Student Suspended for Removing Mexican Flag

" Mexico this refers to a stuffed and folded tortilla, but in the United States a taco' is more commonly a crisp fried tortilla shaped into a U and filled with various stuffings. The word was first printed in English in 1930....The word is Mexican-Spanish, meaning a "wad" or "plug," but colloquially refers to a light meal or snack..."
---The Encyclopedia of American Food & Drink, John F. Mariani [Lebhar-Friedman:New York] 1999 (p. 321)

Sounds like Tex-Mex to me, which makes it American.
Chanel must have missed chastising Willow for that. :eusa_whistle:

Link please.

Link to...what? I quoted what she said is also quoted in Ravi's reply to Willow. Not sure why you require yet another link to it....:eusa_eh:

If I understand you correctly what you are saying is "one false accusation of racism deserves another?" Ok. Got it.

You understand incorrectly. What I am saying is exactly what I said. I'm curious as to why you only call one of the parties on implications of racism but not the other - the one who's initial post she responded to.

Odd that.

You know the funny part? She asks for a link...but the post of mine she saw and had issue with HAD Willow's comment quoted. How could she have seen one without the other...? It IS a puzzlement. :eusa_whistle:
" Mexico this refers to a stuffed and folded tortilla, but in the United States a taco' is more commonly a crisp fried tortilla shaped into a U and filled with various stuffings. The word was first printed in English in 1930....The word is Mexican-Spanish, meaning a "wad" or "plug," but colloquially refers to a light meal or snack..."
---The Encyclopedia of American Food & Drink, John F. Mariani [Lebhar-Friedman:New York] 1999 (p. 321)

Sounds like Tex-Mex to me, which makes it American.

No. If a black or brown student took down someone else's property and threw it away I'd also agree that a three day suspension was a fair punishment.

yea and im sure they would have gotten it too....the ole PC ball would have assured a different outcome....:eusa_whistle:
Yes, there is a distinct possibility that the perp would have been arrested for theft and destruction of property.
So Sheila, now that you've admitted that tacos are Mexican do you feel that Mexican Americans should be banned from eating them? After all, that is celebrating their heritage. Or would you allow them to only eat the crappy American knock off?
i've gone through the first 70 posts or so of this thread....lots of arguing and name throwing and hatred....

before i go through the next 10 pages...

can someone tell me....if any poster read the article in full....where it says the school DID NOT have the mexican flag flying at their school, let alone flying higher than the us flag?


but the article clearly states this was RADIO JOCK crapola, LIES??????

just, tell me....did the participants in this thread ever get to the real truth of what happened or are they still arguing for the sake of arguing, about a lie?
No. If a black or brown student took down someone else's property and threw it away I'd also agree that a three day suspension was a fair punishment.

yea and im sure they would have gotten it too....the ole PC ball would have assured a different outcome....:eusa_whistle:
Yes, there is a distinct possibility that the perp would have been arrested for theft and destruction of property.

the key words here being DISTINCT POSSIBILITY....
Care - I can't post pics from my BB but the picture I saw was the flag draped in the lobby above the stairs. It was not hanging on a flagpole. I can see that it may have been obnoxious being greeted by that in the lobby, but it was prob. only placed there for Cinco de Mayo.
The kid that took down the flag aplogized to the kid that owned the flag and they agreed to settle it.
The kid and his parents were on TV last night and stated just that.
End of story. On to the next right wing nothing outrage of the hour.
Care - I can't post pics from my BB but the picture I saw was the flag draped in the lobby above the stairs. It was not hanging on a flagpole. I can see that it may have been obnoxious being greeted by that in the lobby, but it was prob. only placed there for Cinco de Mayo.

ok, good.

I started reading this thread, and got through the first 2 or 3 pages of it....and all the posts, INCLUDING the thread op, were saying the flag was taken down by this kid because it was hanging on a flag pole, higher than the American everyone was arguing and name calling, over that....and i read the linked article through, and it said THIS WAS NOT TRUE.

I was just wondering if this thread, ever got to arguing about what REALLY happened?

I did NOT want to go through the next 10 pages in the thread to find out!!!! call me lazy....
i've gone through the first 70 posts or so of this thread....lots of arguing and name throwing and hatred....

before i go through the next 10 pages...

can someone tell me....if any poster read the article in full....where it says the school DID NOT have the mexican flag flying at their school, let alone flying higher than the us flag?


but the article clearly states this was RADIO JOCK crapola, LIES??????

just, tell me....did the participants in this thread ever get to the real truth of what happened or are they still arguing for the sake of arguing, about a lie?
Arguing about whether tacos are Mexican or American now....It is a worthy argument. I've even been put on ignore by Sheila over it. Intense.
The kid that took down the flag aplogized to the kid that owned the flag and they agreed to settle it.
The kid and his parents were on TV last night and stated just that.
End of story. On to the next right wing nothing outrage of the hour.

Had the school and media not been trying to be so politically correct, this could have happened days ago. Thank goodness cooler heads finally prevailed. Now...about the death threats to the student....
The kid that took down the flag aplogized to the kid that owned the flag and they agreed to settle it.
The kid and his parents were on TV last night and stated just that.
End of story. On to the next right wing nothing outrage of the hour.

Had the school and media not been trying to be so politically correct, this could have happened days ago. Thank goodness cooler heads finally prevailed. Now...about the death threats to the student....
:confused: No one would have known that this kid didn't get punished for theft and destruction of property if he hadn't gotten on the radio and whined.

Why was this even news?
The kid that took down the flag aplogized to the kid that owned the flag and they agreed to settle it.
The kid and his parents were on TV last night and stated just that.
End of story. On to the next right wing nothing outrage of the hour.

Had the school and media not been trying to be so politically correct, this could have happened days ago. Thank goodness cooler heads finally prevailed. Now...about the death threats to the student....
:confused: No one would have known that this kid didn't get punished for theft and destruction of property if he hadn't gotten on the radio and whined.

Why was this even news?

Well, you can go with a slow news day or the liberal media setting the stage for the immigration debate.
Had the school and media not been trying to be so politically correct, this could have happened days ago. Thank goodness cooler heads finally prevailed. Now...about the death threats to the student....
:confused: No one would have known that this kid didn't get punished for theft and destruction of property if he hadn't gotten on the radio and whined.

Why was this even news?

Well, you can go with a slow news day or the liberal media setting the stage for the immigration debate.
Right, that's why he ranted on a conservative radio show. :thup:
:confused: No one would have known that this kid didn't get punished for theft and destruction of property if he hadn't gotten on the radio and whined.

Why was this even news?

Well, you can go with a slow news day or the liberal media setting the stage for the immigration debate.
Right, that's why he ranted on a conservative radio show. :thup:

Link please. I have read three articles and watched a video, but not the source you are referencing.
the student is getting death threats :eek::eek::eek: and it's his fault cause he went on the radio :eek::eek: ravioli is fucking rabid,, that's the same shit she did to Mrs. Palin.

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