Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden one day before Biden's son is to be buried.

You folks keep helping Cruz with the name recognition, I'm sure he appreciates it.

These Moon Bats, being the stupid people Gruber told us about, don't understand that Cruz probably picked up ten times as many votes as he lost by reminding Americans what an idiot the Democrats are for putting a shithead clown like Biden for VP.

Mind telling us what else Gruber told you? By the way, mind telling us stupid Moonbat commies who Gruber is?
His sons death won't stop these libs/dems from USING HIM for their agenda. when has any death
low low low lifes
It was totally unintended...... he didn't know.

Shit happens... ho hasn't stuck their foot in their mouth at some point?
Yet more dishonesty from the left, Cruz didn't make a joke about his son dying. Cruz didn't approach Biden in person and mock him at the funeral. Its sad how far these libs have to stretch to fabricate an issue.

While our troops were being killed and wounded on the battle field Harry Reid told the enemy "this war is lost" now that's an issue.
Four days after Beau Biden died and one day before his burial Ted Cruz mocked Joe Biden while on the campaign trial. This is the man who also uses Jesus and his alleged Christian faith on the campaign trial.
His joke; “Vice President Joe Biden,” Cruz said. “You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punch line.”
“I promise you it works,” he continued. “The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.”
Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden days after son s death offers weak apology - Salon.com
He later apologized.
Was Cruz unaware of Biden's personal tragedy or did he make the joke knowing full well that Biden had just lost his son who hadn't even been buried yet to make brownie points with the hardcore haters of the far right?
Whatever the case, it will hurt Cruz on the big stage and endear him with the hate crowd.

So he didn't know.

What's your fucking point then?????
Uncle Joe is a putz of a pol and provides plenty of opportunity and ammunition for other pols to poke him. So other pols poke him. Did Cruz know about Biden's son? Seems strange that he wouldn't. Oh wait, obama never knows anything until days after it happens and he sees it on the news so it's entirely plausible that Cruz didn't know. At any rate, he apologized so yeah, nothing to see here.

Having said that . . . my heart seriously aches for what his family is going through right now. I can not even imagine. Okay, I can imagine ... which is why I feel for them.
he apologized for it.

GET OVER YOUR small and petty SELVES

do you have anything BUT SMEARS to run on. or is this going to be it?

Bidens son wasn't someone we are all suppose to bow to. so you want that, then do it and shut up

I would like to point out that I have never voted for Biden, never. This is a question about morals. Look up the definition, I doubt many of you folks have a clue to what it means.
I wonder how you losers would feel if you lost a loved one and hadn't even buried them yet and someone who knew your situation, made fun of you in an open setting. You'd feel seriously pissed and very disgusted by the basher's timing. I guarantee, you losers would be outraged and you'd go crying to your mommy.
right here is some LOWLIFE crap by Democrats. USING the dead like Usual for their political AGENDA. while President and Mrs. Bush was SITTING THERE

Paul Wellstone Funeral - Election Rally

he apologized for it.

GET OVER YOUR small and petty SELVES

do you have anything BUT SMEARS to run on. or is this going to be it?

Bidens son wasn't someone we are all suppose to bow to. so you want that, then do it and shut up

I would like to point out that I have never voted for Biden, never. This is a question about morals. Look up the definition, I doubt many of you folks have a clue to what it means.
I wonder how you losers would feel if you lost a loved one and hadn't even buried them yet and someone who knew your situation, made fun of you in an open setting. You'd feel seriously pissed and very disgusted by the basher's timing. I guarantee, you losers would be outraged and you'd go crying to your mommy.

You know what? The Biden's don't give a shit about what some pol said. They are numb, grieving, and on auto-pilot. What Cruz said seriously doesn't matter to them, they are burying their son tomorrow, nothing else matters. I'm being serious ... they aren't pissed, disgusted, outraged. They are lost that they are without Beau and that is all that matters to them, that is all they're thinking about. As it should be.
this is the GARBAGE you get off Salon folks

SHUN SHUN SHUN that nasty site
You folks keep helping Cruz with the name recognition, I'm sure he appreciates it.

These Moon Bats, being the stupid people Gruber told us about, don't understand that Cruz probably picked up ten times as many votes as he lost by reminding Americans what an idiot the Democrats are for putting a shithead clown like Biden for VP.
Republicans have no room to talk with idiots like Quayle and evil henchmen like Cheney as VP.
You folks keep helping Cruz with the name recognition, I'm sure he appreciates it.

These Moon Bats, being the stupid people Gruber told us about, don't understand that Cruz probably picked up ten times as many votes as he lost by reminding Americans what an idiot the Democrats are for putting a shithead clown like Biden for VP.
Republicans have no room to talk with idiots like Quayle and evil henchmen like Cheney as VP.

EVIL henchmen. not impressed. Your all's evil is called SALON. a left wing hate site you all cozy up to
Yet more dishonesty from the left, Cruz didn't make a joke about his son dying. Cruz didn't approach Biden in person and mock him at the funeral. Its sad how far these libs have to stretch to fabricate an issue.

While our troops were being killed and wounded on the battle field Harry Reid told the enemy "this war is lost" now that's an issue.
While our troops were being killed and wounded on the battle field, George W Bush joked about looking for WMD's. Nope, not under here...

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