Surprise!!!!.... story of Jacob Blake was "wholly innaccurate" and manufactured

Cyberbuddies----fret not over the paralysis of the legs. When a person is injured in the back---the paralysis CAN be temporary. In some cases it is a result of local
swelling and not severing of the spinal cord. Ie---we do not have enough information about the injury to conclude that he is permanently paralyzed in his legs
He got shot 7 times in the spine point blank, pretty good bet he's done with walking.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.

Five times more die than by rifle
Inner city thugs prefer illegal handguns.
Sell your twelve year old sister and you can get a cheap POS illegal handgun and one clip.
Then you can murder your neighbor for his new garbage can.
Cyberbuddies----fret not over the paralysis of the legs. When a person is injured in the back---the paralysis CAN be temporary. In some cases it is a result of local
swelling and not severing of the spinal cord. Ie---we do not have enough information about the injury to conclude that he is permanently paralyzed in his legs
He got shot 7 times in the spine point blank, pretty good bet he's done with walking.
Who is going to wipe his ass?
The silver lining is he won't be making anymore fourteen year old 'baby-mommas' pregnant.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously?
Seriously, buttbrain? Because anyone good with a knife can throw it and kill you in about a half second if you are within 10-15 feet of them.
Cyberbuddies----fret not over the paralysis of the legs. When a person is injured in the back---the paralysis CAN be temporary. In some cases it is a result of local
swelling and not severing of the spinal cord. Ie---we do not have enough information about the injury to conclude that he is permanently paralyzed in his legs
He got shot 7 times in the spine point blank, pretty good bet he's done with walking.
If more regulations come from this, then it may be good for everyone. However, if I am a cop and there is going to be an inquisition every day, I may respond a lot slower to certain areas and let the situation play out. Then clean it up after.

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car
All of them are. The damage is done. They still think Michael Brown, the gentle giant was murdered.

The most enslaved minds on earth are the overly privileged, spoiled, coddled, fat black Americans convinced their free asses are still enslaved.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
He's fleeing the scene after being ordered to stop....He had outstanding warrants for violence.....Nobody could know what he might do once in the car, up to and including using it as a weapon.

Fuck that criminal asshole.
You’re nuts. If you think cops are justified in shooting and killing people like this guy, you must love Nazi Germany.
You must love violent criminals running around attacking unarmed women then if you don't think this violent man needed to be removed.
There's going to violent criminals no matter how brutal the cops are. Can't really do a lot about that but we can do something about how the police handle them. This was not some mindless wild beast it was a man who was already having a bad day before the police showed up and escalated a bad situation.
So how would YOU handle a "violent criminal" you MORON?
You would piss yourself while you were running away. I've seen your type.
I'm very sorry he was "having a bad day". The underage girl he sexually assaulted was also having a "bad day".
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously?
Seriously, buttbrain? Because anyone good with a knife can throw it and kill you in about a half second if you are within 10-15 feet of them.
You've been watching too many rambo movies.

Why not say that he could have turned around and given the cop a two inch heart punch killing him instantly.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
YOU confront a street thug who has a knife and is a convicted sex offender. Get back to us if you are still alive ASSHOLE!
I've had weapons pointed at me in the past. I didn't lose my head and things mostly turned out all right. That cop let a bad situation get way out of hand.
Cyberbuddies----fret not over the paralysis of the legs. When a person is injured in the back---the paralysis CAN be temporary. In some cases it is a result of local
swelling and not severing of the spinal cord. Ie---we do not have enough information about the injury to conclude that he is permanently paralyzed in his legs
He got shot 7 times in the spine point blank, pretty good bet he's done with walking.

really..... we do not have enough information-----a spinal cord is not all that big----the bullets could have
missed severing it
Gee what a shock considering EVERY MFing video PROGS have used to incite violence has be edited and/or relevant details hidden. Let's review:

Floyd: Video edited to incite violence.

Blake: Video edited to incite violence.

Brooks: Video edited to incite violence.

