Study:MSNBC Coverage Almost Entirely Opinionated, Fox News Has More Factual Reporting


May 22, 2011
"True to its motto, MSNBC has been leaning forward. To the point that its opinionated programming far outweighs its “factual reporting,” according to a new Pew study. While Fox News, too, had more opinionated programming, the network had a much smaller discrepancy between opinion and straight reporting.

The study — which came as part of Pew Research Center’s annual “State of the Media” report — states that opinionated programming comprised 85 percent of MSNBC’s airtime (versus 15 percent of “factual reporting”). Meanwhile, Fox News had opinion 55 percent of the time, with 45 percent straight news."



I don't watch either, but I'm obliged to note that only one of them advertises itself as "news"
If you get drunk and watch Hannity, it makes a lot of sense.

Also -

Hahaha, c'mon. I'm not stupid. You cited the same chart I just posted. It says 55/45 for Fox News on opinion vs. fact.

The other thing is, opinion news isn't bad. In fact, I like opinion news better because it involves debate and discussion and gets you to think about the issues. However, the majority of Americans who are moderate or on the Left tend to believe the lie that Fox News is THE station that is biased and opinionated while MSNBC/CNN get a pass as objective, unbiased news with little opinion.

Fox has a good balance of opinion and factual reporting. However, I would note that Fox tends to always have a Leftist defend the other side on all the shows whereas MSNBC just gets to rant and rail against the Right unchallenged. MSNBC has one Conservative, S.E. Cupp and they never let her speak, she's just drowned out by the other 4 numbskulls on The Cycle. Fox News has lots of Liberal contributors, Juan Williams, Kyrsten Powers, Darrel Williams, Dennis Kucinich, etc. plus all the large number of guests from the Left.

I don't watch either, but I'm obliged to note that only one of them advertises itself as "news"

Yeah.................and it's the one whose viewers are only 65 percent as well informed as the rest of the country.
I don't watch either, but I'm obliged to note that only one of them advertises itself as "news"

Yeah.................and it's the one whose viewers are only 65 percent as well informed as the rest of the country.

I wonder about the methodology. Would Meet the Press be considered opinion because it contains the guests' opinion (over 25%)?
I don't watch either, but I'm obliged to note that only one of them advertises itself as "news"

Let me get this straight, when MSNBC says that it is "The premier cable destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives – 24/7. MSNBC defines news for the next generation with world-class reporting and a full schedule of live news coverage, political analysis and award-winning documentary programming – 24 hours a day, seven days a week." It isn't advertising itself as news Gotta admit, I didn't see that logic coming.

About ? MSNBC
FOX is the ONLY television network that's even close to being accurate. ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, are ALL in the tank for Obama and the Democratic Party. No honest person would dispute this.
FOX is the ONLY television network that's even close to being accurate. ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, are ALL in the tank for Obama and the Democratic Party. No honest person would dispute this.

Takes some world class stupidity to make a post like this Super Jackoff.
FOX is the ONLY television network that's even close to being accurate. ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, are ALL in the tank for Obama and the Democratic Party. No honest person would dispute this.

Takes some world class stupidity to make a post like this Super Jackoff.
I rest my case.

Yo.................Sloppy Jerkoff......................why is it that FAUX Nooze has been caught making a lot of mistakes?

Wanna talk about how well FAUX Nooze and Dick Morris were when it came to the elections?
CSpan contains over 25% opinion in most of it's content. Not a factual account?
"true to its motto, msnbc has been leaning forward. To the point that its opinionated programming far outweighs its “factual reporting,” according to a new pew study. While fox news, too, had more opinionated programming, the network had a much smaller discrepancy between opinion and straight reporting.

The study — which came as part of pew research center’s annual “state of the media” report — states that opinionated programming comprised 85 percent of msnbc’s airtime (versus 15 percent of “factual reporting”). Meanwhile, fox news had opinion 55 percent of the time, with 45 percent straight news."




Not saying much. I mean it's obvious true but having more facts than MSNBC doesnt mean you are being completely honest.
Yo.................Sloppy Jerkoff......................why is it that FAUX Nooze has been caught making a lot of mistakes?

Wanna talk about how well FAUX Nooze and Dick Morris were when it came to the elections?
You seem preoccupied with jerking off. Got a problem in that area?

Not answering the question I see.................
Red herring. Dick Morris doesn't report the news, he gives opinions. Nice try, Mr. Jerkoff.
Again, I'm not bashing opinion news, I support opinion news as it contains debate and discussion that provokes critical thought.

My point is: 1. The Left demonizes Fox News for being THE station of opinion and bias. 2. The Left doesn't realize that their own favorite stations contain even more opinion and bias. 3. The Left doesn't even understand that opinion news is a good thing.

Takes some world class stupidity to make a post like this Super Jackoff.
I rest my case.

Yo.................Sloppy Jerkoff......................why is it that FAUX Nooze has been caught making a lot of mistakes?

Wanna talk about how well FAUX Nooze and Dick Morris were when it came to the elections?

Why do you need to use stupid insults? What does that really accomplish?

Im sure Fox makes mistakes like anyone else does. They are human.

The problems dont come from making mistakes. The problems come when people are intentionally deceptive or fail to correct their mistakes.

That's why MSNBC is so unreliable. and Fox only a bit less.

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