Tea Partier: "The Republican Party, they haven’t done nothing for me, man. Nothing."

ROFLMAO That fat f*ck is not and never has been a Tea Party member. Your first clue should be it originally came from Huffpo.

Left loons, too stupid to live

Go ahead, wipe the shit from your pants.

We get it, you are scared shitless.

It's okay to cry, little girl. Get it out.

It's clear that you want her to wipe any shit from her pants so you can eat it, moron.
ROFLMAO That fat f*ck is not and never has been a Tea Party member. Your first clue should be it originally came from Huffpo.

Left loons, too stupid to live

Go ahead, wipe the shit from your pants.

We get it, you are scared shitless.

It's okay to cry, little girl. Get it out.

Sit down you limp wrist little nothing. I don't take direction from twits such as yourself.

I own you, little lady.

I've passed corn nuggets smarter than you.

Face it, you're just my little chew toy now.

Well you're about to get ignored and please don't talk to me about what passes through your over used exit

I've had them on ignore forever because of crap like that. they offer nothing of value in life

I wonder why a person who was pro-Tea Party would be disappointed that someone else didn't "do" enough for them.

Seems a little odd, smells a little fishy.

ROFLMAO That fat f*ck is not and never has been a Tea Party member. Your first clue should be it originally came from Huffpo.

Left loons, too stupid to live

Go ahead, wipe the shit from your pants.

We get it, you are scared shitless.

It's okay to cry, little girl. Get it out.

Sit down you limp wrist little nothing. I don't take direction from twits such as yourself.

I own you, little lady.

I've passed corn nuggets smarter than you.

Face it, you're just my little chew toy now.

Well you're about to get ignored and please don't talk to me about what passes through your over used exit

I've had them on ignore forever because of crap like that. they offer nothing of value in life

Yep and they are the first to go whining to a mod when they get it returned in kind. Best to just send them to the romper room and ignore their childishness

I wonder why a person who was pro-Tea Party would be disappointed that someone else didn't "do" enough for them.

Seems a little odd, smells a little fishy.


of course it's fishy. it came off a dishonest leftwing hate site.
Now we see why the left/dem/libs are so hateful and uncivilized. they are fed that kind of hate day in and day out on sites like the huffpufferpost. That isn't politics. that is the hate of personal destruction of others in this country..... who aren't LIKE THEM

I wonder why a person who was pro-Tea Party would be disappointed that someone else didn't "do" enough for them.

Seems a little odd, smells a little fishy.


If you have something to support your point of view, I suggest you post it - otherwise you're just spewing the same unsubstantiated BS other rightwingers on this thread are posting -- right?

CrooksandLiars.com 'Tea Party Patriot' Realizes That Voting GOP In 2016 Could Cost Him His Obamacare


so getting it off another leftwing HATE SITE makes it any more true?

you're a tool. for hate sites Hufferpuffer and Crooks and frikken Liars. SERIOUSLY

folks need to SHUN both of these ugly sites. they offer nothing but garbage such as this dumb shit about a Tea party
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I wonder why a person who was pro-Tea Party would be disappointed that someone else didn't "do" enough for them.

Seems a little odd, smells a little fishy.


If you have something to support your point of view, I suggest you post it - otherwise you're just spewing the same unsubstantiated BS other rightwingers on this thread are posting -- right?

CrooksandLiars.com 'Tea Party Patriot' Realizes That Voting GOP In 2016 Could Cost Him His Obamacare

My goodness, how touchy.

If I had evidence, I wouldn't be wondering.

See how that works?


I wonder why a person who was pro-Tea Party would be disappointed that someone else didn't "do" enough for them.

Seems a little odd, smells a little fishy.


If you have something to support your point of view, I suggest you post it - otherwise you're just spewing the same unsubstantiated BS other rightwingers on this thread are posting -- right?

CrooksandLiars.com 'Tea Party Patriot' Realizes That Voting GOP In 2016 Could Cost Him His Obamacare

My goodness, how touchy.

If I had evidence, I wouldn't be wondering.

See how that works?


OK, I get it, you're ignorant about what you think might smell fishy and-----and you're to lazy to look it up for yourself but-----but even so, you comment on something on which you lack data - got it nothing new from you...
Wait one fucking minute here. This guy is supposed to be Tea Party? How is that possible?

Webb lamented. “If it wasn’t for Obama and that Obamacare, I would still be working.”

“With Obamacare, I got to retire at age 50 because if it wasn’t for Obamacare, I would have had to work until I was 65 and get on Medicare because health insurance is expensive when you’ve got medical problems,” he continued.
What? So you want the tax payers to allow you to retire because working for your benefits is too damn hard and a burden you can't handle for another 15 years?

Webb said that he hoped to lose some weight and get in shape by taking advantage of a gym membership that was covered by his health insurance.
It's a gym membership for fuck sakes. Has this guy seen himself in a mirror? A walk around the block is free. He certainly has never been inside a gym and probably doesn't even need one. Lift something heavier than a fork you asshole that's called exercise and you don't need a government program to do it. Take a walk around the block. Go outside and play with your fucking dog, if you don't have a dog go get one, if that's too much effort then just go check the fucking mail five times a day

So a fat guy that want's a government paid for gym membership and retirement at 50 we are supposed to believe is a Tea Partier. That mother fucker is OWS all day and always has been.
Wait one fucking minute here. This guy is supposed to be Tea Party? How is that possible?

Webb lamented. “If it wasn’t for Obama and that Obamacare, I would still be working.”

“With Obamacare, I got to retire at age 50 because if it wasn’t for Obamacare, I would have had to work until I was 65 and get on Medicare because health insurance is expensive when you’ve got medical problems,” he continued.
What? So you want the tax payers to allow you to retire because working for your benefits is too damn hard and a burden you can't handle for another 15 years?

Webb said that he hoped to lose some weight and get in shape by taking advantage of a gym membership that was covered by his health insurance.
It's a gym membership for fuck sakes. Has this guy seen himself in a mirror? A walk around the block is free. He certainly has never been inside a gym and probably doesn't even need one. Lift something heavier than a fork you asshole that's called exercise and you don't need a government program to do it. Take a walk around the block. Go outside and play with your fucking dog, if you don't have a dog go get one, if that's too much effort then just go check the fucking mail five times a day

So a fat guy that want's a government paid for gym membership and retirement at 50 we are supposed to believe is a Tea Partier. That mother fucker is OWS all day and always has been.

You sound really-really sure of yourself!

I'll trust what you say if you verify with:

If you're right, it should be easy to prove your rant, don'tcha think?
I want ANY RIGHTWINGER to tell me why this guy is wrong about the republican party.
This is the stuff that scares them shitless: bigots voting for their own best interest instead of wedge issues.

I wonder why a person who was pro-Tea Party would be disappointed that someone else didn't "do" enough for them.

Seems a little odd, smells a little fishy.


If you have something to support your point of view, I suggest you post it - otherwise you're just spewing the same unsubstantiated BS other rightwingers on this thread are posting -- right?

CrooksandLiars.com 'Tea Party Patriot' Realizes That Voting GOP In 2016 Could Cost Him His Obamacare

My goodness, how touchy.

If I had evidence, I wouldn't be wondering.

See how that works?


OK, I get it, you're ignorant about what you think might smell fishy and-----and you're to lazy to look it up for yourself but-----but even so, you comment on something on which you lack data - got it nothing new from you...
Are you always this sensitive?


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