Syria rebels executed civilians, says Human Rights Watch


Platinum Member
May 13, 2012
Something is seriously wrong with our politicians:

"Rebel forces in Syria killed as many as 190 civilians and seized more than 200 hostages during a military offensive in August, Human Rights Watch says."

""The evidence strongly suggests that the killings, hostage taking, and other abuses committed by opposition forces on and after August 4 rise to the level of crimes against humanity," the report said."

BBC News - Syria rebels executed civilians, says Human Rights Watch
No you aren't, they get their own arms from the black market and produce their own rockets.

Although indirectly we may be arming them. I honestly don't believe the US is putting any effort in arming the rebels.

They don't want the rebels to win. All their weapons come from the Middle East but, sometimes the CIA pays the bill to transfer them from Libya to Syria.

Partly, is because they are serving Israel's interests. To get some advanced weapons away from Palestinian paramilitaries by going through Egypt to Gaza. Which is'd rather have them going to Syria rather than responsible, professional paramilitaries which have a defined goal and functions as a government rather than a jihadist group. It's also not working greatly.

That being said, our track record isn't so clean. I hope none of you expected that. There are risks being taken. History will always repeat itself.

It's confusing as to who's side we are on. We and other international nations are letting it play out slow. Some international nations might not want it that way but they get told by the US to.

The more hard line rebels groups know this so they function on their own mostly. Oddly, they appear more organized and more battle trained. Not all the splinter groups, just a few.
No you aren't, they get their own arms from the black market and produce their own rockets.

Although indirectly we may be arming them. I honestly don't believe the US is putting any effort in arming the rebels.

They don't want the rebels to win. All their weapons come from the Middle East but, sometimes the CIA pays the bill to transfer them from Libya to Syria.

Partly, is because they are serving Israel's interests. To get some advanced weapons away from Palestinian paramilitaries by going through Egypt to Gaza. Which is'd rather have them going to Syria rather than responsible, professional paramilitaries which have a defined goal and functions as a government rather than a jihadist group. It's also not working greatly.

That being said, our track record isn't so clean. I hope none of you expected that. There are risks being taken. History will always repeat itself.

It's confusing as to who's side we are on. We and other international nations are letting it play out slow. Some international nations might not want it that way but they get told by the US to.

The more hard line rebels groups know this so they function on their own mostly. Oddly, they appear more organized and more battle trained. Not all the splinter groups, just a few.

Terrific analysis.

It's refreshing to read an intelligent post on this board.

Issues are usually complicated and multi-layered, with conflicting moralities and agendas. American news media (except some Sunday morning shows and The News Hour) too often dumbs stories down to Side A vs Side B. Or reports on things that have huge emotional appeal, missing white child or celebrity meltdown, but little real value in terms of important human events and history.

That's what news is, the most recent history. It should be reported as such, taking time to give context and background.
No you aren't, they get their own arms from the black market and produce their own rockets.

Although indirectly we may be arming them. I honestly don't believe the US is putting any effort in arming the rebels.

They don't want the rebels to win. All their weapons come from the Middle East but, sometimes the CIA pays the bill to transfer them from Libya to Syria.

Partly, is because they are serving Israel's interests. To get some advanced weapons away from Palestinian paramilitaries by going through Egypt to Gaza. Which is'd rather have them going to Syria rather than responsible, professional paramilitaries which have a defined goal and functions as a government rather than a jihadist group. It's also not working greatly.

That being said, our track record isn't so clean. I hope none of you expected that. There are risks being taken. History will always repeat itself.

It's confusing as to who's side we are on. We and other international nations are letting it play out slow. Some international nations might not want it that way but they get told by the US to.

The more hard line rebels groups know this so they function on their own mostly. Oddly, they appear more organized and more battle trained. Not all the splinter groups, just a few.

Terrific analysis.

It's refreshing to read an intelligent post on this board.

