Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag

so in essence what ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished. yes,, I think we have it now.

Who's excusing anyone from breaking the law?

is vandalisim breaking the law,, I believe the young man has been accused of theft and vandalisim..just like the illegals, punishment for the white kid, excuses for the brown people. yep

Where has Ravi excused vandalism from brown and black people?
so in essence what ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished. yes,, I think we have it now.

You say the opposite....all black and brown people are guilty, guilty, guilty and white people have permission to treat them as they will.

well, soneone has to stick up for white people, you racist fucks don't.
Who's excusing anyone from breaking the law?

is vandalisim breaking the law,, I believe the young man has been accused of theft and vandalisim..just like the illegals, punishment for the white kid, excuses for the brown people. yep

Where has Ravi excused vandalism from brown and black people?

give them amnesty and you excuse it, is she for amnesty.. I bet she is,,
Sorry, I lived in Mexico and never saw a single taco. In fact, I traveled all over Mexcio, all the way to the Yucatan tacos. They do taquitos, floutas, but not tacos. At least they didn't 30 years ago. Has it changed? Or do you have no idea what you're talking about? Tacos are about as Mexican as Chop Suey is Chinese.

Taco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're using Wikipedia as a source? Why am I not surprised. Have you even been to Mexico? Outside the resorts I mean. Have you spoken with an actual Mexican? Lived with a Mexican family? I're just making yourself look worse and worse.
More and more I believe you have a very low IQ. It is possible that you think tacos are only those crispy shell things...seriously, you are stupid.
is vandalisim breaking the law,, I believe the young man has been accused of theft and vandalisim..just like the illegals, punishment for the white kid, excuses for the brown people. yep

Where has Ravi excused vandalism from brown and black people?

give them amnesty and you excuse it, is she for amnesty.. I bet she is,,

You don't win much, do you? But then again, that's a good thing with kharma and all.
is vandalisim breaking the law,, I believe the young man has been accused of theft and vandalisim..just like the illegals, punishment for the white kid, excuses for the brown people. yep

Where has Ravi excused vandalism from brown and black people?

give them amnesty and you excuse it, is she for amnesty.. I bet she is,,
No, as I've told you before. I am not for amnesty. I am for making people earn their citizenship.

Lying doesn't help you.
Then those tacos I had in Rosarito a few years ago...weren't tacos?

You found tacos in an America tourist trap in Mexico, what a surprise. <not>

You can find chop suey in some places in China now too, it still doesn't make it Chinese.

Heck, I ate chicken alfredo in Japan, does that make it Japanese? comes the spin.
Yep. Any tacos in Mexico are actually an American food. Even though taco is not an American word. It is so confusing!
so in essence what ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished. yes,, I think we have it now.

You say the opposite....all black and brown people are guilty, guilty, guilty and white people have permission to treat them as they will.

well, soneone has to stick up for white people, you racist fucks don't.

You really believe that, don't you? :lol::lol::lol: You and William make quite a pair. Good to see you crawl completely out of the woodwork...
You found tacos in an America tourist trap in Mexico, what a surprise. <not>

You can find chop suey in some places in China now too, it still doesn't make it Chinese.

Heck, I ate chicken alfredo in Japan, does that make it Japanese? comes the spin.
Yep. Any tacos in Mexico are actually an American food. Even though taco is not an American word. It is so confusing!

You'd think it would cause cancer to say something like "I was wrong...there are tacos in Mexico." But no...we cannot expect someone to man up like that.
You are wrong about criminal behavior. I'm in a high crime area. Gang's, drugs, prostitution, as close as my nearest corner.

I wasn't referring to the kid's trashing their home countries, but the home countries trashing themselves through hypocrisy. We should base our standards on the rule of law which is ignored by those charged with enforcing it. Get it??? They are not abandoning the culture of corruption, they are bringing it with them. Too many are here for the dole, you are way wrong on that too.

By that standard, should we trash ethnic Russians? Ethnic Chinese? Any number of people who fled (or who's ancesters fled) countries rife with corruption, abuse, etc etc?

What is the "culture of corruption" they are "not abandoning"? Is it any different from any other immigrant group? No. You had large numbers of poor people immigrating to the U.S. in large numbers. Many eventually settled successfully but while some brought with them poverty and crime, others were forced into it through circumstances in overcrowded tenaments. What is happening today is no different then yesterday.

I can't argue for or againist your personal experiences with or opinions on immigrants - it's not something debatable. But you can look at actual statistics as a baselline.

