Tariff deal reached

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Just saw Trump and Mexico have reached deal and the Tariffs that were supposed to go into effect Monday are off. This broke just a minute or two ago no link yet.

There was no deal reached. He folded like a lawn chair from pressure from Congress that told him in no uncertain terms they would veto any tariffs.
Your idiocy is showing.
Trump threatened Mexico with tariffs if they didn’t button up their business.

They did, no tariffs, everyone but liberal cvnts are happy.
The left once again prove they aren't Patriots, and the only thing they care about is power.
BS that's BS we care about fairness and justice not the kind of bs we get from this swine in the wh who makes a mockery of our constitution and of our presidency
Bullshit. If you cared about 'fairness and justice", you'd put the safety and welfare of the American people first instead of lawbreakers. Lying idiot.
Now now Mr BS artist all we want is Peace justice and the American way
The American way is to enforce our laws. Loser.
Like preventing witnesses from testifying ?
The left once again prove they aren't Patriots, and the only thing they care about is power.
BS that's BS we care about fairness and justice not the kind of bs we get from this swine in the wh who makes a mockery of our constitution and of our presidency
Bullshit. If you cared about 'fairness and justice", you'd put the safety and welfare of the American people first instead of lawbreakers. Lying idiot.
Now now Mr BS artist all we want is Peace justice and the American way
The American way is to enforce our laws. Loser.
Like preventing witnesses from testifying ?
You're changing the subject. Coward. Defend your position of supporting illegal immigration and undermining the safety and security of your fellow citizens. Idiot.
Mexico gave some vague promises and used some big words to impress Trump and he folded like a cheap suit. Exactly the same thing that happened when he made his threat to close the border.

Liar here :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: we posted the facts from the joint declaration from the State Department and Mexico. You ignored the facts and just continue to lie and troll.

Yes, the agreement was posted. It had some vague promises....nothing more. It is there for everyone to see.

It's a signed agreement. What more do you want? A nuclear war threat if they don't carry through?

I want more than vague promises and the use of words like "unprecedented" and "decisive action".

Gator, words are meaningless. It's actions that count. Watch the actions and results during the next month or so. I bet you won't have the guts to admit Trump was right and did the proper thing to retard or even stop the problem.

That has been my whole point...words are meaningless and all Trump got was words, yet he relented on his threats.

If there is a significant change I will gladly give Trump credit. I have no problem giving Trump credit when it is warranted.

What I know for sure is if nothing on the border changes you still will not say a single negative thing about Trump

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The left once again prove they aren't Patriots, and the only thing they care about is power.
BS that's BS we care about fairness and justice not the kind of bs we get from this swine in the wh who makes a mockery of our constitution and of our presidency
Bullshit. If you cared about 'fairness and justice", you'd put the safety and welfare of the American people first instead of lawbreakers. Lying idiot.
Now now Mr BS artist all we want is Peace justice and the American way
The American way is to enforce our laws. Loser.
Like preventing witnesses from testifying ?

Sorry about your loss and America’s win.

Maybe the Dimms will run a better candidate in 2020.
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Liar here :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: we posted the facts from the joint declaration from the State Department and Mexico. You ignored the facts and just continue to lie and troll.

Yes, the agreement was posted. It had some vague promises....nothing more. It is there for everyone to see.

It's a signed agreement. What more do you want? A nuclear war threat if they don't carry through?

I want more than vague promises and the use of words like "unprecedented" and "decisive action".

Gator, words are meaningless. It's actions that count. Watch the actions and results during the next month or so. I bet you won't have the guts to admit Trump was right and did the proper thing to retard or even stop the problem.
It takes a man to admit when he's wrong. Very few on the left. Most of the males on the left squat when they piss.

Then you agree Give Trump the chair?

I agree that you are full of shit when you claim Trump created a border crisis. You are either stupid or disingenuous. Which one do you want to go with?
I referred to a tariff deal hooked up with an immigration problem When the swine in the WH doesn't get his way on anything does he always threaten with tariffs? Trump did create the crisis and you're batshit blind if you can't see it Now the pos can stroll around like the rooster who thinks his squalking in the morning causes the sun to rise

Trump threatened Mexico with tariffs if they didn’t button up their business.

They did, no tariffs, everyone but liberal cvnts are happy.
The left once again prove they aren't Patriots, and the only thing they care about is power.

Tulsi Gabbart was told this by Dimm veterans in Congress the day she started. She was told to not cooperate with Republicans at all for any reason. It’s about expanding Dimm power.

