Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden one day before Biden's son is to be buried.

You folks keep helping Cruz with the name recognition, I'm sure he appreciates it.

These Moon Bats, being the stupid people Gruber told us about, don't understand that Cruz probably picked up ten times as many votes as he lost by reminding Americans what an idiot the Democrats are for putting a shithead clown like Biden for VP.

Mind telling us what else Gruber told you? By the way, mind telling us stupid Moonbat commies who Gruber is?

Jonathan Gruber. One of Obama's main planners of Obmacare. He is the one that told the lies about Obamacare and said that the American would be stupid and believe the lies. That was the only way the program would fly because if they knew the truth there would be too much opposition.

It was kinda of a big deal.

He was caught saying those things several times.

The same Libtard idiots that believed the lies of Obamacare are the same ones that believe that Hillary Clinton is not corrupt or anything else that Obama and those butt pirates tell us.

The truth is never the friend of the Moon Bats.

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Who is Jonathan Gruber?

The MIT economics professor, best known until now for his key role advising the Obama administration on the Affordable Care Act, has come under attack after year-old video of a University of Pennsylvania panel surfaced that featured him referring to the "stupidity of the American voter" and a “lack of transparency” as crucial to the passage of the 2010 health reform law.

Those comments have struck a nerve on the right, with some of the law’s critics pointing to Gruber’s comments as evidence that the administration intentionally deceived the American public on the costs of the program.
Given the amount of garbage I have heard over the years from both the left and the right when a politician from the other side or a member of their family dies neither side should be trying to take the morale high ground on this topic.
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.
Nothing like having Cruz show himself.
Why bash Biden? He isn't even in the running. I think it was stupid

Not just stupid but repulsive, disgusting and callous. Cruz is obviously not someone who should be in the White House. If he can make such an extremely bad mistake or judgment call, what kind of such mistakes and misjudgments could he make as president?
fake outrage over one man when MILLIONS of innocent babies are slaughtered and the libs defend it.
Why bash Biden? He isn't even in the running. I think it was stupid

Not just stupid but repulsive, disgusting and callous. Cruz is obviously not someone who should be in the White House. If he can make such an extremely bad mistake or judgment call, what kind of such mistakes and misjudgments could he make as president?

Of course you thought that the shithead Obama was one to be in the White House when he attended a hate church for 20 years where hate against Whites and Jews and even the US was preached from the pulpit.

A tiny bit of campaign rhetoric and then an apology by Cruz was nothing. We have riots, looting and dead policemen that are the indirect result of Obama's Black ghetto racism.
Why bash Biden? He isn't even in the running. I think it was stupid

Not just stupid but repulsive, disgusting and callous. Cruz is obviously not someone who should be in the White House. If he can make such an extremely bad mistake or judgment call, what kind of such mistakes and misjudgments could he make as president?

Of course you thought that the shithead Obama was one to be in the White House when he attended a hate church for 20 years where hate against Whites and Jews and even the US was preached from the pulpit.

A tiny bit of campaign rhetoric and then an apology by Cruz was nothing. We have riots, looting and dead policemen that are the indirect result of Obama's Black ghetto racism.

Yet more deflection. ^^ They're desperate. :lol:
The USA doesn't need a tacky, crude, childish POTUS. We already have one currently in office. Cruz just fucked himself. We need a leader, not an asshole.

Edited cuz I put the wrong name in.
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