Surprise!!!!.... story of Jacob Blake was "wholly innaccurate" and manufactured

The reporter never said he was armed with a knife there was a knife in the floorboard on the drivers side.
The attorney for the Kenosha Professional Police Association said Blake was armed with a knife.

Your comment is another example of how you Leftist DO NOT living in reality.
Pigs lie so we cannot trust their account of what happened.
All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It does seem that you have a real hard time judging the actions of Blake when it's on video.
And that's been my point from my first post in this thread.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean you get to murder him. The mere fact the cop fired seven shots into his back without Blake threatening his life, means the cop is a murderer.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean he gets to resist arrest and attempt to grab a gun and/or flee in his vehicle.

means the cop is a murderer.

Oh please.

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

Liberal media lied to us? Surprise, surprise....

never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.

Please let me know your techniques for disarming men with knives. You should be training the police.

All the guy had to do was to submit to what the officers were requesting.
No shots would have been fired if he had.
Why does the left ignore that fact, and place no blame for the actions of Blake?
No ones ignoring that fact Mr Strawman.

Why does the right ignore the fact that the cop tried to execute the guy?
Well yeah, Mr. Strawman, you and your ilk are ignoring that fact.
Stop with YOUR bullshit.
You were not in the cops heads, you were not in a head lock from the perp.
You weren't there to experience how fast the situation was flowing from
bad to worse. YOU WEREN'T THERE! Get over yourself, Mr Strawman.
So since I wasn’t there, I can’t judge. Is that right? You need to think harder.
I see how you are, Mr cancel what I say.
Typical leftwing tactic these days. Maybe you need to think harder.
Nobody on this board has all the facts, but here you are to "JUDGE" (no less) :rolleyes-41:
It’s easy to judge the actions of a rogue cop, when it’s on video.
It does seem that you have a real hard time judging the actions of Blake when it's on video.
And that's been my point from my first post in this thread.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean you get to murder him. The mere fact the cop fired seven shots into his back without Blake threatening his life, means the cop is a murderer.

Blake is an obvious asshole, but that doesn’t mean he gets to resist arrest and attempt to grab a gun and/or flee in his vehicle.

means the cop is a murderer.

Oh please.
Assumes facts not in evidence. Stick to the facts son.
never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.

Please let me know your techniques for disarming men with knives. You should be training the police.

View attachment 381910
They already have people that should have properly trained them to handle suspects.

Yes, the properly trained way to handle an angry man with a knife is to shoot him.
I'm waiting on the body cam footage before I make a judgment on where they screwed up but the outcome says the cop is a scared pussy and that they screwed up somewhere.
never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.

Please let me know your techniques for disarming men with knives. You should be training the police.

View attachment 381910
They already have people that should have properly trained them to handle suspects.

Yes, the properly trained way to handle an angry man with a knife is to shoot him.
I'm waiting on the body cam footage before I make a judgment on where they screwed up but the outcome says the cop is a scared pussy and that they screwed up somewhere.

No body cams in Kenosha.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife. on the left DEMAND that the Police not be rough on people they're choke pinning them to the ground...nothing that would cause them any potential distress...then you complain that they should be able to handle them? A year ago this guy would have been swarmed by the Police, knocked to the ground and kept there until he was cuffed! Now they don't know what to do. They follow helplessly while he resists arrest!

If someone pulls a knife on you and you're a shoot them. If you can't grasp that concept...then it's YOU that's stupid!
Problem being...he didn't "pull a knife".

He never had a weapon in his hands..

He was shot 3 minutes after the cops arrived on scene. That's nuts.

They never tried to de-escalate the situation. They never tried to figure out what was actually happening.

Their first thought was "arrest the black man"...
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.

Have you ever been attacked by a man with a knife? Things happen faster than you might think.
I agree 100%! I've been held up two times, fortunately by "professionals" who told me be calm... just give me the money in the register and don't follow me out. The other guy wanted my money in my "sock"! Again... things happen so fast. Fortunately for
me I didn't blurt out what I was going to say to the guy who put his gun in my ribs and said give me your money or I'll blow your brains out"... I DIDN'T say to him ... "you won't blow my brains if your gun is in my ribs"!!! Fortunately I didn't say anything smart ass like that!
never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.

Please let me know your techniques for disarming men with knives. You should be training the police.

View attachment 381910
They already have people that should have properly trained them to handle suspects.

Yes, the properly trained way to handle an angry man with a knife is to shoot him.
I'm waiting on the body cam footage before I make a judgment on where they screwed up but the outcome says the cop is a scared pussy and that they screwed up somewhere.

No body cams in Kenosha.
Well then they are fucked.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife. on the left DEMAND that the Police not be rough on people they're choke pinning them to the ground...nothing that would cause them any potential distress...then you complain that they should be able to handle them? A year ago this guy would have been swarmed by the Police, knocked to the ground and kept there until he was cuffed! Now they don't know what to do. They follow helplessly while he resists arrest!

If someone pulls a knife on you and you're a shoot them. If you can't grasp that concept...then it's YOU that's stupid!
Problem being...he didn't "pull a knife".

He never had a weapon in his hands..

He was shot 3 minutes after the cops arrived on scene. That's nuts.

They never tried to de-escalate the situation. They never tried to figure out what was actually happening.

Their first thought was "arrest the black man"...
YES because of this reason their first thought was arrest the suspect"!!!
JACOB Blake had a warrant for his arrest for felony sexual assault when he was shot by cops in Kenosha.
Blake allegedly broke into his ex-girlfriend's home and sexually assaulted her earlier this year.

A) He had a warrant
B) He resisted ARREST!

How many times do dummies like you have to comprehend the simple fact...DON"T RESIST arrest and you will live!

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

That is according to police union.
1. Why can’t the local police department said that ( from your link 1, 2, 3, 4 ) to cover their cases???

2. Why didn’t they used that as a defense by local LEO??? Would that be easier? But NOOOOO police union is saying something else different.
3. Police union is NOT involved in the investigations.

Here is a link that complicate what the police union was saying.

The Kenosha police union disputed several facts released by the Department of Justice late Friday, though it's not clear what they are basing the information on.

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