Surprise!!!!.... story of Jacob Blake was "wholly innaccurate" and manufactured

Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
He's fleeing the scene after being ordered to stop....He had outstanding warrants for violence.....Nobody could know what he might do once in the car, up to and including using it as a weapon.

Fuck that criminal asshole.
So in your mind the cop is justified in bring judge, jury, and executioner. I thought you cons believed in the Bill of Rights.

I don’t think you’ve thought this through, unless you’re a Nazi.
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Facts emerging on Jacob Blake shooting contradict
the narrative that sparked riots

29 Aug 2020 ~~ By Thomas Lifson
It is stunning how many recent riots over purported racial injustice have been based on phony stories. Ferguson, Missouri was pillaged and burned over the false contention that Michael Brown was gunned down with his hands up (the Obama Justice Department confirmed that he was struggling to kill the police officer arresting him for a strongarm robbery he had just committed by grabbing his gun when he was fatally shot). Baltimore was sacked over the contention that Freddie Gray was assassinated by police officers deliberately tossing him around in a police van (a jury acquitted the officers).
Just this past week, rioters looted downtown Minneapolis on the false story that police had gunned down a suspect who had, in fact, committed suicide. Which was captured on surveillance video. Yet, Target, Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom were still looted.
Most damaging of all, 3 months ago, the first videos released to the public created the impression that George Floyd was asphyxiated by Officer Derek Chauvin of the Minneapolis Police, whose knee on his neck prevented him from breathing. That account has now been proven to be false, yet is still embraced by nearly all of the media, public, and political figures (including Rudy Giuliani, whose address to the RNC referred to the “unforgivable police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis”). The facts of the case have been suppressed with Minnesota’s Attorney General Keith Ellison delaying their release, but we now have body cam footage of the entire encounter of Floyd and the medical examiner’s report that indicated he had a fatal overdose of fentanyl in his system, which caused him to complain multiple times, “I can’t breathe,” while sitting upright in the police car from which he bolted, leading to his being pinned down. (For the shocking details, you and Rudy Giuliani should read George Parry’s “Who Killed George Floyd?”).
We can now add the riots in Kenosha and beyond to list of race riots sparked by assumptions of police behavior that are contradicted by the facts. As with George Floyd, the impressions created by the first videos released to the public were misleading and highly inflammatory. In considering the facts that follow, ask yourself what you would do if you were charged with the task that faced the Kenosha police officers.
The Kenosha Police were called to a residence not to deal with a domestic dispute in which Jacob Blake was a peacemaker, but rather to arrest Blake. They were called by his girlfriend and mother of 3 of his children. The Wisconsin Department of Justice, which is investigating the shooting, writes,
“Kenosha Police Department officers were dispatched to a residence in the 2800 block of 40th Street after a female caller reported that her boyfriend was present and was not supposed to be on the premises.”
That same female had made a complaint against Blake abut 4 months ago that led to the issuance of a warrant for his arrest. Cited in the warrant were her allegations of trespass, domestic abuse, and sexual assault. There were some stark parallels to the situation facing the KPD in the current instance that led to Blake’s shooting:
On May 3, 2020 Kenosha Police Officer Raiche, in full uniform and operating marked squad#3343, responded to 2805 40th Street Unit D, City and County of Kenosha, state of Wisconsin for a report of an ex-boyfriend who had broken into the residence and stole vehicle keys, a vehicle and a debit card from the victim before fleeing. (snip)​
LNB stated she was upset but collected herself and ran after the defendant out the front door and then realized her vehicle was missing. LNB ran back inside to her purse, which was on the kitchen counter and checked it, quickly realizing her key to her truck (Ford Explorer 2002), a black individual key and the only key for the vehicle and her Great Lakes Debit Card were missing.​
So, what should the officers have done, confronted with Blake, armed with a deadly weapon and attempting to drive away the vehicle with 3 young children in it? The fact that he was able shrug off 2 tasers suggests he may have been on some mind-altering substance like methamphetamine, PCP, or angel dust. The children reasonably could be believed to be at risk in a vehicle fleeing arrest.
The officer who shot Blake, Rusten Shesky, perhaps should have stopped with one shot. Certainly, 7 shots seems like a lot. But Blake had already demonstrated his ability to remain a threat after being tased twice and had physically overcome officers, escaping a head lock. With a deadly weapon at hand, the risks to the officer and the children were not insignificant.
One final note, the woman who swore out the complaint against Blake that led to the warrant for his arrest, the mother of 3 of his children who in her complaint “stated she and the defendant have three children together but have never resided together in the eight years they have been on and off,” is named Laquisha N. Booker (LNB in the warrant). And now that he is represented by Benjamin Crump and will be suing Kenosha for damages, she is calling herself his “fiancé.”

According to the leaders of the Democrat Marxist Socialist Commie BLM it doesn't matter what the perpetrators/victims were doing that resulted in their deaths or injuries. It was the fault of the "Brutal Police Tactics".
The 'Real Truth and Facts' are lost in the forest of violence that have followed these incidents.... The 'Fake Narrative' is more acceptable to PMS/DSA Commie Left.... If you tell a lie often enough people will begin to believe the lie....
Whether it was Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, George Floyd, Jacob Blake or the perp that committed suicide after robbing a store....
Meanwhile, another city destroyed on the lies of PMS/DSA Democrat Communists and the complicit media.
There's no doubt that media should be held accountable for inciting these riots. They know any stupid unverified statement will set off these thugs and start a riot.
Indeed, the recent riots have been based on propagandistic disinformation for political reasons. In fact, every time a LEO is involved a riot starts. Doesn't matter what it is. BLM and Antifa groups are total frauds. They are the funded tools of the PMS/DSA Democrat Commie Left.
One could claim that the racist attitude and ambivalence to law enforcement by the former president and his vice president are the root of the problem...

