Surprise!!!!.... story of Jacob Blake was "wholly innaccurate" and manufactured

1. Why can’t the local police department said that ( from your link 1, 2, 3, 4 ) to cover their cases???

Police departments don't comment on on-going investigations as it would prejudice any charges they might be planning to file.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It's easy to judge an interaction that lasted 10 minutes, when you see the last minute of it.
Thank god the police shot Jacob and thank god we can see how those that hate the police and the USA are all filthy liars when it comes to facts.

Thank you for posting how you really feel. It is good to know that so many should not be part of our great country let alone any society in the world.

There is no place in the world for Democrats.
Knife or no knife, he got what his action dictated. Apprehended.

Any other course of action was to let him go.

That is the Democrats, being criminals, of course they want the criminals to go free.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife. on the left DEMAND that the Police not be rough on people they're choke pinning them to the ground...nothing that would cause them any potential distress...then you complain that they should be able to handle them? A year ago this guy would have been swarmed by the Police, knocked to the ground and kept there until he was cuffed! Now they don't know what to do. They follow helplessly while he resists arrest!

If someone pulls a knife on you and you're a shoot them. If you can't grasp that concept...then it's YOU that's stupid!
Problem being...he didn't "pull a knife".

He never had a weapon in his hands..

He was shot 3 minutes after the cops arrived on scene. That's nuts.

They never tried to de-escalate the situation. They never tried to figure out what was actually happening.

Their first thought was "arrest the black man"...

Their first thought was "arrest the black man"...

If you heard the 911 call, and saw his previous record and outstanding warrant, you'd know why.

He never had a weapon in his hands..

What was in his hand?
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
Once lethal force is decided upon and used, the aim is to render the person as no further danger to anyone. Yes the cops may have shot the guy multiple times, but that may have been determined on the thought that after the guy defeated the tasers, and after he had broke free from the detention, that he may have been on a drug like PCP or something. Drugs give perps super human strength, and cops don't play around when or if they suspect that a person might be on something like that.

When will some of these blacks quit resisting arrest, and just begin to go peacefully with the law just like hundreds of thousands do (be it black or white), when they are being arrested ??

Does some sort of black priveledge cause this problem in the minds of some who think like this, otherwise where blacks have been told or programmed that the white's are the devil, and you are to resist them no matter what the situation is ?? I say priveledge, because only does one use such priveledge in thought of if they think that they are immune from Punishment when breaking the law or deciding to not obey the officers commands until the situation can be figured out.

Does black priveledge exist ?? Do some blacks feel that they have been given special rights above and beyond other American's when it comes to obeying the commands of law enforcement ?? We see thousands of criminals or suspects obeying the commands of law officers on these reality shows, and yet in some cases we end up seeing this kind of mess going on where these certain individual's have been taught by someone to resist no matter what.

What's up with the bullcrap already ??

The demoncrats have become the party of vengence, anarchy, and mayhem.

Yes their are bad cop's, but using them as a reason to attack this nation in the ways that we've seen, and after these isolated events is not justified....Instead the events are being used by groups who have a whole other agenda in play or they are teaching vengence or propaganda to the point of getting their followers killed. Not good.

It's time for education for all who needs it, and it's time to get to the bottom of the deception, the lies, and the chaos created by whom ? I see the Democrats as being the culprits, because they have let the cat out of the bag many, many times as to how they think, and how they operate.
before I make a judgment on where they screwed up

Confirmational bias much?
As I said the outcome of shooting a suspect in the back seven times means there were mistakes made by the cops, just don't know for sure exactly what they are yet. They certainly escalated the situation if nothing else. With the cop being a bitch-ass coward there was no chance of ever gaining control of the situation.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Tell me dumbass, how far can a person travel, with a knife in hand, in one and a half seconds? (1.5 seconds is how long it takes the human body to decide to shoot and fire) . The average person can travel 21 feet in 1.5 seconds. You have a knife in your chest long before you can fire your weapon.

This man defeated 2 taser attempts and then asaulted 2 offficers escaping custody.. Shooting him was the only option the officer had left.

1. He doesn’t have a knife in his hand.
2. Local LEO department didn’t say he assaulted police officers.
3. If he was armed with a knife and assaulted an officer it’s justifiable to shoot him.
4. But NO they followed him with a gun drawn.

You are lying.

Shooting is NOT the only option. Why didn’t they tackle, kick him in the back, trip him while his is walking around the SUV? Two vs one?

According to the statement, officers from the Kenosha Police Department were dispatched to a residence Sunday, after a female caller reported that her boyfriend was there and "was not supposed to be on the premises." After the initial attempt to arrest Blake, Officer Rusten Sheskey deployed a stun gun to stop him. When that attempt failed, Officer Vincent Arenas also deployed a stun gun but "that taser was also not not successful in stopping Mr. Blake," the statement said.

