Tea Party Helps Socialist win big!!


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Aug 27, 2010
Seems the proposal cuts the military machine, helps children, and allows abortions. Thank you T-Party fellows for your generosity!!:eusa_angel: Eliminatng the military will make more funds available for socialist programs like National Health Care. I also understand that the proposal will give women free birth control, another hit at the religious right who want humans reproducing like rabbits. :lol:

Budget Cuts In Deal Hit Defense Spending, Foreign Aid

WASHINGTON — Tea partyers insistent on cutting military spending and foreign aid will find plenty to like in the deal struck by President Barack Obama and congressional leaders.

No money for an alternative engine for the multibillion-dollar Joint Strike Fighter. Millions of dollars in cuts for the United Nations. A major reduction in spending on the Global Agriculture and Food Security Fund.

It all adds up to billions less for the Pentagon and the State Department than what Obama had requested for the budget year ending Sept. 30, a reflection of the widespread congressional belief that every element of government spending is on the chopping block in an era of trillion-dollar-plus deficits.

The hard-fought deal negotiated by the president, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., calls for $513 billion for defense, a cut of $18.1 billion from what the administration envisioned but $5 billion more than last year's amount. War costs for Iraq and Afghanistan would be covered separately at a cost of $158 billion.

The State Department and foreign operations would get $48.3 billion, an $8.4 billion reduction from Obama's proposal and a cut of $504 million from last year. The House and Senate are expected to vote this week on the overall package of $38 billion in cuts.

The bill calls for cuts in 759 defense programs.

The bill would provide $2.5 billion for the Global Health and Child Survival account, $80 million more than last year. The program tries to protect children from malaria and other diseases and save others in childbirth.

In a major policy win for Obama and the Democrats, the bill does not include a provision barring U.S. funds to foreign private organizations that use their own money to provide abortion services.

Budget Cuts In Deal Hit Defense Spending, Foreign Aid

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