Issues are usually complicated and multi-layered, with conflicting moralities and agendas. American news media (except some Sunday morning shows and The News Hour) too often dumbs stories down to Side A vs Side B. Or reports on things that have huge emotional appeal, missing white child or celebrity meltdown, but little real value in terms of important human events and history.

That's what news is, the most recent history. It should be reported as such, taking time to give context and background.

That's absolutely true when it comes to mass media these days. I prefer credible social media and common knowledge.

History is essential as well.

It seems people put no effort in trying to understand a certain topic anymore. They just want it fed to them.

Which is why we have so many misinformed people nowadays.
CIA-funded weapons reach Syrian rebelsBy Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent, and Leslie Bentz, CNNWashington (CNN) -*CIA-funded weapons have begun flowing to Syrian rebels, a U.S. official told CNN. But opposition groups say they have yet to receive any.The official confirmed details*first reported by the Washington Post*but would not speak publicly."That is something we are not going to dispute, but we are not going to publicly speak to it," the official said.
No you aren't, they get their own arms from the black market and produce their own rockets.

Although indirectly we may be arming them. I honestly don't believe the US is putting any effort in arming the rebels.

They don't want the rebels to win. All their weapons come from the Middle East but, sometimes the CIA pays the bill to transfer them from Libya to Syria.

Partly, is because they are serving Israel's interests. To get some advanced weapons away from Palestinian paramilitaries by going through Egypt to Gaza. Which is'd rather have them going to Syria rather than responsible, professional paramilitaries which have a defined goal and functions as a government rather than a jihadist group. It's also not working greatly.

That being said, our track record isn't so clean. I hope none of you expected that. There are risks being taken. History will always repeat itself.

It's confusing as to who's side we are on. We and other international nations are letting it play out slow. Some international nations might not want it that way but they get told by the US to.

The more hard line rebels groups know this so they function on their own mostly. Oddly, they appear more organized and more battle trained. Not all the splinter groups, just a few.

Terrific analysis.

It's refreshing to read an intelligent post on this board.

Issues are usually complicated and multi-layered, with conflicting moralities and agendas. American news media (except some Sunday morning shows and The News Hour) too often dumbs stories down to Side A vs Side B. Or reports on things that have huge emotional appeal, missing white child or celebrity meltdown, but little real value in terms of important human events and history.

That's what news is, the most recent history. It should be reported as such, taking time to give context and background.

For someone who claims to seek intelligent posts------you certainly strive for
way below mediocre. Do you have anything other than meaningless platitudes?

News for most people is that which interests them. For lots of people---the
highlight --who won the baseball game. If either you or because ever have
something intelligent to say-----I will be delighted to read it. I will not hold
my breath
CIA-funded weapons reach Syrian rebelsBy Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent, and Leslie Bentz, CNNWashington (CNN) -*CIA-funded weapons have begun flowing to Syrian rebels, a U.S. official told CNN. But opposition groups say they have yet to receive any.The official confirmed details*first reported by the Washington Post*but would not speak publicly."That is something we are not going to dispute, but we are not going to publicly speak to it," the official said.

CIA-funded weapons begin to reach Syrian rebels -
How about an article which tells about the Muslims extremists who are pouring in from all over the world? Tell us who is supplying these exremists with weapons since I doubt it would be the U.S. and more likely some Muslim Sunni government who want that Sunnis to take over Syria. Also, tell us all about Hezbollah fighting there and who is supplying them with weapons. Most probably your buddies in Iran. Hmm, I wonder if some in the U.S. who are sympathetic to Iran and Hezbollah send in their contributions to some organizations which help fund Hezbollah's weapons.
No you aren't, they get their own arms from the black market and produce their own rockets.

Although indirectly we may be arming them. I honestly don't believe the US is putting any effort in arming the rebels.

They don't want the rebels to win. All their weapons come from the Middle East but, sometimes the CIA pays the bill to transfer them from Libya to Syria.

