smarter....

or...AS SMART as a rock.....

or maybe not quite...

ALMOST as smart as a rather dull rock
Now here we have a “nutter”. LOL
1) Yep. Nothing wrong there

2) No but some of those persons are rapists and murderers and need to be deported ASAP. Come here legally or not at all.

3) Yep

4) Why not? Works in Israel.

5) Nope. If I steal a million dollars and give it to my kids, they don’t get to keep it even through they had nothing to do with me stealing it or even knew that it was stolen. Illegal is illegal.

6) Yep. But in the end ALL illegals should be deported or given a path to citizenship.

7) Of any crime

8) Nope. If I get stopped for a DUI and my kids are in the car we will be separated. Don’t come here with your kids illegally if you don’t want to be separated.

9) With what monies? ICE needs to deport as many as feasible.

10) There are Asylum laws and looking for work is not a reason to seek asylum.

11) Temporary Visas are fine.

2). If they are rapists and murders ,agree (but, I covered that in 7)

4) we are nothing like Israel - culturally, historically, geographically

5) it's not the same thing as theft - where you have a distinct victim and a distinct perpetrator. Kids have no choice where they are taken. It's just plain evil to punish them -worse to send them back to a country they have no memory of or no ties to. I do not support punishing kids for the acts of their parents. If a parent murdered someone -are his children forced to pay compensation? Do they go to jail for it?

7). I don't care if it's minor - prioritize those that most impact the community in which it occurs and often that is violent crime.

9). Don't care. I absolutely oppose family separation, it's horrific for the children. How ironic that I, on the left, seem to be the only one supporting family values here....

2) You don’t know who they are as they are here illegally. Send them back. Period. End of story.

4) Israel was used as an example. A wall works there. It also worked in Berlin. Walls work. Your hatred of Israel is noted.

5) Their parents committed a crime and their kids should not be rewarded for it. If their parents commit murder then no the kids don’t go to jail but the parents do. The kids are here illegally they need to go or apply for asylum. Point is they should have never been here in the first place.

7) They should not be here period.

9) Half the children get raped or worse and we don’t even know if they are really their kids. If you cared about families you would tell them to stay in their countries and apply to come here legally. You come in illegally and you get separated. It is an excellent deterrent. I also Don’t care what you think as you’re a Jew hating Leftist.

Good lord, you are a nutter. How did you arrive at "hatred of Israel" in what I said? No point in talking with you.
Your tone, prior posts and intuition. You know me well enough to know I am far from a “nutter” but you just keep digging that hole.

I don't read that many of your posts (because you are a "nutter") but I have read enough of them to know that you are, indeed, a "nutter"
Bring it. You’re just another loser Leftist. Don’t derail the thread, you prancing Nancy boy.
1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?

5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?
I suspect you’re confusing asylum and immigration. Being humanitarians and wanting to help people, when people from other nations fleeing danger come here we help them out. Not Republicans, I’m talking about the rest of the country.

There’s a show on this Sunday called what’s eating America and it stars Andrew Zimmer. He’s the guy that travels around the world and eat snails and snakes and fungus. He’s very entertaining.
He was being interviewed and he said that all of the Americas food production is touched at one time or another by an immigrant or an illegal immigrant. He said trumps wine production facility had 30 to 40 illegal immigrants working there

he said if America actually managed to round up the immigrants and ship them out our entire food production for the country would collapse.

you don’t think Republicans are going to do the work do you? We’re talking Republicans. These are like the laziest people on earth.

publicans don’t even know why they hate anymore. They just hate everybody. They want the world around them destroyed without being inconvenienced themselves. Well it doesn’t work that way, it’s all interconnected.

I lost interest after reading your first sentence. I didn't confuse asylum, a PROG did. Question four doesn't even imply it. Might to a PROG I suppose, considering PROG-think
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1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?

5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?

1. Do you believe in man-caused global warming?

Can't say I "believe" but I am keeping an open mind on the issue.
What I "believe" is that regardless of global warming we should use our resources wisely and try to NOT foul up the planet.

I'm sure most conservatives try to keep a clean house.....I have no idea why they want to trash the planet.

2. Do you believe we're using up too many resources as we poison the water, air & Earth?

I believe only a fool pees in his own water supply.

Only an idiot closes the garage door and hangs out in the garage with the car engine running.

Only a conservative thinks poisoning the air is funny.

Instead of the conservative method: use it all up and then laugh about it, it would be better for us to pay attention to our resources, use them wisely, and keep them clean. fkn responsible! for the earth, for our resources, for the future, for our children

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated?

I believe, with modern technology and farming techniques, we COULD easily "provide" for our current population and even more. (up to some point) Obviously that doesn't happen but we have the technology to do it.

4. Do you believe the USA should decriminalize immigration, and adopt a liberal position at the border?

"decriminalize immigration,"


immigration isn't a crime...

do you mean ILLEGAL immigrants?

If so....
I would keep ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS a crime.

When I found illegal immigrants I would NOT (like conservatives like to do) beat them, taze them, haze them, torture them, separate them from their children or water board them (no, not even for the fun of it)
I WOULD send them back to their own countries.

additionally I would start LIMITING immigration to
1. lots fewer people
2. only people who can speak english (regardless of race, color of religion)
3. only people who have a place to stay and a job
4. have no criminal record or association with any terrorist or criminal organization.

"5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?"

That's the theory.