And Mitch McConnell told the Repubs the same damn thing about Obama.

Both parties do it and you worship one and hate the other...even though they are basically the same damn thing
Liar here :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: we posted the facts from the joint declaration from the State Department and Mexico. You ignored the facts and just continue to lie and troll.

Yes, the agreement was posted. It had some vague promises....nothing more. It is there for everyone to see.

It's a signed agreement. What more do you want? A nuclear war threat if they don't carry through?

I want more than vague promises and the use of words like "unprecedented" and "decisive action".

Gator, words are meaningless. It's actions that count. Watch the actions and results during the next month or so. I bet you won't have the guts to admit Trump was right and did the proper thing to retard or even stop the problem.

That has been my whole point...words are meaningless and all Trump got was words, yet he relented on his threats.

If there is a significant change I will gladly give Trump credit. I have no problem giving Trump credit when it is warranted.

What I know for sure is if nothing on the border changes you still will not say a single negative thing about Trump

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So if that was the case, I'm supposed to say something negative about Trump when it's the Democrats who are fighting him all the way? That would be misplaced anger really.

Let's see what happens when there is a drastic decrease in immigrants coming here. You will either not give Trump any credit or give credit to something else for the results.
Yes, the agreement was posted. It had some vague promises....nothing more. It is there for everyone to see.

It's a signed agreement. What more do you want? A nuclear war threat if they don't carry through?

I want more than vague promises and the use of words like "unprecedented" and "decisive action".

Gator, words are meaningless. It's actions that count. Watch the actions and results during the next month or so. I bet you won't have the guts to admit Trump was right and did the proper thing to retard or even stop the problem.

That has been my whole point...words are meaningless and all Trump got was words, yet he relented on his threats.

If there is a significant change I will gladly give Trump credit. I have no problem giving Trump credit when it is warranted.

What I know for sure is if nothing on the border changes you still will not say a single negative thing about Trump

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So if that was the case, I'm supposed to say something negative about Trump when it's the Democrats who are fighting him all the way? That would be misplaced anger really.

Let's see what happens when there is a drastic decrease in immigrants coming here. You will either not give Trump any credit or give credit to something else for the results.

Don;t worry Ray, I would never expect you to say a negative thing about Trump..ever. I know better than that.

I will give credit where credit is due. As I said I have no problem giving Trump credit when he does something that rates it.
Just saw Trump and Mexico have reached deal and the Tariffs that were supposed to go into effect Monday are off. This broke just a minute or two ago no link yet.

There was no deal reached. He folded like a lawn chair from pressure from Congress that told him in no uncertain terms they would veto any tariffs.

Only a liberal could look into the eyes of Jesus and lie to him.

What do you mean folded? Folded to what? Is that what CNN told you to think? Did they tell you why to think it?

Trump told Mexico that tariffs would be in place Monday if they didn't cooperate. They did cooperate. So how is that folding to anything?
Liar here :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: we posted the facts from the joint declaration from the State Department and Mexico. You ignored the facts and just continue to lie and troll.

Yes, the agreement was posted. It had some vague promises....nothing more. It is there for everyone to see.

It's a signed agreement. What more do you want? A nuclear war threat if they don't carry through?

I want more than vague promises and the use of words like "unprecedented" and "decisive action".

Gator, words are meaningless. It's actions that count. Watch the actions and results during the next month or so. I bet you won't have the guts to admit Trump was right and did the proper thing to retard or even stop the problem.
It takes a man to admit when he's wrong. Very few on the left. Most of the males on the left squat when they piss.

It's already reported that Mexico sent 6,000 troops to their southern border to start work already, and the libs still think Trump is giving lip service. When it's reported a drastic decrease in migrants, human trafficking, and perhaps even drugs, the anti-Trump people will claim the President had nothing to do with it.

"I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."
Rush Limbaugh
Tariffs are increased taxes going to the filthy Federal government. More money for welfare. A Liberal's wet dream.

Liberals love increased taxes. Everyone of those idiot Moon Bats running for President is running on a platform to increase taxes and Trump beat them to the punch.

Embrace the increased taxes you stupid Moon Bats. Quit your bitching. Trump gave you what you wanted. Praise Kek!
Self hating left wing lunatic intersectional political social justice warriors make it so easy to read a situation:

If they are mad, it’s great for America.

Snowflake so mad, me so glad.

Sorry about Mexico helping to secure the border Libs...sorry bout your loss.

