Tax cuts are always a good thing...

That's an alternative fact. Tax cuts increase revenue. The major tax reforms under JFK and Reagan both proved you wrong.

Yeah, that is bullshit. Revenue goes up, almost without fail tax cuts or not. Since 1960, so 57 years, tax revenue has only gone down from the previous year 7 times, that is 7 out of 57 chances.

Waste of air. I said tax revenues doubled under Reagan, I didn't just say they went up. You're following alternative facts with a hot air argument that doesn't contradict what I saiad.

Let us look at the Reagan tax cuts...

The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut the percent of change for tax revenue was 16%, 11%, 14%, 10% and 14% for an average increase of 13%. The 5 years after his first cut the percent of change was 3%, -3%, 10%, 9%,8%, for an average change of 5%. Then Reagan cut taxes again and the next 5 years were 7%, 6%, 8%, 4%, 2%, which once again comes out to an average change of 5%.

Which seems better to you, an average of 13% or 5% increase?

More alternative facts. The first cut was in August of 1981 and the government grew revenues by 16% in 1981 and 17% in 1982. Since your data is wrong, I stopped there.

Note you're as I pointed out ignoring economic growth.

For sure I want to cut spending. I'd slash it. Including military. But tax cuts are a good thing regardless as Rustic said. It's not hard to see why if you think about it. Productivity increases because people use less of their energy producing economic value rather than evading taxes
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

So, your answer to being broke is to become even more broke. Great plan. Do you operate your household on the same "logic"?
A large federal government only hurts small business...

I agree, that is why I want spending cuts. But you just seem to be content with it being the size it is and an ever continuing growth of debt.

We aren't going to get spending cuts. Why slit our own throats because we want something that isn't going to happen?

Let's take turns naming people in DC who actually want to cut spending. I'll go first.

Rand Paul

Good luck finding #2. It sure isn't Paul Ryan who's fallen in love with government growth
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

So, your answer to being broke is to become even more broke. Great plan. Do you operate your household on the same "logic"?

Many, many times in business that's the road to take. Just because others fucked up the business, you still have to invest if you want to make it
eventually grow.

An example might be if you had a business and one location had 300% yearly turnover, the only way to improve that location would be to make the
retention rise to 400% as you fire all the deadbeats that drove off your good
people. Once you've done that, you can then begin to grow your business
into a profit making operation.

The way leftists justify the lie that tax cuts grow Federal revenue is they ignore three things:

1) They only count the first year. Cuts compound growth. If you only count tax dollars, they may not grow revenue in year one, it may take two years
2) Spending increases. Reagan cut taxes and yet federal revenue doubled during his administration. The problem was Tip O'neil and limitless spending. So Democrats focused on deficits rather than Federal revenue
3) Economic growth. The economy grows with tax cuts. Democrats focus on nominal deficits rather than real ones

The richer people are, the less they need Democrats to help them (sic). They don't want big economic growth

You probably left out 4).

People grow the economy. If they have extra money they will spend it.
When they spend the corp pays in more taxes. The people pay more in
Sales tax. And the people and the Corps prosper along with the country.
That's how it works. Government is gonna get the same money, just in
a different manner.

That's true, but it's a cause involved in the three I listed, it isn't a fourth item. That would be double counting
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

the country is not broke. it was designed to run debt.

did you ever bother reading the federalist papers? know anything about how our financial systems were set up.

if the greatest country in the world can't run the government, that's the failure of the majority party and president, isn't it now?


dems may be tax and spend... but rightwingnuts are just cut funds and spend what you don't have.... so whiny little wingers can claim we're broke and the government shouldn't operate except for the military...

that way you don't get told by the federal gubmint that you have to go to school with black people


Countries that have national debts as large as their economies are considered to be completely fiscally irresponsible, and we're there.

You're a nasty little thing. Obviously you know you can't form an argument with the way you talk.

And race? Seriously? You have lost it. Wanting to cut spending and taxes is racist? What a tramp. Too many concussions hitting your head on the headboard earning a living? I hope you're hot ... for your sake
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

So, your answer to being broke is to become even more broke. Great plan. Do you operate your household on the same "logic"?

That's an alternative fact. Tax cuts increase revenue. The major tax reforms under JFK and Reagan both proved you wrong.

There is one other ingredient though to make tax cuts powerful. Tax simplification. Revenue also increased after W's cut, but he made taxes more complicated so it wasn't to the extent of the first two.