Someone with a spine. Six pages in and a single PROG answered the questions straight-forward. The core of his responses, my response to in blue:

1. Man-caused global warming real? Open-minded to it. We have that in common, though I recognize PROGS exploit the idea for profit. The extent of man-contributed can only be a guess, and IMO it's not as advertised.

2. Are we poisoning Earth/water and using up resources? Yes & only a conservative thinks polluting is funny. Explains why PROG streets are littered with trash and filth, your mega-wealthy fly & boat private, and own hotel size homes. Places that were nice are now littered with garbage, and ironically, areas that were red turned blue. Let's see a quote of a conservative laughing at pollution, this should be fun.

3. Do you believe we're over-populated or at a risk of being over-populated? No, technology can feed people for years to come. How did you conclude pollution and resources are a major concern but population is not? Isn't there more to this than food? How about water, geography, chaos, clutter, energy, products, too many rats in the cage?

4. Should illegal immigration be decriminalized, and open the gates to immigration. No.
Good answers until you choked on conservatives pillage and destroy families

5. Does a limited resource cost more when demand is high?" So is the theory. Can you think of an example where it's not true?
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Progressives, disingenuous as always. You twist and spin and crap on the truth. Immigration is not illegal and it never has been. Illegal aliens entering is a crime. That is what should be stopped, but you vermin always play word games calling it "immigration". It's not.
Since the OP can not articulate his position clearly, I'll state what I believe the liberal position on immigration is:

1. We support legal immigration.
2. We do not believe illegal immigration is a crime on par with rape and murder and similar serious crimes.
3. We support good border control using modern technology and, in places where it's most effective, a physical barrier.
4. We do not support a physical barrier across the entire or even most of the border - in particular where it effects sensitive habituate, migration patterns, or trade.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.
6. Enforcement of laws everywhere is prioritized according to what is most important in an area - resources are limited. Immigration is no different. We believe that when it comes to illegal immigration - enforcement should prioritize violent crime.
7. Illegal immigrants who are convicted of serious crimes should be rapidly deported.
8. Deportation and enforcement should prioritize keeping families together (for the rightists that means quite the family separation unless there is reason to believe there is trafficking).
9. Prioritize immigration courts - fund them, staff them and adjudicate asylum claims as efficiently as possible.
10. Seeking asylum is NOT A CRIME, regardless of how one enters a country. If you disagree then change the law. Until then it IS NOT CRIMINAL.
11. The only real solution is bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the labor needs of this country and the realities outside this country driving migration.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.

Yet democrats think white people should be responsible for 17th century slave owners. Your hypocrisy is astounding!
Since the OP can not articulate his position clearly, I'll state what I believe the liberal position on immigration is:

1. We support legal immigration.
2. We do not believe illegal immigration is a crime on par with rape and murder and similar serious crimes.
3. We support good border control using modern technology and, in places where it's most effective, a physical barrier.
4. We do not support a physical barrier across the entire or even most of the border - in particular where it effects sensitive habituate, migration patterns, or trade.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.
6. Enforcement of laws everywhere is prioritized according to what is most important in an area - resources are limited. Immigration is no different. We believe that when it comes to illegal immigration - enforcement should prioritize violent crime.
7. Illegal immigrants who are convicted of serious crimes should be rapidly deported.
8. Deportation and enforcement should prioritize keeping families together (for the rightists that means quite the family separation unless there is reason to believe there is trafficking).
9. Prioritize immigration courts - fund them, staff them and adjudicate asylum claims as efficiently as possible.
10. Seeking asylum is NOT A CRIME, regardless of how one enters a country. If you disagree then change the law. Until then it IS NOT CRIMINAL.
11. The only real solution is bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the labor needs of this country and the realities outside this country driving migration.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.

Yet democrats think white people should be responsible for 17th century slave owners. Your hypocrisy is astounding!

umh...dude. I oppose reparations.

Now, how about YOU? If you oppose punishing people for the actions of their parents, then you support DACA - right?
Since the OP can not articulate his position clearly, I'll state what I believe the liberal position on immigration is:

1. We support legal immigration.
2. We do not believe illegal immigration is a crime on par with rape and murder and similar serious crimes.
3. We support good border control using modern technology and, in places where it's most effective, a physical barrier.
4. We do not support a physical barrier across the entire or even most of the border - in particular where it effects sensitive habituate, migration patterns, or trade.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.
6. Enforcement of laws everywhere is prioritized according to what is most important in an area - resources are limited. Immigration is no different. We believe that when it comes to illegal immigration - enforcement should prioritize violent crime.
7. Illegal immigrants who are convicted of serious crimes should be rapidly deported.
8. Deportation and enforcement should prioritize keeping families together (for the rightists that means quite the family separation unless there is reason to believe there is trafficking).
9. Prioritize immigration courts - fund them, staff them and adjudicate asylum claims as efficiently as possible.
10. Seeking asylum is NOT A CRIME, regardless of how one enters a country. If you disagree then change the law. Until then it IS NOT CRIMINAL.
11. The only real solution is bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the labor needs of this country and the realities outside this country driving migration.
5. We support DACA - kids should not be punished for the actions of their parents.

Yet democrats think white people should be responsible for 17th century slave owners. Your hypocrisy is astounding!

umh...dude. I oppose reparations.

Now, how about YOU? If you oppose punishing people for the actions of their parents, then you support DACA - right?
I do not support any illegals.

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