All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
The body camera footage is in the hands of the FBI and DHS.

Kenosha has no body cameras.
Tell that to the FBI.. They have 6 BC's according to them.

We learned that was true. A February 2020 story by Kenosha News said neither the city police department nor the Kenosha county Sheriff’s Department used body-worn cameras. And the day after Blake’s shooting, on Aug. 24, Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian confirmed to reporters that the city had not yet purchased the technology but had plans to do so.

Lastly, we looked for documentation of those efforts that would tell us if the city was indeed preparing to spend the money in 2022 and then deploy the cameras after that.

For that step, Snopes reviewed the city’s 2020 operating budget, which included a four-year plan for spending on police department projects. That 445-page document included the below-displayed table and confirmed that the city was indeed preparing to spend $200,000 on police body cameras in 2022.

I know, Snopes........
1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

He didn't have a gun. He didn't have a knife in his hand, what we see in his hand is pretty clearly a pair of sunglasses.

Funny that the "having a cop in a headlock" was "cut" from the video.

Funny that we have two videos from two different angles of the incident, and neither of them recorded him saying " I'm going to kill you" to the cops.

So the only accurate statement was he went to his car.

He didn't have a gun. He didn't have a knife in his hand, what we see in his hand is pretty clearly a pair of sunglasses.

Cop "Drop the knife"
Perp "That's not a knife, it's sunglasses, I'm dropping them"
Cop "Thanks for de-escalating the situation"

And then Joe woke up.
Its a knife according to both the cops and eyewitnesses---want to try again?

Its a knife according to both the cops and eyewitnesses---want to try again?

Relax Francis, I know it's a knife.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
Cyberbuddies----fret not over the paralysis of the legs. When a person is injured in the back---the paralysis CAN be temporary. In some cases it is a result of local
swelling and not severing of the spinal cord. Ie---we do not have enough information about the injury to conclude that he is permanently paralyzed in his legs
He got shot 7 times in the spine point blank, pretty good bet he's done with walking.
If more regulations come from this, then it may be good for everyone. However, if I am a cop and there is going to be an inquisition every day, I may respond a lot slower to certain areas and let the situation play out. Then clean it up after.
Which is why there is a surge in people buying guns's not safe not to have one. Way to go libs---fine job and convincing people to get rid of guns. NOT!!
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
He's fleeing the scene after being ordered to stop....He had outstanding warrants for violence.....Nobody could know what he might do once in the car, up to and including using it as a weapon.

Fuck that criminal asshole.
So in your mind the cop is justified in bring judge, jury, and executioner. I thought you cons believed in the Bill of Rights.

I don’t think you’ve thought this through, unless you’re a Nazi.
We do but you lose them when you refuse to be arrested and taken to a judge to get your attorney and your rights protected.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It does seem that you have a real hard time judging the actions of Blake when it's on video.
And that's been my point from my first post in this thread.
1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

He didn't have a gun. He didn't have a knife in his hand, what we see in his hand is pretty clearly a pair of sunglasses.

Funny that the "having a cop in a headlock" was "cut" from the video.

Funny that we have two videos from two different angles of the incident, and neither of them recorded him saying " I'm going to kill you" to the cops.

So the only accurate statement was he went to his car.

He didn't have a gun. He didn't have a knife in his hand, what we see in his hand is pretty clearly a pair of sunglasses.

Cop "Drop the knife"
Perp "That's not a knife, it's sunglasses, I'm dropping them"
Cop "Thanks for de-escalating the situation"

And then Joe woke up.
More like JoeB version of events...

Jacob Blake, upon returning from saving three old ladies from a white robber, saw people fighting. Being the saint he is, Blake involved himself and not only broke up the fight, but the two men were crying and asking for forgiveness from each other upon hearings Blakes inspirational words.
At that time, out-of-control white officers raced in and threatened to beat Blake if he didn't agree to go to jail for frowning at them. Blake calmly asked the maniac officers if he could please get a water out of his car as he noticed onlookers looked thirsty. As soon as he reached for water the murderous cops went on a rampage and shot Blake why screaming "Die *igger Die!!"

lol good one, and does indeed fit Joe's and the CNN versions of events.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It does seem that you have a real hard time judging the actions of Blake when it's on video.
And that's been my point from my first post in this thread.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean you get to murder him. The mere fact the cop fired seven shots into his back without Blake threatening his life, means the cop is a murderer.
When you are ordered by police to submit to arrest and you simply walk become your own murderer.

ANd what if people get tired of the police having that kind of power?

Again, the police completely overreacted here. Again.
On a lark I looked up security forces in other nations. Many 2nd and 3rd world nations are not that good with the Lives mattering. In Africa and South America and even the Islands there are some numbers there. Some not that high, but high enough for the population. Perhaps Black Lives does not matter in Africa. Or Brown Lives Matter in central and South America. Either way, we are not alone and our nation puts up with a lot lot more criminal infractions then others do.

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