Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag

Why shouldn't we? If you read the link provided, it was part of a celebration, along with other items, of an ethnic culture - an ethnic culture shared by a number of the students there and approved by the school. So you think it's ok to insult them because of their heritage? In my area, we have an annual Italian Heritage celebration in a number of towns that includes parades and flags and italian foods. Should their flags be torn down and thrown in the trash or is that reserved for Mexican flags?

dam Wops.....
Why shouldn't we? If you read the link provided, it was part of a celebration, along with other items, of an ethnic culture - an ethnic culture shared by a number of the students there and approved by the school. So you think it's ok to insult them because of their heritage? In my area, we have an annual Italian Heritage celebration in a number of towns that includes parades and flags and italian foods. Should their flags be torn down and thrown in the trash or is that reserved for Mexican flags?

dam Wops.....
Did you know wops stands for without papers? True story.
No. If a black or brown student took down someone else's property and threw it away I'd also agree that a three day suspension was a fair punishment.

yea and im sure they would have gotten it too....the ole PC ball would have assured a different outcome....:eusa_whistle:
Then should have known better than to put a flag in the trash.

Why? Why should Americans respect a foreign flag?

Why shouldn't we? If you read the link provided, it was part of a celebration, along with other items, of an ethnic culture - an ethnic culture shared by a number of the students there and approved by the school. So you think it's ok to insult them because of their heritage? In my area, we have an annual Italian Heritage celebration in a number of towns that includes parades and flags and italian foods. Should their flags be torn down and thrown in the trash or is that reserved for Mexican flags?

If they're Flyin' it above Old Glory... you bet.
Another interesting article....

65,000 immigrants serving in the U.S. military
(By Kansas City Star editorial page columnist Mary Sanchez)

Statistics on Immigrant Service Members on Active Duty:
Approximately 65,000 immigrants serve in the armed forces. More than two-thirds of the foreign born serving in the armed forces are naturalized citizens.

...The top two countries of origin for foreign-born military personnel are the Philippines and Mexico.

Link: 65,000 immigrants serving in the U.S. military | Midwest Voices

Interesting that they serve in a military of a country with people who villify their heritage, their nationality of origin, the flag of their country's origin and the language they grew up with. Yet they love this country enough to want to fight and die for it...and not all of them are American citizens.

Many Americans of Japanese descent fought in WW2, despite the internment.

and MANY of these people feel they are making a sacrifice to be a part of this country while MANY of the Illegals are not....
So, you do advocate punishing hispanics for breaking into the country, stealing jobs, stealing identity? what punishment do you advocate for hispanics who do these things??

A true conservative knows that NO ONE has ever stolen a job.
A job is EARNED.
We deport illegals all the time as it is. But how do you deport a man and his wife if they are illegal and have 3 kids that are US citizens?
You best things things through before you make stupid claims and remarks.

How can an amendment which specifically denies citizenship to children born to LEGAL diplomats, ever be interpreted as providing citizenship to children born to illegal immigrants?

My friends were in construction. MS 13 showed up and all the Americans were fired and the illegals hired the next day. You don't think those jobs were "stolen"?

Whoa, you are dense.
Hate to inform you sport but diplomats have immunity from all US laws good and bad.
Called diplomatic immunity. If you haven't heard of that there is a Captain Kangaroo board you need to start on.
I do not believe your MS-13 BS story.
Yep. Any tacos in Mexico are actually an American food. Even though taco is not an American word. It is so confusing!

You'd think it would cause cancer to say something like "I was wrong...there are tacos in Mexico." But no...we cannot expect someone to man up like that.

I said tacos aren't Mexican. They aren't, ask any Mexican, they'll tell you. They were invented for us. Pizza in Italy isn't like our Pizza. You go to an "authentic" Mexican restaurant, you won't find tacos anywhere on the menu. I also said I traveled all over Mexico 30 years ago and didn't see a single taco, so unless things have changed...and apparently they have..they have more American tourist traps.

So the fish tacos I eat at the marina in Puerto Aventuras in Mexico for the last 35 years are copied after American fish tacos.
You are out of your fucking mind.
Again, I lived in Mexico, with a Mexican family. Tacos is an American invention just as Chop Suey is an American invention. Believe what you will.....but you might try getting an education outside of this message board. It might do you some good.