Here is a book for you:


I should note this topic so we can bring it back to the top of the list after the results come in. So much fun rubbing salt into the wounds. We all know the effects of salt on snow.

For sure. I bring back the “Trump will be out of office by Christmas” from 2017 every few months.

There is the one where some asspipe told me that the Steele Dossier didn’t have to be verified and called me a moron for thinking that evidence used To obtain a FISA warrant had to be verified and must follow the Woods procedure. I like to bring that one back from time to time.

People should be held accountable for the BULLSHIT they spew.
Then you agree Give Trump the chair?

I agree that you are full of shit when you claim Trump created a border crisis. You are either stupid or disingenuous. Which one do you want to go with?
I referred to a tariff deal hooked up with an immigration problem When the swine in the WH doesn't get his way on anything does he always threaten with tariffs? Trump did create the crisis and you're batshit blind if you can't see it Now the pos can stroll around like the rooster who thinks his squalking in the morning causes the sun to rise

It must be Trump's fault. It certainly can't be the Democrats who are fighting to have open borders and a lax asylum system.

The best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.....even when you are.
I should note this topic so we can bring it back to the top of the list after the results come in. So much fun rubbing salt into the wounds. We all know the effects of salt on snow.

For sure. I bring back the “Trump will be out of office by Christmas” from 2017 every few months.

There is the one where some asspipe told me that the Steele Dossier didn’t have to be verified and called me a moron for thinking that evidence used To obtain a FISA warrant had to be verified and must follow the Woods procedure. I like to bring that one back from time to time.

People should be held accountable for the BULLSHIT they spew.
Then you agree Give Trump the chair?

I agree that you are full of shit when you claim Trump created a border crisis. You are either stupid or disingenuous. Which one do you want to go with?
I referred to a tariff deal hooked up with an immigration problem When the swine in the WH doesn't get his way on anything does he always threaten with tariffs? Trump did create the crisis and you're batshit blind if you can't see it Now the pos can stroll around like the rooster who thinks his squalking in the morning causes the sun to rise

It must be Trump's fault. It certainly can't be the Democrats who are fighting to have open borders and a lax asylum system.

The best part about being a liberal is never having to say you were wrong.....even when you are.

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia

Liberal playbook
Yes, the agreement was posted. It had some vague promises....nothing more. It is there for everyone to see.

It's a signed agreement. What more do you want? A nuclear war threat if they don't carry through?

I want more than vague promises and the use of words like "unprecedented" and "decisive action".

Gator, words are meaningless. It's actions that count. Watch the actions and results during the next month or so. I bet you won't have the guts to admit Trump was right and did the proper thing to retard or even stop the problem.
It takes a man to admit when he's wrong. Very few on the left. Most of the males on the left squat when they piss.

It's already reported that Mexico sent 6,000 troops to their southern border to start work already, and the libs still think Trump is giving lip service. When it's reported a drastic decrease in migrants, human trafficking, and perhaps even drugs, the anti-Trump people will claim the President had nothing to do with it.

"I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body."
Rush Limbaugh
Yep, but what else can they say? It's like their neighbor bought a brand new car that they could never afford, so all they can say is something derogatory about the gas mileage. Jealous.
Self hating left wing lunatic intersectional political social justice warriors make it so easy to read a situation:

If they are mad, it’s great for America.

Snowflake so mad, me so glad.

Sorry about Mexico helping to secure the border Libs...sorry bout your loss.

Here is a book for you:


I should note this topic so we can bring it back to the top of the list after the results come in. So much fun rubbing salt into the wounds. We all know the effects of salt on snow.

For sure. I bring back the “Trump will be out of office by Christmas” from 2017 every few months.

There is the one where some asspipe told me that the Steele Dossier didn’t have to be verified and called me a moron for thinking that evidence used To obtain a FISA warrant had to be verified and must follow the Woods procedure. I like to bring that one back from time to time.

People should be held accountable for the BULLSHIT they spew.
Then you agree Give Trump the chair?

I agree that you are full of shit when you claim Trump created a border crisis. You are either stupid or disingenuous. Which one do you want to go with?

I hope in the future, science opens up a brain of a liberal to find out how it works.

Trump is doing everything he can to stop people coming into this country, therefore people coming here is Trump's fault.
Self hating left wing lunatic intersectional political social justice warriors make it so easy to read a situation:

If they are mad, it’s great for America.

Snowflake so mad, me so glad.

Sorry about Mexico helping to secure the border Libs...sorry bout your loss.