Partly, is because they are serving Israel's interests. To get some advanced weapons away from Palestinian paramilitaries by going through Egypt to Gaza. Which is'd rather have them going to Syria rather than responsible, professional paramilitaries which have a defined goal and functions as a government rather than a jihadist group. It's also not working greatly.

That being said, our track record isn't so clean. I hope none of you expected that. There are risks being taken. History will always repeat itself.

It's confusing as to who's side we are on. We and other international nations are letting it play out slow. Some international nations might not want it that way but they get told by the US to.

The more hard line rebels groups know this so they function on their own mostly. Oddly, they appear more organized and more battle trained. Not all the splinter groups, just a few.

Terrific analysis.

It's refreshing to read an intelligent post on this board.

Issues are usually complicated and multi-layered, with conflicting moralities and agendas. American news media (except some Sunday morning shows and The News Hour) too often dumbs stories down to Side A vs Side B. Or reports on things that have huge emotional appeal, missing white child or celebrity meltdown, but little real value in terms of important human events and history.

That's what news is, the most recent history. It should be reported as such, taking time to give context and background.

For someone who claims to seek intelligent posts------you certainly strive for
way below mediocre. Do you have anything other than meaningless platitudes?

News for most people is that which interests them. For lots of people---the
highlight --who won the baseball game. If either you or because ever have
something intelligent to say-----I will be delighted to read it. I will not hold
my breath
BIK is articulate but not well informed. It seems he's in a parallel universe, about 1 nanosecond behind this one.
No you aren't, they get their own arms from the black market and produce their own rockets.

Although indirectly we may be arming them. I honestly don't believe the US is putting any effort in arming the rebels.

They don't want the rebels to win. All their weapons come from the Middle East but, sometimes the CIA pays the bill to transfer them from Libya to Syria.

Partly, is because they are serving Israel's interests. To get some advanced weapons away from Palestinian paramilitaries by going through Egypt to Gaza. Which is'd rather have them going to Syria rather than responsible, professional paramilitaries which have a defined goal and functions as a government rather than a jihadist group. It's also not working greatly.

That being said, our track record isn't so clean. I hope none of you expected that. There are risks being taken. History will always repeat itself.

It's confusing as to who's side we are on. We and other international nations are letting it play out slow. Some international nations might not want it that way but they get told by the US to.

The more hard line rebels groups know this so they function on their own mostly. Oddly, they appear more organized and more battle trained. Not all the splinter groups, just a few.

Terrific analysis.

It's refreshing to read an intelligent post on this board.

Issues are usually complicated and multi-layered, with conflicting moralities and agendas. American news media (except some Sunday morning shows and The News Hour) too often dumbs stories down to Side A vs Side B. Or reports on things that have huge emotional appeal, missing white child or celebrity meltdown, but little real value in terms of important human events and history.

That's what news is, the most recent history. It should be reported as such, taking time to give context and background.

For someone who claims to seek intelligent posts------you certainly strive for
way below mediocre. Do you have anything other than meaningless platitudes?

News for most people is that which interests them. For lots of people---the
highlight --who won the baseball game. If either you or because ever have
something intelligent to say-----I will be delighted to read it. I will not hold
my breath

Rosieeee, the original thread title was asking if the United States arms these certain rebel groups....
Terrific analysis.

It's refreshing to read an intelligent post on this board.

Issues are usually complicated and multi-layered, with conflicting moralities and agendas. American news media (except some Sunday morning shows and The News Hour) too often dumbs stories down to Side A vs Side B. Or reports on things that have huge emotional appeal, missing white child or celebrity meltdown, but little real value in terms of important human events and history.

That's what news is, the most recent history. It should be reported as such, taking time to give context and background.

For someone who claims to seek intelligent posts------you certainly strive for
way below mediocre. Do you have anything other than meaningless platitudes?