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

Jacob Blake like George Floyd was another criminal feral THUG. Jacob Blake was a RAPIST, there was an arrest warrant out for him breaking into his ex-girlfriends house and committing a sexual assault with violence. He was literally ANOTHER THUG that the Leftists aka Communists are DEFENDING, the other day we had them DEFENDING a fucking CHILD RAPIST who the Great Hero Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed and sent to Hell.

Leftists aka Communists DEFENDING the WORST in Western Society, they are LITERALLY SUPPORTING and DEFENDING Child Rapists and POS that RAPE ADULT women. This illustrates that Leftists aka Communists are now MORALLY BANKRUPT and need to need destroyed already.










1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

Aside from being a filthy rapist, Jacob Blake DESERVED to be shot for Crimes Against Fashion, look at the below, WTF?! Is this filthy THUG wearing, it's HIDEOUS:

Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife. on the left DEMAND that the Police not be rough on people they're choke pinning them to the ground...nothing that would cause them any potential distress...then you complain that they should be able to handle them? A year ago this guy would have been swarmed by the Police, knocked to the ground and kept there until he was cuffed! Now they don't know what to do. They follow helplessly while he resists arrest!

*** If someone pulls a knife on you and you're a shoot them. If you can't grasp that concept...then it's YOU that's stupid!

*** True. Like I posted earlier. If any individual pulls a knife to a LEO he/she has no choice but to shoot. BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE.

Local LEO department NEVER said he assaulted a police officers, never said pulls a knife, never said he has a knife in his hand.

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

You don’t get it. BLM and Democrats want criminals to be able to fight back. Police need to be DEFUNDED.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It's easy to judge an interaction that lasted 10 minutes, when you see the last minute of it.
That's why we have investigation's, and idictments, trials, and sentences. How the Democrats and their race baiting for power changed all this is really criminal. The trail should lead straight back to their rehtoric, their corruption, and ultimately their recall.

It's unbelievable what's happened over these years, but it needs to face justice finally, because innocent American's have died as a result of it all, and million's of dollars in property damage has resulted from it all.

Casting a stone, and then hiding their hand has become the Democrat way. It needs to stop.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It does seem that you have a real hard time judging the actions of Blake when it's on video.
And that's been my point from my first post in this thread.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean you get to murder him. The mere fact the cop fired seven shots into his back without Blake threatening his life, means the cop is a murderer.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean he gets to resist arrest and attempt to grab a gun and/or flee in his vehicle.

means the cop is a murderer.

Oh please.

Oh please. Not only a murderer but a coward and stupid. They knew that’s not even his car. He took his girlfriend car keys.... How would have a gun?
Police union is not even involved in the investigation. All that BS coming from police union did not cover by the local LEO department preliminary reports.
before I make a judgment on where they screwed up

Confirmational bias much?
As I said the outcome of shooting a suspect in the back seven times means there were mistakes made by the cops, just don't know for sure exactly what they are yet. They certainly escalated the situation if nothing else. With the cop being a bitch-ass coward there was no chance of ever gaining control of the situation.
Once again,'ve taken away most of the tools that a Police officer used to be able to utilize to subdue suspects! It's gotten to the point now where they almost need to ask "Pretty Please...would you let me arrest you?" Let the Police do their jobs.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It does seem that you have a real hard time judging the actions of Blake when it's on video.
And that's been my point from my first post in this thread.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean you get to murder him. The mere fact the cop fired seven shots into his back without Blake threatening his life, means the cop is a murderer.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean he gets to resist arrest and attempt to grab a gun and/or flee in his vehicle.

means the cop is a murderer.

Oh please.

Oh please. Not only a murderer but a coward and stupid. They knew that’s not even his car. He took his girlfriend car keys.... How would have a gun?
Police union is not even involved in the investigation. All that BS coming from police union did not cover by the local LEO department preliminary reports.
He stole the car of the woman that he sexually assaulted! She is not his girlfriend.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It does seem that you have a real hard time judging the actions of Blake when it's on video.
And that's been my point from my first post in this thread.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean you get to murder him. The mere fact the cop fired seven shots into his back without Blake threatening his life, means the cop is a murderer.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean he gets to resist arrest and attempt to grab a gun and/or flee in his vehicle.

means the cop is a murderer.

Oh please.

Oh please. Not only a murderer but a coward and stupid. They knew that’s not even his car. He took his girlfriend car keys.... How would have a gun?
Police union is not even involved in the investigation. All that BS coming from police union did not cover by the local LEO department preliminary reports.
Someone might be interested in what you have to say (doubtful), but first you must become an American. LOL.

If you are an American, then you are a transplant here from abroad very recently, in other words it's doubtful that you were born here with the broken English that you have. What are you Russian or something ??

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