You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts

For Regan and W what was their deficit and debt like? They exploded

Tax revenues under Reagan doubled and he cut taxes six months into his term. The problem wasn't the tax cut.

Google the 3 for 1 deal. Reagan called it the worst mistake of his Presidency.

The problem is you, Holmes. You people can spend any tax cut benefit into the ground
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

the country is not broke. it was designed to run debt.

did you ever bother reading the federalist papers? know anything about how our financial systems were set up.

if the greatest country in the world can't run the government, that's the failure of the majority party and president, isn't it now?


dems may be tax and spend... but rightwingnuts are just cut funds and spend what you don't have.... so whiny little wingers can claim we're broke and the government shouldn't operate except for the military...

that way you don't get told by the federal gubmint that you have to go to school with black people

Designed to run debt?
You stupid fool, debt is always bad no two ways about it you silly little fucker

Well, no not really.
That's an alternative fact. Tax cuts increase revenue. The major tax reforms under JFK and Reagan both proved you wrong.

Yeah, that is bullshit. Revenue goes up, almost without fail tax cuts or not. Since 1960, so 57 years, tax revenue has only gone down from the previous year 7 times, that is 7 out of 57 chances.

Waste of air. I said tax revenues doubled under Reagan, I didn't just say they went up. You're following alternative facts with a hot air argument that doesn't contradict what I saiad.

Let us look at the Reagan tax cuts...

The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut the percent of change for tax revenue was 16%, 11%, 14%, 10% and 14% for an average increase of 13%. The 5 years after his first cut the percent of change was 3%, -3%, 10%, 9%,8%, for an average change of 5%. Then Reagan cut taxes again and the next 5 years were 7%, 6%, 8%, 4%, 2%, which once again comes out to an average change of 5%.

Which seems better to you, an average of 13% or 5% increase?

More alternative facts. The first cut was in August of 1981 and the government grew revenues by 16% in 1981 and 17% in 1982. Since your data is wrong, I stopped there.

Note you're as I pointed out ignoring economic growth.

For sure I want to cut spending. I'd slash it. Including military. But tax cuts are a good thing regardless as Rustic said. It's not hard to see why if you think about it. Productivity increases because people use less of their energy producing economic value rather than evading taxes

Yep, you are full of shit.

First off, a tax cut in Aug of 1981 is not going to impact 1981, as such 1981 is counted as a 'pre tax cut year".

In 1980 tax revenues were 517 billion. In 1981 they were 599 billion. That is a percent of change of 14%, not 16%. (599-517)/599 = 14%.

Then in 1982 tax revenues were 618 billion. That is a percent of change of 3%, not 17%.

(618 - 599)/618 = 3%.

The bottom line is that tax revenue increases slowed after both tax cuts.
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

the country is not broke. it was designed to run debt.

did you ever bother reading the federalist papers? know anything about how our financial systems were set up.

if the greatest country in the world can't run the government, that's the failure of the majority party and president, isn't it now?


dems may be tax and spend... but rightwingnuts are just cut funds and spend what you don't have.... so whiny little wingers can claim we're broke and the government shouldn't operate except for the military...

that way you don't get told by the federal gubmint that you have to go to school with black people

Designed to run debt?
You stupid fool, debt is always bad no two ways about it you silly little fucker

Well, no not really.
That's an alternative fact. Tax cuts increase revenue. The major tax reforms under JFK and Reagan both proved you wrong.

Yeah, that is bullshit. Revenue goes up, almost without fail tax cuts or not. Since 1960, so 57 years, tax revenue has only gone down from the previous year 7 times, that is 7 out of 57 chances.

Waste of air. I said tax revenues doubled under Reagan, I didn't just say they went up. You're following alternative facts with a hot air argument that doesn't contradict what I saiad.

Let us look at the Reagan tax cuts...

The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut the percent of change for tax revenue was 16%, 11%, 14%, 10% and 14% for an average increase of 13%. The 5 years after his first cut the percent of change was 3%, -3%, 10%, 9%,8%, for an average change of 5%. Then Reagan cut taxes again and the next 5 years were 7%, 6%, 8%, 4%, 2%, which once again comes out to an average change of 5%.

Which seems better to you, an average of 13% or 5% increase?

More alternative facts. The first cut was in August of 1981 and the government grew revenues by 16% in 1981 and 17% in 1982. Since your data is wrong, I stopped there.

