tale of the mask

You know, the main reason that Trump supporters aren't wearing a mask is because Trump isn't wearing one.
Or maybe people like myself aren't wearing one because we know bullshit stories when we hear them.

I can remember way back a whole ten weeks ago, when the sainted Dr. Fauci was adamant that masks were entirely unnecessary.

But your status as a blind unthinking follower is duly noted.

Ten weeks is 2 1/2 months ago (4 weeks per month). So, basically Fauci was saying that BEFORE we knew that the virus was airborne and could stay in the air for quite a while. Before doctors found that out, yeah, Fauci was saying that masks were unnecessary, but now that we know it is airborne, masks are one of the better defenses.

Sorry, but we are finding out new things about this virus every week. Up until recently, it was thought that kids were basically safe, but now, we have found out that COVID 19 messes with their immune system to the point where Kawasaki syndrome can attack and make the kids sick, sometimes to the point of dying. There are over 100 cases in NY right now.

This is a new virus y'all, and new things are coming out every day. Sticking with old knowledge and refusing to acknowledge the new things they find out about this virus is not the most intelligent course of action.
Yeah, well I had no expectation that those goalposts were going to move themselves.

But you go ahead and keep being a lemming sucker.

Didn't move the goalposts at all. YOU were the one that said Fauci was telling us 10 weeks ago (2 1/2 months), that masks weren't required.

I agreed with you. He did say that 10 weeks ago, but that was before doctors and scientists said that it was airborne and spread by breathing. Now that we know that, that is the reason that masks are being said to be protective.

And, like I said, this is a brand new virus, and not much is known about it. Living on outdated information is dangerous when it comes to stuff like this.
You know, the main reason that Trump supporters aren't wearing a mask is because Trump isn't wearing one.
Or maybe people like myself aren't wearing one because we know bullshit stories when we hear them.

I can remember way back a whole ten weeks ago, when the sainted Dr. Fauci was adamant that masks were entirely unnecessary.

But your status as a blind unthinking follower is duly noted.

Ten weeks is 2 1/2 months ago (4 weeks per month). So, basically Fauci was saying that BEFORE we knew that the virus was airborne and could stay in the air for quite a while. Before doctors found that out, yeah, Fauci was saying that masks were unnecessary, but now that we know it is airborne, masks are one of the better defenses.

Sorry, but we are finding out new things about this virus every week. Up until recently, it was thought that kids were basically safe, but now, we have found out that COVID 19 messes with their immune system to the point where Kawasaki syndrome can attack and make the kids sick, sometimes to the point of dying. There are over 100 cases in NY right now.

This is a new virus y'all, and new things are coming out every day. Sticking with old knowledge and refusing to acknowledge the new things they find out about this virus is not the most intelligent course of action.

It is PRESUMED that C-19 is behind the Kawasaki appearance, just like it has been presumed that someone hit by a Peterbilt traveling at 75 MPH died of C-19.
Using the OP's reasoning:
The overly majority highest percentage of deaths come from international airport cities, therefore we must shut down all international flights, then give stay at home orders to all Democrats who are for open borders, then dismantle the party for being murderers. We can't have 2 socialist parties anyway.
South Koreas President and government

View attachment 336062

260 deaths from virus ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Trump and Pence

View attachment 336064

85,000 deaths from virus ^^^^^^^^^


South Korea also distributed smartphone apps that provided information on the movements of confirmed patients, as well as an app that sounded an alarm when users got within 100 meters of a place that a confirmed patient visited recently. They also put out another app that helped employees plot the safest routes to and from work that don't intersect with previous paths of infected individuals.

We regularly post names and address of convicted sex offenders but don't even release the names of coronavirus-infected individuals here.

Oriental intelligence vs Republican intelligence


Yeah, them Asians are a smart bunch, that's why they all wear glasses and study hard. And black folks have good rhythm and big dicks too. Irish people like to get drunk and fight, and Russians only have three emotions: Revenge, depression, and vodka.

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