News for most people is that which interests them. For lots of people---the
highlight --who won the baseball game. If either you or because ever have
something intelligent to say-----I will be delighted to read it. I will not hold
my breath

Rosieeee, the original thread title was asking if the United States arms these certain rebel groups....

so?? I was responding to a few mindless islamo nazis

The US is not---at this time, arming either the Hezbollah loving filth --assad--
or the baby throat slitter islamicist pigs who are fignting him. Of course there
are NON GOVERNMENTAL sources for the funding of the filth-----very wealthy
shaykhs and the cesspit Iran who can arm the jihadist pigs ANNONYMOUSLY---
the al queida swine are not STARVING they get "ZAKAT" for the purpose of
murdering babies for the glory of isa/allah. Keep in mind---even jihado pigs in
Today, near Damascus Iraqi Shiites and Hezbollah fight on the side of Assad and Iraqi Sunnis fight on the side of the Opposition.

In Aleppo, al Qaeda affiliated forces armed by Saudi Arabia fight the FSA armed by the US.

What a web we weave!
Last edited:
Today, near Damascus Iraqi Shiites and Hezbollah fight on the sife of Assad and Iraqi Sunnis fight on the side of the Opposition.

In Aleppo, al Qaeda affiliated forces armed by Saudi Arabia fight the FSA armed by the US.

What a web we weave!

really? saudi arabia is arming AL QUAEDA? you got a link? and the USA
is arming FSA you got a link? I would not be at all surprised if
individuals in Saudi arabis are arming Al Quaeda-----but my sense is it is not
got a link?

by USA I do not refer to contributions from the local KABAB joint----or the
mosques in Jersey City
Scores die as rebel factions fight in AleppoLast updated: 13 October 2013At least 44 fighters killed in three-day battle between rival factions despite al-Qaeda chief urging groups to unite.Clashes between rival rebel factions left at least 44 fighters dead in battles to control neighbourhoods in the city of*Aleppo, according to an activist group.The three days of fighting was between al-Qaeda's Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) and a rival group formerly known as Ghurabaa al-Sham.The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR)*said on Saturday 14 of the dead belonged to ISIS, which was able to control three*neighbourhoods in Aleppo.Rebel groups have become increasingly fractured, and enabling fighters linked to al-Qaeda to assume prominent roles in battle.In an audio message on Friday, the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahri,*urged fighters in Syria*to "rise above organisational loyalties*and party partisanship'' to unite and set up an Islamic*state.He suggested he would not impose unity, saying that "what you agree*upon will also be our choice".Two al-Qaeda-linked groups have emerged; Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS. The*first is commanded by a Syrian, the second by an Iraqi, but both are believed*to be loyal to Zawahri.

Scores die as rebel factions fight in Aleppo - Al Jazeera English
AMMAN:*Fighting flared on Thursday between Syrian Sunni and foreign fighters near a main Shia shrine on the southern edge of Damascus, opposition activists said, in an increasingly internationalized conflict deepening Middle East sectarian faultlines.Heavy clashes were reported as rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar alAssad, whose Alawite sect is an offshoot of Shia sect, attacked Lebanese Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia group based in the Saida Zainab suburb of Damascus with mortar bombs and automatic weapons, the sources said.Saida Zainab is named after a blue tiled and mirror decorated shrine in the centre of the district dedicated to the granddaughter of the Prophet. Zainab was also the daughter of Caliph Ali, an especially revered figure in Shia sect who advocated tolerance.

Sunni, Shia fighters clash near Damascus shrine ? The Express Tribune
Some of you should read a bit more. We are arming Syria's "rebels". Sad.

"The CIA has begun delivering weapons to rebels in Syria, ending months of delay in lethal aid that had been promised by the Obama administration, according to U.S. officials and Syrian figures."

CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels - The Washington Post

yes you should learn to read WHO ARE THE "rebels" ???

there are some half dozen DIFFERENT groups over there slitting each others
throats. BTW whatever happened to that ISLAMAIC DELIGHT in the

two years ago-----hadjis were CROWING LIKE ROOSTERS

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