And all three are thugs. So not only did PROGS decide to edit videos to incite violence, they did so to hold thugs as martyrs. It's disgusting. What else do you need to know about PROGS?
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Cyberbuddies----fret not over the paralysis of the legs. When a person is injured in the back---the paralysis CAN be temporary. In some cases it is a result of local
swelling and not severing of the spinal cord. Ie---we do not have enough information about the injury to conclude that he is permanently paralyzed in his legs
He got shot 7 times in the spine point blank, pretty good bet he's done with walking.
If more regulations come from this, then it may be good for everyone. However, if I am a cop and there is going to be an inquisition every day, I may respond a lot slower to certain areas and let the situation play out. Then clean it up after.

your worse scenario has already happened----in fact it has been going on for DECADES in NYC. There are high crime areas to which cops DO NOT GO----or----
tarry lots if a call comes in. The places are DANGEROUS to cops ------and to the local residents---but even more dangerous to the cops. Lately----those are the areas which, if you follow the news, report a few murders per week. ALSO----cops are scrutinized in NYC every time they shoot a SINGLE BULLET. It DOES put a damper on their enthusiasm.
The victims are the mothers who live in those areas.
How does one bring up a kid in a neighborhood in which cops are attacked when they show up?
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
He's fleeing the scene after being ordered to stop....He had outstanding warrants for violence.....Nobody could know what he might do once in the car, up to and including using it as a weapon.

Fuck that criminal asshole.
You’re nuts. If you think cops are justified in shooting and killing people like this guy, you must love Nazi Germany.
You must love violent criminals running around attacking unarmed women then if you don't think this violent man needed to be removed.
There's going to violent criminals no matter how brutal the cops are. Can't really do a lot about that but we can do something about how the police handle them. This was not some mindless wild beast it was a man who was already having a bad day before the police showed up and escalated a bad situation.
So how would YOU handle a "violent criminal" you MORON?
You would piss yourself while you were running away. I've seen your type.
I'm very sorry he was "having a bad day". The underage girl he sexually assaulted was also having a "bad day".
Every situation is different. Maybe he would have gotten shot in any case but clearly the cops mishandled this situation
1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

He didn't have a gun. He didn't have a knife in his hand, what we see in his hand is pretty clearly a pair of sunglasses.

Funny that the "having a cop in a headlock" was "cut" from the video.

Funny that we have two videos from two different angles of the incident, and neither of them recorded him saying " I'm going to kill you" to the cops.

So the only accurate statement was he went to his car.

When you are ordered by police to submit to arrest and you simply walk become your own murderer.

Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
He's fleeing the scene after being ordered to stop....He had outstanding warrants for violence.....Nobody could know what he might do once in the car, up to and including using it as a weapon.

Fuck that criminal asshole.

At that point the automobile becomes a deadly weapon....don't need a gun....don't need a keys can be just as deadly.

Here you go............Say PROGS, when do you mature enough to consider responsibility of any kind?

Cop "Drop the knife"
Perp "That's not a knife, it's sunglasses, I'm dropping them"
Cop "Thanks for de-escalating the situation"

And then Joe woke up.

Yes, it's a dream I have, that racist cops will stop murdering black people.
Jacob Blake, upon returning from saving three old ladies from a white robber, saw people fighting. Being the saint he is, Blake involved himself and not only broke up the fight, but the two men were crying and asking for forgiveness from each other upon hearings Blakes inspirational words.
At that time, out-of-control white officers raced in and threatened to beat Blake if he didn't agree to go to jail for frowning at them. Blake calmly asked the maniac officers if he could please get a water out of his car as he noticed onlookers looked thirsty. As soon as he reached for water the murderous cops went on a rampage and shot Blake why screaming "Die *igger Die!!"

If you're okay with what we see on those tapes, then you are the one with a problem. Let's review that tape again, shall we.

Okay, what I see are people who are screaming at the cops to leave him alone, and then the cops totally losing it after they shot him.

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

of course we expect all conservative christian right wing pro-militia police who think its funny to kill blacks to tell us the WHOLE TRUTH!

no way did these pro-trump fascist goons LIE about the knife and what blake did or said...

no cop has EVER DONE THAT!

now you cons can continue to rush to judgement

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