For example - on use of "the dole": from a report by the Cato Institute

Illegal aliens usually do not obtain public services lest
they be detected and expelled by authorities. The INS-Westat
study of formerly illegal aliens legalized in 1986 under the IRCA
program (U. S. Department of Justice 1992) shows substantially
lower rate of use of welfare among this group than among natives.
But because interviews are the source of the immigrant data,
while official records are the source of the native data, it is
quite probable that the rates of use by immigrants are

Another survey (DaVanzo et al. 1994, 46) of an undocumented
immigrant group probably as needy as any--Salvadorans--shows much
higher rates of use: AFDC, 14 percent; food stamps, 22 percent;
WIC (women, infants, and children), 33 percent; unemployment
compensation, 8 percent; worker's compensation, 4 percent. For
the undocumented population as a whole, however, in which half or
more of the recent cohorts are more middle-class immigrants who
are visa-overstayers rather than border-jumpers, it seems
reasonable to expect perhaps half these rates.
These numbers - even if understated - do not support a claim of "coming here for the dole"

When I was in HS and also a proud member of our JROTC program... I woke up one morning to a beautiful sight... It was a crisp morning, with a stiff wind and to the west of our house was the largest American Flag I'd ever seen. I immediately recognized it as the Garrison Flag... waving at full value on a pole which was clearly too small for it, which provided for an enormous appearance.

So on my way to school I drove over to the new homes sales model center where it was located; stopped in and told the man at the center how beautiful it was... and asked why they'd put it up. He replied that they'd put it up to draw attention to their center. Which of all of the reasons he could have offered, that was the least worthy. But I accepted it and went on to school, with the flag still waving at full value, flapping and popping in the stiff northern breeze.

The flag was a big point of conversation throughout the day, and the local news had celebrated it as "The Largest flag in SW Florida!"...

So I was a little dissappointed when driving home, I found that with the wind having calmed, the flag was not presenting itself in the same incredible fashion that it had that morning... and as I approached, to my shock and horror, I could readily see that the flag was literally dragging the ground and by some 5 - 6 feet.

I pulled right back into the sales center and pointed this out to the manager, who explained that they'd spent a fortune on the flag and the pole and the larger pole was just too expensive and they'd no intention of replacing the flag or the pole with one of an appropriate size... and I was the only one who had complained.


So that night, I dawned my gear, laid out a simple operation... snuck out of the house at roughly 01:00... returning a couple of hours later with that flag.

Oh BIG doin's... the local paper and TV news networks heralded the "Patriotic Thief" who they believed had stolen the flag because it was improperly displayed... the artist rendering looked nothing like me... and my 1976 Toyota Corolla was reported as a small sportscar.

I had of course maintained total operational security, having only told my closest friends... who had come over to the house to help me fold her properly... which required stripping the florida room of furniture and folding it in quarters; but which inevitably resulted in a very tight and rather impressive regulation fold...

Months went by and during the following summer, I came home from a going away party for a friend who was heading off to the Army... being completely hammered I scurried to my room with as little conversation as possible with the folks. A few minutes later, a sturdy knock on the front door barks out and I'm directed to 'get the door.'

When I open the door there's a guy in a cheap brown suit, and a Sheriff's Deputy at the front door... who asks for my Father. I told them that he'd be right with 'em and closed the door.

Freakin' OUT! I just KNOW they're there to discuss the party from which I'd just returned... and likely the bag of pot I'd brought home with me. I tell dad that the door's for him and head to my room.

"I'm dead..." No where to go... no where to hide... It's too late to flush it and besides it was a big gushy bag of that to which we lovingly referred as "Columbian Gold"... and I'd rather run out the odds, as slim as they were, rather than flush that 'four finger bag'...

"Publius"... The call inevitably comes... "Get your ass in here!"

"Yeah Sir!"

"Son this gentlemen is an investigator with the Sheriff's Dept. and he says he has reason to believe that you know something about that Flag that was stolen... Do ya?"

"The Flag? Oh yeah, that's in my closet... I was wonderin' who I should give it to. Let me get if for ya..." I replied as my asshole began to re-appear from the infinite point into which it had formerly puckered...

Turns out that operational security had been egregiously compromised... and they'd received several dozen 'tips' that I had the flag or knew who did.

Everyone of those tips had told them why I took the flag... and when I explained why I had taken it; and when they saw the fold (which really was first class...) they opted to not press any charges...

What's more, the company that owned the flag replaced the pole with one of the appropriate size, because the Sheriff told them that he wouldn't let them fly it otherwise.

So it all worked out.

But that was back when most people weren't completely locked out from common sense and still enjoyed some measure of national pride.

Good for this kid... He tossed that Mexican flag for all the right reasons and he deserves credit for doing the right thing.
Last edited: comes the spin.
Yep. Any tacos in Mexico are actually an American food. Even though taco is not an American word. It is so confusing!

You'd think it would cause cancer to say something like "I was wrong...there are tacos in Mexico." But no...we cannot expect someone to man up like that.