Here is a book for you:


I should note this topic so we can bring it back to the top of the list after the results come in. So much fun rubbing salt into the wounds. We all know the effects of salt on snow.

For sure. I bring back the “Trump will be out of office by Christmas” from 2017 every few months.

There is the one where some asspipe told me that the Steele Dossier didn’t have to be verified and called me a moron for thinking that evidence used To obtain a FISA warrant had to be verified and must follow the Woods procedure. I like to bring that one back from time to time.

People should be held accountable for the BULLSHIT they spew.
Then you agree Give Trump the chair?

I agree that you are full of shit when you claim Trump created a border crisis. You are either stupid or disingenuous. Which one do you want to go with?
I referred to a tariff deal hooked up with an immigration problem When the swine in the WH doesn't get his way on anything does he always threaten with tariffs? Trump did create the crisis and you're batshit blind if you can't see it Now the pos can stroll around like the rooster who thinks his squalking in the morning causes the sun to rise
Self hating left wing lunatic intersectional political social justice warriors make it so easy to read a situation:

If they are mad, it’s great for America.

Snowflake so mad, me so glad.

Sorry about Mexico helping to secure the border Libs...sorry bout your loss.

Here is a book for you:


I should note this topic so we can bring it back to the top of the list after the results come in. So much fun rubbing salt into the wounds. We all know the effects of salt on snow.

For sure. I bring back the “Trump will be out of office by Christmas” from 2017 every few months.

There is the one where some asspipe told me that the Steele Dossier didn’t have to be verified and called me a moron for thinking that evidence used To obtain a FISA warrant had to be verified and must follow the Woods procedure. I like to bring that one back from time to time.

People should be held accountable for the BULLSHIT they spew.
Then you agree Give Trump the chair?

I agree that you are full of shit when you claim Trump created a border crisis. You are either stupid or disingenuous. Which one do you want to go with?
I referred to a tariff deal hooked up with an immigration problem When the swine in the WH doesn't get his way on anything does he always threaten with tariffs? Trump did create the crisis and you're batshit blind if you can't see it Now the pos can stroll around like the rooster who thinks his squalking in the morning causes the sun to rise

What he did was make a deal with Mexico about the illegal's that's harming both countries.
It bypassed the congress who are refusing to do their jobs in getting bills passed for any immigration reforms.
Congress is playing political games he just said stuff you congress .
Gotta Love it.
I should note this topic so we can bring it back to the top of the list after the results come in. So much fun rubbing salt into the wounds. We all know the effects of salt on snow.

For sure. I bring back the “Trump will be out of office by Christmas” from 2017 every few months.

There is the one where some asspipe told me that the Steele Dossier didn’t have to be verified and called me a moron for thinking that evidence used To obtain a FISA warrant had to be verified and must follow the Woods procedure. I like to bring that one back from time to time.

People should be held accountable for the BULLSHIT they spew.
Then you agree Give Trump the chair?

I agree that you are full of shit when you claim Trump created a border crisis. You are either stupid or disingenuous. Which one do you want to go with?
I referred to a tariff deal hooked up with an immigration problem When the swine in the WH doesn't get his way on anything does he always threaten with tariffs? Trump did create the crisis and you're batshit blind if you can't see it Now the pos can stroll around like the rooster who thinks his squalking in the morning causes the sun to rise
I should note this topic so we can bring it back to the top of the list after the results come in. So much fun rubbing salt into the wounds. We all know the effects of salt on snow.

For sure. I bring back the “Trump will be out of office by Christmas” from 2017 every few months.

There is the one where some asspipe told me that the Steele Dossier didn’t have to be verified and called me a moron for thinking that evidence used To obtain a FISA warrant had to be verified and must follow the Woods procedure. I like to bring that one back from time to time.

People should be held accountable for the BULLSHIT they spew.
Then you agree Give Trump the chair?

I agree that you are full of shit when you claim Trump created a border crisis. You are either stupid or disingenuous. Which one do you want to go with?
I referred to a tariff deal hooked up with an immigration problem When the swine in the WH doesn't get his way on anything does he always threaten with tariffs? Trump did create the crisis and you're batshit blind if you can't see it Now the pos can stroll around like the rooster who thinks his squalking in the morning causes the sun to rise

What he did was make a deal with Mexico about the illegal's that's harming both countries.
It bypassed the congress who are refusing to do their jobs in getting bills passed for any immigration reforms.
Congress is playing political games he just said stuff you congress .
Gotta Love it.

He absolutely postered the feckless Dimms.

Trump dunked on the Dimms!

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