Tanks and artillery against a civilian population does not look good to the rest of the world.?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
You have first to have the intellect to understand that they are not targeting civilians.

Second, during this ground action, Hamas has continued to fire missiles into Israel.

Ask yourself, why is that? Why is it not reported that Hamas continues to attack Israeli targets in Israel?

Finally, ask yourself why it is that you would be interested in or complicit with allowing Hamas to recover from their losses and regroup to target once again and kill innocent Jews.

If the media reported the truth:

That Hamas is killing civilians in their war against Israel

The entire conversation would be different.

Where are the calls to Hamas from the whole fucking world to stop using civilians as fodder for their PR campaign?

Where is the decency and morality of the world?
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
Human shields don't look very good either
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
Do rockets raining down on civilian population look good to the rest of the world? A friend is asking...
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
This is the classic dilemma of urban warfare. Armies are designed to fight other armies, where their targets are tanks, and artillery, and battalions of soldiers. Urban warfare is the most deadly form of warfare, because you have to go door to door, room to room, not knowing who's friend and who's foe until they start shooting.
To minimize their own causalities, requires they not take chances. If a sniper fires from an apartment building filled with civilians, you take out the apartment building. If someone fires a mortar from a school filled with children, you take out the school.

Which is why the Geneva conventions prohibit fighting a war that way.
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
If there are no Gazans left then there is no Gazan terrorism.
Not to mention Hamas has been shooting civvies as they try to flee
Which brings up another false narrative being perpetrated by the world media.

Hamas is estimated, minus current losses, to have approximately 30,000 members.

Gaza has 3.5 million people.

Are we to believe that 30k terrorists can hold 3.5 million people at bay?

Why doesn't the world drop leaflets into Gaza and tell the civilians that at an appointed time on any specified day, to leave their homes and rush toward the border of Gaza? If Hamas tries to get in the way, kill them.

That is if these civilians are "innocent".

Far fewer of them will die in a battle with Hamas than being shields for Hamas.
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
I don't recall you bemoaning the killing of innocent civilians on October 6th, Pallywood boy.
What the world is seeing is innocent men women and children being pulled out from bombed out buildings that the Israeli Airforce has dropped bombs onto. They are also seeing Israeli Tanks rolling through cities and towns where city dwelling palestinians live.?
I don't see the Palestinians with any tanks, or aircraft.? Yes they have launched rockets into Israel, they should target the rocket launching areas, from whence the rockets came, not the civilian population. Does Israel know how this is looking to the rest of the entire world? Those pictures are being broadcast all over the world.!!? This is a disaster for Israel, in terms of the global media coverage.! Global public opinion is turning towards support of the Palestinian people. It looks like The Israeli forces are killing unarmed civilians.!!?
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
Maybe these Muslim countries should stop firing missiles into Israel.
You have first to have the intellect to understand that they are not targeting civilians.

Second, during this ground action, Hamas has continued to fire missiles into Israel.

Ask yourself, why is that? Why is it not reported that Hamas continues to attack Israeli targets in Israel?

Finally, ask yourself why it is that you would be interested in or complicit with allowing Hamas to recover from their losses and regroup to target once again and kill innocent Jews.
Like it or not, everybody knows that Israel isn't sending in special forces to go after Hamas. Door to door, room to room urban fighting means more Israeli soldiers killed or wounded than the enemies they're going after. The way to save Israeli lives is to use stand-off weapons and tactics, which means collateral damage. AKA the killing of civilians. Just like when we dropped nukes on Japanese cities.
What the world is seeing is innocent men women and children being pulled out from bombed out buildings that the Israeli Airforce has dropped bombs onto. They are also seeing Israeli Tanks rolling through cities and towns where city dwelling palestinians live.?
I don't see the Palestinians with any tanks, or aircraft.? Yes they have launched rockets into Israel, they should target the rocket launching areas, from whence the rockets came, not the civilian population. Does Israel know how this is looking to the rest of the entire world? Those pictures are being broadcast all over the world.!!? This is a disaster for Israel, in terms of the global media coverage.! Global public opinion is turning towards support of the Palestinian people. It looks like The Israeli forces are killing unarmed civilians.!!?
They do target the area the rockets are launched from.

Guess what, those are buildings with civilians in them too.

In addition, those buildings you detail are the entrances and exits of terrorist tunnels.

Why is it that there are civilians still in these buildings when they were told to get out?

The people holding them INSIDE the buildings are the ones responsible for their deaths.
Like it or not, everybody knows that Israel isn't sending in special forces to go after Hamas. Door to door, room to room urban fighting means more Israeli soldiers killed or wounded than the enemies they're going after. The way to save Israeli lives is to use stand-off weapons and tactics, which means collateral damage. AKA the killing of civilians. Just like when we dropped nukes on Japanese cities.
Why aren't the civilians leaving these buildings?

They know these attacks are coming. In fact, right down to the specific buildings being targeted.
I have been watching this Israeli Palestinian issue now for many years. The thing that keeps coming up in my mind is, how long will the government of Israel continue to claim self defense, by using Tanks and droping bombs on a civilian population in the Gaza strip and West Bank? This looks like a complete slaughter of innocent civilians on the television news every night?. I know many say that Israel has a right to defend themselves. But I do not see the Palestinians with Tanks, or with any aircraft.? Do the Israelis know how this all looks to the rest of the world.?!
If we had an honest media, they would be emphasizing how Hamas deliberately puts its rocket launchers in the midst of civilian populations, on school grounds, near hospitals and market HOPING for a stray bullet or artillery shell to hit and kill civilians to generate sympathy for them and anger toward Israel.

Israel did what it could to warn the Palestinian civilians that they would be shelling and bombing Hamas military sites and to get out of the way. If we had an honest media they would be telling you that too.

Israel is only given two choices. Allow Hamas to continue to injure, maim, kill its citizens or take out Hamas. If you are the leader of Israel, what do you do?
What the world is seeing is innocent men women and children being pulled out from bombed out buildings that the Israeli Airforce has dropped bombs onto. They are also seeing Israeli Tanks rolling through cities and towns where city dwelling palestinians live.?
I don't see the Palestinians with any tanks, or aircraft.? Yes they have launched rockets into Israel, they should target the rocket launching areas, from whence the rockets came, not the civilian population. Does Israel know how this is looking to the rest of the entire world? Those pictures are being broadcast all over the world.!!? This is a disaster for Israel, in terms of the global media coverage.! Global public opinion is turning towards support of the Palestinian people. It looks like The Israeli forces are killing unarmed civilians.!!?
Fuck Hamas.
If we had an honest media, they would be emphasizing how Hamas deliberately puts its rocket launchers in the midst of civilian populations, on school grounds, near hospitals and market HOPING for a stray bullet or artillery shell to hit and kill civilians to generate sympathy for them and anger toward Israel.

Israel did what it could to warn the Palestinian civilians that they would be shelling and bombing Hamas military sites and to get out of the way. If we had an honest media they would be telling you that too.

Israel is only given two choices. Allow Hamas to continue to injure, maim, kill its citizens or take out Hamas. If you are the leader of Israel, what do you do?
I'm also beginning to have difficulty believing in the "innocent Gazan civilian" narrative too.

How it it that 30k terrorists are able to hold 3.5 million people in their homes?

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