Note you're as I pointed out ignoring economic growth.

For sure I want to cut spending. I'd slash it. Including military. But tax cuts are a good thing regardless as Rustic said. It's not hard to see why if you think about it. Productivity increases because people use less of their energy producing economic value rather than evading taxes

Yep, you are full of shit.

First off, a tax cut in Aug of 1981 is not going to impact 1981, as such 1981 is counted as a 'pre tax cut year".

In 1980 tax revenues were 517 billion. In 1981 they were 599 billion. That is a percent of change of 14%, not 16%. (599-517)/599 = 14%.

You used the wrong denominator. Since we're talking about a tax increase, the correct formula is

(599-517)/517. It's an increase over the 1980 number.

Then in 1982 tax revenues were 618 billion. That is a percent of change of 3%, not 17%.

(618 - 599)/618 = 3%.

The bottom line is that tax revenue increases slowed after both tax cuts.

We both made a mistake on this one. You made the same mistake you did on the first number. I calculated the two year increase rather than the one year increase. Though actually both are in my table, I read the wrong number.

Either way, I said tax revenues grow over time with tax cuts. Reagan cut taxes six months into his term and tax revenues doubled during his Presidency. You didn't contradict my argument
Last edited:
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

So, your answer to being broke is to become even more broke. Great plan. Do you operate your household on the same "logic"?

That's an alternative fact. Tax cuts increase revenue. The major tax reforms under JFK and Reagan both proved you wrong.

There is one other ingredient though to make tax cuts powerful. Tax simplification. Revenue also increased after W's cut, but he made taxes more complicated so it wasn't to the extent of the first two.

You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts

For Regan and W what was their deficit and debt like? They exploded

Tax revenues under Reagan doubled and he cut taxes six months into his term. The problem wasn't the tax cut.

Google the 3 for 1 deal. Reagan called it the worst mistake of his Presidency.

The problem is you, Holmes. You people can spend any tax cut benefit into the ground

Tax revenue numbers during the Reagan years...


For some context, here are the years before Reagan

The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

So, your answer to being broke is to become even more broke. Great plan. Do you operate your household on the same "logic"?

That's an alternative fact. Tax cuts increase revenue. The major tax reforms under JFK and Reagan both proved you wrong.

There is one other ingredient though to make tax cuts powerful. Tax simplification. Revenue also increased after W's cut, but he made taxes more complicated so it wasn't to the extent of the first two.

You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts

For Regan and W what was their deficit and debt like? They exploded

Tax revenues under Reagan doubled and he cut taxes six months into his term. The problem wasn't the tax cut.

Google the 3 for 1 deal. Reagan called it the worst mistake of his Presidency.

The problem is you, Holmes. You people can spend any tax cut benefit into the ground

Tax revenue numbers during the Reagan years...

View attachment 176398

For some context, here are the years before Reagan

View attachment 176399

The years before Reagan were also hyper inflation years. You're as I pointed out calculating nominal revenues only
Just an FYI...the RWnuts post crazy threads like this repeatedly as a strategy. They want to take over the forum so they can babble unmolested by sane liberals, so they flood the board with nonsense, thinking that enough of it will eventually drive the liberals away in frustration.

I've seen it before.
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

the country is not broke. it was designed to run debt.

did you ever bother reading the federalist papers? know anything about how our financial systems were set up.

if the greatest country in the world can't run the government, that's the failure of the majority party and president, isn't it now?


dems may be tax and spend... but rightwingnuts are just cut funds and spend what you don't have.... so whiny little wingers can claim we're broke and the government shouldn't operate except for the military...

that way you don't get told by the federal gubmint that you have to go to school with black people


Yeah but paying taxes for the public schools yet having to send your
own children to a private school so they can get an education was worth it.

why would you "have to" send your child to public school?

I didn't agree to bush's war in Iraq or Donald's tax cut... yet4 those things cost me.

grow up.
Just an FYI...the RWnuts post crazy threads like this repeatedly as a strategy. They want to take over the forum so they can babble unmolested by sane liberals, so they flood the board with nonsense, thinking that enough of it will eventually drive the liberals away in frustration.

I've seen it before.

and then they insult everyone who knows more than they do or who tells the truth.

yep... I've seen it too.
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

So, your answer to being broke is to become even more broke. Great plan. Do you operate your household on the same "logic"?