I said tacos aren't Mexican. They aren't, ask any Mexican, they'll tell you. They were invented for us. Pizza in Italy isn't like our Pizza. You go to an "authentic" Mexican restaurant, you won't find tacos anywhere on the menu. I also said I traveled all over Mexico 30 years ago and didn't see a single taco, so unless things have changed...and apparently they have..they have more American tourist traps.
I don't recall Willow ever saying or even implying that. Link please.

Nor did Ravi say or imply anything like "ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished"

Chanel must have missed chastising Willow for that. :eusa_whistle:

Link please. If I understand you correctly what you are saying is "one false accusation of racism deserves another?" Ok. Got it.
Yep. Any tacos in Mexico are actually an American food. Even though taco is not an American word. It is so confusing!

You'd think it would cause cancer to say something like "I was wrong...there are tacos in Mexico." But no...we cannot expect someone to man up like that.

I said tacos aren't Mexican. They aren't, ask any Mexican, they'll tell you. They were invented for us. Pizza in Italy isn't like our Pizza. You go to an "authentic" Mexican restaurant, you won't find tacos anywhere on the menu. I also said I traveled all over Mexico 30 years ago and didn't see a single taco, so unless things have changed...and apparently they have..they have more American tourist traps.

See....can't man up.
You are wrong about criminal behavior. I'm in a high crime area. Gang's, drugs, prostitution, as close as my nearest corner.

By that standard, should we trash ethnic Russians? Ethnic Chinese? Any number of people who fled (or who's ancesters fled) countries rife with corruption, abuse, etc etc?

What is the "culture of corruption" they are "not abandoning"? Is it any different from any other immigrant group? No. You had large numbers of poor people immigrating to the U.S. in large numbers. Many eventually settled successfully but while some brought with them poverty and crime, others were forced into it through circumstances in overcrowded tenaments. What is happening today is no different then yesterday.

I can't argue for or againist your personal experiences with or opinions on immigrants - it's not something debatable. But you can look at actual statistics as a baselline.

For example - on use of "the dole": from a report by the Cato Institute

Illegal aliens usually do not obtain public services lest
they be detected and expelled by authorities. The INS-Westat
study of formerly illegal aliens legalized in 1986 under the IRCA
program (U. S. Department of Justice 1992) shows substantially
lower rate of use of welfare among this group than among natives.
But because interviews are the source of the immigrant data,
while official records are the source of the native data, it is
quite probable that the rates of use by immigrants are

Another survey (DaVanzo et al. 1994, 46) of an undocumented
immigrant group probably as needy as any--Salvadorans--shows much
higher rates of use: AFDC, 14 percent; food stamps, 22 percent;
WIC (women, infants, and children), 33 percent; unemployment
compensation, 8 percent; worker's compensation, 4 percent. For
the undocumented population as a whole, however, in which half or
more of the recent cohorts are more middle-class immigrants who
are visa-overstayers rather than border-jumpers, it seems
reasonable to expect perhaps half these rates.
These numbers - even if understated - do not support a claim of "coming here for the dole"

But because interviews are the source of the immigrant data,
while official records are the source of the native data, it is
quite probable that the rates of use by immigrants are
You'd think it would cause cancer to say something like "I was wrong...there are tacos in Mexico." But no...we cannot expect someone to man up like that.

I said tacos aren't Mexican. They aren't, ask any Mexican, they'll tell you. They were invented for us. Pizza in Italy isn't like our Pizza. You go to an "authentic" Mexican restaurant, you won't find tacos anywhere on the menu. I also said I traveled all over Mexico 30 years ago and didn't see a single taco, so unless things have changed...and apparently they have..they have more American tourist traps.

See....can't man up.

Go ask a Mexican.
I just read the last half of the posts in this thread. I have concluded not to comment, but to leave it. This is the kind of petty stuff that started World War One, and the polarization here is crossing all political lines in a hefty way.

Last edited:
Yep. Any tacos in Mexico are actually an American food. Even though taco is not an American word. It is so confusing!

You'd think it would cause cancer to say something like "I was wrong...there are tacos in Mexico." But no...we cannot expect someone to man up like that.

I said tacos aren't Mexican. They aren't, ask any Mexican, they'll tell you. They were invented for us. Pizza in Italy isn't like our Pizza. You go to an "authentic" Mexican restaurant, you won't find tacos anywhere on the menu. I also said I traveled all over Mexico 30 years ago and didn't see a single taco, so unless things have changed...and apparently they have..they have more American tourist traps.
:lol: I wouldn't doubt that a Mexican would mess with your mind in this way with your attitude.

What a dope.
Nor did Ravi say or imply anything like "ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished"

Chanel must have missed chastising Willow for that. :eusa_whistle:

Link please. If I understand you correctly what you are saying is "one false accusation of racism deserves another?" Ok. Got it.

Hmmm....still must have missed Willow's post. Don't see you chastising her. I'm shocked.

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