Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden one day before Biden's son is to be buried.

cruz shows his true character...

he doesn't have enough good sense or discipline to bite his tongue while the guy is mourning the death of his son.

Biden didn't have enough good sense or discipline to oppose Obama's agenda of destruction.
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Well he didn't lie, Biden is a joke
If he's a joke, that makes you a slimy ****.

GFY, old man

I just love it when fucked up Righties like SassyLesbiAss think they can boss people around on an anonymous message board.

Too funny.

It's like an episode of "The Twilight Zone", but not nearly as entertaining.

Now, to the OP:

Yepp, that is pretty classless of Ted Cruz, but whoever has claimed that the derp is a classy guy?

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To be fair, the more this video gets around, the more it is being condemned by people on the Right as well.

And the irony of this is that Cruz's speech in Michigan was supposed to "awaken Reagan Democrats".

Now, how in the hell do you appeal to possible crossover Democrats by doing this to the sitting VPOTUS during -arguably- his worst week of grieving since 43 years ago?

If there was ever any question as to how utterly unhinged Ted Cruz is, that question was answered today.

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I just knew that haters would pop up in this thread and,,,bash Biden, just like they did right after Beau died.
It's a good thing that 99% of the people in this country have much more class than these losers.
Oh and anyone of you losers want to explain why your man of God would even think of making a joke about someone in mourning because of the death of their son?It defies any sensible logic.
I just knew that haters would pop up in this thread and,,,bash Biden, just like they did right after Beau died.
It's a good thing that 99% of the people in this country have much more class than these losers.
Oh and anyone of you losers want to explain why your man of God would even think of making a joke about someone in mourning because of the death of their son?It defies any sensible logic.
He's scum, they're scum. Peas in a pod.
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.
Cruz shortly apologized. I actually dislike him a little bit less for manning up for his mistake.
yep , he apologized and not because of any public pressure as far as I am aware .
But when Cruz was asked by Detroit News reporter Chad Livengood: "Why did you tell a joke about the vice president tonight?" the senator walked away without commenting. The joke and exchange with reporters was uploaded to YouTube by Democratic super PAC American Bridge 21st Century.

How Ted Cruz responded when @ChadLivengood asked about his tastelessly timed @VP joke. Ted Cruz Press Scrum Howell MI 06 03 2015 - YouTube

After a considerable backlash on social media, Cruz posted on his Facebook page late Wednesday saying "it was a mistake to use an old joke about Joe Biden during his time of grief, and I sincerely apologize."

Ted Cruz Apologizes for Making Joe Biden Joke After Son Beau s Death - NBC News
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.

Pretty sleazy. But to his credit Cruz recognized his mistake quite quickly and apologized.

Shit happens.
You folks keep helping Cruz with the name recognition, I'm sure he appreciates it.

These Moon Bats, being the stupid people Gruber told us about, don't understand that Cruz probably picked up ten times as many votes as he lost by reminding Americans what an idiot the Democrats are for putting a shithead clown like Biden for VP.
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.

Did Cruz mock his son? No. Did cruz make a joke about death? No. Did Cruz make a joke about cancer? No.

He mocked Joe Biden, a man who deserves it.
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.
Cruz shortly apologized. I actually dislike him a little bit less for manning up for his mistake.

Yes and no. He did it over facebook.

People get divorced over facebook these days.

It was hardly heartfelt.
he apologized for it.

GET OVER YOUR small and petty SELVES

do you have anything BUT SMEARS to run on. or is this going to be it?

Bidens son wasn't someone we are all suppose to bow to. so you want that, then do it and shut up

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