Shiela you are losing this debate....Tacos originated in Mexico....the Aztecs were using a rolled thing very similiar....and Tacos have been in Mexico for centuries......

Wrap It Up: A Guide To Mexican Street Tacos - Part 2: Nighttime Tacos : Mexico Cuisine
As far as I can tell the only person that was offended was this kid that threw away the flag.

oh?....then why did the Mexicanos complain? it because they were..... offended?:eusa_eh:......
I didn't actually see any Mexicanos complain. I saw a kid was whining about being offended by a cinco de mayo display and a bunch of rightwingloons doing the same.

not the story i have been hearing....someone had to complain against the kid....
That's ridiculous. A real victory for the pc fucktards.

What next, eliminate Spanish and French clubs?

well they dont allow the White People fair is fair....
I hate to break it to you, but Spanish and French clubs are not based on color.

But it's interesting that you'd rather disallow some than allow all.

did you read the artical Rav? said the Black Business Students Association or Native Americans United.....and i said if they started a White People would be considerd racist...tell me how wrong i am....
That's ridiculous. A real victory for the pc fucktards.

What next, eliminate Spanish and French clubs?

well they dont allow the White People fair is fair....

Germans aren't white? French aren't white?

those are Language clubs Bo....and you know it....lets try the Black Student Union....The Latino Student Union....they even had an Asian Student something or other....when some White kids wanted to start a Caucasian student Union at my kids school they were told no....the "MINORITIES" complained it is racial ....the White kids made a stink saying the other groups are racial too....they were told wrong type of Racial term...the Minorities said they were a Racial group yes...but the Caucasian group was "RACIAL"...this was in the beginning days of fucking Political Correctness.....guess who won out?....and as far as i isnt any different today....
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well they dont allow the White People fair is fair....

Germans aren't white? French aren't white?

those are Language clubs Bo....and you know it....lets try the Black Student Union....The Latino Student Union....they even had an Asian Student something or other....when some White kids wanted to start a Caucasian student Union at my kids school they were told no....the "MINORITIES" complained it is racial ....the White kids made a stink saying the other groups are racial too....they were told wrong type of Racial term...the Minorities said they were a Racial group yes...but the Caucasian group was "RACIAL"...this was in the beginning days of fucking Political Correctness.....guess who won out?....and as far as i isnt any different today....

And the Spanish Club is a language club too. (btw...most Hispanics are white)
Nor did Ravi say or imply anything like "ravi the racist is saying is that black and brown people may be excused from being law abiding citizens. only little white boys should be punished"

Chanel must have missed chastising Willow for that. :eusa_whistle:

Link please.

Link to...what? I quoted what she said is also quoted in Ravi's reply to Willow. Not sure why you require yet another link to it....:eusa_eh:

If I understand you correctly what you are saying is "one false accusation of racism deserves another?" Ok. Got it.

You understand incorrectly. What I am saying is exactly what I said. I'm curious as to why you only call one of the parties on implications of racism but not the other - the one who's initial post she responded to.

Odd that.
By that standard, should we trash ethnic Russians? Ethnic Chinese? Any number of people who fled (or who's ancesters fled) countries rife with corruption, abuse, etc etc?

What is the "culture of corruption" they are "not abandoning"? Is it any different from any other immigrant group? No. You had large numbers of poor people immigrating to the U.S. in large numbers. Many eventually settled successfully but while some brought with them poverty and crime, others were forced into it through circumstances in overcrowded tenaments. What is happening today is no different then yesterday.

I can't argue for or againist your personal experiences with or opinions on immigrants - it's not something debatable. But you can look at actual statistics as a baselline.

For example - on use of "the dole": from a report by the Cato Institute

These numbers - even if understated - do not support a claim of "coming here for the dole"[/QUOTE]

But because interviews are the source of the immigrant data,
while official records are the source of the native data, it is
quite probable that the rates of use by immigrants are

Didn't I say that....?

They would have to be grossly understated to support the claim...."probable" does not translate into "grossly".

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