Sounds like Trump's strategy.

Trump Steaks!!!

Trump Shuttle

lol, I just heard yesterday about Trump's imitation Monopoly game, that was another flop.
Just an FYI...the RWnuts post crazy threads like this repeatedly as a strategy. They want to take over the forum so they can babble unmolested by sane liberals, so they flood the board with nonsense, thinking that enough of it will eventually drive the liberals away in frustration.

I've seen it before.

You know that thing that Democrats do? Accuse others of the exact same things they are actually doing. Good to see you are carrying on with that tradition.
The country is broke no reason to tax it anymore it’s best to cut taxes...

Record Number of U.S. Small-Business Owners Say It’s a Good Time to Expand

the country is not broke. it was designed to run debt.

did you ever bother reading the federalist papers? know anything about how our financial systems were set up.

if the greatest country in the world can't run the government, that's the failure of the majority party and president, isn't it now?


dems may be tax and spend... but rightwingnuts are just cut funds and spend what you don't have.... so whiny little wingers can claim we're broke and the government shouldn't operate except for the military...

that way you don't get told by the federal gubmint that you have to go to school with black people

Designed to run debt?
You stupid fool, debt is always bad no two ways about it you silly little fucker

Well, no not really.
That's an alternative fact. Tax cuts increase revenue. The major tax reforms under JFK and Reagan both proved you wrong.

Yeah, that is bullshit. Revenue goes up, almost without fail tax cuts or not. Since 1960, so 57 years, tax revenue has only gone down from the previous year 7 times, that is 7 out of 57 chances.

Waste of air. I said tax revenues doubled under Reagan, I didn't just say they went up. You're following alternative facts with a hot air argument that doesn't contradict what I saiad.

Let us look at the Reagan tax cuts...

The 5 years prior to the first Reagan tax cut the percent of change for tax revenue was 16%, 11%, 14%, 10% and 14% for an average increase of 13%. The 5 years after his first cut the percent of change was 3%, -3%, 10%, 9%,8%, for an average change of 5%. Then Reagan cut taxes again and the next 5 years were 7%, 6%, 8%, 4%, 2%, which once again comes out to an average change of 5%.

Which seems better to you, an average of 13% or 5% increase?

More alternative facts. The first cut was in August of 1981 and the government grew revenues by 16% in 1981 and 17% in 1982. Since your data is wrong, I stopped there.

Note you're as I pointed out ignoring economic growth.

For sure I want to cut spending. I'd slash it. Including military. But tax cuts are a good thing regardless as Rustic said. It's not hard to see why if you think about it. Productivity increases because people use less of their energy producing economic value rather than evading taxes

Yep, you are full of shit.

First off, a tax cut in Aug of 1981 is not going to impact 1981, as such 1981 is counted as a 'pre tax cut year".

In 1980 tax revenues were 517 billion. In 1981 they were 599 billion. That is a percent of change of 14%, not 16%. (599-517)/599 = 14%.

You used the wrong denominator. Since we're talking about a tax increase, the correct formula is

(599-517)/517. It's an increase over the 1980 number.

Then in 1982 tax revenues were 618 billion. That is a percent of change of 3%, not 17%.

(618 - 599)/618 = 3%.

The bottom line is that tax revenue increases slowed after both tax cuts.

We both made a mistake on this one. You made the same mistake you did on the first number. I calculated the two year increase rather than the one year increase. Though actually both are in my table, I read the wrong number.

Either way, I said tax revenues grow over time with tax cuts. Reagan cut taxes six months into his term and tax revenues doubled during his Presidency. You didn't contradict my argument

Yes I did use the wrong denominator. Whoops. That is what i get for rushing with excel. Thank you for pointing out my mistake.

I say that tax revenues grow over time, regardless of tax cuts or not. The real question is do they grow faster or slower with tax cuts. I think the numbers show the growth is slowed, not speed up.

Oh, and sorry for being a dick!
Just an FYI...the RWnuts post crazy threads like this repeatedly as a strategy. They want to take over the forum so they can babble unmolested by sane liberals, so they flood the board with nonsense, thinking that enough of it will eventually drive the liberals away in frustration.

I've seen it before.

You know that thing that Democrats do? Accuse others of the exact same things they are actually doing. Good to see you are carrying on with that tradition.

I defy you to show me any thread I've ever posted as nonsensical as this one.

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